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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest ml_87

i'm really really confused now! after watching the preview of episode 21, i thought that everything finally settles down. but it doesnt seem like that :( i'm sure that not until episode 23 can we see JK leave. the PD can skip the stupid wedding pics of JH-JD and JP-JK and makes the storyline faster! we still so lack joondi moments :(

some of u say that why JP didnt tell JK about JD before. how could he? we still dont know what is the promise of him and mama kang? and based on the spoiler, i doubt that it's seriously related to JD. remember? when JP wants to leave the table, his mom said sth and glances at JD. furthermore, he cant trust JK, if he says that he still maintains their relationship, his mom will spy JD 24/24 and we cant know what sh will do :( futhermore, in the resort, he used to want to tell her that he loves JD but JK didnt wish to hear. i think JP feel pity for JK. he tries to not hurt her so much. finally, when he cant do anything more, he has to say to her that he loves JD.

in JP's current situation, JK is the only one who can help him. Shinwa nees the JK group's corporation so much. all JP's efforts to ignore JD, to hurt JD are somewhat due to Shinwa. how can he just break everything by just say in the wedding that he doesnt marry JK. it's JK, not JP, can do that. mama kang will not blame JD for this. shinwa-Jk group's corporation is still successful

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^ Eeeeeek. They look really nice together. :ph34r:

LOL, did anyone else notice when junpyo pulled jandi on top of him, he grunted? .. or moaned .. O___O ROFL. i played that part so many times just to make sure i heard right.

oh and that movie they were watching .. does anyone know if that was a real one?

it scared the heckkk out of me LOL. especially that girl with the green face .. -off topic-

^ I didn't even notice it either until i watched that scene again.... and again.xD Can i say HOT or what??? Woah..lol.

And the movie? I think it was mentioned a few pages back.. i don't remember. But you're right, i'm not sure if i jumped up because Joon Pyo jumped up or because it was scaryyyy!! I actually got really scared when the face appeared on the notebook. O_O And i wished Joon Di would have hugged tighter. :blush:

MsCTruc, thanks so much for the placing!xD BOF is doing really well.. i'm thinking the ratings will be higher tomorrow~~ The preview for ep21 was just :o ..

I can't get enough of T-Max's "Say Yes"... Or, i think that's the song. xD

I wonder where and when us international fans will be able to order our copy of the 2nd OST. Although i'm kind of bummed out about Kim Hyun Joong's acoustic track not being on there (assuming by the tracklist)~ i am quite excited about the other songs!^^

And krystalheart, not sure which one you're talking about.. The one where she's actually making the ramyun is "아쉬운 마음인 걸" (Yearning For Your Heart)-By: A'st1 and i think the one where she falls asleep while waiting for him to finish is the same one i was talking about.. "Say Yes"-By: T-Max. Correct me if i'm wrong. =)

BTW. I thought those leaked scripts were announced as fake... Haha, actually i've read so many different spoilers this week.. the ones from KP, included~ and i guess i'm getting them mixed up?? But whatever the case, everything seems quite accurate so far.xD

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Guest heart2heart

omg... u know.. those pictures totally threw me off for a minute...

cuz i knew there was no way (however this version is different) that Jandi would end up with Jihoo...

..and then i realized this was a scene from the leaked script :D

so it's not real, she was getting him to enter a contest for her or something right? *wink*

even though they look so cute together <3

i'd like to see a Joondi wedding :]

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Guest Mardi09

Here's the tracklist for the second OST if you guys are wondering about the tracks. I'm waiting for the full OST to release :)

1 Say Yes - 티맥스(T-MAX)

2 Wish Ur My Love - 티맥스(T-MAX), 제이(J)

3 아쉬운 마음인걸 - 에이스타일(A`ST1)

4 애인만들기 - SS501

5 어떡하죠 - 지선

6 Love Is Fire - 카라(Kara)

7 Love U - 하울

8 사랑같은 거2 - 브랜뉴데이(Brand New Day)

9 눈물이 난다 - 이상곤

10 Cellogic - 김영민

11 다가가다 - Various Artists

12 낯선 해 - Various Artists

13 사랑을 - 위하여

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Episode 20 was like a gentle, morning breeze that swept into my room, bringing with it the chirping of the birds and warm sunshine that enveloped me in its warm embrace. After watching the last scene I feel languorous Mr. pd man, like JP and JD cast a spell over me and I just want to nestle in bed and fall into a dreamless sleep. The JP and JD moments, although these left me wanting for more was enough to rein in my rant against you, Mr. pd man with regards to the YJ/GA coupling that I have now demoted to the cringe-worthy category. It took a lot of willpower for me not to fast forward their scenes including that with EJ just because I love YJ/Kim Bum. I am angry, ok maybe that’s too harsh, I am annoyed at YJ for wallowing in self-pity for something that he did or did not do in the past. At least you heard part of my plea in episode 19 to start tying up loose ends Mr. pd man because I see that JH and his grandfather are on their way to a full reconciliation, thanks to JD. I have also noticed that the background music has improved and matches the scenes; at last, Mr pd man, after a lot of misses with the music, you finally hit the bull’s eye. I also appreciate that JK just flitted in and out of scenes unlike the previous episodes where there was too much emphasis on her.

JP still naively thinks that if he does not marry JK, Shinwa will go under, a threat that the witch is holding above his head like a sword. Unfortunately for him, it's still the witch whose running the show and if Shinwa is in danger, she has nobody to blame but herself. This is called command responsibility. Is she going to announce to the press that it's her son's fault that Shinwa's stocks nosedived because he refused to marry JK? Why, she'll be the laughingstock of the business world. Reality is that JK Enterprises will not just merge with Shinwa if their company will be placed in a precarious situation. If the merger is advantageous for both companies, JK will surely merge with Shinwa irrespective if JP marries JK or not. I don't think JK's father will consider the marriage as a condition for the merger.

What started out as a pleasant moment with YJ tenderly guiding GA's hand while she was doing her pottery fizzled when he snapped at her to tell him where she got the puzzle piece. It's absurd Mr. pd man why YJ has to overact this scene when he can just ask in a normal voice, "GA please, I need to know where you got this piece." I know that you are trying to emphasize how YJ was greatly affected by the loss of his first love, but c'mon now, it has been years and aside from being friends since childhood, EJ never became his girlfriend nor did they share even a first kiss. Now that EJ is right in front of him, why does he not act and do something about it instead of going back to his shop, brood some more and go to sleep? As for GA, she should have just given the puzzle piece without much fanfare instead of hanging around him like a skin rash that won't go away.


Even though Jun-hee learned to love her husband, she still had lingering feelings of love and regret for the first man who stole her heart. From the flashback it was obvious that he loved her and did not care about her money. It's ironical how the witch always looks down on commoners like Jun-hee's ex-boyfriend and JD when she is the one who is power and money hungry. Jun-hee no matter how happy she was with her present husband will always have the "what if" question in her mind because her marriage was borne out of convenience and not of love.


JD fainted and woke up and found herself face to face with Jun-hee who rescued her. The gentleness and sincerity of Jun-hee touched JD so that she was prevailed upon to stay in the Gu household. She did not like to be a freeloader, so JD persuaded Jun-hee to allow her to work for her room and board. Jun-hee is trying to soften JD’s heart towards JP, knowing that her brother hurt her terribly. The only thing missing is for her to have a heart to heart with JP regarding JD.



I wish Jun-hee answerd JD's question as to why she was being nice to her even though JP is already engaged. My guess is that Jun-hee is working out a reconciliation for the two.


At first I had qualms about JD being a maid in JP's home because of the fact that she was still trying to come to terms with her and JP's break-up and his unremorseful attitude towards her. However, Jun-hee was such a good person who treated JD like a little sister. When she introduced her to the other maids, she made it a point to let them know that she was just acceding to JD's request. The head maid joined them and from the knowing looks exchanged between her and Jun-hee, it was apparent that the two of them were up to something.



The first time JD had to face JP must have been torture for her but I was giggling and clapping because of the way she was hiding behind the head maid. When she was forced to look at JP, from the expression on her face, one can almost read her thoughts, "OMG, why do I have to be the maid of this idiot." She was barely tolerating JP in front of the head maid. The surprised look on JP was so cute.



JP immediately put her to work as his personal maid by asking her to cook ramen for him. Of course, JD who by this time would have probably preferred to sleep on the streets rather than her pride trampled on by JP vehemently refused. To her consternation, the head maid entered and reprimanded her for being disrespectful to the delight of JP who gave her the thumbs up after JD left the room. Maybe it's just me, but I find that LMH and GHS' acting fare better (even though I know that they're excellent individually) when they are together compared to when they have scenes with the other actors.





JD fell asleep on the recliner while waiting for JP to finish eating his ramen; the look on his face as he watched her sleep was full of love and concern. He must be feeling guilty that she had to humble herself and endure the circumstances that led her to such a position. It would have been a good time for him to own up and apologize to her even if he did not tell her the truth about his agreement with his mom.


JH's grandfather had another chest pain so JD decided to bring him to his home. Both of them were surprised to see each other but since JD was around, they did not have the heart to disappoint her. It was more or less a done deal when she made arrangements for JH's grandfather to stay with him.



WB and JP was having dinner when JK walked in and announced that she came to take care of him since he was sick. It was clear that JP was just making an excuse not to see her by pretending to be sick. Liked the teasing expression on WB's face when he mimicked JK when she tried to persuade JP to open his mouth. Someone mentioned that JK should end up with JP because she does not take crap from him. I hate to tell you this but there is a thin line between not taking crap and being obnoxious, and the latter is what JK had become. It was also mentioned that JK truly loves JP to which I beg to disagree. To JK, JP is a novelty, a challenge, a thing she has to own, just like a pet or a new toy; more than being in love, I think it's her pride that could not take the sting of his refusal. How can she love JP when she barely knows him. Their dates consists of very shallow interactions; going to Namsan, the movies, shopping. JK never took the time to find out who the real JP is, his wants, his fears, his hopes and dreams; she orchestrates everything they do around what she likes which makes her one very self-centred and selfish individual. It's not important to JK what JP feels; she is very much aware that he loves someone else but she does not care because she wants him for herself so she tenaciously hangs onto him.

Mr. pd man, how many times does JK have to force feed JP before she realizes that he's just not into her?



Even WB and the head maid are cringing at JK's pathetic attempts.



Not seeing JD on weekends was not acceptable to JP so he called her to watch a movie with him, even using bribery just to make her agree. Good thing it was a horror movie so they had an excuse to hug each other during the scary scenes. JD did not like it so she stood and left. The look of disappointment was on JP's face; well he cannot expect her to be lovey dovey with him knowing that he is engaged to another woman. If you can't handle her rejection JP, tough; you started it, she is just picking up where you left off.




They were rudely interrupted by JK who also wanted to spend some time with JP to watch a movie. JD was frantic but JP did not care if JK walks in on them. JK might as well just watched the movie alone because JP completely ignored her and even pretended to be asleep. She covered him with a blanket and left.


JP immediately headed for the closet where he found a sleeping JD. He could not resist but touch her face and lips. I know JP, you want to kiss her but if you value your life, don't. He picked her up and carried JD to her room.




It's morning and JD hesitantly entered JP's room to wake him up. A reluctant JP would not cooperate so JD turned on the alarm and when JP did not get up, she pulled the covers. However, JP pulled back and JD fell on top of him. JP hugged the resisting JD and told her that they should stay that way for 5 minutes, then he'll get up. He added that even though he was holding her, he still could not believe that she was in front of him. This was such a beautiful scene because of the naturalness of LMH and GHS. They made me feel that there was no camera and it was just the two of them in the room. I have seen this happen again and again throughout the series. Gosh, Mr. pd man, they should have kissed passionately because they don't have the awkwardness that I see when watching other kdrama actors. GHS lost her shyness during the kiss in the highway so that means she was now very comfortable with LMH. Gee, this would have made my week.


The way JP was staring at JD, it's almost like he wanted to kiss her. Awwwww.............


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Guest lilnahnah

Ahhh the Jandi/Jihoo wedding pictures look sooooo cute.

It's really too bad that it's not gonna end up that way.

It's ok. Jihoo will find his own awesome woman sometime in the future who can love him fully and completely. So there.

(I have to keep telling myself that cuz my heart keeps aching for him -.-;; I have to remind myself that it's not real, it's just a drama, and that Kim Hyunjoong isn't as pitiful as Jihoo is)

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Thanks for sharing. As much as i'm a joondi shipper, i really love those wedding pictures. Sad to say that in BOF, there is only one jandi which belongs to junpyo.. but i think jihoo will have lovely memories since he got the wedding photoshoot before junpyo :P

Season 2 is now known as Hana Yori Tangle instead of hana yori dango.

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Guest Tomato3

Becaus of Jun Pyo, Jan Di must give up her dream

Because of Jun Pyo, Jan Di and her family must went through many bad luck

Because of Jun Pyo, Jan Di crying many time

And in the end, Jun Pyo kneel to that Monkey...

PD or the writer must really feel in love with that girl Jae Kyung.

Sad...but JD really loves him.

I don't want to see JP loves JK n JD loves JH

OMG!!! Everything will be alright :ph34r:

I hope they can find their true loves.

Don't make me cry about their "up n down" stories.

Anyways..SoEul Mate keep walking on their way

I love happy ending for them :))

@OST: Awesome! I love it :w00t:

I'm waiting for the full OST to release~ So cool hahaha

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Guest starlight tears


I just read the spoiler and i hate that the episode will end up JH-JD photoshoot! Please PD can you edit some of this and make sure that the scene where JP kneel down be included coz i hate to see JK in the next 2 episodes. If the next episode will be her last scene that will be perfect. And also please stop YJ emo act - its getting boring! I love YJ and GE to end up to each other but lets not make it over dramatic okei. I believe in you PD since you're the one behind favorite "My Girl" but then I like JK in the first 3 episodes and she become selfish is getting out of hand and do some crazy things to JD and consider JD to be her bestfriend - what a two faced pinkberry she is!

Thank you PD... at least I've seen Wb in Ep. 20.

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Guest kimngoc266

Why didn't JP just kiss JD in those cute moments.

Would it be great if the ending is that a few years later after JP and JD gets married, and after they have their first child together, JP's mom will give JD the jewerely that JK showed JD in the preview, just a way to say that JP's mom has finally accept JD as her daughter in law.

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can't wait for episode 21 :w00t: thank you mr. pd for the joondi moments :)

but please feed your beautiful cast, looks like LMH & KHJ lost a LOT of weight :(

i hope everyone will have a happy ending, seems like JH will have his happy ending first (with his grandpa) ;)



just a little something that i noticed that made me chuckle :lol:

JH's grandpa's bionic ears :huh:


the stethoscope's bell wasn't even on the patient's arm (and even if it was the bulky sweater would've made it hard to hear anything) and...


the earpiece wasn't even in his ears :lol: ...

i guess super sonic hearing runs in the family


Actually I know how to use the BP monitors you can still hear the pulse thru using the hand even without a stethoscope in your ear. But you have to be an expert, anyway, it's cute you notice that. hahaha!

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Guest ml_87

the wedding pics totally kill me! :(( how the korean PD can like that? he pushes the drama far beyond my endurance! it is the wedding pic of JH-JD necessary? is the promotion pic of JP-JK necessary? i guess the PD wants JH to have a good memoir later, right? but i do think that he's even more hurt when seeing those pics.he will even want JD more. JoonDi moments are so few. there should be more JoonDi scenes to persuade us that JP-JD can end up together. i see enough JD-JH :(

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Guest rach1rur3

^ oh i wish that isn't true... as much as i adore Jihoo, i'm a Junpyo supporter all the way! lol! the next episode looks very promising. i hope they get a higher rating.... it seems like the rating are dropping instead of rising. isn't this a sign that people want a JoonDi ending? :D please PD, don't disappoint us! lol! :)

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Guest F4fan

I hope they cut the JD-JH wedding photo shoot. Its just a wasted scene. I wish they will include it in the director's cut because it seems so out of place right now.

The momentum is moving forward with the JP-JK wedding. Enough drama right there. I just think the JD-JH photo shoot is just a momentum killer. Not only that but we have two more episodes of JK. I want her gone yesterday already.

Episode 21 will not end with the photoshoot. That would mean they don't even get to Jeju Island and no pre-wedding angst on the island. That's been what the previews have been about.


The JD-JP moments -- sheherizade3, I totally agree with your description of these moments. JP and JD (LMH and GHS) with other folks are plodding along. When they are together, they light up the screen. They just snap, crackle, and pop. Its like seeing the rainbow after a hard rainfall.

I think JD leaned into his hug on the bed. She was stiff at first but when he said to stay like this for 5 minutes, she relaxed and almost laid her head on his shoulders.

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Guest inaho

Actually I know how to use the BP monitors you can still hear the pulse thru using the hand even without a stethoscope in your ear. But you have to be an expert, anyway, it's cute you notice that. hahaha!

could you please not quote pictures, remove the %7Boption%7D tags so that it won't be quoted altogether, this thread has been closed for awhile because of that and many more because some of us have broken the rules

ahhhhh! I'm going crazy, I've watched the last part of episode 20for the 10th time already and I still have the warm and fuzzies tingling all over me

It was this part that really hit me on the right spot:

JD trying to wake JP up but JD ended up being pulled by JP, his arms wrapped around her, they share a very sweet moment

JD: squirming, trying to get untangled

JP: five minutes,Let me stay like this for five minutes

JD: Shock by what JP said, couldn't utter a word

JP: Even if I'm holding you like this, I still can't believe that you really are here

JD looks at JP

JP looks at JD lovingly, longing (by the looks of it, he misses her a lot, man)

keeps hitting me on all the right places, gah, sarang~

can't wait for episode 21, more JoonDi lovin' pleash!

actually I can't wait for the part were he will say or will he not? but anyways if they follow that script JP says I love you to JD after kissing her, when they were talking after the wedding incident, when JP asks JD whether she's tired of him after making her shed a lot of tears, then says sorry

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Guest Ms. Shin-Go08

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved episode 20 of Boys Before Flower. I was totally satisfied with JD and JP moments. So thanks to all the Korean Fans in Korea, who let the PD know we weren't getting enough JD and JP moments.

Just a question, does anyone know the name of new song that they played today, on this episode? Thank you in advance for any help

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Okay, after watching this episode for like the 10th time, did anyone notice JD was crying while she was locked in JP's closet. At first, I thought he was just caressing her face. But then I noticed that she had tears on her face. He was wiping away the tears. Now it makes sense that he rubbed her cheek. She was in there the whole time that JK was there so I can imagine the heartbreak she must have been feeling as JK was all over JP. .

Someone please tell me if I'm going crazy :crazy:

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Guest krystalheart

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved episode 20 of Boys Before Flower. I was totally satisfied with JD and JP moments. So thanks to all the Korean Fans in Korea, who let the PD know we weren't getting enough JD and JP moments.

Just a question, does anyone know the name of new song that they played today, on this episode? Thank you in advance for any help

Are you talking about the song that they played 2x during this episode? I've uploaded here. I don't know the title, I'm desperate for the title too!


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Okay, after watching this episode for like the 10th time, did anyone notice JD was crying while she was locked in JP's closet. At first, I thought he was just caressing her face. But then I noticed that she had tears on her face. He was wiping away the tears. Now it makes sense that he rubbed her cheek. She was in there the whole time that JK was there so I can imagine the heartbreak she must have been feeling as JK was all over JP. .

Someone please tell me if I'm going crazy :crazy:

No, you're not crazy. I think you're right. It looks like he was wiping her tears and later caressed her lips.

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