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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest Nuruladha

I feel like flying to Korea right now and slapping the director(or whoever it was who wrote the ending script) left, right, down, up, center.

Maybe he accidently yelled CUT~! just before Jandi could've said YES to Junpyo's proposal.

Or the scriptwriter could've accidently left out the word YES on the script.

Either way, I just feel like kicking and slapping them. Why would they do that on the last episode?!?!?!

Is it so hard?

Ok fine, if they didn't want Jandi to mouth the word Y-E-S......they could have at least made her NOD HER FREAKING HEAD. That would have made the ending so much better. I don't want to just ASSUME that Jandi accepted the proposal. I want confirmation with a YES or a NOD OF HER HEAD.

And and....what did the director say about a "different" ending for Gaeul and YiJung? Different, my foot!

u know what...what u said up there...i felt the same way too...haha...i totally agreed with you...i'm not satisfied with the ending also...glad u say it whatever i have in mind...

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im sorry. did you like anything about this series? all i read from you are sarcastic comments about hiw horrible and blah this series was. you're quite the masochist if you were willing to put up with this 'horrible' drama

you know

i actually did like the drama up to a certain point, probably until the halfway mark.

Like everyone here, i fangirled over lee min ho and the rest of F4.

Plus, the drama started out well and I even defended some of the stuff they screwed up on. (I also subbed with S2 for this drama)

When it started getting a bit iffy, I told myself, the series is 25 episodes long. it's bound to get better.

But as someone who's studying screenwriting and story analysis, it just got really hard to ignore all the obvious errors that they were making. I even tried to watch it without paying attention to what was going on, but some of the stuff in there were just blatantly presented.

Yeah, i should have probably stopped watching when I realized that the story was going no where, but I didn't because I was a) already halfway into the series and I usually don't stop watching a drama if I'm half way into a series, B ) the drama in a way was a learning process for me of what to do and what not to do when writing a story, c) I felt that I should finish the series to say that I watched it, and c) like most people, I was admiring the visuals. Believe it or not, but those are my reasons for watching it.

What makes me more upset about this drama is that it had so much potential, and it was wasted.

So i'm sincerely sorry to whoever was annoyed with my sarcastic comments, but I felt that I had a right to criticize (and sometimes just complain about) the drama when everyone else was just raving about how wonderful it was.

And for people who are saying that criticism doesn't matter because the drama earned a lot of money and popularity, I disagree.

Quality over quantity.


Apologies again for those offended

With that, I leave this thread.

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Guest blackclip


i have finished the last episode! TT~

like some, also hope there will be a movie for this!

heh heh

nice drama overall, so try and love the ending too! : D

jandi looks so cute trying to cover the words in the cable car (:

junpyo looks charming during the interview (:

jihoo looks so cute and dorky with the specs (:

yijung looks hot with those sunglasses (:

woobin looks handsome even though there's so little of him (:

gaeul looks so pretty with her new hairdo (:

i suppose jihoo's grandpa really passed away?

cos showing only the photo of jihoo and grandpa looks so sad : (

and i cant help giggling at junpyo's mum feeding the dad : P

it's such a drastic change from her witch character : P

*hope someone can confirm if there's really a special episode next week yea (;

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an article from Yonhap

March 31, 2009

TV drama ends amid lingering popularity, controversy


SEOUL, March 31 (Yonhap) -- Some loved it, some despised it. But no one will deny KBS TV drama "Boys over Flowers" became an unprecedented phenomenon in South Korea's television industry.

Since its first episode aired on Jan. 5, the series found itself at the center of a storm of rumors and controversy: one of its actresses committed suicide, all four main actors were injured in car accidents while rushing through a tight schedule and the show received several warnings from the media watchdog for excessive product placement and vulgar depiction of teenagers. To top it off, the series was repeatedly and harshly criticized for its "unrealistic and silly" plot.


Dubbing the drama "an unexpected jackpot," media critic Kang Myung-suk said producers should learn to be more patient in creating high-quality products. "'Boys...' could pull it off because it was the first of its kind, but viewers may not be so easily fooled next time," he said. "Instead of focusing on short-term profits, producers should really think about spending more time, money and effort in creating something better."

Credits : Shin Hae_in (Yonhap News )

well, well, well, just what I was missing : the producers admitting that they screwed up.

So they are to blame for the accidents, inhuman work schedules and bad health conditions of GHS, KHJ and LMH?

Will I be eager to watch an other production produced by this group/company?

if they could just put a good and quite long making out scene between JD and JP then it will surely paid off all the angst that we are feeling...why is it that there is very less skinship? two people believe to be in love but they barely held hands...(not even on that heartbreaking last date they had)whats wrong with JD and JP at least share a hug when they've seen each other again? yeah hugging when reunited is a cliche' but what the h_ck! it's a natural thing to do...If this story is so fiction and would take us to fantasy land then they just have to take us there all the way...we want something that would make us grin and giggle of giddiness..some scene that we would replay a hundred times even if it's less than a minute...

I hear you. I think GHS could work on her kissing. But thinking about it, maybe the PD did not want to get in trouble with the censors, so they kept the kissing very polite. But holding hands? Is that also too revealing? :blink:

But maybe no point in pointing that all out now, since the producers have admitted themselves that BOF was not their best work. But I think I read somewhere that they spend 2 years preparing for this drama, wasn't it?

Anyway, I am glad I got to know LMH through BOF.

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Guest yeindarrrling

i cant believe its over!

i liked the ending; but i wanna know what happened

with the mom and dad! man; now i feel kinda empty; watching

BOF was the highlight of my mondays and tuesdays ):

anyone else not satisfied with the ending !? i think

they left out so much they should've added more !

add some more episodes; it'd keep us all happy (:[

oh; and one last thing;

SoEul ! :D

now thats what i've been waiting for ! (:

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Guest sp4078

I know this thread goes by fast but many people have complained and whined about why we can't get the heavy petting and make out sessions we want, well this time it's not the PD or the SW's fault. Blame that on the censorship for all Korean TV stations and in regards to certain songs as well. BOF has been under close watch after raising several red flags. I do wish there was more hand holding but again just because your love isn't shown physically in every single scene, it doesn't mean it's not there.

In regards, the BOF series was fun. I enjoyed it even when I was frustrated or annoyed.

I'll give you a gold star to point this out.

Seriously, the manga itself is not smut or ecchi, it's shoujo. It's about silly innocent love. I'm please with the ending (I didn't expect anything anyways), they wrapped up the amnesia part neatly (and I wish they should have done that to the fiancee arc), gotta them a credit for that, and gave us a happy ending.

About Gaeul and YiJung, I got tired of them play around with words. I'm sorry but this is the fact. When I watched their scenes, I just wanted to scream "GET TO THE POINT, WILL YA ? BOTH OF YOU".

Of course, some of you (included me) sometimes hated how silly the story-line is, how Jandi ditches work like no one business. Everybody can become doctor easy like a piece of cake, forget about the MCAT, requirements, drown in desperation during exams, working your butt off ... Yes, I get it. But it's a DRAMA.

I enjoyed BOF overall, though it definitely made me want to break my laptop in half a lot of time. I'm glad this is over (LOL). Thanks the subbers ! Cheers.

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Guest heosuautit

i will also never watch any dramas from these PD and writer :rolleyes: E.25 has won the price for the worst ending ever, the story is so illogical!!! especial the Graduation party, wat kind of high school students, who dance walz for the last day, it is not surprising that there are not many attendants, except those girls who are happy when the F3 arrived. This is the first ´ending´ that I dont want to rewatch, Thank God that it is over. B)

but i am still waiting for the review of Flower pot, it makes me feel better than watching the show itself.

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Guest eternitygoddess

"It's a drama" is NO EXCUSE for BOF to have illogical storylines. I'm sick and tired of hearing people use this as their line of defense.

Yes, watching tv series and reading books require a suspension of disbelief about the world which the characters inhibit, but events themselves must make sense within the context of the story, in addition to having character consistency. The story may take place in an alternate universe of the rich and privileged, but a certain set of rules still exist within that universe, and those rules must be adhered.

Viewers should not be expected to do extensive fan-wanking to make sense of the plot.

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I seldom post in this thread but bcoz the drama already ended i feel i should post what i feel about the last episode. I do agree with a lot of ppl that the ending is too rush but for the actors and actress health condition i dun think so its adviceable for to extent to another episode but the PD definetely can do more with the ending. PLus my thought on Geun Jan Di's hair when she become a doctor. OMG, what do the PD thinking? Its so old fashion and i can't even stand of not laughing at the hair style and the shoe and dressing is hidious as well.

Overall its a good drama, we have discovered another talented actor that is Lee Min HO. Hyun joong can definetely become a better actor in the future. I'll see you all in the next drama...Park Yong Ha?? :lol:

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Guest chatgicale

nice drama...

wish them more success..

i hope to see goo hye sun next drama in a long hair...

dang she's really pretty...


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Upon the conclusion of Boys Over Flowers, I've come to the realization that there is life outside of korean television. I need to seriously go get a life, before departing to gain back my sanity. I would like to thank the fans on this thread for all the awesome links, photos, program updates, news articles, spoilers, analysis, comments and debates. That said, I have made a list of my favorite and not so favorite aspects of this wonderful drama.

My favorite aspects of Boys Over Flowers:

1. The day Gu Jun Pyo landed his helicopter on Shinhwa's courtyard. I was hooked.

2. Striking the handsome F4 leader, Jandi's high kick scene was fabulous. A must, for all girls wanting to gain a ticket into high society.

3. A gorgeous rich guy waiting 4hrs in the snow for a date. Is there still a guy like this around on earth?

4. In order to try on clothing, for a little trip, to a little island. The rich heir closes a shopping mall. How sweet.

5. All things Gu Jun Pyo, eating, sleeping, falling in swimming pools, hanging in saunas, and in all state of undressed.

6. The 1 minute ending proposal of Jun Pyo & Jandi on the beach was simply BEAUTIFUL.

My not so favorite aspects of Boys Over Flowers:

1. All things WHITE, white cars, white attire, a whole world of whiteness.

I wish the cast and crew a lot of future success. Hopefully, the cast can move on to other projects and continue on with a career path they fair best, thus, acting is not an easy job and is not for everyone.

Thanks for all the entertaining moments. :)

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Guest Tehdave

I agree with a lot of people.

Great drama up until a certain point.

Then it got lost in plot line repeats and excess amounts of extreme and ridiculous drama.

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Guest annievy;

is the special going to come out next week? or is there even a special ? xD currently watching the last one . T_T

V im not sure which one it is. i just read around in forums & youtube that there will be a special episode, still unsure

if its a real episode or just a talk show like thing.

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Question. I think I saw couple of posts mentioning "special episode". Where did you guys read about it? My friend just e-mailed me and told me she read that there might be "second season". I think she might be talking about "special episode" some of you are talking about.

Is this special episode going to be live talk show like before or will it be "drama" style like they did with Meteor Garden/Shower or HYD Final?

Thank you.

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Guest asianempress


and to your what happened question in the four years that passed.

gaeul become a pottery teacher.

yijung came back and stopped by her classroom FIRST. ( WHICH WOULD OBVIOUSLY MEAN THAT THEY WOULD GET TOGETHER to some of you people who werent satisfied. )

woobin fell off the face of the earth.

papa gu woke up.

mama kang retired.

junhee got her moms spot.

jihoo got into med school on his first try and is going to start his residency.

jandi got rejected three times so shes still in her first year.

jihoo's grandpas clinic closed cause he probably wasnt healthy enough (or died i durnO) and

junpyo came back .

and i dont understand the people saying its a OPEN ending. HOW IS IT AN OPEN ENDING?

have you guys never seen an open ending? an open ending is a LOVERS IN PARIS ending. it's a DO AS YOU WISH ending. wow to you people COFFEE PRINCE probably seemed like an open ending because they were sitting down and drinking cofffee in the last scene.

BOFs ending was closed. it was obviously junpyo-jandi. she would have obviously accepted if f3 hadnt gotten there. and i thought it was cute how the f3 said 'objection'. i mean really, were some of you expecting a wedding kids and honeymoon? what percentage of korean dramas that you watch have that? uh like 5% maybe.

personally i found BOF to be a good drama because i had no expectations. and i also didnt nitpick the bad to make it worse.

thanks for your summary of what happened after 4 years. it is helpful cuz i don't know korean and missed a whole bunch of stuff skimming the ep :)

I also totally agree LIP was a way more open-ended finale and made me really angry. And I loved the Coffee Prince ending. Coffee was their thing and ending with that is really sweet.

As for BoF, people shouldn't complain because in the manga, the ending is even more open-ended than the drama. It ends where JP leaves for NYC to work cuz his dad is sick. And JD is like I'll wait for you, come back when you are a man. It basically ends there. You don't even know if/when JP comes back or what happens to any of the characters. Oh and Ga Eul's family in the manga moved to Canada when JP's mom got her dad fired and is never heard from again. So I liked the drama a lot more for keeping her character around :)

I am satisfied with the ending. It is kinda rushed but its clear enough how things will happen.

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Viewers happy that Boys Over Flowers ended with a happy ending


KBS 2TV drama Boys Over Flowers has come to an end on 31st March, 3 months after its airing from 5th January.

With much debate over how the drama will come to an ending, viewers are satisfied that the drama ended with a happy ending, attracting a record high of 33.7% viewership during its last episode.

On the 24th episode aired on 30th March with appearance of YooMi who interfered into the Goo-Geum relationship has got viewers worried about the couple’s fate in the drama.

JanDi had, with the help of the F4 members, tried to get Goo Joon Pyo regain his lost memories but to no valid. And JaeKyung who has also been looking after JoonPyo all this while had only became more anxious.

With its ending episode, viewers questioned, “Don’t tell me that the high fantasy romance will just end with a sad ending?”

But viewers are glad that the drama has done some justice to the original version of the story which portrayed the ‘cheerfulness’ of pure young love depicted.

The drama ended with Goo Joon Pyo finding back his memory successfully. And JanDi made it into a medical college, proving to be a strong ‘weed’, together with Yoon Ji Hoo; So Yi Jung and Sung WooBin also had their own happy ending. This can be said to be a ‘happy ending all the way’.

And the happy ending also brought the viewers to the propose from Joon Pyo to JanDi, leaving the sweetest moments for viewers who has been quite irritated by the love-and-then-leave-again relationship.

Also a special episode of the drama will also be aired 1 week from the last 25th episode.

In the course of the 3 months airing, the cast has each individually gotten into accidents starting from Kim Hyun Joong’s car accident on 21st January to Goo Hye Sun’s car accident on 27th February.Also the unfateful news of Jang Ja Yeon’s suicide, which until has been a heatedly debated topic, will also be featured in the special episode.

But still, the viewers have supported with 30% of viewership right till the end.

After Boys Over Flowers, ‘A Man’s story’ starring Park Young Ha, Kim Gang Woo and Park Shi Yeon will be aired at the same time slot.

source: kbites

*so it's confirmed there is a special episode next week.*

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