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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest BigHeadDog

i have not watched the last ep yet. but from reading the spoilers i really hate the ending...open-ended...is this the way they say the diff ending lol...i want more BOF!!!!

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Guest scarlet135

actually hor..by reading the spoiler.. i dont find the ending a surprse one leh///

as in different from manga... it make me feel quite similar to japanese version

maybe that's how i feel

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Guest BigHeadDog

do we have an LQ download of ep 25 in sendspace? rapidshare is not working for me. please!

u r not alone...

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Guest eternitygoddess

SEOUL, March 31 (Yonhap) -- Some loved it, some despised it. But no one will deny KBS TV drama "Boys over Flowers" became an unprecedented phenomenon in South Korea's television industry.

Since its first episode aired on Jan. 5, the series found itself at the center of a storm of rumors and controversy: one of its actresses committed suicide, all four main actors were injured in car accidents while rushing through a tight schedule and the show received several warnings from the media watchdog for excessive product placement and vulgar depiction of teenagers. To top it off, the series was repeatedly and harshly criticized for its "unrealistic and silly" plot.

But fans stuck with the 25-part series, which recorded an average 30 percent viewer rating at home and was sold to 11 Asian countries including Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. "We could do better if we were to make the drama all over again," said Bae Jong-byung, the drama's planning director, in a recent interview. "But we are quite satisfied with what we achieved the first time. We managed to create a brand new type of drama."

Despite a weak plot and flawed story line, fans say the Korean version still presented the "greatest eye pleasure" among the three adaptations thanks mostly to the show's four main actors. "I loved the comic books back in middle school and was delighted that the TV characters matched my imagination perfectly," said 27-year-old office worker Lee Ja-young. "Despite all its shortcomings, the Korean version has the best looking actors and I was happy just at the sight of them."

"The drama could never have earned so much popularity if F4 had been any less attractive," said Nam Sung-eh, 30. "Women want to look at pretty actors and fantasize about them: just as men do about actresses."

"While the plot might not have been dense enough, we did our best to create visually impressive scenes. Being a fantasy, I think audiences were ready to overlook some of the logical flaws as long as they liked what they were seeing."

This pisses me off.

So the PDs think that we viewers are a bunch of brainless twits who will be satisfied with looking at an attractive cast? While I'm all for cute actors, THAT IN NO WAY MAKES UP FOR A SH*TTY STORYLINE and nonsensical transitions and bad editing.

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Guest shamien7

SO....in the end...the most happiest couple is Mama Kang & Papa Goo...

Wau...so brilliant ending...all hardship Jundi & Soeul couple went tru...the happiness all went to the Goo couple...*claps claps CLAPS*


not only the characters...but the casts also! Pity them! Burn G8! Burnt to ashes!

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Guest BigHeadDog

they might have special. they might to look at the public's comment and have a special..

they better have special or whatever to cover this "mistake" lol...

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Guest hhv94

Based on all the feedback for episode 25 its a VERY open ending. It makes me think that the creators of the show might consider another TV special of some sort after episode 25. It wouldn't be shocking if they wanted to do this. Either way I'm still looking forward to episode 25 despite what I've read about it.

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Guest tam1430267282

they better have special or whatever to cover this "mistake" lol...

I'll forgive them if they show the unedited kiss in chapter 10. lol

Loved the pool scene.. but some parts where quite funny.. :lol:


JanDi knew exactly where the necklace fell.. :lol:


JoonPyo's version of CPR :lol:

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Guest eternitygoddess

At least JP presented her with a Cartier ring instead of a cheap @ss imitation like the star necklace.

I feel like flying to Korea right now and slapping the director(or whoever it was who wrote the ending script) left, right, down, up, center.

Maybe he accidently yelled CUT~! just before Jandi could've said YES to Junpyo's proposal.

Or the scriptwriter could've accidently left out the word YES on the script.

Either way, I just feel like kicking and slapping them. Why would they do that on the last episode?!?!?!

Is it so hard?

Ok fine, if they didn't want Jandi to mouth the word Y-E-S......they could have at least made her NOD HER FREAKING HEAD. That would have made the ending so much better. I don't want to just ASSUME that Jandi accepted the proposal. I want confirmation with a YES or a NOD OF HER HEAD.

And and....what did the director say about a "different" ending for Gaeul and YiJung? Different, my foot!

The scriptwriter prob. wanted a JH&JD ending, but couldn't get it, so she screwed Jundi fans over as much as she could.

Just for the sake of it, I'm going to say JD rejects JP's proposal after the beach scene and runs off with JH!


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All newcomers please read the rules on the first page.

they better have special or whatever to cover this "mistake" lol...

^ this is your 13th post within 24hrs.

actually hor..by reading the spoiler.. i dont find the ending a surprse one leh///

as in different from manga... it make me feel quite similar to japanese version

maybe that's how i feel

^ 7th post.

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Guest juneforest2000

Ya...Last eps tonight..........ending with an open ending scene. THAT SUCKS!!!!! <_<

It's totally a disappointment!!! Yes, JP and JD is together, JP proposed to JD, BUT WHAT SO DIFFICULT FOR JD TO JUST SAID YES OR NOD HER HEAD!!!!!???? :wacko:

ST*PID DUMB @SS OF THE SW AND PD!!!!!!!! Why must they destroyed a nice drama like that!!!??? :fury:

What confidentiality are they talking about to keep the last ep from leaking out, THIS ENDING IS JUST CRAP!!!!!! :crazy:

PLS...NO MORE SECOND SEASON, PLS....If it's the same SW and PD, KBS can forget about it!!!!!! I really doubted their abilities to produce another good BOF. They just made BOF a mess and the casts will all have to suffer under them. :angry:

Lucky this drama is acted by good casts such as LMH and GHS etc....not only do they look good, they are surperb in their acting skills, else I dun even bother to watch with this kind of LOUSY PD AND SW drama :(

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Guest Bamidele

I feel really really really upset right now with how they went about this. After all the crap JD/JP go through they end it with barely any happy moments between the two. I mean JH/JD had WAY more moments than JD/JP and I feel like I am going to fly to Korea to give the PD and the scriptwriter a piece of my mind.

Did they not boast that most fans would be really happy with the ending and that it would be different from the other two. It is still the same open ended stuff the other versions had before HYD did the movie.

All I wanted was Ga Eul and Yi Jung to have a hug at least but nooooooooo the PD gives me some ambiguous garbage.

There are too many unfinished strains and now it has come to an end.

Thanks to everyone for making this a great thread:)

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Guest funkindagirl

TV drama ends amid lingering popularity, controversy

SEOUL, March 31 (Yonhap) -- Some loved it, some despised it. But no one will deny KBS TV drama "Boys over Flowers" became an unprecedented phenomenon in South Korea's television industry.

To top it off the series was repeatedly and harshly criticized for its "unrealistic and silly" plot.

Thank you for sharing, I think this is a BRILLIANT ARTICLE which perfectly sums up the BOF experience!

But the BOF producers just make it sound like all they really cared about (and thought the fans cared about) was having something which looked stunning and therefore it didnt matter if the story was seriously flawed and had terrible editing and transitions, completely lost its focus halfway through.

The weak story was largely a product of the drama's tight shooting schedule, producers said. "With the actors and actresses becoming so popular and busy, we had a hard time mapping out schedules that work for everyone," the drama's main producer Jun Ki-sang said. "While the plot might not have been dense enough, we did our best to create visually impressive scenes. Being a fantasy, I think audiences were ready to overlook some of the logical flaws as long as they liked what they were seeing."

"We could do better if we were to make the drama all over again," said Bae Jong-byung, the drama's planning director, in a recent interview. "But we are quite satisfied with what we achieved the first time. We managed to create a brand new type of drama."

"I regret the fact we did not have more time to spend on the scenario and the overall story," producer Jun said. "Everything was new to us as it was to viewers and we panicked. We hope we can manage to create something of a better quality next time."

Its a shame they couldnt get it completely right the first time. They make it sound like BOF was just an experimentation.

And whats up with 'they panicked'????

They're supposed to be professionals, they should be used to this situation, no wonder this drama went through such ups and down. <_<

And its a bit late to say they'll create something better next time when we wanted it THIS time. BOF could've been soo much more and thats the sad thing about it.

Dubbing the drama "an unexpected jackpot," media critic Kang Myung-suk said producers should learn to be more patient in creating high-quality products. "'Boys...' could pull it off because it was the first of its kind, but viewers may not be so easily fooled next time," he said. "Instead of focusing on short-term profits, producers should really think about spending more time, money and effort in creating something better."


For fans there was a certain 'wow' factor in the way this new adaptation was portrayed. It felt so different, so fresh and enriching. And that was what probably pulled a lot of people in to begin with.

But then we realised along the way that aesthetics was far more prided over conveying a high quality drama with depth and logic to it.

Fans idolized members of the F4 like pop groups on stage and appeared ready to forgive their awkward acting and the show's weak plot that went from strange to stranger as the series wore on.

There were also a number of unexplained plot twists between episodes, with characters appearing and disappearing seemingly at random.

Strange to stranger. lol

I cant disagree with that.

"Our main focus was to cast the most handsome, cutest and freshest F4, and keep them that way throughout the show," said director Bae. "Everything else came after that."

Despite a weak plot and flawed story line, fans say the Korean version still presented the "greatest eye pleasure"

Despite all its shortcomings, the Korean version has the best looking actors and I was happy just at the sight of them."

"The drama could never have earned so much popularity if F4 had been any less attractive," said Nam Sung-eh, 30. "Women want to look at pretty actors and fantasize about them: just as men do about actresses."

Their attitude surprises me, I never realised just HOW MUCH koreans place beauty and looks before talent.

Koreans must have a completely different level of expectation because HYD didnt have the best looking cast but it was still hugely popular.

I agree BOF was the most pleasing to the eye but I dont think that justifies having a badly executed story.

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can someone romanize it?

translate: Goo JoonPyo, good bye..i will miss you...

juneforest2000, that is the typical of Korean drama. *sighs*

okay, i admit i hate that F3 interrupted the proposal moment before JD say 'YES' >,<

but, JD-JP's body language - with JP's hand around JD's shoulder, it tells everything.... :)

well, i wish JD also rounds her right hand on JP's .... *sighs*

i would juz keep remember that JD loves JP, JP loves JD...^^








cr: DC MinHo


flower_pot, i'm waiting for your JoonDi's fanfic!! B)

and please put swempy_ren's picture on it too...hehe....^^

swempy_ren, thanks for sharing that 'HOT' pic... how we wish the ending story would be like that... B)

more please! kkk...

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