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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest mysticalz

I thought JunPyo was supposed to get jealous looking at the photos of JiHoo and Jandi's "wedding". What happened to that scene?!

lol.....im asking the same thing....i want to see the look on JP's face when he looks at JH and JH happy wedding picture.......it would be priceless.......him getting jealous and angry coz JD kissed JH........wow

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Guest ethopia

hey guys can u refresh my mind.. when did JD get her new phone?? i know that JK and JP looked for a new phone

for JD... so when did they give it to her?? (referring to the 1st scene at epi 20) :huh:

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Guest mysticalz

hey guys can u refresh my mind.. when did JD get her new phone?? i know that JK and JP looked for a new phone

for JD... so when did they give it to her?? (referring to the 1st scene at epi 20) :huh:

you probably know that in ep 19 they are playing the truth game......i suppose JK gave the phone after the game is over....btw it is not shown so we could just assume thats what happened...hope this helps :lol:

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Guest F4fan

This episode has got to be hands down the most down-trodden Jandi episode as of yet. Except for when JH trades the tickets for meat, you hardly see a real smile out of Jandi. Even Episode 17 where she couldn't speak, she still had a little of spunk in her. In this one, its as if the life went out of her. Her eyes are dull and full of resignation. Her optimistic view on life just came crashing down. When JH says he worries she won't ever smile again, it sounds like she is convincing herself as well as him that she will.

Even when she angrily confronts JP, her dress wears her rather than the other way around. Usually even in her plaid shirts, she seems to wear them as if they are designers and don't define her. Her maid outfit she wears with some pride. Here, she feels, looks, and acts beaten down. She might be angry but her eyes are saying nothing.... just steeling herself for the wedding.

To me, this is sad. Its as if JP, JK, Mama Kang, and her family has finally squashed her spirit. She has nothing left and just wants to retreat somewhere and lick her wounds.

Edit: Woobin looked hot riding in his car.

Edit: It wasn't a sad episode. I wouldn't even categorize it as sad.

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Guest AngelEagle

i didn't know what Mr. PD man thinking in episode 21. instead of having a fake JD-JH wedding. i prefer to see JK arc already done. but still this episode is good even i don't understand what they're saying.

anyway, I Download the full OST but i didn't hear the song played in episode 20 where JP staring at JD after he ate the ramyun. KHJ' sversion of Because I'm stupid is not there either. how i wish to have those songs they were really beautiful.

does anybody has the cut of that song from episdoe 20? because i know no one has the full song yet.

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Guest kdramafan08

Just watched ep20! thanks again to the viikii subbers for the quick subbing!

I loved the episode... so many funny moments! Loved the 2 "waking JP up" scenes!

Can't wait til the subs come out, but i guess i'll have to do with guessing at what they're saying first.

As for the pacing, I think it's really been weird until episode 20, maybe because of GHS accident. I think they had to find a way to put together eps 18-19 with as little of her scenes as possible to give her more time to recover. Given that, though, I hope they extend it at least one more episode (to 26) so they don't have to sacrifice the stories. Personally, I'd rather keep on watching a longer but better paced BOF rather than a rushed one. It would help me get to know the rest of the characters more before the drama ends.

Let's give Mr. PD a break. I think he's just as stressed as the actors, especially with all the pressure we put on him!

By the way, does anyone know of an english-translated website that sells the BOF Music Score Book? The earlier link was to a site that was mostly in Korean, and I couldn't really understand it.

Shucks, only 4 eps to go....

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Episode 21 hasn't been uploaded anywhere yet, so I'm stuck re-watching episode 20 while waiting for 21 to show up. Although, I hear 21 is a sad one so maybe I should just skip it altogether??? :unsure:

Anyway, since I'm rewatching, I thought I'd share an Almost NG that I noticed. When JD wakes JP up the first time, she goes into his room and asks him to wake up. JP yells at her and flubs his lines a little. He's supposed to say something like, "Didn't I say I'd fire all of you if you woke me up once more? You wanna die?" (Note: the sentence structure is a little different in Korean and I translated so that it would sound more natural in English. A direct translation would be more: If you wake me up again, I said I'd fire you...)

He does end up saying this, but you can hear that he wanted to say, "If you wake me up again, wanna die?" But he gets just the first consonant of "die" out, pauses, and finishes with the correct lines.

Another thought I had was that JD actually has some power too, she just hasn't realized it. Or, it just hasn't occurred to her to use it. Surprised that her mercenary mother hasn't figured it out yet. See, JD got into Shinhwa because of bad publicity over HJ's brother's attempted suicide. If she were to publicize everything that JP's mom is doing to her just because she's a commoner who is dating JP, then there would be even more bad publicity that would bind Mama Kang's hands. The one thing that Shinhwa can't deal with is negative publicity. And everyone loves a cinderella story. So imagine the public outrage if JD's family were to reveal everything that Mama Kang did. Mama Kang is so worried about the company going under and it would really go under if the public decided to stop buying Shinhwa brands and going to Shinhwa department stores, etc. Yes, yes, then it wouldn't be HYD, but it's just a thought. And of course, it wouldn't be in JD's character to exploit the situation, but I am really surprised that her mother hasn't thought of this plan.

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Guest em1812

does anyone happen to have a bittorent link for the chinese-subbed version of ep 20? i tried searching on the thread but couldn't find it, and the sendspace link posted earlier doesn't work for me. >.<

thank you!

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Guest irezumi

^^ooo thank you lyptika!!! <3

It seems reconciliation between JD and JP is soon. So are they going to squeeze in the poignant rain scene or will they leave it out?

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Guest ladyeury

Glad I found a forum to discuss my addiction. :)

Here are my thoughts so far...

If JanDi and JunPyo do end up together it will be interesting to see how the writers handle JunPyo’s mom, that woman is truly horrid! I just don’t see her ever giving JanDi anything but misery.

I gotta say though I’ve been a bit irritated with JunPyo. My lord he was so cruel in Macao and he keeps forcing himself in JanDi’s life. Heck she became homeless because of him! True love is wanting the one you love to be happy… has there been an ep since Macao where JunPyo hasn’t made JanDi cry in some way??? I liked what F4fan said about her eyes... JanDi just seems so dull lately. To me this has to be because JunPyo won't let her heart heal and move on.

And let’s definitely not forget JiHoo, that poor guy is so in love and his loyalty to JanDi is so touching. He is such a soft gentle character and to me he isn’t selfish with that love. All he wants more than anything is JanDi to smile and be happy, even if it means he can’t have her. That is true love!

I’ve read that they plan to end the series on a happy note. It’ll be interesting to see how they do that because currently someone is gonna end up hurting. If they do the amnesia thing at least JunPyo wouldn’t be miserable. Either way they only have a few more eps so I guess we’ll see what happens!

BTW is it me, or does anyone else wish they’d have written in WooBin a love interest? I feel bad for him at times, like in Ep. 21 when he's the only one driving alone in his car.

Anyways just my few thoughts so far. :)

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Guest polaris

I have one concern though...

How in the world can JP and JH's friendship continue after this whole ordeal ends. In real life... I dont think they can be close friends anymore...Even after JP gets to be with JD in the end...JP will always feel a bit unsafe knowing his friend was or continues to be in love with his woman... and JH will always be reminded of what could have been when ever he sees JD.

I think their friendship cannot be as close as it was... the dynamics have changed. Even if they make it so that JH is ok with everything just as long as JD is happy.. I still think that these kinds of emotions and feelings are not so easily resolved.

Same goes for JD... I dont think she can remain friends with JK. She's always going to have be on her watch because JK might jump JP any moment.

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I totally agree that woobin shld have been given more of a story, seeing that the rest of F3 has their own.

after watching a little of ep21, im convinced that JK has no intention to give JP up when she told JD so. i conclude that she will only do so later coz JP begged.

At first i thought she might have been hatching some well-intentioned plot but seeing that she wants to have her cake and eat it, what with her wanting to be best friends with JD but at the same time hurting her like no friend ever would, i really really detest her!


ok i just saw the part where she asks jandi to be her bridesmaid. she's sadistic! cant she see the hurt and sadness in her so-called friend's eyes?

btw, Iyptika's unsubbed clips of ep21 are slowly being uploaded.

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Guest lilnahnah

Just finished watching 21 and how FABULOUS was it? Loved it to pieces :)

Especially loved Jihoo/Jandi wedding pictures scenes. They were so cute and Jihoo looked so happy... (which in turn makes my heart sad cuz I know he's bound for more angsty sadness)

But omg how FREAKING HOT did Jihoo look in that suit? ^^;;

And I really liked Jaekyung's talk with Jandi when they first get to Jeju. I think this is the most I've genuinely felt my heart go out to Jaekyung. It was sad to see on both ends...I felt sorry for Jaekyung and it was heartbreaking to hear it from Jandi's perspective.

ANNNDDD the Jihoo/Jandi scene where he's telling her how he's only ever wanted to see her smile and not cry...

UGH. Take my heart out and stab it for all I care. That boy kills me with his sad eyes and "I love you but I can't" aura.

And when Junpyo asked Woobin to break his arm.

It was all suspenseful and stuff but I admit I kinda got the giggles. Cuz here are the F4 all serious and they're really about to let this happen.

"This" being, letting Woobin break Junpyo's arm to get out of a wedding.

Boys are so silly sometimes lol

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Guest allywally21

ug. just let jd and jh get together and let jk and jp live their heiress life!!! :fury:

i don't mean that...

i loved the jk/jd scene... :tears:

jh/khj looks stanken perfect (except have you noticed that one of his nostrils *right one* is bigger than the other one? hmmm... :phew:)

I LOVE WOOBIN. he's my pick of the 4 (even though i'm married.. puhahaha :w00t: ) :blush: i wish someone JUST like him would just marry my sister! yay! makes me want to go to korea, become stalker/kidnapper and bring him over to marry someone in my family. :P

oh and one more thing. what's up with the walking in brushes when there is a seemingly perfect road right NEXT to the yellow flowers and dry wheat looking things?? all 4 people (jh/jd and ge/yj) are struggling walking through them! reminds me of "i'm going on a bear hunt, gonna catch a big one... look! grass! long wavy grass! can;t go over it, can;t go under it, gotta go THROUGH IT!"

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Guest Thu_catty

I've heard all the songs in OST 2 but can't find the song which appeared in the scence Jun Pyo ate his noodle while Jandi was sleeping :(

Does anyone have that song?


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