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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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It's done *big sigh of relief*.

I think I might need a few days to settle this feeling. For the last two months since I've discovered BBF, I've wrapped myself up in this world and had something to anticipate every Monday and Tuesday. And after so many weeks of angst I'm glad that I can walk away from this show content with the ending. To me it felt right and fell in line with the over all tone of the series. Then again since the JK arc, I've stopped being so over-analytical over the series and put aside my expectations. And I have to admit once I put those aside, I was able to enjoy the last four episodes so much better.

I'm a big fan of the series and it's counterparts and I have to say I really do like how the amnesia story line was executed and concluded. The scene by the pool broke my heart, but I loved it, it was a really great scene, epic! I also like how there were many scenes that mirrored past events, it was a nice circle.

For those who say it isn't a closed ending, I've got to say, don't take things to explicitly. They don't show GJD accepting the proposal but we all know she does. As for GE and YJ, she told her students that her BF was in Sweden, and YJ comes back to her so it's pretty much implied that they get together, which is a better conclusion than BBF's other counterparts. As for the loose endings well wrap it up yourself, honest it doesn't take much imagination to think of what happened too the characters in the 4 years that passed.

Furthermore I have to say, although it's been said many times by many people It's a DRAMA (also based on a Manga which was way more outrageous than what was shown in any of the BFF counterparts.)! Obviously there are many illogical/twisted/cliched/overused plots in the series but what Drama doesn't have that. What makes sense in reality, isn't going to happen in Drama world, which is exactly why we tune in. Yes sometimes it makes us scratch our heads or wonder about the sanity of the writers and directors but if we wanted to watch the ordinary we'd be pretty bored.

Finally I have to put this out there because it's been irking at me ever since I read people's post about how GJD doesn't react or show much affection in the kisses with GJP and how they don't really display affection to each other: if you're expecting more PDA go watch an American drama. Sorry but after watching a lot of Asian dramas I've come to expect much less PDA than in American TV shows and yes it does seem that kissing between the main couple usually amounts to the guy putting his lips on the girls and then the camera panning from there i.e. Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang, Full House, 18 vs 29, Witch Yoo Hee, 9 ends 2 outs etc. Not to say that's how all Kdramas/Asain dramas do their kissing scenes there are quite a few that have actually taken me by surprise with how much affection is put into a kiss one of them being in Goong as well as several in Coffee Prince. But what I am saying is that if you're looking for them to emphasize sucking face well then don't come to expect that in most Asian dramas.

-- I have to add that there are greater restrictions in a lot of Asian countries about how much violence and PDA can be shown on T.V. and with that, BBF had a lot more kiss scenes than other dramas I have seen in the past.

On a much lighter note and I'm probably late about this but as I was procrastinating studying for Chemistry I was watching some old XMAN and came upon an episode with Hyun Joong and Gu Hye Sun. It's really funny watching them play Dangyunhaji with Kim Jong Min. Coincidentally Hwang Bo is there to (I love her, she's awesome) and she was paired up with Hyun Joong in "We Got Married". If you haven't seen the episodes of XMAN with KHJ you guys should check it out he's funny, actually XMAN is just funny it makes my cheeks hurt.

Well I bid Adieu until the next great drama comes along...maybe with one or two starring an F4 memeber.

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Guest dalili

I'm a big fan of the series and it's counterparts and I have to say I really do like how the amnesia story line was executed and concluded. The scene by the pool broke my heart, but I loved it it was a really great scene.

Finally I have to put this out there because it's been irking at me ever since I read people's post about how GJD doesn't react or show much affection in the kisses with GJP and how they don't really display affection to each other: if you're expecting more pda go watch an American drama. Sorry but after watching a lot of asian drama's I've come to expect much less PDA than american TV shows and yes it does seem that kissing between the main couple usually amounts to the guy putting his lips on the girls and then the camera panning from there

Sorry to cut your post short, but I do really agree with everything you have to say. The reason why I love the K-drama because of the innocent love it usually depicts, I wouldn't want it any other away. Maybe I'm sitting alone here, but I much prefer that then watching a couple all over each other.

Also, I was pretty happy with the ending too. I think it left us to a point where we could use our imagination to conclude the story.

It was a great drama. It actually brought me into the world of K-pop, K-drama etc

I hope the actors and actresses have a fine rest. Especially to Lee Min Ho, who I heard will be having surgery soon. He looks amazing in the last scene I must add :)

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

jis lover chongmallllll??? :w00t: im so dying with happiness right know to know

that there will be a special ep of BOF XD

hopefully it really is special.. ^^ not like one of that F4 special thing!

that are full of BTS...

*praying that our wish will come through. XD

so it is DEFINITELY confirm yea?

Episode 25 w/SUBS are up! *the user still uploads the rest! *

GBN 25_1

GBN 25_2

GBN 25_3

GBN 25_4

Credit: 4tang? :D

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Guest haemii

omggg. so i just finished bof. its finally overrr TT.TT man ill feel so empty on mondays now..they wrapped up episode 25 better than i thought..the regaining memory part was really good. a lot better than how they did it in the manga and the japanese. version. yumi continued to be a btch and she just left without even saying anything, lol. i cried and laughed a lot in this drama ^^ IM GONNA MISS YOU MY LOVELY F4<333 ahh, junpyoooooooo, the love of my life. *MWUAHHHH!* i hope they come out on variety shows and stuff. gahh i feel depressed now..TT.TT

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Guest misspinky

many have said who waltz for their graduation party, but at a prestigious high school prom i've been to, people either didn't dance or they slow danced so i think there's nothing wrong with that part.

anyways i was just annoyed that they didn't deal with yumi she just went away which i'm guessing was mainly due to the number of episode constraint. and where was JP's mom throughout the amnesia ordeal. ahh too much squeezed in and not enough detail when you need it. overall it was good while it lasted, the open ending made me a little sad. and nothing to look forward to on mondays and tuesdays.

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Guest haemii

okay so i just read some peoples' posts..the drama may be "illogical" but that's what it is. ITS A DRAMA! think of all the dramas youve seen. stairway to heaven, coffee prince, goong..is there any logic in someone trying to kill her stepsister for a guy, or a girl acting like a guy just to get a job, or a royal palace in korea in modern times? uh, NO. thats why it's a freaking DRAMA. get the heck over it, or stop complaining! jeeez. and another reason why it may seem like some of the plot is weird is because its based on the MANGA. Hana Yori Dango was full of outrageous and extremely dramatic scenes, and even the korean drama cut a LOT of it out. Plus, the korean version was extremely accurate, when i compare the manga to the drama.

also, why are there so many complaints about the ending? i think compared to a lot of the other korean dramas, bof actually wrapped up the ending pretty nicely. yeah, it was the typical "4 years later", but that was sorta inevitable (plus thats how the manga writer wrote it too) and the ending was cute. obviously, if you have half a brain you know that jandi was agreeing the junpyo's proposal and that gaeul&yijung were going to (or already) end up together. not everything has to be explicit people, come onnn! also, the drama couldn't have makeout scenes..there are like elementary schoolers in korea watching this, and they need to keep it pretty pg. i watched a lot of the BTS and i saw how the PD kept telling junpyo not to make the kiss scene too hot. like when junpyo saved jandi from the snow and was half-nakie..yeah when he first kissed her there was lip movement but the PD told him to just softly peck her lips for a while..even so, i was surprised at the number of kiss scenes in the drama.

though...i do wish that there were some of the hottt scenes from the manga in the drama. but the stupid kiddies and korean gvt or whatever would disapprove..if you read the manga you would know what i mean. they were close to having sx like twice..much more explicit there, lmao. anyways, enjoy the drama and stop complaining people! its not gonna do you any good! :]

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Guest ainne92

IT'S DONE.....Now I need to get a life again..hahaha!!

Seriously I can say that the Korean version topped all the others because of its good pace and also the actors that portrayed them effectively. The last episode was definitely better than I thought it would have especially the scene of Jun Pyo regaining his memory. I gotta say Kudos to Gu Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho for acting it out just right. Not overdone and not too shallow (idk if that's the right word....)

Thank God for that Yumi girl gone in less than 20 mins. how annoying could she be?! (Kudos to the actress by the way=>I would call that a natural talent..lol) If the show went on for another 3 episodes, I bet Ji Hioo would have wrapped her up himself by putting her in a bag and rolling her off somewhere.

The Yi Jung and Ga Eul ending was way cute! Those kids were obviously the icing on the cake when it came to the, "Teacher told me her boyfriend is there." Aahh!! I hope KBS thinks about giving Kim Bum and Kim So Eun their own drama together..their chemistry can compete with LMH and GHS's.

I know others are going to be disappointed especially the JD-JH shippers, but please just enjoy that at least they are admittedly each other's soulmates. Soulmates don't necessarily mean they are destined to be together; it's more of a mutual relationship that they're the best of friends and they're just not meant ot be.

Overall.....IT WAS THE BEST!!

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Guest aurelie

GREAT FINAL ! i'm so glad for the couple JP and JD :D:tears: but it's the end

THERE IS A SPECIAL EPISODE NEXT WEEK ! i need more informations lol maybe the wedding lol

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Guest mysticalz

during the graduation party; while Jh and Jandi were dancing. jandi narrate that JH is her destined partner/soulmate.....then my questionis this WHAT THE HECK DID 'NT THEY END UP TOGETHER...isnt that soulmates are suppose to end up together beacuse they know each others deepest emotion and desire.......ahhhhhhhh such a CRAP...the ending to is too dissapointing let me spell it D.I.S.A.P.P.O.I.N.T.I.N.G. :angry: the PD's lied when they said the drama has a good ending..WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!........ did they not know that good ending means. It means the couple gets married or have kids or they have sweet passionate body tingling kiss..that is what i call ending.....anyhow....at least its over and i can have my normal routine. no more BOF surfing online for news and whats not

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Guest soonjap

I get that not everyone will be happy or satisfied with the ending but come on now! Just because every loose end throughout the drama wasn't tidied up, it doesn't mean it was a bad ending. Then we would just have people complaining how unnecessary such and such scene was and why they had to explain what had happened to a minor character. I guess I'm in the minority here when I say I actually liked the ending.

It wasn't a bad ending. But it certainly wasn't a GOOD ending, either. It was mediocre at best. And I don't fault the actors because they're just acting out the parts they're given on paper. So kudos to them. BUT...there is no reason why creative writing can't also be succinct. Yes, trying to cram eveything in 1 episode is difficult so why try? The writers should have left out the Yumi introduction because she was an unnecessary inclusion in the story and left no impact, other than confusion and irritation to most viewers. I don't care that Yumi was the character that would have continued to be the obstacle between JP and JD. If the Yumi character had a development of her own AND it fit into the JP mentality, then I would have understood it. If there was a BOF Part 2, they could have used Yumi as one of the main triangle arcs and that would have made sense too. But her sudden introduction and JP's "attraction" to her was ridiculous at best. If JP's personality was back to where it was prior to meeting JD, would he have let a stranger that he met at a hospital into his life so quickly? That's just absurd. I'm not saying that the writers explain every minor and major detail - but when you're seeing scenes fly by quickly without any real reason, then YES - people DO stop and say, "Huh? What was that?" And you're not supposed to have that feeling, unless you're watching a sci-fi show/movie.

I would think people would have enough common sense or imagination to figure out the rest on their own. Why does every scene have to be so apparent and blunt? Would you guys have preferred if there were commentaries at the bottom that explained each and every single scene and what it was supposed to mean? Use your noggin and then take what you will from it. Just because Jun-pyo and Jan-di weren't throwing themselves at each other like animals in heat-- the minute they reunited, or didn't have little miniature versions of them running amok, it does not equate to a horrible ending. In the end whether you liked it or not, would you honestly say it's the worst ending that you've ever seen? Probably not. Was there still a happy ending for F4 and JD? Yes, yes, and yes. Remember you don't need a a large grandeur and over-the-top wedding to make it a great and happy ending. Sometimes less is more. I think the beauty of this ending is you can interpret it as whatever you wished it to be. It wasn't final and the end but rather the beginning of something wonderful.

Yes, to a certain degree we are to use our "noggins" and interpret the meanings for ourselves. BUT - this is NOT a Discovery-channel show where we're supposed to figure out the history and meaning of its existence. Come on - it was based on a comic book. There's not that much to figure out, is there? The point is - the viewers SHOULDN'T be trying to figure out most things for ourselves. There are certain dramas, like "Thank You" or "Lovers" in which the writers use either a line or a prop to reveal a theme of the story. In the drama "Thank You," the main family was always saying "Thank You" as an inference that we should all carry with us grateful hearts so that we don't become too cynical or self centered. In the drama "Lovers", gloves or hands were used as props to show that love should be grasped tightly and not taken for granted and dark chocolates to show that love can be bitter as well as sweet. But let's face it - as fun and entertaining as BOF is and was, it's not really all that deep, is it? I don't think I should be trying too hard to figure out the meanings in THIS particular story. It is what it is and if it doesn't make sense, I would venture to say that it's not the viewers' fault for being too dense. It's just that the writers weren't that creative.

As for the "skin contact" theme, I'm not sure most of us would have preferred a "Gossip Girl" kind of sexual innuendo anyway. I think chemistry, electricity, romance, or whatever people want to call it, could be achieved in just a look. I agree with you that it's not necessary to have so much innuendo-ing with each other for the chemistry between them to be palpable. To that, I credit Lee Min Ho and Goo Hye Sun for their acting because whenever they were on the screen together, I could feel their romance and that was enough for me. In any case, based on the numerous warnings the production received, they couldn't have done it even if they wanted to. At the beginning of today's episode, there was a disclaimer that KBSTV2 and BOF received numerous warnings for excessive display of violence, immorality amongst youth and indirect product advertisements. So it stands to reason that the production would be cautious about any "excessive" skin-to-skin contact. KBS and BOF productions were given red flag warning that it was being closely monitored and anymore violations against its standards, they would have pulled the show off the air. HAVING STATED THAT, however, there's no reason why the ending couldn't have been a little more effusive and meaningful. When JD finds JP standing on the sand waiting for her, would it have been that out of the ordinary to have JD run to JP and throw her arms around him? After all, they've been waiting for each other for several years. The fact that she walked slowly towards him was rather a letdown. But I think it's the result of trying to cram too much in and not enough time to do it. I will still insist that the writers should have NEVER included the Yumi arc into the story. It was a pure waste of precious screen time. Rather, they should have used that time to include the other "minor" resolutions to the story, such as JP's father regaining his health and his mother's acceptance/or continued rejection of JD. Actually, it was ironic that I found the closure to YJ and GE story that much more satisfactory in the few screen minutes they shared.

I thought the way it ended with JP and JD reuniting was a decent closure and certainly enough for me. As much as I would have loved to see mini JP and JD's, I think that would have thrown the whole ending off. It's only 4 years later. Do we want Jan-di to throw her dreams away and to become a dutiful housewife? I sure don't. I loved that she stuck with her dreams and will continue to fight for it, even though she has been rejected several times. I loved the spunk that JD had in the beginning and how it was brought full-circle in the end. Even though the drama did have many scenes where there wasn't consistency with the characters, at least JD became her old self all the way till the end. I wasn't expecting it to go out with a bang but rather a soft and peaceful ending. Somewhat like the manga.

I also didn't care whether there were inclusions of children or the "wedding" scenes either. That didn't bother me at all. The ending, whether peaceful or with a bang, should bring to a mutual satisfaction of resolutions from the past. The ending was kind of deflating - kind of like air being let out of a tire. It's not exactly flat but not exactly firm either. Just...there. And what viewers deserved to see was a kind of excitement about the future - regardless of what it held or whether JD or JP were even going to stay together - but some kind of urgency. But unfortunately for ME, it was a little like a music video trailer. Beautiful cinematography but not much else.

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Guest XiahxTiffany

the drama has officially ended ......

wat am i giong to do during monday and tuesday!!!!

oMG!!! 0_0

im hoping next weeks special

tells us some more detailed stuff about all the relationships!!!

i didnt even watch episode 25 yet !!! >_<

still didnt fix my comp!!!

o well saw some pics of the last minute :)

seems like a pretty cute ending lol

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ahhh man bof is finally over :tears: of course there were aspects of it that i absolutely hated and cringed in embarassment, but today i just want to enjoyyy the series. i'll definately miss all the characters and my mon-tues will never be the same (yes, i admit i have no life haha). i just read an interesting article and it reminded me of all the earlier episodes so i thought i should share :D it's a good recap of the series.

Goodbye BOF, Numbers that Mattered In 'Boys Over Flowers'


The Golden Era of 'Boys Over Flowers' has finally ended.

'Boys Over Flowers' launched the careers of many fresh faces, including F4's Lee Minho, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon, Goo Hye Sun, Kim So Eun, and Lee Min Jung. The series left an overwhelming impact on the pop culture and continues to make headline news even after the last episode aired. The past few months have been recognized as 'The Golden Era of BOF'.

-4: Eye-candy F4 members

No one would argue that 'Boys Over Flowers' gained immense popularity because of the F4 members. They are without a doubt the top reason for the success of the KBS drama. The heir of the powerful Shinhwa Group, Goo Joon Pyo (Lee Minho), previous president's grandson, Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong), prodigy ceramic potter, So Yi Jung (Kim Bum), and the heir of a real estate empire, Song Woo Bin (Kim Joon) all displayed unique personalities, but also grabbed the attention of many female fans with their almost-too-perfect good looks. It became almost impossible for female viewers to stay away from their televisions on Mon-Tues nights. Through 'Boys Over Flowers', Lee Minho, who at first was discouraged by many people, became a household name and the hottest rising star of 2009. Also, singers Kim Hyun Joong and Kim Joon successfully broke into the acting world, impressing everyone with their determination and hard efforts.

-11: Number of cameo appearances that made 'BOF' shine even brighter.

Many will remember 'Boys Over Flowers' for it's numerous cameo appearances. The first big star to make a surprise appearance was Han Chae Young, who played Yoon Ji Hoo's first love, Min Suh Hyun. Although she only appeared for a couple episodes, she left the strongest impression among viewers. Goo Joon Pyo's sister was played by Kim Hyun Joo (Goo Jun Hee) while his fiancee, Ha Jae Kyung, was played by Lee Min Jung.

Other cameos included Jung Eui Chul, who played two different roles as Lee Min Ha and Lee Jae Ha, Choo Gaeul's boyfriend, Gong Soo Pyo (played by Lee Jung Joon), and Geum Jandi's friend, Oh Min Ji (played by Lee Shi Young), who later betrays her. Yoon Ji Hoo's grandfather was played by Lee Jung Gil, So Yi Jung's playboy father So Hyun Sup was played by Kim Jong Jin, So Yi Jung's older brother So Il Hyun was played by Im Joo Hwan, and, finally, So Yi Jung's first love Cha Eun Jae was played by Park Soo Jin.

-25: Series ends with an extended episode.

Initially, 'Boys Over Flowers' planned to end with episode 24. Goo Hye Sun's car accident on Feb 27th resulted to scheduling conflicts, making it extremely difficult to shoot the entire series in the given time. The actress, who received stitches inside her mouth, was instructed to stay hospitalized for a couple of days; hence, filming was pushed back. KBS extended the series to episode 25 and filled the vacant time with a 'Boys Over Flowers' Special. On the 30th, producers expressed their opinions through the homepage: "The time that was given to us with the one extended episode was very awkward. We felt it was both overly done and not enough at the same time. Although we were accused of adding unnecessary kiss and flashback scenes, we had an obligation to wrap up the story in the given time."

-6000: The price of Goo Joon Pyo's most expensive outfit.

Since 'Boys Over Flowers' tells the story of four extremely wealthy characters, the outfits worn by these actors needed to level up with their social statuses. F4 stylist, Jung Hye Jin, commented, "We dressed the F4 members like European princes. The most expensive outfit was worth $6000. The fur jacket was worn by Goo Joon Pyo when he officially announced Geum Jandi as his girlfriend to the Shinhwa High students (episode 5)." Group Eight's Song Byun Joon representative also stated, "The F4 members never wore the same outfit twice. Some might look similiar to others, but they are not. About 90% of Goon Joon Pyo's outfits were custom made. We tried to give all our characters an iconic look and spent more than $100,000 just on clothings."

-3000: Number of fans that gathered on outdoor sets.

'Boys Over Flowers' became well known for the number fans it gathered. Dae Goo's Kae Myung University, which set the background for some of the school scenes, attracted over 3000 fans. A representative stated, "We were shocked by the number of fans that visited the set. After that, we weren't able to shoot at Kae Myung University for over a month."

During other wild fan encounters, officials were called to help main control and safety. When 2000 fans gathered for one of the outside shoots, 100 police officers were called in. The location of Geum Jandi and Choo Gaeul's part time job was also crowded with about 200-300 fans daily. Even with it's popularity, 'Boys Over Flowers' experienced the same amount of heartache and suffering.

credits: tw1nkle, newsen


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Guest jAe_eMeE

OMG... cana730back just got suspended.. and thats where i watch BOF.

where can i watch HQ now w/o subtitles?? man oh man!!!!! stressing out! haha

and i didnt watch yesterdays episode either... please HELP!!! thankss

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Guest soonjap

"It's a drama" is NO EXCUSE for BOF to have illogical storylines. I'm sick and tired of hearing people use this as their line of defense.

Yes, watching tv series and reading books require a suspension of disbelief about the world which the characters inhibit, but events themselves must make sense within the context of the story, in addition to having character consistency. The story may take place in an alternate universe of the rich and privileged, but a certain set of rules still exist within that universe, and those rules must be adhered.

Viewers should not be expected to do extensive fan-wanking to make sense of the plot.

I copy that, eternitygodess. Your statement is what I've always believed that should exist in Korean dramas. They can do it in Korean movies and those are only about 2 hours or so. Why can't they achieve that in dramas? Just drives me nuts!

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Guest mysticalz

GREAT FINAL ! i'm so glad for the couple JP and JD :D:tears: but it's the end

THERE IS A SPECIAL EPISODE NEXT WEEK ! i need more informations lol maybe the wedding lol

i say to you in our dreama it might happen but in drama land i wont happen......i bet the special would be interviews, bloopers and behind the scenes which is so.ehhhhhhhhhhhhh...... :P

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Guest xiaomaii

Viewers happy that Boys Over Flowers ended with a happy ending

But viewers are glad that the drama has done some justice to the original version of the story which portrayed the ‘cheerfulness’ of pure young love depicted.

The drama ended with Goo Joon Pyo finding back his memory successfully. And JanDi made it into a medical college, proving to be a strong ‘weed’, together with Yoon Ji Hoo; So Yi Jung and Sung WooBin also had their own happy ending. This can be said to be a ‘happy ending all the way’.

And the happy ending also brought the viewers to the propose from Joon Pyo to JanDi, leaving the sweetest moments for viewers who has been quite irritated by the love-and-then-leave-again relationship.

Also a special episode of the drama will also be aired 1 week from the last 25th episode.

In the course of the 3 months airing, the cast has each individually gotten into accidents starting from Kim Hyun Joong’s car accident on 21st January to Goo Hye Sun’s car accident on 27th February.Also the unfateful news of Jang Ja Yeon’s suicide, which until has been a heatedly debated topic, will also be featured in the special episode.

But still, the viewers have supported with 30% of viewership right till the end.

After Boys Over Flowers, ‘A Man’s story’ starring Park Young Ha, Kim Gang Woo and Park Shi Yeon will be aired at the same time slot.

source: kbites

*so it's confirmed there is a special episode next week.*

thanks for the article!

and i'm excited for the special!! yeaah!!

for me, I was relieved and completely satisfied with the ending. it was a good open ending. :wub:

it means more to me that Joon Pyo's dad finally recovered from a near death coma

Mama Kang, realized how important family relations were

Finally handing down the presidency to Jun Hee for now since Jun Pyo's on the verge of further studying for future acclaim of the position

Jan Di's family came back to the house and earning a laundry shop again

Ji Hoo and Jan Di, both achieve their dream.

Ji Hoo finally had a family thru his Grandfather, being able to handle the foundation and being a doctor as what his parent's dreamed of

Jan Di's passion to become a doctor after her shattered dream of becoming an Olympic athlete! such a weed!

Jun Pyo's determination to become a man with the same level as Jan Di, hard work to deserve being a Shinhwa son and boy friend to Jan Di

Yi Jung who was able to overcome the past, able to brighten up and see what lies beneath with the help of Ga Eul

Woo Bin who's always there to support his friends, despite before feeling worthless of the love and attention F4 gave him

It was a good ending.

No need for Jan di to nod for the proposal. You see the tears of joy she had after Jun Pyo propose? It says it all! :wub:

When they were looking afar on the beach, yearning on what future had in store ahead of them

I was crying the hell out of me, thinking back the times of me waiting for the videos to be uploaded. The waiting time for a complete download and watch the drama.

I completely break down when Jan Di (does the same thing that happened I believe in save the last dance) the pain and how much Jun Pyo means to her, and finally without the help of F3 and without telling him right in front of his face that Jan Di's is the one you love. That scene, it couldn't be describe into words the worth of Jun Pyo realizing how important Jan Di is to him.

The kiss on the cable car was so sweet, I was trying to compare their first date on that scene. You could sense their maturity now on this episode of their relationship. They've been through lots of hardships, too much obstacles. And it makes more appealing they get to decide their plans and what they want to have in future.

Kudos for the whole cast, staff and crew, director, and the production teams! the sponsors who made this drama possible!

This version is the best for me. And it will always be!

Looking forward for the special!! BOF..Fighting!!

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Guest Daiquiri

"It's a drama" is NO EXCUSE for BOF to have illogical storylines. I'm sick and tired of hearing people use this as their line of defense.

Yes, watching tv series and reading books require a suspension of disbelief about the world which the characters inhibit, but events themselves must make sense within the context of the story, in addition to having character consistency. The story may take place in an alternate universe of the rich and privileged, but a certain set of rules still exist within that universe, and those rules must be adhered.

Viewers should not be expected to do extensive fan-wanking to make sense of the plot.

I guess because this was condensed and compacted it did seem rushed and a lot of events that occurred afterwards were worthy of high-browing. Yes, it being a drama is no excuse for the poor script and it's glaring flaws but illogical storyline, that I see in almost EVERY drama (Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, etc). Was this drama any exception, hah no way. In most dramas that's what you get, illogical storylines, spoofs, and head-scratching events one after another. It is entertainment after all. If this was based on a novel or a biography then I would agree with you and question the illogical storyline but it was a manga adaptation and in this case you get all the absurd and harebrained events that would never happen in real life. You can't really expect logic in a drama.

IMO I wouldn't say the drama wasn't completely illogical. A good example is when JD becomes homeless and broke and as a result ends up at JP's house. It's understandable how she becomes a maid, since we know JD is someone who has to first give in order to take. So in this case, as ludicrous as the events that led up to it, the maid arc actually fit into the storyline and was logical. Illogical events though, oh there's plenty of that. From the lamest fake disease ever-- selective amnesia, to the violence that occurs at school and goes unpunished. A mother who runs a billion dollar corporation but also has the time to interfere with every aspect of her son's life, etc etc. You get the point.

I didn't expect BOF to be thought provoking and enlightening. It was supposed to be silly, nonsensical, etc. However, I do agree with you there were flaws in this drama. If anything I'm more upset with the directing and the poor scriptwriting (especially the script itself). The first half was nicely paced but after the second half, I grew frustrated. The drawn-out fiancee arc, the fact both main characters suddenly became meek and subdued, all the unnecessary JH scenes-- where we see all the things he can do expertly. It was like the scriptwriter just had a major brain fart and decided to write out whatever came to mind, while also making room to have JH pop up somewhere just for the sake of him being there. I could go on but I choose to just say heck it's just a drama. Why bother getting worked up? It's already been filmed and shot. You just enjoy what was good and move on. If you wanted a logical storyline then you won't really find one with any drama. There is always going to be something that just seems as you put it 'illogical', especially in a series like this one.

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Guest sweetseraphim

hi everyone i have always been a silent reader, and only come to see if there any news. but since the drama is over, i just like to express what i thought on the last episode.

to be truthful im not 100% satisfied, i guess because while watching the drama i was more focus on the yijung and gaeul relationship.since i watch the taiwanese version and the japanese one and neither of them turn out to be together. and i also was more bias toward woobin and got dissapointed when he only came out like the very last scene ( and i dont even what happen to him the past four yrs, or what is he doing now). but overall i think it is a good ending. when yijung when to meet gaeul, the little kids even ask if he was her bf, and he smile and no one deny. so ill take whatever they will offered and ill confirm to myself that hell yes they two are together LOL. i thought it would be better if gaeul came hand in hand with yijung when he went to meet up with the rest of them , that would have been a better ending. ( to me). and may be show a bit of what happen to woobin.

if there seriously going to be a special episode . i hope it will go in depth with it but i guess that is also hard to ask for LOL.

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