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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest La.La^^

I'm going to control myself and not watch the long previews for EP22+23.

sorry to cut your post. wells. same with me here.

trying not to read anymore spoilers and previews.

gonna keep the last 4 episodes as exciting as they can be.

(even though i know the 'touch' kiss and the Umi girl)

edit: maybe people misunderstand what i wrote. it is the 'touch' kiss between JP and JD and also Umi girl going to appear in BOF ep. 23)

Oh my gosh, so many things still need to be covered.

(from my speculation after watching the japanese. version)

can they fit it in 4 eps? o.0

please don't rush the ending.

can't believe this drama gonna end soon. :(

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I've posted the other F3's members interview before. Please check back the last few pages.

Link to Kim Bum's Interview:Post #19724

Link to Min Ho's Interview: Post #19880

Link to Hyun Joong's Interview:Post #20418

Kim Joon’s Interview

In his interview with ISplus (reporter Lee Hyun) published on March 17, Kim Joon explains why Seo Taiji is his idol, what his life motto is, and how he relieves stress.

IS: Who is the person you want to meet the most?

KJ: I want to meet Seo Taiji - who has been my idol since I was young - the most. Even as an elementary school student at the time, it was apparent that he was leading [Korean] music in a new direction. He was unique, and I was amazed. In spite of the fact that it’s been 17 years since his debut, he continually releases albums and works energetically; I think that he is truly respectable.

IS: Who is your favourite athlete?

KJ: At the peak of my interest in sports, I was manic about the NBA. I liked Michael Jordan the best. His extraordinary skill is one thing, but the fact that even his name itself can give off a strong force also makes me jealous.

IS: What is your life motto?

KJ: My motto is, ‘[it's more important to] try your best rather than become the best.’ When I was young, I went to a souvenir shop with my parents and got a wood block that was engraved with [that] passage. Although they’re words that I received randomly, I like them.

IS: Is there a skill/talent that you’ve worked on fine-tuning since you were a student?

KJ: I’m most confident in my rap skills, as I am in charge of rapping for T-Max. I liked dancing when I was young, but I don’t think I can do anything special compared to others. I am pleased that I can freely come up with material for when I create raps and write lyrics.

IS: What has changed since you’ve become a member of F4?

KJ: I think the way people see Kim Joon has changed. There are people who are seeing me in a new perspective, and people who are seeing me for the first time. At restaurants, I get warm greetings and cheers from ajummas. Plus, as the drama has gotten extremely popular, I think I’ve been receiving a lot of care.

IS: If you became a chaebol (tycoon) like your character [in Boys Over Flowers], what would you most want to do?

KJ: I would check my bank balance. I think I would feel so content as I look at the amount and think to myself, “So this is how much I have…” Actually, I’m curious if people who really have that much money check how much their fortune is as well.

IS: If you get 10 billion won in your hand from winning the lottery, how would you distribute the spending?

KJ: Initially, I’d like to put it neatly away for savings. I wouldn’t want to spend money recklessly on things that I hadn’t planned just because I got a lot of money at once.

IS: Is there an actress you’d like to star opposite?

KJ: Since I’m still unfamiliar with acting, I haven’t given a thought to which actress I’d like to act with. I’m just happy that acting seems to have given me a lucky break.

IS: Which websites do you have bookmarked?

KJ: There’s no particular internet site that I visit regularly. I just check the internet daily to watch for articles related to Boys Over Flowers, me, or T-Max.

IS: Name a characteristic that you’re jealous of from each F4 member.

KJ: I’m envious of their age and experience. Although I’m the eldest among the F4, experience-wise, I’m just a rookie. Although they are of less years, they started earlier and have more experience. I have the thought that compared to myself, they have more time to show [their work, talent].

IS: So far in life, what has been your greatest fortune?

KJ: I think my luckiest break has been debuting as a singer for T-Max.

IS: When was a critical moment (crisis) in your life?

KJ: The time I spent as a trainee singer was a critical time. It wasn’t so much that we suffered many hardships, but the uncertainty while waiting to debut. Like the expression ‘It’s darkest before the sun rises’, up to the time of debut, it was difficult to not know what would happen.

IS: What is your drinking capacity? Who do you usually drink with?

KJ: My limit is about one bottle of soju. There are many times when I drink soju with the people I lived with and shared joy with during a period of difficulty - my T-Max members.

IS: What are some objects that you always carry around in your bag?

KJ: These days my cellphone is the most important item. I need to take care to have it constantly because I don’t know when, where, what kind of call I’ll receive. I think it’s become more important than my wallet.

IS: What method do you use to relieve stress?

KJ: I relieve stress by letting out roar-like screams. When I was young I used to exercise and play games to relieve stress. However, once I started this work, I haven’t had time to exercise and play games. Hence, I got into the habit [of yelling]. So when there’s stifling or annoying circumstances and I can’t express my feelings, I let out a scream. Sometimes I scream (howl) when something good happens too.

IS: Which three objects would you take with you if you had to be stuck on a deserted island?

KJ: I would have to take my cellphone, mp3 player, and water. If possible, I’d need to contact people; listening to music is a must, and since I’d get thirsty….

IS: If you were given a perfectly [schedule-]free day, what would you want to do?

KJ: Due to the tight filming scheduling, there have been many nights when I couldn’t get proper sleep. Once [boys Over Flowers] filming is complete, I want to make up for all the sleep I missed.

IS: (Who manages your income?) How do you manage your income?

KJ: My parents manage my entire income. These days I haven’t had many reasons to spend money due to my schedule, so I haven’t been getting much allowance.

IS: Approximately when did you date your last girlfriend?

KJ: I haven’t dated anyone since before my debut.

[KP's note: Kim Joon said during an appearance on a TV program (2/27/09) that he hasn't dated anyone since the age of 20 because he had to prepare for his debut.]

IS: What do you consider the most when looking at the opposite sex?

KJ: I think the personality of the woman is more important than her appearance. Truthfully if your heart begins to develop feelings for someone, wouldn’t you be attracted (drawn) to them without specific reason?

IS: If you get a girlfriend, is there endearing nickname you want to call her?

KJ: I’m not very good with using cute nicknames so I tend to just call the girl by ‘Hey you! (야!)’ or her name just like a friend.

IS: If you get a girlfriend, what kind of present would you most want to receive from her?

KJ: I would want a handwritten letter from my girlfriend. Not many people handwrite letters nowadays, but I think a letter is the best way to express and store your true feelings.

Source: KPculture

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Guest simplyyjenii

cant wait for ep 22 and 23 to be aired this coming week :)

edit : the interview with KJ seems really interesting! haha aww a hand written letter how sweeet :)

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Guest shamien7

JP and the lil kid is sooo cute!! *Keep replaying again n again*

LOL...JD shouting at the top of her voice in JP house!! I wonder whats she saying...JP ah, you shld just keep her in your room! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, does anyone know who gonna be the wretched Umi? shes gonna be in ep23 rite?

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Guest Ms. Shin-Go08

SoonJap, Thank you so much for the translation of T_Max bad thoughts. It's nice to know why I love this song so much

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Guest xixicc77

im really curious about UMI ??


umi really kiss Domyoji in manga?


what happn with the kiss ?? huh!


UMI has never kissed Domyoji in manga

is there a scene that UMI kiss JP in the next few episodes?

I can't believe it , because this plot is so unreasonalbe.

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JP and the lil kid is sooo cute!! *Keep replaying again n again*

LOL...JD shouting at the top of her voice in JP house!! I wonder whats she saying...JP ah, you shld just keep her in your room! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, does anyone know who gonna be the wretched Umi? shes gonna be in ep23 rite?

I remember those were the exact same lines that Han Hyo Joo said to her best friend in the drama High as the Sky...

Jandi was shouting "JunPyo, let's play!" super cute.

I have to agree with you the kid scene, that was the cutest ever, especially when he was whispering something, JunPyo's expression was just adorable, like he was seriously listening.

I keep replaying it too lol.

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Guest itzdi

Im excited to see the next few episodes. I agree with some of you, i hope to that it is not rush. :rolleyes:

Does anyone have the eng subs of the long previews? I hope YJ and gaeul's relationship is resolve its a shame that the pd has taken time to develope a little romance for them but i feel as if its not going anywhere..

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Guest itzdi

oh, as far as Mama kangs evil doings. I think shes been caught up in taking over the whole world that shes lost her family. Maybe we can see a different side to her towards the ending..hahah can you imagine

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Guest eternitygoddess

How did Mama Kang even get married to JunPyo's dad?

Was it an arranged marriage? Did she bulldoze him out of the way and take over the company?

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Guest starlight tears


Woobin: It's worse than death these days. Yi Jung is acting like a pain, Joonpyo's imprisoned.. I've been so stressed. Look. My skin has been deteriorating. Don't worry too much, though. It's not a big deal. He's just not allowed to go out.. He ruined a wedding in front of that almighty woman. It would be strange if there was no consequence. I'm planning on going to Joonpyo right now. Do you want me to deliever a message or anything? [jandi shakes her head] Are you okay, Jandi?

Jandi: I'm doing perfectly fine.. Why? Why are you looking at me like that?

Woobin: Just... you staying at Jihoo's house.. it seems like both you and Jihoo are comfortable about that. [jd gives him a look] I'm just saying.. [gets up to leave] Be strong, Geum Jandi. And thanks.

Jandi: For what?

Woobin: Jihoo. I've never seen him look so peaceful and comfortable. He found his grandfather because of you.

Jandi: No, right now they're doing me a favor.

but yes, anyways, awww woobin i just love him. he's just wonderful in my eyes haha and i'm glad to see joonpyo finally stepping up. YES YOU CAN DO IT! BE A MAN! and jandi, just be quiet. haha let the man protect you. what's wrong with you?! haha no, but i really do love jandi<3 i know a lot of people are complaining about the upcoming kiss scene, but i'm just glad that they're having SOME kind of contact. i would be happy with seeing their lips barely touch for thirty seconds. haha i've been waiting too long to see joonpyo and jandi have their sweet, happy moment.

hahaha! Woobin is worried about his skin! Poor Woobin...he's stressed beacuse of his f4 friends. Just love him too! Thanks for translation TWinkle. Is there translation for Ep. 23 preview?

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Guest del32

OMG! The little boy was soo adorable! I love the way he's tugging on JP's jacket, making him to bend down so he'd whispers in his ear. JP'd make a great daddy someday :lol:

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Guest kimngoc266

Thanks for the translation, TW1NKLE! But just to clarify, in the ep 22 long preview, Secretary Jung tells Chairwoman Kang, "Aside from everything else, but to eliminate Su-Am Art Center..."

In other words, the witch's plan to hurt JD involves trying to hurt JH's art center business. I assume this is why JD decides to break up with JP.

I agree with you, Instead of focusing on rescuing the company, she now know what hurt JD the best, she is going after JH, that's why JD has no choice but to break up with JP. I wondered what the proposal JP was talking at the end with madam Kang.

Watching the preview make feel easier, it's focusing on JP and JD even though they are having a difficult time. The PD still stay true to the story with JP and JD end up together.

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YJ and GE (in the first pic, they're waiting for filming. in the second pic, YJ is taking GE's photo w/ a camera):



JD at the fishing village (notice JD's dad and Kang Sang hugging at the left):


MORE SPOILERS FROM EP 23 SCRIPT (Note: The spoilers below are not by the same person as the three spoiler posts I've posted earlier. That person is the only spoiler poster I trust (as re-confirmed by the long previews released yesterday), but as the spoiler below is by a different person, I'm not 100% sure of its accuracy. Nevertheless, it does sound reasonable and this person also claims that she also accidentally ran into the script so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

JH finds out the location of JD after seeing a tv show about fishing villages. He tells JP the location and then heads to the fishing village. There, he tries to give JD his mom's ring (which he always carries around as a necklace), but JD refuses by showing JH the star/moon necklace and tells him that no matter what happens, she can't abandon this one necklace. JP is watching from afar, but not sure whether JP sees the "proposal."

At the fishing village lives a man who is seeking revenge at the Shinhwa Group. He mistakenly thinks JH is JP and tries to stab him, but JP gets stabbed instead while trying to stop him. JD is there too. When JP is hospitalized, Joon Hee yells at Chairwoman Kang and says this is all her fault. According to the script, Chairwoman Kang sheds a tear (not sure if in front of Joon Hee or not).

Ep 23 ends w/ JH crying in front of his grandfather. Not sure whether all this will be included in ep 23 or pushed back to 24. As of ep 23, no sign of Umi yet.

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Guest ml_87

just finished watching the preview of episode 22 and 23. ha ha, the scene of Jp takingng the child in his arm and running is so cute. like a real dad and JD's smile. she must be very happy :D everything will be great if there's no mamakang's appearance. before, i have thought that she's less scared compared to the mother in Taiwan's version and in the manga. but now i realize that she's very cunning. obviously, she and JD have a deal cauz JD comes to Jp house and calls his name very loudly (why he's scared that the evil mom can hear her voice). so anyone pls tell me whether the man JP will take care of is JP's dad or not. and what Jun Hee says to ma ma kang in episode 23).

btw, I'm very gald to see the happy smile on JP and JD's face again. they cant be themself if lacking the other. moreover, i'm appreciated that JD say to JP that she dont want any protection. that's JD and again, she's the weed when beside JP. thinking of the rainy breakup, a bit sad! but i wanna enjoy the 2 dates first!


blueangle: u're always awesome! ths so much! so i see that they combine the manga and Japaness version. i'm so glad when JD refuses JH and says that she cant abandon the necklace-> it means that she cant leave JP. ^^ in the manga, a man stabbed Jp in the street. and in the J-version, tsukasa fell over the the cliff when coming to pick JD in the village (if i dont mistake). Jp receives the stab for JH. so he wont owe Jh any thing more :( i'm very pleased that JP and JD will end up together. and moreover, Umi will appear in episode 24 only. :)

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Guest shamien7


At the fishing village lives a man who is seeking revenge at the Shinhwa Group. He mistakenly thinks JH is JP and tries to stab him, but JP gets stabbed instead while trying to stop him. JD is there too. When JP is hospitalized, Joon Hee yells at Chairwoman Kang and says this is all her fault. According to the script, Chairwoman Kang drops a tear (not sure if in front of Joon Hee or not).

OMG!!! uri JP got stabbed??? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Looks like JH owed JP his life! Maybe that will be the reason he'll give up completely on JD... :tears:

No Umi? then maybe there will be no Umi! :huh: Or that Umi just gonna be a random nurse who happen to be at the hospital and got a huge crush on uri JP :mellow:

p/s:JP got stabbed??? Oh pity heart...calm down...stop imagining bad thing...he'll survive no matter how bad it sound... :tears: :tears: :tears:

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