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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest swempy_ren

I haven't watch ep 25 yet, but as I promised yesterday here it is the JoonDi moment that I guess wouldn't appear anywhere on the scene (hoping for the namsan kiss will be a passionate one..finger cross

:w00t: ...or not... :huh: ) But I believe for the sake of our dreamy satisfaction all this time we watch JoonDi rollercoaster relationship, since my friend also a big fans of this drama of JoonDi.... so yeah enjoy this "Present of Celebration" for this couple :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

PS: tchq90 sorry I can only think image of JoonDi right now.....:blink:



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Guest Yvonne

ml_87 & cute girl, thank you so much for the summary and bt links! Really appreciate it!

Well well well...to say I am disappointed with the ending would be a total understatement.

Despite knowing this writer will NOT give us the ending we want (like a wedding & kids for our OTP and closure for Soeul couple), I can't help myself but hope. Hoping that this crap writer will somewhat redeem herself, and for once, listen to what the fans want.

HA, I should've known better. I mean, I forgot that the OTP of this K-ver. is JiHoo and JiHoo. Yes, you heard me right, JH/JH...it's ALL about him. :rolleyes:

I am trying to be calm about this...yet I gotta admit I am WAY pissed with NO wedding between JP&JD. I wish they kept the scene in New Calendonia (the so-called leaked photo). I NEED A WEDDING! D@mnit! I NEED SOEUL!

And man, the writer is sure evil...not even letting JD say "Yes" to JP's proposal. I hope Korean fans would have a uproar or something...and we can get a special or something like BOF 1.5. Lol, in my dreams I guess.

A huge part of me is relieved that BOF is done...good riddance.

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I'm not satisfied at all, there is no way that annoying Umi can get out that easy, and who give her the power to be the mistress and what the %^$%# of studying abroad with JP, giving JD so much pain, and just run away like that ... still don't understand why they have to waste their afford to put Umi in, without that Umi, maybe we can see wedding and little JP .......... or at least "JANDI SAY YESSSSSSSSSS"

for the first time I think F3 come in the wrong time .......

PD and scriptwriter of BOF hate us fans and JP-JD too much, even ep 25 is the last one, there is 30 mins of it has Umi in, and the two JP-JD moment is too little after that Umi left, only CPR and a kiss, I'm not satisfied at all .......

still, thank to all the cast, esp F4 and JD, they did great job bring us happiness for almost 4 months .......

I wish JP-JD fanfic will come out like storm, because sure this ending is not enought for us ................. at all ...........

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Guest jeniko

hey guys, KBS , Pds, Script writer really richard simmons me off with "a happy ending" with smile and smile :angry: . I'm so frustrated , we know that , don't bash KBS here, come there

we can voice our opinion to KBS and don't let BOF thread close ^^


Here for the opinion in polite way( actually to tell the truth how bad they did with the BOF season 2 ) Go guys

KBS opinion

Well I've just already make my complain in good manner, but I say I dont want to buy a DvD its not fix this ending with a special or sth like that.!!

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Guest wannaymoore

I just wished whether its tomorrow, or whenever sand say 'APRIL FOOL' and get us the original ending

I am very unsatisfied with the ending. And this? they call 'HAPPY ENDING'

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Guest kairu

Damn...I wanted a kiss scene at the beach too! Their last kiss was inside the cable car that what ---- lasted for 4 seconds? XD

But then again, it would've been awkard for them to kiss at the beach with the whining F3 there...no? :P

First thing I noticed..

JanDi was wearing a Six To Five (Rain's clothing line) bear hoodie when JP met her in the park. XD

When the F3 danced with JanDi one by one at the graduation party was SO touching esp. with her voice-over in the background.

I think the most touching part there was when JD said "JiHoo sunbae...thank you."

I feel that it's much more deeper than any instance that she would have to thank him for everything he has done to her.

Four years later and JP's hair is still the same. XDDD

JP, IJ, and WB doesn't look much different but JH does!

And JH became a lot warmer since he became a doctor (or the little girl's Yoon Prince ^^).

So the she-devil finally found the way to goodness eh?

It's amazing how such kind of person would change just by seeing a streetfood stall (well it's part of it XD). :P

Overall, eventhough everything went by TOO fast, I have to say that the last 30 minutes definitely made up for the frustration over the Yumi arc (at least for me). XD

I'm contented with the open-ending. Though I really don't think it's open since JD's answer to JP's question is kinda obvious... :sweatingbullets:

I mean...she wouldn't refuse JP in the cable car and tell him to come back after 4 years if she won't accept him by then....right?

Aigoo...I'll miss my Monday-Tuesday TV habit. :tears:

If you're gonna romanize something... Make the Korean come out right. At the end it's misspelled. Thanks.

Err..she didn't misspell it. But I think 여요 should be 에요 for the sentence to be correct....or not? My korean is not good. XD

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Guest eternitygoddess

Did Mama Kang "magically" change and accept JD and become a housewife?

How did Papa Kang wake up?

What is Woobin up to?

Did Junhee divorce her husband and move back to Korea?

What happened?!

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Our prayers about a BOF special MIGHT come true..

please take this bit of news with a grain of salt for now as I believe its still not really confirmed whether or not its true

I'm not sure how credible this is (I don't mean the person who posted it in lj, but I mean the original article link itself)

click here..it'll take you to a live journal post in which the poster linked an article..the mention of a special is near the end..


basically, it says that there will be a BOF special 1 week after episode 25 airs..

AGAIN. I must stress that I don't know how true this is..we'll just have to keep an eye/ear out for news

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

*tears* i can't believe today is the last day of BOF, oh, i'm seriously crying my eyes out.

(sorry, i'm a dramatic person :huh:

i really can't believe its ending, i remeber the first episode like yesterday :( & the screencaps look sad....*cry even more* urgh..

i'm close to knocking my computer screen if i see more of the Yumi chick.

still i can't believe its the end *weep*

i'm sure gonna miss this. they rocked the first 3 months of 09' & made my mondays & tuesday worthwhile.. T_T i cant believe it *pinches self*

OKAY! now off to watch ep.25...

*sniff sniff*

i hope the ending will make me happy :)

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Guest tofumui

thanks ml_87 for the recap summary and cute girl for uploading the link so fast.. now i'll just wait for flower pot to write her review :lol: .. i'm going to look forward to watching it once i get home from work..

i can't believe there are so many of us on this thread this morning.. keke all wanting to know the ending..

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i can't believe the series is over, now what will i do every sunday-tuesday..

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okay I have finished this drama

and I really want to share my own opinion

at the beginning I was with all the hype to watch this drama

but as time goes by I found myself didn't even interesting with this whole storyline

for me, the best part of this drama is soeul

yeah that the only reason why I kept watching this drama so far

I think this version is the worst ever damn it, they ruined the originality of their manga

why should they try to follow the manga's story if they ruined it at the middle of the story?

it's all about the main character

I heard that the ending (at first) would be jh and jd, that's why I was rooting for this couple, and I was curious about what will their story would be but then again the PD disappointed me they've changed the script due to JP's high popularity, such a usual korean drama,right?

and about the cast

I think the best cast they've ever have is Madam Kang

she is the best actress for me, she can give me a lot of feelings toward her

and the worst cast for me is geum jandi

sorry but I'm not with a lot of you who thought that ghs fitted her role

maybe she is the main reason for me why I lost my bof's addiction

she's just too old, I can even saw her wrinkle and with the school uniform, blah

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Guest V-ni@star

today is the las ep.. i dont want to read the spoiler cos i want to enjoy the last moment... thank you guys for all of the oys we share here.... ^^

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Guest swempy_ren

flower_pot, i'm waiting for your JoonDi's fanfic!! B)

and please put swempy_ren's picture on it too...hehe....^^

swempy_ren, thanks for sharing that 'HOT' pic... how we wish the ending story would be like that... B)

more please! kkk...

Yeah flower_pot I'm waiting for your fanfic about JoonDi tooo

...and Maymay 'You're welcome' :D

I do wish for the ending to have something like that too... :rolleyes:

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Guest juneforest2000

Did Mama Kang "magically" change and accept JD and become a housewife?

PD n SW have send her to the outerspace.........SHE JUST DISAPPEAR IN JD AND JP's LIFE!!! :w00t:

How did Papa Kang wake up?

PD n SW have forgotten about him, poor man...no even a script for him to read, sleeping all the way....WELL DONE PS n SW!!! ;)

What is Woobin up to?

PD n SW hv no storyline for him, I bet WB also dun know what he is doing... :wacko:

Did Junhee divorce her husband and move back to Korea?

PD n SW hv already messed up the whole drama, so no time to cater for JH richard simmons....hmm....another open ending huh????!! :crazy:

What happened?!

PD n SW just CRAP lol!!!!! They should join mama kang in the outerspace. :phew:

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Guest clauds

Agh, I haven't watched it yet, I want to so badly. I just saw the last 5 seconds of it, because I wanted to see the behind the scenes after the show was done, and when the music played, and GHS & LMH's smiling faces were on my computer, I wanted to cry !!! It's over already.... :'( On the happier note, I'm eating korean food today! Yum Yum, I'm leaving soon to go, hehe. Sorry if it's off topic!

But anyways, I am not happy seeing everyone else is not happy with the open ending, and no passionate kiss? Grrrrrrrrrr. I have a question, was it one hour long? Because it seems too rushed..

Goodbye Junpyo, I love you xinfinity you sexy beast! :P

Bye Jandi, keep your spunk. :D

Anneyong Jihoo, please make me some pancakes. :)

See you next time WooBin, keep your gansta ways, and english words. B)

Bye Bye Yi Jeong, I'd date you any day ;)

And most of all...

GOODBYE BOYS OVER FLOWERS , I LOVED THIS SHOW. It kept me wanting Mondays and Tuesdays to come.. Thanks for entertaining me. I'll miss you! :)

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Guest nichoclassic

basically, it says that there will be a BOF special 1 week after episode 25 airs..

i dun expect much from that.it could be some kind of talk show/BTS or casts interview...

it's true that the ending a little bad..erm should i say totally disaster..but korean dramas always ended just like that!!

Jihoo really became a doctor just like Jandi. if it's not a doctor must be some medical related.

Aah..im gonna join BOF fans attack!!!

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Now, I wish somebody really did 'accidentally' hit Yumi with those darn titanium crutches..

And I'll plate it with diamond crystals that forms the words john tesh OFF so she'll have no excuse of acting like she doesn't get it

The ending wasn't really half bad cause I was actually smiling from ear to ear all the way throughout

Junpyo's father recovered and wake up.. Him and Mama Kang became lovey dovey again.. Junhee took over the devil's position and Jandi's finally studying medicine.. Its been just four years so I assume she's just finished pre-med and on her first year of Med School, right? Soulmate Yoon Ji Hoo was with her once again and everybody seems happy.. Seems like they're at peace and things ended kind of like how it did in the Manga.. I was really wishing it wasn't gonna end like that but too bad! Darn PD! There must be a special or a movie or something.. else I'll fly to Korea and bomb KBS! After ALL OF THAT, all we get is them looking at the sea?!?! We get the message!! Yeah, they're all looking at the same direction and are in the same world finally living in peace.. but WTF fan service dude!! We need fan service! We want little babies with pammas!

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Guest khanhlinh


I want to see Curly Jun Pyo & Grass Chan Ji's wedding :rolleyes:

I want to see Pottery Yi Jung & Soup Ga Eul's wedding :rolleyes:

I want to see Woo Bin's girl-friend & his story about his family :rolleyes:

and their children :lol:

I want it all :P

Can we cherish hopes for a BOF Special EP :lol:

At the moment, I can't believe the series is over <_<

Ji Hoo sunbae is great!


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Guest flower pot

Seriously guys... i'm on an overnight trip for work today and i have not been able to tune in live but i'm keeping tabs via Livejournal and soompi and i don't know what i would feel reading all of your reactions here...

I still had very high hopes till yesterday knowing the press releases that came out and all about the satisfactory ending but like Jandi, i never learn my lesson... SERIOUSLYYYYYYYYY

I am putting everything i want to see in this series and then some more in my fan fic and carry with me the hard work and brilliant performances of Minho, Kim Bum, Joon, Hyun Joong and Hyesun as well as the supporting cast... (except perhaps Umi...)


Anyone here knows what time Hyun Joong's fan meet would be finished?

I'd like to ask if we can have the use of the venue, (the olympic stadium) after and tie the PD and scriptwriter to a post while BOF FANS pelt them with tomatoes... HARD, FROZEN ONES... THOUSANDS OF EM

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