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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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JK is really selfish, she doesn't even care for her so-called friend. JD is also the one at fault, i mean normal person will not agree to be that friendly with someone who just steals the person you love, she even agrees to be JK's bride maid (something JK asked because she wants to obligated JD to not do anything, to prevents JD from destroying the wedding, not because she wants JD's blessings, in my opinion since she doesn't care that JD is hurting). I don't understand why JD did that, there is no one that selfless anyways.

Now if JK lets go of JP, i will not like her, makes me feel that she's doing that not because she wants the best for JD and JP, but because she has no choice

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did anyone else got teary-eyed at that moment where jihoo was looking at the pictures and then got a ring from a drawer to place beside it? its like he wants to think that moment to be real.. T------T but it just was really impossible due to circumstances.. T-T

after 21 episodes, i actually pitied him for once XD .. and i actually thought he looks really REALLY good with jandi... the stylist should dress jandi better so she'd match junpyo also

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Guest hahaha7209

Today's episode made me switch team

Ji Hoo please. Jun Pyo is just a coward and he doesn't deserve Jan Di.

Ji Hoo is obviously a better man for Jan Di.

Two thumbs up! I'm going to change ship now. JP is really a coward. I like what JD said to JP at the end of the ep.

Among F4, except for JP, every boy has his own strength: YJ - a talented potter, JH - a talented musician who can earn money just by playing music on the street, WB - can be a gangster by using his physical strength. What does JP have? Only the family's wealth which he used to shower the expensive gifts/ trips when he dated JD. Now when JD needs him to show his determined love, and what he can think of is "break my arm" "hit me"???

Don't understand why he needs to kneel down in front of JK to ask for a forgiveness? He didn't owe her anything. He owes JD his braveness.

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What constitute a STRONG MAN? What constitute a STRONG WOMAN? The answer is there ARE no strong man, strong woman. People are people, humans with real emotions and vulnerabilties. Jun Pyo is not confused, he is however, at a dilemma. He has 2 choice, one is to marry JK to keep Shinhwa Corp alive and expanding, or be selfish and live for himself. I have a lot of respect for Jun Pyo, in his handling of the wedding, he tried to speak some sense into Jae Kyung in stating his feelings, but she refused to let him go. The only other alternative was to stall the wedding, by inflicting physical pain upon himself. One can't really understand the agony, unless they're in the situation. Jun Pyo cannot function without Jandi. Jun Pyo is a person that is very much in love, but also want to do the right thing. The right thing was to stand at the alter, giving up his happiness for others.

I loved the beautiful scenic views of Jeju island, such a romantic place for the wedding ceremony. Episode 21 was full of sadness. Jun Pyo & Jandi simply cannot live without each other. Love is such, very raw, very open, emotions for all to see.

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Guest lilnahnah

did anyone else got teary-eyed at that moment where jihoo was looking at the pictures and then got a ring from a drawer to place beside it? its like he wants to think that moment to be real.. T------T but it just was really impossible due to circumstances.. T-T

after 21 episodes, i actually pitied him for once XD .. and i actually thought he looks really REALLY good with jandi... the stylist should dress jandi better so she'd match junpyo also

omg are you kidding me? I was SO heartbroken for Jihoo....

and the part where he tells her "All I want is for you to smile and not cry"...killed me...KILLED me.

Even though we probably won't see it happen, I want to believe that Jihoo will one day find a woman who will love him just as much :(

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Guest F4fan

I thought the wedding was pretty nice -- the church is gorgeous and on a island with some some privacy. Usually bridesmaids are not suppose to outshine the brides. Though, I hate that satin jacket on Jandi. I chalk it up to JK being mean again. Make JD look dowdy and unappealing so that JP will only look her way. I am sure that Mama Kang had some thing to say along those lines. I don't think any of the bridesmaid's dresses were nice anyways. I am wondering if she had cried before going into the groom's room -- its finally here and there is no way out -- the final nail to end what could have been JP and JD.

JP is not being weak. He is what he is: a young man who has no power. What we saw in episodes 1-12 is the micro --- he has control of the school. Now that he is one step in the "real world" -- the macro -- he has very limited to no control. His mother controls his life at the moment. She has spies following him. The only thing he could do is leave and become a commoner. He can't do that because of an instilled promise to his father since he was in diapers. For him to have more power, he has to marshal his resources and take over Shinhwa or at least get someone take rest control away from his mother. (Maybe the assistant can help him there?)

Why should JD fight for JP if he won't fight for himself? He has blown hot and cold since he came back from Macau. Furthermore, they are no longer together. Also, he has gone along with his mother's commands because she put the screws on him: his promise and his desire to protect JD. Two very powerful things in his life. With him finally kneeling, he has taken some of that control back or at least taking a stand. That's all he could do at the moment -- beg JK to release him. Now, I hope the PD would build upon that. (Work with JD, F3, and the assistant to stabilize the company or whatever)

JD's girl friends with money aren't really her friends. Oh Min and JK have betrayed her because they coveted JP. Now with Umi coming up -- another girl (maybe with money) will betray her.

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Guest kriza_09

On a side note, did anyone else find the wedding weird? First, it's the merger between 2 big conglomerates and everyone knows that it's an arranged business deal so where are all the papparazzi? We're supposed to believe that JK and JP's appearance at the phone launch was so popular that it spawned a CF but their actual wedding is a small, private affair? Second, where are the Korean hanboks? Why aren't the mothers wearing them? Third, I hate the jacket that JD is wearing over her dress. I hope it's not part of her actual bridesmaid's outfit? Fourth, why isn't JD's hair and makeup done? She is the bridesmaid. Fifth, I hate the carnation that JP is wearing on his tuxedo. 16-year-old boys going to their prom wear a better boutonniere than what JP is wearing to his wedding, never mind that he doesn't want to get married.

First and second, I'm not sure the Korean tradition for weddings, but perhaps it's because it's not the wedding party yet? They usually take the vow first before holding the wedding, right? So maybe that's why they don't have a lot of guests, paparazzi, and they don't wear hanboks.

Third, I don't think the jacket is part of the dress. It's winter and it's so cold, maybe she'll take it off right before the event?


I just have a comment on Jihoo's crying scene after his grandpa gave him the ring. I just thought his expression looks weird and at first I blamed it on his acting skill. But then I remember MKMF 2005 where SS501 got their first Best New Artist award. I tried comparing it and yes, that's his real crying expression. So I guess Jihoo was just being natural there.

Here's the vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KJF5i_T7s8

Just saying. LOL.

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Guest XiahxTiffany

overall i loved episode 21

JK is being a bit selfish

JD is being really nice

and JP lol hes trying to get out of marriage by brekaing his hand

wow next episode has to be sad :(

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Guest ayoepan

Even I'm not a fan of JP (well I used to be..) and I don't hate JK...

But man, from my prespective, JK is really much more determined and 'stronger' than JP. She's that brave to level "up"(or down??) herself to be called B-I-T-C-H just to get JP on her arm! As for JP... he seems can't do anythin' to reject JK. He even couldn't say wht he feels to JK outspoken... It's so frustrating seeing him like that... I really wanna see him confront JK, just for his own good. I agree he has to kneel down in front on her, but it would be even better if he said "i'm going to cancel the wedding no matter what"... It feels the vibe of his "Gu Junpyo-ish". Damn, how I miss his 'old' stubborn attitude! :P

And for godsake... it only 3 episodes left before its over! I hope the writer build JP character really well... I still couldn't sense JP's strong confrontation towards mama Kang for JD's sake! I wanna see JP run up side down to keep JD on his side. The last 3 episodes, just give JP chances to prove his love towards JD. And please no amnesia arc!! Do not hurt JD's feeling more than this please... It's enough already :P

If in the last 3 episodes, JP still done NOTHING for JD... please just let JD end up with JH...

After saw JH received his mother's ring, I'm soooo deprived and keep wishing tht ring will be on JD's finger... and they will walk through the aisle to be happy ever after....They really great couples!! :)

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Guest talksound

are there two parts to the second ost? there are songs that played in the past two episodes that aren't on the second soundtrack.

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Just finished watching the whole episode..

It wasn't that bad

Jihoo & Jandi's wedding photoshoot was enough to make it good actually

The only thing that probably pissed me off in this episode is JaeKyung

I was never actually that annoyed at her cause she really isn't purely evil

But darn! Junpyo aka the biggest arrogant son of a gun kneeled in front of her!!

And she still didn't flinch.. O.O Remember, that is after just seeing Jandi inside Junpyo's room and on top of Junpyo himself! WTF.

A normal being would have probably given up after all of that.. (Good thing, she'd be out of the story soon~)

One thing that I was wondering about (like most people here) is the wedding..

I really thought they'd wed in a church the size of a football field and have the whole nation of Korea cramped inside it

But there wasn't even any photographer in sight.. and the chapel was seriously too small

However, I guess its kind of logical in a way.. Mama Kang ain't dumb..

She knows Junpyo has an 80% chance of running away from the wedding

Even without the fact that Jandi is currently living inside their own household serving Junpyo as his own personal maid

It's gonna be bad for their image to see either one of Junpyo or Jaekyung running away

Shinhwa doesn't have anything more to risk.. Any bad publicity could cause the whole company to collapse

At least, if Junpyo runs away.. the public won't know and she can make a pathetic excuse like changing the wedding date etc

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Guest Ms. Shin-Go08

Hi Everyone! Sorry to bother you all, but did anyone figure out the mystery of that new song playing in Episode 20? Oh ,can I please have the dl link to it or the artist that sings it. Thank you very much!!!!

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Guest Javz..

hey guys,

....i was just wondering if anyone knows the song that played in ep.20 when Ga-eul meets with So Yi Jeong at his place? can someone pm me if they know. Thanks :)

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First and second, I'm not sure the Korean tradition for weddings, but perhaps it's because it's not the wedding party yet? They usually take the vow first before holding the wedding, right? So maybe that's why they don't have a lot of guests, paparazzi, and they don't wear hanboks.

Sorry for cutting your post. This is indeed the real wedding. They've already had the wedding dinner when JP saw JD on the elevator with JH. The aftermath of which was the chapel scene where he kneeled down to JK. To be honest, I found it rather strange that the mothers were not in hanbock. They should have been. I also noticed the lack of guests and paparazzi. I think this was because of the rush job wedding. After JK and Mama Kang caught JD in JP's arms in his bedroom, the wedding was moved up and JK moved in. All to stop JP from getting any closer to JD and JD causing JP to stop the wedding , JK's such a good friend :huh: The wedding itself was quickly done so there wasn't enough time to make it glamorous like JP's birthday and the engagement announcement. JP didn't even know. This was agreed upon by JK, her parents and Mama Kang. So, limited if any paparazzi or guests. Probably just immediate family and company execs.

Winetu Maybe you can put your posts into one post. They are back to back and each is only one sentence. We don't want to have the thread closed down and we have been warned twice about these types of posts. No offence intended.

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Guest lilnahnah

what does junpyo say to jandi at the end of the episode 21?

I just replayed the scene and typed up a short transcript of it

[Jandi walks in to see Woobin ready to break Junpyo's arm (silly boys lol)]

Jandi: What are you doing?

Junpyo: Mind your business and stay outside.

Jandi: So this is what you came up with? If this is the only way you can stop it, then just go. (meaning, just go get married)

Junpyo: Geum Jandi!

Jandi: You're a coward. You aren't [dignified] in front of anyone. You aren't facing it, you're running away from it. If you run away like this, it'll repeat itself again.

Junpyo: Then tell me not to do it. Tell me not to go.

[End scene]

(The word 'dignified' doesn't exactly fit...It's a strange word to translate exactly...basically she's saying he can't man up to anything.)

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