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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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@ blue_angel_1004 .... THANKS HEAPS!

Bus chase scene .... awwww .... poor Jun-pyo and those long legs :tears::tears:

Woo-bin and Jun-pyo car chase scene .... how cool .... Woo-bin does look cool in his car B)B)

Self-destructing Jun-pyo ... why Jan-di? why? :tears::tears:

Patient with Alzheimers?? ... is it Jun-pyo's dad??? Could it be?? I always thought his part in the story was a bit short-lived. Maybe that will be the reason why Madam Kang accepts Jan-di in the end.

KISS! KISS! KISS! :blush: :w00t::w00t:

Bring on the KBS official preview! Bring on Monday!

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JD takes care of a patient w/ Alzheimer's..

At first I was really surprised when I read this part in the script..

But just to clarify, it is not an Alzheimer's patient, but someone in a vegetative state. (This should help you know who this patient is, right?)

JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

Okay, I'm truly screaming now at this part, could this be JP's long dead pa-pa? I always believed that he was not dead :o . Always thought that Mama Kang was lying to JP to get him to take over and leave JD. Can't wait to next week, on the otherhand, I really do need to reclaim my life, lol.

F4Fan I agree with you 100%, JH was JD's first love (puppy love/crush) which is why she was able to walk away from him yet still have a place for him in her heart. JP is her true love which is why she can't walk away so easily and is having such a hard time functioning without him and yes, she is JP's first and true love. JP is not the type to fall in/out of love or have school boy crushes. When he said to the end, he meant it. No matter who comes in/out of his life, JD will be his love just like he will be JD's love. She walked out on JH, literally and never looked back.

Thanks to everyone who provided the spoilers, pics and OST links. I'm one of those who likes to know a little about what's going to happen before it happens.



I see that this is your first post. So sorry to read that you find the Kversion of BOF to be boring. Perhaps this is not the forum for you since most people here actually like BOF and the Kversion characters. It might help also if you watch more than 5 episodes before judging all of the hard work of the staff and cast. It seems that you really didn't like any of the manga versions maybe it would be best if you stayed away from them. But then again, everyone is entitled to their opinion - so welcome anyway.

F4Fan I love your version of the bus chase. So much drama and a wet JP to boot :blush: :sweatingbullets: be still my heart.

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

OMO! wow guys. thank you for sharing all the pictures, i really appreaciate them XD

still, as much as i shouldn't be here reading about spoilers *tsk tsk* i really can not wait to see the

next episodes. (now i have to promise to not look in this thread for new spoilers XD)

but i don't think that i can bear the bus scene *pictures junpyo crying* *heart breaks* its like 'things' all over again. but i still can not wait to see!!!!!!

still, i'm not too excited for the amnesia part *screams to the heavens*

I feel bad for my Jihoo though, he doesnt have anyone to go to *Pang raises hand excitedly*

maybe he and Woobin can get together *thinks JiBin* haha.

i love both of them<3


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Guest green.teax

104 users viewing~ yayy! xD

Ohkay, ohkay.

JD takes care of a patient w/ Alzheimer's.. At first I was really surprised when I read this part in the script..

But just to clarify, it is not an Alzheimer's patient, but someone in a vegetative state. (This should help you know who this patient is, right?) JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

Like above, could it be JP's daddy? O-O

But wouldn't JD recognize him? Since he was the leader of the Shinhwa group, so shouldn't she at least recognize him from newspapers or something? Aiii..

Previews are tomorrow and sunday right? AHH..Cannot wait!

EDIT: I haven't watched the other versions, but what caused the bus scene? And the amnesia won't be long right? Hope not, I can't stand angst, although the angst does contribute significantly to the popularity of the drama. xD

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Guest betchay

JD takes care of a patient w/ Alzheimer's..

At first I was really surprised when I read this part in the script..

But just to clarify, it is not an Alzheimer's patient, but someone in a vegetative state. (This should help you know who this patient is, right?)

JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

Thank you 'blue_angel_1004' . :)

It might be JP's dad, maybe sec. Jung would request her to take care of him.

And like Jihoo have said, JD.. a miracle lady will help him recover from his vegetative state.

I'm worried how they will put all these scenes together in just 4 episodes w/o shortening JUNDI moments.

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Oooooo... new spoilers. So interesting. Thanks to everyone for posting them. IF the patient in the vegetative state is JP's dad Darth Mama deliberately made him that way because she wants to rule the universe, starting with Shinhwa. I'm thinking she colludes with doctors and puts him in a drug-induced coma of sorts. This would then explain how JP and JD end up together in the end because if JD awakens JP's dad, then dad is back in control and loves JD and lets the 2 be together . Of course, this is only assuming that JP had a good relationship with his dad or even that his dad is a normal person, which is a bit strange bc JP never really saw his parents growing up. He might as well have been an orphan, like JH, except that he had his sister. On the other hand, JP's dad will be so mad at Darth Mama that he'll probably agree to anything to foil her evil plans.

As for the fact that JD doesn't recognize him, it's very possible since people who are sick look very different. Also, JD never recognized any of the F4. In fact, she didn't even know who or what they were. And in this version, the F4 are so famous that girls everywhere recognize them. Whenever they are out in public, swarms of girls converge on them and try to touch them (remember the club scene when YJ and GE went on their 1st fake date, and outside the porridge shop when GE and JD were trying to raise money for JD's Macau trip).

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Guest F4fan

It would be great if it rained also during the bus scene. I am just saying.....

Rain + bus scene + JP chasing + JD crying + JP falls to ground heartbroken = AWESOME DRAMA! Yeah!!!

Don't you, guys, agree?

Can't wait! :P

Some of these breakup scenes are just as good as the making up scenes. I love the "stain I want to erase" scene as much as the playground kiss or the cabin kiss. LMH and GHS sell these scenes. The pain, joy, love, heartache, heartbreak, happiness... you name it, you can feel it from these two.

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Guest del32

They're doing the bus scenes? Gosh, I was bawling my eyes out at the MG version, but the girl gets out of the bus and hugs him at that version.. :o

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Guest edrea

I really think that JH is the soulmate. He understands her in ways that no one can. It has been shown again and again how he always knows what she wants.

JP just does whatever but the fact that he tries so hard makes JD fall in love with him.

I really want a boyfriend like JP. Someone kind of emotionally stupid, but so freaking adorable! lol. Too bad this is only a drama; I doubt a guy like that exists. At least, I have yet to meet him!

Actually, I also want someone like JH.

This show really knows how the present 2 types of boys that girls want!

AGREE!! somehow i feel that JH understands JD more than JP does...

I heart this version more than the TW and JP ones..

The flow is interesting..

I would like to see what'll happen to GE and the cutest F4 ;)

WB shud've had more lines tho.. :(

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Guest webby

thanks 'blue_angel_1004' for the spoiler... vegetative state, i was feeling shivers in my spine. so that's how they are going to reconcile mama kang with jandi... shivers.. that's a good one actually. jandi's literally gonna bring the family back in motion.I think JP will love JD to bits if she brings his father back to a normal state, not that he's not loving her enough now. And then you know, he can have half the responsibility of Shinhwa off his shoulder. Oh wow! I love the scriptwriter..



F4+구혜선 '꽃남 밴드' 극비 추진

[한국일보] 2009년 03월 20일(금)

애니콜 뮤직드라마·무대 이벤트 프로젝트 기획 '꽃남 밴드'가 뜬다.

화제의 드라마 <꽃보다 남자>의 주인공들이 총출동하는 초대형 프로젝트가 극비리에 추진되고 있다. 삼성전자 애니콜은 <꽃보다 남자>의 F4 이민호 김현중 김범 김준을 비롯해 구혜선이 참여하는 뮤직드라마를 기획하고 있다.

한 관계자는 "드라마의 주인공들이 등장하는 프로젝트를 기획하고 있다. 5명이 노래뿐만 아니라 무대에 함께 서는 이벤트도 고려하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

애니콜 측은 이번 프로젝트를 '꽃남밴드'로 잠정 명명했다. 이번 프로젝트는 지난 2005년 내놓았던 이효리와 에릭 주연의 뮤직비디오 '애니모션'과 맥을 같이 한다.

삼성전자는 당시 동명의 노래와 뮤직비디오로 온라인 음반 시장에서 큰 인기를 모았다. 이어 이효리 에릭 권상우가 참여한 '애니클럽', 이효리 이준기의 '애니스타' 등 자사 제품과 스타가 결합된 신종 콘텐츠를 연달아 내놓아 히트를 쳤다.

애니콜 측은 드라마 <꽃보다 남자>에 햅틱팝 폰으로 제작지원을 하고 있다. 드라마 주요 출연진이 '꽃남밴드' 프로젝트의 주연을 맡아 시너지 효과를 볼 수 있다는 판단이다.

최근 <꽃보다 남자> 스페셜 에디션으로 공개된 F4의 솔로곡도 이 프로젝트의 일환인 것으로 전해졌다. 애니콜과 엠넷 등은 일단 드라마의 종영 시기에 맞춰 스페셜 에디션으로 음원을 순차적으로 공개한 뒤 5명이 총출동하는 영상을 내보낸다는 계획이다. '꽃남밴드' 뮤직드라마와 노래는 드라마 외전의 성격으로 비하인드 스토리가 담겨질 예정이다.

이 관계자는 "배우들의 반응도 호의적이다. 다만 이민호가 최근 모 CF에서 노래를 부른 것과 관련해 조율할 게 남았다"고 덧붙였다.

스포츠한국 이현아기자 lalala@sportshankook.co.kr

Souce: Hankook Ilboo


Brief translation:

Anycall Music Drama - Stage event project in the midst of discussion.

News of Samsung Electronics is considering forming the F4-band (which will also include Goo hyesun) has been released. It is mentioned that the project idea will not just be a music drama, nor just the 5 of them singing, but an actual staged event.


I hope this follows through...

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<담주 스포 3탄>

Next week's spoiler, Part 3

Thanks! are u talking about jp daddy? OMG!

ive always tought that was a bad trick from the witch!

telling jp that his dad died but no.. >_>

I know that madam kang is evil like the devil but

telling ur SON that his father died when he is still alive?

my dad die a years ago.. and if my mom told me that he is alive suddenly

i kill her!

OMG imagine jp reaction!

just for leave jd?

i hate her..

anyway thanks for the people that post the kiss photo

it make my day

now i think i can breath until monday :D

q: when the long preview is out?

HermioneHero: dont worry.. i also have jp ringtone in my phone XD

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Guest pr1ya

I created a simple MV of Minho and Hyesun :)

Happy MinSun viewing! :D

o great job..

i lob this mv when i saw it in utube..

its great..esp the part that the mc asks who would u date to hyesun.. can u tell u where u got the clip plz.. thankx..n keep it up..

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Guest itzdi

so, when she takes care of the vegitative patient. Is that after she graduates from medical school? That would be years and years later While shes trying to help JP if he loses hes memory

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Guest aimalleb

잔디가 어떤 치매 환자를 돌보게 된다는..

저는 첨에 이 장면 보고 깜짝 놀랐는데..

그리고 떠도는 스포에서처럼 치매 환자는 아니고 의식불명의 환자입니다.

식물인간 같은... (이렇게 표현하면 누구인지 아시겠죠?)

잔디는 그 사람이 누군지 모르는 상태에서 어떤 사람의 부탁을 받고 돌봐주게 되고요.

JD takes care of a patient w/ Alzheimer's..

At first I was really surprised when I read this part in the script..

But just to clarify, it is not an Alzheimer's patient, but someone in a vegetative state. (This should help you know who this patient is, right?)

JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

Is she going to be taking care of JP's dad????

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Guest Sango2893

olawl,not the 'famous bus scene'!

I remembered bawling my eyes out at that.

and for those who haven't seen it, here's the scene from the Taiwan version

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Guest Mittsi

GODDDD, wtf x.x there are FOUR episodes left and they are breaking up AND doing the amnesia stuff? -.-

they don't have enough time for joondi to get back together x_x

edit: lmfao wait...

nvm O.o just watched the bus scene so i guess it will work out ? hahah

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Guest allywally

잔디는 그 사람이 누군지 모르는 상태에서 어떤 사람의 부탁을 받고 돌봐주게 되고요.

JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

Is she going to be taking care of JP's dad????

perhaps at the request of mr. jang?! yay! i like him... :P

dang... what will we all do once this drama is over? what else is good these days?

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Guest XiahxTiffany

a heart breaking moment its going to be :(

JD is goin to break up with JP !!!

omg super major sad scene definitely

but yea it should rain when she breaks up

it will be way more better

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