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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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AGB released the final BOF episode rating - it is 28.9%. The highest rating was recorded at 10:49pm @33.9%.

Source: Ep 25 rating from AGB

On a side note: Apparently LMH was admitted to hospital and therefore did not attend K's fan meet today.

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Guest Coopcayke

Thanks for ruining the story, BOF writers! HYD (the manga) was one of my all time favorite! So disappointed right now.

What's up with korean dramas anyway? Why do most, if not all, of them have bad endings??

It's like somewhere during mid eps the writers'd suddenly run out of ideas or gotten lazy or something.. and it all went downhill after.

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Guest jdarcy


could some kind soul pls sub what jandi said at the pool to junpyo? i barely understood a word of what she said, and i was already tearing. pretty please? dying to know.

Rough translation – not done verbatim

After jandi shows him the necklace and asks him if he recognizes it and he says he doesn’t she says “I want to give this back to you” and then he tells her he doesn’t want it and to throw it away herself and she throws it in the water

JD:I’ll just ask one more thing – do you know how to swim?

JK: no, I had a traumatic experience as a child so I never learned

JD: no you do know how

JP who do you think you are? What makes you think you know me?

JD:……..You’re the kind of dummy who thinks having all his ribs broken is better than having someone injure your girlfriend’s finger…you mix up pride and privacy…you don’t know hom many rules (38 rules)…you don’t like kids but you cant wait to watch the stars with your own son and be that kind of father….you’re a lonely kid but full of warmth…that’s who you are

JP what do you want (from me)?

JD say my name

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

Since everybody is on a sad/mad note right now, i have something that will cheer you guys up!

You guys remeber that HyunJoongie had a fanmeeting right?

Well lucky me, i subscribed to hoonfamily on YT & look what was uploaded!!

Hyunjoong's dance+song @ "Goodbye Yoon JiHoo" Fanmeet.

( i think its a new song by Hyunnie)



Man,this the many things that made my day today.

HyunJoong: Burning HOTT

I'll be his girl anyday :D

thanks to & vid credits: hoonfamily :D

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Guest jdarcy

was anyone else really worried jandi was gonna drown while junpyo stood there regaining his memory? those were some long flashbacks- just exactly how many did he need to realize she needs to be saved....and omg...i get they wanted to squeeze in some more lip action but who performs CPR while cradling the victim's head?LOL

forget criticizing KHJ's acting(it was more than tolerable).. did anyone else think ji hoo runs like a girl? Man what the hell was that-what guy in his right mind runs like that in public? that's what he really needs to work on..it reminded me of phoebe's crazy running style on "Friends"

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I haven't watched the last episode yet, but from what is seems, everyone seems to be unsatisfied with the ending. To me, even if she didn't nod her head, it's a good ending anyways because they got together before the 4 years jump. Getting married was just a matter of time. Even if she said no now, I really don't think that JP would give up. He will probably think of other ways to get her to marry him.

I will probably be sad for JH and WB because they didn't get anyone, but I guess it will be okay...

Hm....so is it an open ended ending for YJ and GE? If it is, well I guess I will have to think up my own ending, but it is still better than all the other versions. I think that if the PD really wanted to do a time jump, then there has to be a significance to it. The significance would be to show a marriage proposal from JP to JD and a supposed ending with YJ and GE. I guess I would have to see before I can judge.

Well...I can't believe it is the end of BOF now!! :tears: But, I will come back just to post my thoughts on the episode later.

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Guest F4fan

For old times sake, which episode was that when Junpyo mixed up PRIDE with PRIVACY?

The most unmemorable episode except for the last 10 minutes because of the Truth and Dare Game: Episode 19. The one episode that I literally lost my mind and my patience with the writer and director. The one episode that I begged for a JP-JK wedding and more than happy to have a JH-JD ending just to end the stupid fiancee arc.


JD's reaction in seeing JP after 4 years: when has JD ever acted as if she worshipped the ground that JP walked on? She is confident in him returning to her and she is confident in her feelings for him. JP has always been the more expressive one -- first to know he loves and wants JD but all over the map in his methods. JD the more steady one in the relationship -- slow in coming to her feelings for JP and steady throughout.

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Guest polaris

Alas... I will have to say Farewell to this drama... What a bittersweet feeling. I was expecting some awesome ending but maybe my expectations were too high. Nevertheless, this drama brought me many weeks of happiness, frustration, passionate opinions, and heartbreak, and joy. The characters grew so close to my heart with each episode and reading posts from people (whether they be newbies or loyal followers from the beginning) of this thread was truly fun and memorable.


Thank YOU~~

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Guest chayeh

Well...am I the only one who actually like the last scene? Despite all the bashing, I guess I should do a like/dislike comparison first.

At first, I didn't see the whole episode yet because i'm still waiting for subs so please correct me if I'm wrong

I like for many reasons:

- JP is back after four years and it shows that all he wants to do is to see JD and proposed to her. So it means that all these four years, he always keeps this will on his heart, no matter what, he never forgets her even once...

- The fact that JD didn't answer was not a problem for me. I mean, EVERYONE will know what is the answer..after they've gone through, even if the drama have proved me that JD could be sometimes very lazy at understand what she really feels inside, she knows now how much she loves JP.

- The reunion F4 and JD was good to see too. This drama is not onlya bout love between the leads but also the friendship of F4 and them with JD. I was very disappointed the PD didn't show much scenes with friendship-never-ends between F4 (well, PD you disappointed me many times for other reasons too !! But stop bashing, because of the end). Comparing to the japanese version, we know that the F4 couldn't count on themselves...they always need some support...

- I also like the background scene, what is more romantic and beautiful to a proposal on the beach?

Well, now what I dislike:

- The expression of JD when she actually sees JP after 4 YEARS... WTH? Couldn't be more expressive?????!!!! Or is she blind to see that the awesome GJP, the man she loves and waits for years, is standing in front of her???!!!!! Come on, her feeling was like a cat smells something good but hesitates.... I know, maybe it's not GHS actinf fault but the PD (again, him). But I also think that GHS didn't shine much on this drama, acting speaking...So we can't imput all the mess of this drama to the PD (yeah, i take your defence before i change my mind)

- Maybe because after the excitement for this drama before it aired, the awesome first part of the drama and the disappointing second part...Well, because of all these reasons, i didn't expect the kind of ending that most od Soompiers expected : a very happy ending, with a passionnate kiss, a wedding or even a little brat GJP. I mean, I never really like the endings of dramas, you have always something bad to point out but I still think this one was the most confortable for everyone.

Now, I'll make a global review of this drama but very short :

- Plot: well done in general, even if, like others I hate the dragging fiancee part. However, I love how they turned the plot diffently as the other versions. At least, I'm glad to watch something different to a story I'm fan of.

- Acting: Gorgeous LMH, but the female lead could do better (and it's not because I think LMH deserve a prettier actress than GHS lol). For the F4, well, KYJ still have a lot to do.... Kim Bum and Kim Joon were my revelations, especially the last one, although he didn't have many lines As I would like...

The best for Mama Kang and Jun Hee unni !!! But I never doubt of them.

- The realization: Well.. I was planning to say "no comments" but I will say something: CHANGE !!! I can't remind how many times I was like in front of my computer, thinking about WTH the PD ate ou drink to shoot those kind of awkward scenes..... So yeah, PD, I'm thankful you were able to finish this drama after all the pressure and so on, but EHHHHHH???? You really need to THINK and to REWATCH what you shoot !!! I think that nobody will contradict me..

- The script : the same as the PD...Don't need to criticize, you guys have told everything yet..

Finished with this drama... I would like to thank everyone, for posting pics, interviews, translations, videos, parodies, goodies...ANYTHING !! Even the posts like "I love this drama so much" makes me smile. Thanks for all and I hope I'll see you guys in other "irremplacable" dramas like that. I'm also very happy that I success in "converting" the Kdrama addiction to some of my bandmates (they're french) with this drama.. (thanks to the hotness of GJP and his sexy body^^)

See you guys

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Watched the last episode and I'm all MEH! I'll never watch another drama with this PD and/or SW ever again! The 2nd season has to be one of the most frustrating ever. The Japanese version was so much better overall.

I actually think I've enjoyed reading Soompi more than watching the actual drama - since Macau. So thank you everyone for your wonderful contribution! YOU guys rock!!

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Guest jdarcy


say my name! how sweet is that

oops...actually i think what she said was "call out my name" now that i rewatched that scene and she opened that whole speech about how much she knows him with "there is nothing in this world you are afraid of, but you shake with fear at the sight of a bug"

sorry korean is so hard to translate with just one take that's why i leave it to the pros but wanted to share that wonderful scene with ya'll

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Guest doremii*

I was expecting this kind of ending. I don't think it's an open ending at all, it's pretty obvious that they're together. Same with GE & YJ, their ending was much better than how it ended in the manga.

overall, I thought this drama was alright. I don't think I'd rewatch it though lol

edit: I can't wait for flowerpot's recap haha she's one of the reasons I visit this thread so often xD

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Guest xconnect

I just finish watching the last episode and would like to give my last comment for BOF in this thread. The ending is not too bad. I kinda expected this ending after the many screenplay flaws in the last 10 episodes. I am not a fan of the BOF writers but I guess they decided on this king of ending so as not to disappoint the Jihoo-Jandi fans :-).

Omitting the screenplay flaws, I enjoyed the BOF and I was and still am greatly amused of this thread. Thank you guys for all your ideas, comments and lively discussions. You have been all a part of my past 3 mos life. I know that from time to time I will still visit this thread, It will not be as religously as thsi last 3 months.

After this BOF, I became a fan of T-Max, SS501 esp their leader, Goo Hye Sun (who I find very talented and intelligent), Kim Bum and especially this new great new actor LMH. I will surely watch out for their next drama works.

Lastly, let me thank everyone for sharing their youtube links, torrents, translations, OST tracks and pictures.

You are all great! :)

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Guest Daiquiri

I get that not everyone will be happy or satisfied with the ending but come on now! Just because every loose end throughout the drama wasn't tidied up, it doesn't mean it was a bad ending. Then we would just have people complaining how unnecessary such and such scene was and why they had to explain what had happened to a minor character. I guess I'm in the minority here when I say I actually liked the ending.

I would think people would have enough common sense or imagination to figure out the rest on their own. Why does every scene have to be so apparent and blunt? Would you guys have preferred if there were commentaries at the bottom that explained each and every single scene and what it was supposed to mean? Use your noggin and then take what you will from it. Just because Jun-pyo and Jan-di weren't throwing themselves at each other like animals in heat-- the minute they reunited, or didn't have little miniature versions of them running amok, it does not equate to a horrible ending. In the end whether you liked it or not, would you honestly say it's the worst ending that you've ever seen? Probably not. Was there still a happy ending for F4 and JD? Yes, yes, and yes. Remember you don't need a a large grandeur and over-the-top wedding to make it a great and happy ending. Sometimes less is more. I think the beauty of this ending is you can interpret it as whatever you wished it to be. It wasn't final and the end but rather the beginning of something wonderful.

I thought the way it ended with JP and JD reuniting was a decent closure and certainly enough for me. As much as I would have loved to see mini JP and JD's, I think that would have thrown the whole ending off. It's only 4 years later. Do we want Jan-di to throw her dreams away and to become a dutiful housewife? I sure don't. I loved that she stuck with her dreams and will continue to fight for it, even though she has been rejected several times. I loved the spunk that JD had in the beginning and how it was brought full-circle in the end. Even though the drama did have many scenes where there wasn't consistency with the characters, at least JD became her old self all the way till the end. I wasn't expecting it to go out with a bang but rather a soft and peaceful ending. Somewhat like the manga.

The little things like when did JP's dad wake up and what happened to JH's grandfather, etc, are really minor and not necessary to JP and JD's happily ever after. Their purpose was served and just embellishments to a bigger conclusion. Maybe it wasn't as obvious to some but I could tell and knew that JD was going to accept JP's proposal (even if wasn't said). If you still are confused just look at the lovey-dovey exchanges they were both giving each other when they were reunited. I think that speaks volumes about what they feel for each other and a huge hint at what JD's answer would have been.

I know this thread goes by fast but many people have complained and whined about why we can't get the heavy petting and make out sessions we want, well this time it's not the PD or the SW's fault. Blame that on the censorship for all Korean TV stations and in regards to certain songs as well. BOF has been under close watch after raising several red flags. I do wish there was more hand holding but again just because your love isn't shown physically in every single scene, it doesn't mean it's not there.

In regards, the BOF series was fun. I enjoyed it even when I was frustrated or annoyed. I loved it when we saw our main leads fighting for their love and their dreams. I loved the deep-seated thoughts and posts on this thread and disregarded the trollish posts. I laughed and I cried through it all. It was a whirlwind of a ride but if I had to do it all over again, would I? Heck yeah. I haven't had this much fun watching a drama for a long time. It was fun while it lasted. Now we have the special to look forward to and then when it goes to DVD. It will take some time for my Mondays and Tuesday to adjust without this drama but I know I will always have a fond memory for the F4 and our trooper JD.

Lastly, a special shout out and thanks to everyone who shared links, icons, music, pictures, and fan-made videos. Thank you to all the people who made some time out of their way to keep the fans happy with spoilers, the countless recaps, and the videos dedicated to our favorite couples--whether it be Jundi, Hoondi, or SoEul. Also I guess thank you to all the skeptics and anti's out there. It only made the fans fight harder to show that this version was just as worthy as the predecessors, if not more.

*If you read this post in it's entirety, you get a gold star. Lol.

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Guest jewelove

does anyone know the song playing in Ep 23 when ga eul brought yi jung to the rooftop to see the posters? i can't find it at all!!!! :(

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Guest qtvaNn

Please can anyone put the torrent link for episode 25 :blush:

hi.cute girl posted it already on page 1139.hope that helps.^^

i will miss BOF hope that the "special ep" is true.. ;) im just happy for the ending but i can't say that im satisfied..i want a wedding ceremony for JoonDi and SoEul couple.. :lol:

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Guest cimechang


these were my thought watching the last episode.

Yumi's leg healed so quickly. I thought it was broken.

BOF is probably the first modern drama to use witchcraft.

All of Jandi's dress must be ugly because she spends too much money on buying Marc Jacob bags and Colonize sweaters.

The graduation party was pathetic.

High Schoolers do not dance the waltz, no matter how rich they are.

What was the point of Jandi reading to Junpyo's dad in coma?

Junhee is the president?

Did she just ditch her husband in LA?

Jandi's dad must have died.

So did the porridge shop owner

and probably jihoo's grandfather too.

Jandi treats work like it's nothing and comes and goes whenever she pleases.

If i was the porridge shop owner, I would have fired her a long time ago...

but the owner's dead, so i guess he can't.

Jandi treats school like it's nothing too

she ditches her sunbaes at the volunteer clinic to go see Junpyo.

and shes already in bad terms with her sunbae for being irresponsible.



it's over.

Wow! Since when was this thread renamed "Complain and Hate Everything About Boys Over Flowers"?!! I understand that this drama wasn't perfect but what drama is?!! There is no need for harsh sarcasm.

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