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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest crazii3me

loved todays episode.. cant believe its all coming to an end tomorrow. first off, love reading your commentary, flowerpot. u nvr fail to make me laugh. minho did a great job in today's episode, all well as the whole cast including hye sun and khj. khj did so well in ep 24, i felt he actually displayed his emotions in a subtle way, well at least thats what i think. glad, at least one person sees yumi as the deceiving and horrible person as she is, but the actress herself isnt that bad. anyways back to fangirling, jihoo is so gorgeous, and hes my fav in bof just because hes so princelike. even though i love jihoo and khj, but i didnt like the last scene, it was touching but i had enough of janhoo scenes. he already got rejected, and is in a miserable state, and he has to be constantly reminded that he missed out on the girl he loves.. either the pd loves him so much to have him in so many scenes or just down right hates him to make him so miserable

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Guest danick

thanks FLOWERPOT for a wonderful recap! LMAO

it's funny that it was your comments that I remembered when there was a Jihoo solo EMO moment again..I told myself, yeah flowerpot is so right, there has to be a Jihoo moment like that in each episode. Gosh up to last couple of episodes and the writer is still convincing us that Jihoo is hot. We already knew that but why are they making him look pathetic. Give Jihoo a girl, for pete's sake. He deserves to be happy too.

One of my favorite highlights of the 24th epi is the Sauna Scene. Nothing beats in seeing Min Ho shirtless. I have forgiven the PD for those precious screentime with YUMI in it. The Sauna Scene made up for it. :P

I bet the PD only realized that Woo Bin should have been given more screentime. The guy is so cool and sure looks as if he just arrived from a fashion runway. If only the story really gave him a larger participation.

Even if JP can't remember JD, I still find their scenes cute.

Great acting from the Shinhwa heir and heiress. LMH is such a talented actor, he truly deserved the award.

One more episode and it's bye bye time. I hope it would be a wonderful ending, something that will just make us smile in the end.

See you tomorrow!. BOF I love you!

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Since we only have 2 more episodes left I thought I'd share some last moments that I hope they will include (of course, I'm sure they're done filming so this is all just wishful hoping). These are all based on the sweet JunDi moments we've seen in the series up until now; moments/themes that have recurred and would make a nice closing end:

  1. Heart beating in the background--we haven't seen this in so long and it would be a nice prelude to a possible honeymoon or real kiss scene
  2. Shirtless JP scene
  3. JP's curls--At first they were strange, but I miss them now. If they don't reappear on JP, I'll be satisfied if they are reincarnated on JunDi's son's head.
  4. JP carrying JD
  5. JD's famous spin kick (it could even be an attempt to make JP regain his memory, you know since a head trauma caused the amensia, maybe another head trauma will fix it)
  6. JunDi backhug while sharing a coat
  7. One last cute JunDi argument (where they are not really fighting but just arguing about something and calling each other stupid)
  8. JD making something JP-shaped for JP to eat
  9. JP giving JD a gift (started with New Caledonia anklet, moved on to diamond necklace, hopefully a... diamond ring?)
  10. Steamy kiss
  11. One last shirtless JP scene

EDIT: WB should have one last scene showing us his power

Just finished watching ep 24 and... YES! They DID give us another shirtless JP scene. Although I feel a little bit robbed since we already have a scene of him in a sauna. They could have at least let his towel slip as he got up... A little more variety to up the spice, but beggars can't be choosers. Now, if only they'll have JP rip his shirt off before jumping into the pool to save JD one last time, I will consider everything a good ending. Actually, on second thought, I guess they already have the final shirtless scene if they're going to use that photo of shirtless JP with goggles holding JD's hand while strolling along the beach.

Did anyone else appreciate the return of JH's white coat? It seems like they are trying to bring things back full circle towards the end. JP is back to his previous arrogant attitude, we should see JP trying to fall in love with JD again, except in this reverse situation, JD now has the task of trying to make JP fall in love with her, and we get JH's flowing white coat again. And I don't know if it's the power of the coat (which personally, I found to be kinda gay-looking so I'm not a big fan of it), but I didn't mind JH so much in this latter half of Ep 24. I think he's also returning to the character of the friend who is trying to help JD and JP. Or maybe it's bc I know this is the end so I'm just happy with whatever episode we get. No... that can't be right. Whatever. For some reason, he's just not bugging me today.

As for the amnesia, I think the reason JP forgets JD is because his last memory is of letting JD go. For those of you wondering what WB and JP were talking about in the sauna, JP was saying that he's letting JD go bc he loves her. JP was talking about how he hates his Shinhwa background and especially being related to Darth Mama and how JD is probably just sick of it all now. He says that if he himself hates the fact that he's Darth Mama's son, how much more must JD hate it. WB tries to tell him that may be with anyone else, but JD being JD, she probably feels differently. And (sob) JP says that's why he must let her go. He says that he doesn't even have the confidence to tell her that he'll make her happy and that he'll protect her. And bc he loves her, he must let her go. Then we see him stalking JD and JH and remembering his poolside (unfortunately fully clothed) conversation with JH where he says he could only give JD up to JH. And I believe his last words to JH right before he passed out after getting hit by the car was to remind JH that he had said he could only give JD to JH. So, the memory of giving JD was so painful for JP that he erased all traces of her from his memory.

Finally, someone posted a korean script leak a few days past and before it was translated, there was a comment that it appeared to be a fake spoiler, in fact, most likely a fanfic. However, based on the short preview we saw of Ep 25, the script looks pretty accurate to me. For those of you not understanding Korean, the script was for a conversation between JD and JP in the cable car. JP tells JD that it'll take 4 years and so he asks her to go (abroad) with him. JD refuses. JP is like wth and JD tells JP that when he was in Macau she realized what her dream for her future was. And in order to fulfill her own dream, she has to remain in Korea. She tells him to go and to come back as a really cool guy. JP aks if she won't regret it if she ends up losing him in the end. JD responds by asking if he's sure he won't regret losing her. JP replies that he lost (this argument) since he's known for some time that if he loses JD he'll regret it for the rest of his life. JD comments that JP may not be stupid in all areas after all and JP asks if she wants to die

Very concerned bc so much still has to happen and we all want a good ending. Good = lots of happy post-4-year-time-jump conclusion with wedding (or even multiple weddings) and some tough little JD's doing a junior version of JD's famous spin kick on her curly-haired JP jr sibling. I guess we can hope that Yumi will quickly disappear (except we still have the lunchbox and the napping together scenes to get through) and that more time will be devoted to a happy JunDi ending. And what about JP's dad? Kinda pointless to include him if they're not going to have him wake up?

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Guest swempy_ren

This is My first time posting a comment here, too bad i'm posting when it's almost over, Thanks you everyone for your amazing yet entertaining comments, Since tommorow will be the last episodes of our Most Beloved JoonDi Epic story, I would like to share this piece with you guys, hope you like it..

PS: I'll show you another pic of our beloved JoonDi Last Celebration moment tommorow....can't wait to watch JoonDi's finale moment..oooooo :tears: :tears: :D :D


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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

Hello Fellow BOF LOVERS!

What? I’m a second off the mark? DAMMIT… WHAT THE HECK! Then let’s go to town on this recap…

(Easy on the Zoloft Jihoo… Easy! But can I just say that Jihoo with spectacles makes me think of naughty thoughts? very, very naughty!)

[link] ero3.jpg[/link]

On second thought… WHY DON’T YOU LEAVE A LITTLE BIT LATER? Like 5 minutes before the show ends… Let me just bask in all of your shirtless glory while you sit there with Woobin in that sauna all bare chested and sweaty… WHAT? LEAVING SO SOON? *sigh* (mumbles) if you hafta…

(As if we don’t have enough of abandoned Jihoo, rejected Jihoo, desolate Jihoo and depressed Jihoo all throughout the 24 episodes of this show,)

OH LOOK, It’s UMI! HOW TIMELY! Jandi should have kicked her and not the vending machine while she still had the chance… *stab! stab! stab!*

OWN HER Jihoo… OWN HER and push her down some steps while you’re at it… I’d highly encourage hitting her with her own crutches too…

Flowerpot you don't know how much i love you; you've just made my day. :D

espicially: OWN HER! JIHOO OWN HER!! lol :P

I was just previewing today's whole episode on YT *thank you uploaders*

(haha, i need the subs XD)

haha, tomorow, i hope there is a STEAMT-HOTT-I-WANT-YOU-SO-MUCH kiss.

all i want to do right now is throw a shoe at Junpyo (& maybe one at Umi too, make that two)

i honestly have no more comments, or else i will spazz out right now.

but this is what have me a huge grin today :


*thinks naughty :rolleyes: *

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Guest kween_lisa

What is this hate on the Umi actress. I think she's great playing the role of Umi.

She's just an actress playing a role. No need to hate on her.

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Jang Umi! Jang Umi! I hate you. You spread bad rumors and hurt our fav couple because you're extremely self fish. I hope that you fall into a river and never return... better yet move to America, met Chen Jaekung's kick butt bodygaurd, and get your butt whooped by her. Then loose your memory and become homeless! Ha!

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Guest tchq90

Wow... Swempy Ren, What a great job... Please please please please give our Soulmates a drawing of this couple in addition to Joondi.....

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Flowerpot, I loved your commentary - as usual. And I almost died laughing at the thought of Miss Scriptwriter kneeling at a shrine of Jihoo every night. Too funny!

But, gosh, how I love Jihoo in this episode. I tend to love Lei/Rui and now Jihoo in all versions of the amnesia arc. The way he stands up for Jandi is just adorable. And I swear KHJ's acting has improved by leaps and bounds. It makes me almost want to jump into that HooDi ship - ALMOST but not quite. Because Hana Yori Dango or BOF won't be what it is if Junpyo doesn't end up with Jandi.

And isn't Yumi the most annoying of the 3 versions? Her 'oppa' is driving me up the wall. I can't believe we still have to endure her tomorrow. Really hope JP humiliates her as badly as he did it in the manga, and the HYD version. I will be SOOO happy.

But having said that - I just want to say again - Jihoo was so great! Wish he did punch JP - that would have returned his memories! Jihoo! Fighting!

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Guest Bamidele

Poor Ga Eul....if only she had let Yi Jung speak I think she would have been surprised to hear what he had to say. She thinks she doesn't have a chance...I am looking forward to their ending:)

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Sorry guys, I need to rant:

Gu Jun Pyo - what's with that lame expression on your face when that Yumi gal announces you two will be traveling abroad together! What? Why? Arghh!! You should push her away!!

In the manga, Tsukasa tells her :"Even if I don't remember, my cells are telling me - you're not what I need." JP should tell her something like that - that'll put her in her place. Why is everybody being so 'nice' to her?!! :angry:

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Just watched ep 24 eng subbed on YT and I have this bad feeling that we won't see a wedding, because so much to happen yet. It is going to be a (typical?) k-drama ending? A bit open? JP and JD will be together, but not as together as we would like them to be <_< .

I hope I am wrong. We'll see tomorrow.

If not, then I hope they will make the movie fast. That would be one of the first in Korea, not? I mean a movie as a sequel of a drama. Maybe someone else more knowledgeable could enlighted us on this.

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Guest Debbie1633

They have one more episode left but I seriously do not know how they are going to cram everything into one episode. I don't want the ending to be rushed.

What is left that still needs to be covered? From the preview, we know that there is a party where Yu Mi announces going abroad with Jun Pyo, Jun Pyo getting his memory of Jan Di back, Yu Mi and Jun Pyo spending time together at Jun Pyo's house, somethings with Ji Hoo and Jan Di, something about Ga Eul and Yi Jung, the cable car date and conversation, and the four years later arc. That's a lot! I know that they are not going to have episode 26 but perhaps episode 25 will have an extra 10-15 mins or perhaps even half an hour???

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Guest kween_lisa

Just watched ep 24 eng subbed on YT and I have this bad feeling that we won't see a wedding, because so much to happen yet. It is going to be a (typical?) k-drama ending? A bit open? JP and JD will be together, but not as together as we would like them to be <_< .

I hope I am wrong. We'll see tomorrow.

If not, then I hope they will make the movie fast. That would be one of the first in Korea, not? I mean a movie as a sequel of a drama. Maybe someone else more knowledgeable could enlighted us on this.

I dont think there will be a wedding.

Maybe a special?

Teehee, they SHOULD!

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Guest funkindagirl

Oh I loved so many moments in this episode.

But seriously...WHY IS JIHOO (and F2 for that matter) SOO ANNOYINGLY PASSIVE??

I mean they carry on letting JP be under the assumption that JD is JH's girlfriend.

I was so frustrated at the part where JP tells JH he doesnt want to see her again...and he just SITS there not even defending her or saying 'she's your GF!'

And then again when he asks JH why he should remember 'YOUR girl' !!!

How do they expect him to have a clue who she's meant to be to him if they dont tell him anything!

At least if they said 'JD is your girlfriend' it might make it easier for him to recall what he's lost! He'll put more effort into remembering WHY she became his GF because at the moment he doesn't really have an incentive to recover those lost memories.

I don't think F3 are really being very helpful, at least give him a little push in the right direction rather than not saying anything at all.

And I thought JD's attempt to explain she wasnt 'JH's girl' pretty weak.

Although it was so cute how she was trying to tell JP that she's 'HIS GIRL' and got embarrassed by it.

Hahaha but poor JD got cut off by him before she could get it out. ^_^

But my fav scene had to be the high kick and JP going all cross-eyed! Hilarious. :lol:

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hello !!! new fan here :] i started watching this series friday and now im on episode 24.. wow. !!! lol . I LOVEEEEEEEE THIS DRAMA. JUNG PYO FIGHTING !!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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