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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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I just rewatched the last episode this time with subs, but I started with the scene in front of the pool..because this scene it just great, but I have to laugh everytime

because someone mentioned that Jihoo runs like a girl and he really does...I was like "finally they´re together again"....and it was rather a kiss than CPR.

What I really really love is Junpyo bright bright smile after he was together with Jandi again...it makes me smiling in front of my PC like an idiot, too...lol...it shows

how happy Junpyo is again and that´s what I needed after all those painful moments although through them we could see that Jandi has only Junpyo in her heart...

Well the ending was okay for me, that´s what I expected from a Kdrama. Of course I would have wished more feelings and skinship...I don´t know about you but if I

would have meet my boyfriend again after four longing years I would have run into his arms (hey, they are no high schoolers anymore, right?)....

Last but not least I´d like to thank everyone here...let´s all meet again in another great drama, maybe with one of those actors from BOF...what am I going to do on

Mondays und Tuesday now? I´ll surely miss you all!!

You are too funny. I was thinking the same thimg as I was watching. I kept screaming at my computer Run! OMG, if my boyfriend, fiancee or whatever looked like that and made an entrance like that I would have been running and hugging like a madwoman. I would definitely not wait for him to hug me.

Overall, the ending was sort of what I expected. I just hope that the special next week will show them preparing for their wedding, the wedding itself and the relationship between Mama Kang and JD. I don't like how that part ended. There was no real resolution between the two. Would love to see her acceptance of JD.

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Guest soonjap

I guess because this was condensed and compacted it did seem rushed and a lot of events that occurred afterwards were worthy of high-browing. Yes, it being a drama is no excuse for the poor script and it's glaring flaws but illogical storyline, that I see in almost EVERY drama (Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, etc). Was this drama any exception, hah no way. In most dramas that's what you get, illogical storylines, spoofs, and head-scratching events one after another. It is entertainment after all. If this was based on a novel or a biography then I would agree with you and question the illogical storyline but it was a manga adaptation and in this case you get all the absurd and harebrained events that would never happen in real life. You can't really expect logic in a drama.

Really? I beg to differ. Regardless of whether it's a drama based on a comic book or not, it still has a story to tell, doesn't it? The Taiwanese drama "Mars" was also based on a comic book but what a story it told! There were no SERIES of "illogical" storylines or head-scratching late character introductions there either and no dragged out triangle arcs to create any "tensions" within the story. The difference is HOW the story is told, not WHY. And you know something? The ONLY time I do any head-scratching from watching "illogical" dramas is when the writing is weak and the storyline proves it. Yes, it IS entertainment, but I'm not expecting to see "The Three Stooges" kind of storyline. In the former comedy, it's anything goes and the heck with the plot because there ISN'T one. It's just go-as-it-flows. And because of that, I can accept this premise of "anything goes". BUT...this IS a drama that has to include some KIND of reality WITHIN the context of the story. If, for example, JP's personality before he met JD, was one who was aloof, cold, unfeeling, and untrusting of anyone other than his family and his 3 best friends, would it make sense that he would befriend a complete stranger he met at a hospital? That's just sloppy writing. It's OK to have all the harebrained, nonsensical, crazy stunts in the show IF there is a REASON within the storyline and validates it. For example, in the movie "ET", isn't it crazy to think that an alien could communicate with humans? Sure. But did it make sense? OF course, because it's NOT the PREMISE that's being questioned but HOW the story gets played out IF this actually happened. And that's why the movie made sense to me, although I know, this is just too much of a fantasy. When a writer introduces a character into the story and then doesn't develop it or overplays a certain theme, I don't consider this merely as "illogical". I find it unrealistic. There is a difference between what we, the normal viewers define "realistic" to what is being played out in front of our screens. BUT...within the CONTEXT of that story, whether it be Cinderella or a super-wealthy heir to a financial empire, there has to be a COHESIVE storyline that makes sense WITHIN that situation.

IMO I wouldn't say the drama wasn't completely illogical. A good example is when JD becomes homeless and broke and as a result ends up at JP's house. It's understandable how she becomes a maid, since we know JD is someone who has to first give in order to take. So in this case, as ludicrous as the events that led up to it, the maid arc actually fit into the storyline and was logical. Illogical events though, oh there's plenty of that. From the lamest fake disease ever-- selective amnesia, to the violence that occurs at school and goes unpunished. A mother who runs a billion dollar corporation but also has the time to interfere with every aspect of her son's life, etc etc. You get the point.

Yes, but wouldn't it make even MORE sense for her to rely on Ji Hoo and work for him by cleaning his house or something? But I accepted this premise only because I saw that JP's sister was using this situation to try to get JD and her brother together again because she knew that both were longing for each other.

I didn't expect BOF to be thought provoking and enlightening. It was supposed to be silly, nonsensical, etc. However, I do agree with you there were flaws in this drama. If anything I'm more upset with the directing and the poor scriptwriting (especially the script itself). The first half was nicely paced but after the second half, I grew frustrated. The drawn-out fiancee arc, the fact both main characters suddenly became meek and subdued, all the unnecessary JH scenes-- where we see all the things he can do expertly. It was like the scriptwriter just had a major brain fart and decided to write out whatever came to mind, while also making room to have JH pop up somewhere just for the sake of him being there. I could go on but I choose to just say heck it's just a drama. Why bother getting worked up? It's already been filmed and shot. You just enjoy what was good and move on. If you wanted a logical storyline then you won't really find one with any drama. There is always going to be something that just seems as you put it 'illogical', especially in a series like this one.

Perhaps the writers grew frustrated by the constant monitoring and interfering from the Korean FCC Board. To be fair to the writers (which I'm seldom likely to do but must give them a "leetle" consideration on this one), the material they were working with was incredibly difficult to produce under the current Korean FCC standards. Korean censorship is probably one of the most strict ones in East Asia and to get the feel for a more modern look and feel must have been a monumental task. It's not easy to escape comparisons to other versions, where the standards for violence or sexual situation is a little more permissible. For example, the 2nd kiss at the side of the road between JP and JD had to be redone because the first kiss take was considered to be too "passionate". And because this drama is seen mostly by adolescents younger than 18, the FCC Board was particularly keen on watching the drama's progress. And it didn't help the writers that the FCC report on violations by the 3 major networks were released to the public. However, that in and of itself is not sufficient of an excuse to just throw in the towel and just throw random stories into the plot.

And if everyone was to just watch and "move on" without getting "bothered to get worked up", then what are we all doing in here? People get "worked up" because they see so much more potential than what they saw and it's only sensible to express that wish in a forum like this. And I disagree heartily that if I want a logical storyline that I won't find one with any drama. It seems you haven't watched very many good ones. I have. And they're not "illogical". A good drama, regardless of its fantasy-like tendencies, will have strong writing to boost its realism within the story context and make sense within the situations and perspectives from those the stories are being told. To simply dismiss bad writing or storytelling as just "part of a drama", to me, seems more illogical.

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Guest funkindagirl

Finished watching and actually the ending wasn't too bad, there was a feeling of sadness at the way it happened but also a feeling of happiness that all the characters were at peace.

I think many people were disappointed with the end because we'd all fantasized and come up with our own versions and the spoilers made us hype up.

But when I forgot about all that and focused on just this episode it was satisfying enough.

Sure there were a lot of problems too.

Like the fact we didnt explicitly see Mama Kang accepting JD. Most of the problems between JD/JP were caused by her so to just have her sitting watching JP's interview seemed like taking the quick, easy way out.

As well as Yumi, if they were going to introduce her then at least make a point of properly 'finishing' her storyline. They just had her slink away grumpily!

And that really was a lame obstacle for JD/JP. JP should've at least said something to her, maybe to reinforce how strong his love was for JD maybe?

It really felt like the PD had just run out of time so copped out on a lot of resolutions to problems.

One thing I really had a problem with though was JD. Sometimes I just wanted her to be a bit more expressive in her love for JP. She hadnt seen him in 4 years yet she acted like it was a few days. Barely any emotion in her, and not even a smile when she was walking towards him!!

She gets so happy and excited when she's getting free gifts and sees food yet when she sees the love of her life she acts like a dead fish! >____<

Even when he remembered her, I felt no true happiness coming from her, just contentment.

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Guest littleblackdress

during the graduation party; while Jh and Jandi were dancing. jandi narrate that JH is her destined partner/soulmate.....then my questionis this WHAT THE HECK DID 'NT THEY END UP TOGETHER...isnt that soulmates are suppose to end up together beacuse they know each others deepest emotion and desire.......ahhhhhhhh such a CRAP...the ending to is too dissapointing let me spell it D.I.S.A.P.P.O.I.N.T.I.N.G. :angry: the PD's lied when they said the drama has a good ending..WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!........ did they not know that good ending means. It means the couple gets married or have kids or they have sweet passionate body tingling kiss..that is what i call ending.....anyhow....at least its over and i can have my normal routine. no more BOF surfing online for news and whats not

If my memory doesn't fail me (which it does quite often -- so pardon me if I'm wrong), in the earlier episodes the fortune teller that Jandi and Gaeul went to (when they were in Newcalidonia? sp?) told Jandi that her husband will not be her soulmate.

I died a little inside when it became apparent that Jihoo and Jandi don't end up together, but this last episode was much better than I thought it would be^^ this has got to be the best thing I've watched all year~ haha x)

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Guest xxxxxxx

I know a lot of people are unhappy with the ending but I think we should just happy with whatever we have! I mean, there were parts where I was like ehhh but I still liked it! It was rather cute too! It was compact, yes, but let's just deal with it. At least there was an ending-____- On a bright side, we can always make up our own ending ^__^

The whole drama overall was okay. There were parts that made me go obsessed and there were parts that made apathetic but overall, it was a very cute story. I know we're arguing about how illogical and unrealistic it is but there have been other "illogical" stories . A story is a story that is used to entertain an audience. I believe the story Boys over flowers was unrealistic from the start ( sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone) but it still makes a good drama and story that makes fans love it so much. I believe the unrealistic story made me take a break from reality.

I'm going to miss mondays and tuesdays. I don't really have anything to look forward to now! This drama has seriously made me give more chances with other dramas. Seriosuly, because of BBF, I've been on soompi a lot more than I used to :P I really do hope there's a special episode. Anything with the cast together! ( Oh, I was kind of sad that Ga Eul wasn't in the final scene)

Let's enjoy BBF :)

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

Reading the soompi posts again, really did make me feel sad, once again.

I'm going to miss Boys Over Flowers so much<3 This is really the first drama that had me stalking following every move of the drama & the actors on the Net (only if i could find them in reality :P) Even though i have to admit the ending left some unfilled holes in the storyline, we should all be happy that we had something that filled our Monday & Tuesday nights for 3 months<3

&& BOF did rock the first 3 months of 09'. ADMIT IT. We all love BOF no matter what :D

Still in my opinion, i'm still preaching for a BOF SEQUAL!!!!!!!!!

i guess Boys Over Flowers stole the #1 spot away from Stairway to Heaven in my DramaBook :P

(Btw, this is my last post of the day, kekeke)

i'm going to miss JunPyo&F4&JD so much.<3

i really hope that there is a special next week. :D

Lee Minho is now my favorite hottie of '09<3

In conclusion, i think that we should be happy for what we got to see & how hard the staff & cast worked on this drama :)

still i'm hopeful for a a BOF SEQUAL!!!!!!!!!

*super-fangirl mode right now*

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Guest aybeedee

omg i'm so sad!! no more boys before flowers!!!

the ending was super cute!!!

this drama is fantastic!!

i loved every epidode!!

i will miss the boys and JD!!!

omg i want more!!


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Guest klassikm3

OH MY FREAKING GARWSH!!! no more BOF! awww i'm sooo freaking sad. but the ending was soooooo AWESOME! they played the paradise song when gu junpyo came! omg it was amazing! oh my but what am i gonna do? oh lord if they ever come out with a sequel it would be absolutely amazing! oh garwsh wat to do now.....i have no idea...what WILL i do? :huh:

even though they don't tell much at the ending, i still loved it! i was soooo freakin happy when i heard that song come on when she noticed him!

If my memory doesn't fail me (which it does quite often -- so pardon me if I'm wrong), in the earlier episodes the fortune teller that Jandi and Gaeul went to (when they were in Newcalidonia? sp?) told Jandi that her husband will not be her soulmate.

I died a little inside when it became apparent that Jihoo and Jandi don't end up together, but this last episode was much better than I thought it would be^^ this has got to be the best thing I've watched all year~ haha x)

oh yeah thats right. i was like "yea he was like a soulmate to jan di but i never thought about that episode with the fortune teller.

oh i'm so happy....proud by the way, too. :D (my facial expression at the moment...literally)

EDIT- I MADE PAGE 1150!!!!!! YES! BOYS OVER FLOWERS IS GREAT! I'M EVEN MORE PROUD! :w00t: (my face is literally like that now...lol)

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Guest love_MinHo

Hi, does anyone collect flower_pot's recaps on BOF's episodes? I would like to rewatch the drama with her funny and thoughtful recaps :D

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Guest yongieee

i absolutely loveeeed the ending

i know a lot of people didn't like it... and i see some flaws

but im honestly soooooooo satisfied! :)

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Guest tn.serendipity

I think the open-ended is to make part 2 of this drama. I like the drama but I dont know how they can make more eps out of this story bc if JP and JD struggle more to come to each other again, the whole story will be draggy and tiring. They face enough challenges i think

I'm not satisfied with the ending, but YJ and GE's ending i think is really nice, even though I want them to have a kiss :D

I go for more eps on YJ and GE or another drama of them. I just wish YJ will still wear nice clothes like in this BBF :D HE looks so cute :D haha GE with her sweet image, and the hair is just so pretty. They should do another high school drama :D Love love love them

Side note: The drama is very nice but i think it'd be better if the PD picked another actress for JD because Hye sun is just too old for F4. She's 25,26 and she does look way older than Min ho @_@, who is 22

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Guest sweet_maple

Hi, does anyone collect flower_pot's recaps on BOF's episodes? I would like to rewatch the drama with her funny and thoughtful recaps :D

Please don't consider my post as a spam :) , me too. I want that recap too but I can't "dig" more than 1000 pages and find it again. I'm really thankful anyone can PM to give me all the recaps of flower_pot. Her post really had really brightened my day in the mess of season 2. We own you much, flower_pot. If I could, I wish I could "pack" the Bof's writer , send her to u and force her, kneeling down and asking you to teach her how to write a Script B)

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Guest snowqueen00

i heard that gonna be one special rite???

i am worng? ><

im just finished the last eps so happy and sad too..

no more F4 and jan di...

but they will in our heard from now on.....

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Guest s0ori

waaahh!finally this drama ended..

i'm really thankful to those people who made this thread..l0ok!i created an account just for this..t0o bad i didn't post from the very beginning of this drama..thank you for all the subbers,moderators,..and all!lol..

anyway..it ended well..it's not good ending as well because it remains open till the very end..look!i think it can be continue because it doesn't have a specific ending for all of them..and it leads me to many questions..

what happend to JH's grandfather?and also to GE and YJ,are they in a relationship?

and to JP and JD..JD haven't answer JP's question though about marrying him..because what i know is that JD will think about it then,right?

and hey guys..i can see JD w/ a teary eyes looking at the sunrise/sunset i think..

uwaah!and 0ops!GE is missing there..she missed it when it's the very last moment of them being together..


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Guest christiane

The ending was really lacking, rushing and obviously u couldn t feel a bit of love from JD to JP! come on 4 years and JD didn t rush to meet JP, not holding tightly JP!

they should have cut short the JK story and give us a better non rush ending! or maybe never include yumi parts or shortened jh-jd story! really that s so bad done and so bad calculate of them!

i watched live today and now i just don t want to watch this episode again as I feel so frustrated...They really consider viewer as stupid! i feel they assume us as stupid viewer and make us ate this crappy episode and saying that we just shut up!

now pd you really decrease in my esteem after u have done to my so loved manga. I loved u for chunyang and my girl. I supporting u for witch amusement but here i think i m gonna boycott ur next project.

the writer i won t give her credit in the future! lol

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There was a scene in one of the episodes where the master had a dream and he yelled "IVE BEEN TO THE BLUE HOUSE TOO!!!!" and they showed the newspaper having a photo of him with the former president (Ji Hoo's grandfather)

Also, when Gum Jan Di needed money for macau, remember that he was willing to give 50 cents for every box of food that they sold? F4 came to save jan di by helping out and using their good looks to sell the food B) the master was staring/admiring ji hoo from the side and gave him a piece of cookie(or was it egg tart?)... (this was in episode 13 around 32 minutes into the episode. He said "You like this..you should like this)<--- and all this time i thought that scene was just to be funny and that the master just had a tad bit of crush on ji hoon. hahaha


there was a scene in one of the last few episodes where Ji Hoon's grandfather moved in with him and made him breakfast. He rejected him by saying he wasnt hungry, the grandfather was hurt, but he still gave him an eggtart and said "take this then"

DOESNT THAT RING A BELL? i dont know.. i just made the connection last night when i was talking to my cousin. I think .. or im concluding that his role in the story was that he used to be the cook for the president and he knew Ji Hoo's family well.. :) He wasnt just some random phsychic person that they included in the story, lol

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