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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest itrayya

Could someone please tell me the "magic spell" Geum Jan Di uses to have Goo Jun Pyo remember her?

I don't know korean, so if you could write it out, I'd really appreciate it!!!!!!!

Please help!!

Thank you!! :)

^^^ HE HE HA HA!!

i wanted to know it too!

so when i saw your request, i embarged on a hunt.

i dont know korean well, but i listened to it again and typed it out.

i found the lines online too after i copy and pasted what i typed.

EP. 25: JanDi to JunPyo while he is sleeping, when she drops off the lunchbox.



Suri suri ma suri

Goo JunPyoneun Geum JanDi reul Gi-eok-hae-nae-ra.

now, let's all be happy!!! :D :D :D :D

anyone, please correct me if im wrong :)

[credits: http://blog.naver.com/91077334?Redirect=Lo...No=120066054331]

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Guest irezumi

At least SoEul got a cute little neatly wrapped up ending.

-head desks- The ending could have been better but they've done it, we can't make them change it, so let it go! The ending makes me cringe, it was kind of cheesy especially the last minute or so. Oh and JH's glasses makes me look really old. O___o"

And I'd wish they added a little extra part at the end about "the life of WooBin".

I quite liked the amnesia arc, Yoomi was just blehhh, she wasn't like "evil/innocent" enough.

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during the graduation party; while Jh and Jandi were dancing. jandi narrate that JH is her destined partner/soulmate.....then my questionis this WHAT THE HECK DID 'NT THEY END UP TOGETHER...isnt that soulmates are suppose to end up together beacuse they know each others deepest emotion and desire.......ahhhhhhhh such a CRAP...the ending to is too dissapointing let me spell it D.I.S.A.P.P.O.I.N.T.I.N.G. :angry: the PD's lied when they said the drama has a good ending..WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!........ did they not know that good ending means. It means the couple gets married or have kids or they have sweet passionate body tingling kiss..that is what i call ending.....anyhow....at least its over and i can have my normal routine. no more BOF surfing online for news and whats not

^ I disagree. From watching BOF~ i've learned some meaningful understanding behind "soulmates"~ and yes, they are 2 individuals who know each others' deepest emotion and desire, they are bound for connection wherever they may be, and they understand each other wholeheartedly~ never doubting the other. But soulmates does not mean that they have to be lovers. I, too, always thought that they were the ones tied to each others' soul and that they were supposed to end up together in the end, but Ji Hoo and Jan Di have helped me to understand the depth of soulmates in that they can love each other, but they don't necessarily have to be in love with one another.. But i agree with Joon Pyo-- Ji Hoo would be the next best person for Jan Di. :blush:

And the ending was certainly not disappointing to me at all!! I don't see it as an open ending.. :huh: It's pretty clear that all our main characters are happy at the end. Even though Jan Di didn't reply with a real "Yes"~ she wouldn't be smiling if she was going to reject Joon Pyo. Same with our GaJeong couple.. it's quite obvious they'll be happy together.. I don't think everything has to be depicted clearly on screen. If it were, it'd either be draggy or eyecandy.xD I do like candy though.=) But the ending was good as it was.~~~ The only thing i could only ask for would be a few photos in the credits showing glimpse of the characters' happy lives together at the end. :P

In ep25, i definitely loved how they brought back a few old scenes.. Joon Pyo leaning into Jan Di about Namsam and she not hearing/understanding :lol: , the way F3 looked at Jan Di when she made her appearance at the graduation party, the Joondi date of course (with the coffee machine, "1st night" in the cable car, etc.).. :blush: I like it when dramas refer back to the beginning.=P And I kind of wish Joon Pyo would've gotten amnesia earlier so that Mama Kang would turn human earlier.xD If BOF didn't have Ji Hoo's grandpa... i'd be quite disappointed. I think the addition of his character tied the BOF bow nicely with Ji Hoo's happiness.^^

And since that news report came out, i guess there will be a special episode(?)...! Not too sure what is is at the moment, but hey-- it's a BOF special!! :D :D That sounds good enough. :P BOF will always have a special place in my heart. Of course there were patches here and there~ but holistically, it was a beautiful drama depicting young love.

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Glad to hear that there's a special. Hehe.

Awww...those lunar pics are so adorable!

Just finished watching. It just made me tears. Such a happy and sweet ending.

Loved it. I'm going to miss my Monday and Tuesday days when i come home

after school. Ga Eul should have been there near the end, that would be sooo great. :D

Overally great drama. Really loved it. I hope there will be a season 2 in the future. Hehe.

Thanks everybody!

Episode 25 310309 TNS Ratings

34.8% (Nationwide) [1st]

34.9% (Seoul) [1st]

Credit: http://www.tnsmk.co.kr/

Even thought it didnt reach the 40% mark, they are still 1st! That's great!

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Guest vuong22

OMg i just finshed it i love it the ending was a bitn messy but still loved it!!

I hope they make subbed version of the DVD i would so buy it!!!

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Guest katostar

finally watched the ending..it could've been better

it was alright...too rushed trying to finish filming it i guess

the second season wasn't as exciting except for more jihoo scenes...ji hoo with glasses is love!! "prince doctor" ^O^

but at least soeulmates are sorta together...hehe!!

now i don't know what to look forward to watching next =p

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Guest musicsmylife

i like the last episode. just wasnt totally satisfied. i wish they went more into depth with gaeul and yi jung. although it was really adorable with the kids. sigh gaeul and yi jung look so good together. ah i wish gaeul was also on the beach haha. lol total big fan on the soeul couple XD

is the special goin to be an interview kind of thing or more in depth of the ending? im hoping it's more in depth.

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Guest mysticalz

im now revising what i have posted earlier on......having watch the whole episodes i have come with a much more understanding of the ending..before i was totally disappointed and frustrated but now is just so so for me but still not good...these are my reasons:

1. when Jh and Jd were dancing jandi narrate that JIhoo is her destined partner/soulmate (so glad at least JH takes a big part of JD existance)

2. when JH and JD are talking during the medical mission. JH told JD that his reason for being a doctor is not just because he wants to be like his grandfather but he "wants to stay close with her" (we can assume this beacsue Jh told Jandi he is willing to repeat medical school to stay with her--even though Jd take this as i joke-i think JH is serious).

3. F3 suddenly appeared to object after JP proposed to JD, thus JD did not answer his proposal and did not wear his ring.

4. it is open ended ending (just i predicted earlier on) all both shippers (JD & JH and JP & JD) can assume many things what will happen in the future.

since JH is always close to jandi beacuse of work, we can say there is a possibility that they can be together (hehehehehe JP and JD shippers suffer)

Now I'll end my last post for this Drama. I will surely miss JH and JD couple. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

BTW what happen to the picture below (see my signature pic) It wasnt shown in the drama

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Guest Soopke

And this my beautiful people, is the final upload by me. Hope you enjoyed my uploads and maybe see you on a next drama? BOF S2?? :lol:

Please click the caps, full view is much prettier *hehe*

BOF FINAL Episode 25 - 090331- HD/x264/720p

bof1k.jpg bof2t.jpg

bof3e.jpg bof4m.jpg

bof5x.jpg bof6o.jpg

bof7f.jpg bof8n.jpg

|| Download Link Here + Megaupload ||

Ental MU + MF also up.


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Guest anatisha

I think I like the final.... but what happens with the evil mom??? and i would like to see a kiss between the soulmate couple... and

is it true about what they said of JiHoon being the main character after the New Caledonian scenes???

I truly love the pool scene is one of the best!!!!!!!!

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Guest love_andy94

i was soo disappointed with the ending >.<

i wanted ji hoo and jan di :[

even tho i kno it will be junpyo and jandi together forever

i like how jandi jumped into the pool tho

thats wat i call true love!

the soeulmates ending was bleh -_____-

i wanted a kissy :P

wah hopefully the special will be better ;_____;

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Guest dreampryncezz

Maybe they left it open ended so that they can do a SEQUEL!!!!


Ok, that's my fantasy, but who knows? They can so do a story about married life?

Seriously, fans have a lot of power: for example - if we just sent a bunch of flowers to the broadcasting station to ask for more BOF, I think they'll try to work something out. I've seen it happen before with other US tv shows.

But anyway, I'm pretty content with the show. It's my ALL TIME FAVORITE! :) :) :)

I'm going to really miss GJP. I really liked that we saw a jealous Jandi this episode. It was kind of funny.

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Guest itrayya

Episode 25 310309 TNS Ratings

34.8% (Nationwide) [1st]

34.9% (Seoul) [1st]

Credit: http://www.tnsmk.co.kr/

Even thought it didnt reach the 40% mark, they are still 1st! That's great!

^^^ THANK YOU! i was actually thinking about where they landed on ratings.

#1, of course, i shoulda guessed, right? hehe.

i think after it had so many people's heart racing,

regardless if many thought the ending was good or not,

it was something that we all needed to see to quench our thirsts. ehehehe

THANKS! i wanted to know the ratings to quench my thirst too. THANKS!!!

go JANPYO!!!!

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Guest bombb_

the scene where jandi falls into the pool and then junpyo remembers her.








i had my hands to my face with my mouth open my eyes wide.

ohhhhhhh geez.


i have to say, one of the best scenes in anything i have EVER watched.



(high voice)looooved it.


had to express my excitement over that scene.

idk why some people are throwing poo over the last ep.

i say it was pretttttty darn good.

if you compare it to hyd or the manga or meteor garden, then your loss.

i slightly compare[d] it while watching(and now after finishing)to hyd.

but i think they were different enough to not get irritated over "changes."

cause the changes kept me interested.

if i want to see an exact replica of the hyd storyline, i could just watch hyd.

(i felt the same way about the japanese and taiwanese Hana Kimi s as well)

in the first ep i was like ehhh. but it got good. so good, i got way distracted from schoolwork.

im sure this comment is pointless and peoplell see whatever.

but yeah.

my opinion. my opinion.


p.s. there are a BUTTLOAD of users on this topic.

173 right now.

holy poo.

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i guess im one of the few that liked the ending... although there are some places that can be fixed, overall the final episode was enjoyable

people expressed that the episode was so illogical but then again...

isn't love illogical? isn't the idea of finding a soulmate who doesn't have to be a lover but an eternal best friend illogical?

i actually learned a lot from this drama

the idea of hardships & obstacles that can stand in one's way to achieve a soulmate, best friends, illogical love is just...ive never really thought about it until i saw this drama...

and to mysticalz

an ending doesn't need to have a passionate kiss scene or a scene with a marriage ceremony or with kids running around...

the fact that everybody are seen happy, smiling, & looking into the future together should give you the indication that yeah

their future would be alright...

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