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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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rofl ><;;

yea it's a little weird. "Hey guys, I'm Jandi's friend, I'm sleeping here tonight :D "

While Jandi's dad and little brother and watching her like o.O "This all looks really familiar...."

During this episode, when I saw that scene I thought of Junpyo wanting to sleep over at Jandi's house. Also, the scene where Jaekung comes and tells Junpyo that she is his fiancee and don't forget it, reminds me of when Junpyo announced that Jandi was his girlfriend in front of everyone at school. I think what the writers are trying to show is that Jaekung is very similar to Junpyo. Another scene during this episode where Jaekung is ignorant is when she says to Jandi that I don't care if Junpyo likes someone else, I am going to make him like me. Look at her and how she forces Junpyo to accept the engagement. This episode for me personally showed how Jaekung is similar to Junpyo.

At the same time, I am glad that Jaekung is who she is. She will constantly remind Jandi that she is still in love with Junpyo and the same for Junpyo, as we will witness in next weeks episode. Without her, i don't think that Jandi and Junpyo would ever know how strong their love is.

Also, a question... there is a rumor floating around that there might be an amnesia thing. I read an article on Daum (which isn't a reliable source) that the girl who will play that role has been casted. Can someone confirm that from a reliable source? I am korean, but I can't read korean that well and from what I read, it did sound like they may have, but with only 8 episodes left (assuming that they are not going to extend the series because Group 8 which KBS has a contract with for BBF said that at this point it would be highly unlikely), KBS should have announced who the crazy girl was going to be sometime this week or within the next week.

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I hate to do this but I will have to be "JH", defending JD. This is JD's creed: "Be it good or bad I will not hide from a confrontation." Its not "I am like a weed: strong and resilient."

Being a Doctor:

Just because we never see her study, doesn't mean she isn't studying. She has talked about studying twice in the last episode. She volunteers at the clinic rather than working at another job to help her family because she wants to learn about the field. She went to the bookstore to research about her field. All this points to her determination to become a doctor. When you think about it, having the former President of Korea as your mentor and ally -- POWERFUL. Smart, brillian move.

Being weak:

1. Right now, she is emotionally weak. However, her strong quiet spirit is still there. Example: the confrontation between Mamma Kang and her after the party. JD looked straight at Mama Kang and her gaze never wavered and never backed down. No matter all the hurtful stuff that were thrown at her -- she stood there and said do your worst because your opinion doesn't matter. She didn't even cowed after JP left with JK. It was only after Mama K left that did JD sagged.

2. She refused to left Mama K embarrass her when she was told to perform at the party. She used it to her advantage to let JP know that she did love him and that she still have feelings for him.

3. It might not have been smart to go to the party but it was her whatever-happens-I-can't-run-away attitude that helped give her confidence to attend. It probably wasn't smart to go to Macau to confront JP when he hadn't contact her in 6 months. But, her attitude gave her the confidence to face him and let the chips fall where they may. Its better to know than not. For her, she must not know and believe in the the old adage of "ignorance is bliss."

Her two greatest weakness -- having a soft heart and being naive. They both get her into trouble.

EDIT: I should add that her creed also gets her into trouble. She needs to learn to pick her battles.

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Guest lilcuteeguh

hey guys... my cousin is arguing with me that BOF only release oneepisode a week. if i remember correctly, don't they release at least 2 episode a week? please confirm...hehe...thanks in advance!

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F4 fan, I have to respectfully disagree especially in terms of JD. We all have our own expectations - yes, but for the first ten episodes they PDs showed a JD who has potential to be bigger and better - she proved herself to be gutsy, somewhat smart, sensible, strong, fun and streetwise. Whether it was weed power or not that was irrelevant to us, this JD to me was more likable and a partner for JP. This the JD we expect no matter what version she came from. However from episode 11 onwards, it has been downhill from there, JD has done some idiotic things and I'm being nice here that makes you shake your head or want to scream "Are you Kidding Me!!!!". This JD lacks sense for a "20 year old". Naivety, vulnerability & absent mindedness is one thing total stupidity is another, and she is suppose to be a "Doctor" in the future. "Doctor of what?, making idiotic decisions" When/if she graduates what would be the nature of the degree "Dr. Idiot Decisionmaker ". Its unbelievable in light of how they are showing her now. If they stayed with her "supposedly true personality" of the previous 10 episodes, it would be easier to accept her goal and future dream and make her look more favorable to F4. Yes she can get in misshaps, but most of them could have been handled better by her if she used her "COMMON SENSE". Where did JD go? "Looking for the real JD here". Its like the PDs set these situations up for any of F4 to come to the rescue. Believe me when I say, they could have come up with better situations than that, as to me it lowers her true value as a person. The only consistent aspect that they kept about her was that she's hardworking, that they have not changed somewhat. Thank goodness

JP - an improvement over the original in terms of brains and emotions. He is consistent in that aspect and I like what they have done, except in episode 16 with this YJ and GE "fake date" thing, & return from Macau. It makes no sense after what had happened with his mother who had him watched & guard dogged 24/7 in Macau and now in Seoul its different altogether. "Why? How come?" His behavior lacks logic here.

JD- liked her for the first 10 episodes, then PDs & scriptwriters butchered her true personality for the rest. A BIG BIG BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. They should have stayed true to her character and be consistent.

JH- don't mind him, he's somewhat better than Rui in terms of appearing more vulnerable. His character in this one to me shows the most growth as the more he's around JD the more human he becomes.

Now if only the PDs as well as scriptwriters are true, consistent and creative with their stories and characters. Make each episode make sense, it does not have to follow the manga. But please stop messing up the show. Then I can start to enjoy my guilty pleasure. Javabeans looking forward to your recaps later tonight.

Oh God, poor little Jandi. I feel that we put too much our sense reviewing her charracter. Come on guys, we are smart, logical we can do better than her but we are not Geum Jandi, finally. She is not smart or beautiful or sensitive. The reason makes both JP, JH and me to love her is her warm heart and optimistic. When pp is around her, they just feel smiling, relaxing and want to spend more time with her.

Although she has been through a lot of things but she is in her early 20s. You can be naive, absent minded, even idiot when you are 20. Why not?

She just flied to sky with the gift of love from Mr. Junpyo and suddenly he kicked her out with no reason. She dropped from the top to the bottom and has no faith in herself anymore. How could you be smart, logical in this situation?

Moreover, she lost the most important thing in her life, the only thing she believes that she is good at, the purpose to live: swimming. I think that Geum Jandi is totally lost in those episode. She does not know what to do and how to live on. You may say that it is ridiculous when she suddenly dreams to be a doctor. But what is wrong with that? The important is not who do you want to become, but you have a dream at least. You have something to believe and fight for it. She found that she could help other pp, being something more useful than before. That is strong Geum Jandi we knew from the 1st ep. She does not just sit and cry, she try her best to continue her way.

Regarding JP, I think that the Evil Mom just lets him a little freedom due to she believes that nothing left between him and Jandi.

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hey guys... my cousin is arguing with me that BOF only release oneepisode a week. if i remember correctly, don't they release at least 2 episode a week? please confirm...hehe...thanks in advance!

direct from the first page

Scheduled to debut 5 January 2009 as Monday & Tuesday 9:55pm (Seoul time) drama.
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I hate to do this but I will have to be "JH", defending JD. This is JD's creed: "Be it good or bad I will not hide from a confrontation." Its not "I am like a weed: strong and resilient."

Being a Doctor:

Just because we never see her study, doesn't mean she isn't studying. She has talked about studying twice in the last episode. She volunteers at the clinic rather than working at another job to help her family because she wants to learn about the field. She went to the bookstore to research about her field. All this points to her determination to become a doctor. When you think about it, having the former President of Korea as your mentor and ally -- POWERFUL. Smart, brillian move.

Being weak:

1. Right now, she is emotionally weak. However, her strong quiet spirit is still there. Example: the confrontation between Mamma Kang and her after the party. JD looked straight at Mama Kang and her gaze never wavered and never backed down. No matter all the hurtful stuff that were thrown at her -- she stood there and said do your worst because your opinion doesn't matter. She didn't even cowed after JP left with JK. It was only after Mama K left that did JD sagged.

2. She refused to left Mama K embarrass her when she was told to perform at the party. She used it to her advantage to let JP know that she did love him and that she still have feelings for him.

3. It might not have been smart to go to the party but it was her whatever-happens-I-can't-run-away attitude that helped give her confidence to attend. It probably wasn't smart to go to Macau to confront JP when he hadn't contact her in 6 months. But, her attitude gave her the confidence to face him and let the chips fall where they may. Its better to know than not. For her, she must not know and believe in the the old adage of "ignorance is bliss."

Her two greatest weakness -- having a soft heart and being naive. They both get her into trouble.

EDIT: I should add that her creed also gets her into trouble. She needs to learn to pick her battles.

Excellent post above but i have to disagree with you about her picking her battles. She does pick her battles, she could have easily been ranting and raving at JP's mom but chose not to. She could have said something to the 3 brats when JP and her went to the sushi restaurant but chose not to.

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Guest sandybabe88

i dont know if you guys remember or not, but the cleaning job at that place jd's parents work at are positions that JH has made for them. In the beginning of ep 13, when the whole family were working on the pink dolls and jd gets a call for her parents that they got a job? If you remember, the scene or two after that is JH talking to someone that works for him, saying "make it so the two don't catch on" or something to that effect. JH made these positions for them (remember the mom also ran into him?)

In the end of ep 16, all those red stickers on the furniture, tv, everything means the bank is basically reposessing everything jd's family owns because they are unable to pay off some kind of debt. so the mom/dad are very upset, and jd takes the step forward to at least do the job her parents were supposed to do. Yes, the ending is a little,ok a lot "WHAT THE HECK?! WE WAITED A WEEK FOR AN ENDING LIKE THAT?!" buuuut it ties in that JH again is behind JD, making sure she is taken care of. Maybe that's why he just stood by at then end and didnt do anything for the moment..

just my 2 cents..

ANDDD i must also say JK IS ANNOYING THE CRAP OUT OF ME! she's pretty, but how clueless can a person be!? seriously! i would JD twirl-kick her!@#@#% so many instances i was just dumbfounded at her stupidity..

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Guest kiss*kiss

What are they going to do with HJK? I just don't see anything good coming from her entrance.

If HJK gets hurt by both JP and JD -- that's not good.

If HJK decides revenge on JD -- that's not good.

If HJK and JP start to like each other -- that's SO not good.

My biggest fear... is that they are going to have HJK team up with JP's Mom. :crazy:

So.. did I miss out on something, or are there no previews for the next ep?

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Guest ldalyassi

What are they going to do with HJK? I just don't see anything good coming from her entrance.

If HJK gets hurt by both JP and JD -- that's not good.

If HJK decides revenge on JD -- that's not good.

If HJK and JP start to like each other -- that's SO not good.

My biggest fear... is that they are going to have HJK team up with JP's Mom. :crazy:

So.. did I miss out on something, or are there no previews for the next ep?

no, she actually comes to terms with jp and jd loving each other and tries to help them out. in the end she is friends with both of them.

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Guest confessionD

Episode 16 Soft Subs

Here are rapidshare softsubs for episode 16. I take no credit for any translation works

http://rapidshare.com/files/202204381/bof16.richard simmons

Source: viikii.

Credits: alesgro, Aliye, appledrank, aquaeia, asianlicious, Aynur99, beaniex3, borah, champong, chanchayne, chibiheart, dangursoazn, ErIIv, giaht, jennyb, jkimx6, kabvaj09, kiataglia, Kokoroai, mdgurl27, moosugatits, mromero68, pajs0856, Prisciu, rsaringer, sakitty, sakuraHime, seprienna, sodarainpop, suaa, Teksu, viikii45

Note: since this is a bootleg rip its unsynched - watch with a media player that lets you synch up.

Can someone reupload to mediafire again? Not able to dl from RS.

Thank you so much for the help :D

Anyway, I'm so excited for YJ first love to appear. They will only be appearing for 3 epi right? So by epi 20, they wouldn't be in it. Hope the last 4 epi can develop YJ and GE relationship only. :rolleyes:

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Guest XiahxTiffany

omg if JK does team up with JP's mom 0_0 .....

im going to have to say to JD good bye lol

shes going not going to get murdered probably but omg!!! 0_0

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Guest secret_valentine

OMG i feel so bad for jandi having to witness GJP mom slap him.. becuz of her...

that would just tear down a person emotion... that scene had such a big impact on me... i think that is where GJP decide to let JD go becuz he doesn't want to hurt her no more... i feel so sad for JD.... so please people don't say that JD is weak... XD!! she is trying as hard as she can!!!!


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Guest jvchou1316

I think overall this episode was good.

It's not "mindblowing" in terms of drama-tears-worthy, but it definitely offered some sad, cute, funny, touching moments.

I think my favorite scene of the whole series came up in this episode.

Junpyo sending the text, presumably telling jihoo to save jandi, hesitating to send it, really don’t want to, since he’ll be handing jandi to jihoo once again…. Then smashing the phone out of helpless frustration….brilliant.

I agree with other Soompiers that there's a lot of illogical things going on; but I think many superb individual scenes overshadow the lack of general cohesiveness.

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hey, i understand why u guys cant catch the changes in JP & JD"s behavior with eachother


- He's still childish. he can be cold to her yesterday, but today, he follows her again.

- In macau, he has to hide his feeling, but as u guys see, at the airport, he cant hide it anymore. back to korea, he has more chance to interact with JD ( & that his mom let him return to korea can point out that she quite believe that JP can forget JD-> his mom spies her less)

- He loves her too much, so as i said above, he cant hide his feeling towards her anymore. that he backs to korea partly shows that he wants to get JD back (?)


- i cant understand why in the school she ignored him, & suddenly, she came to his house like nothing happened before.

PD nim, pls, dont take this part too long. i cant understand how the PD will solve Jh's love to not make him too much painful :(

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Guest tofumui

Tough Competition For Kim Bum's First Love

credit : Hanfever

omg i would've thought they would have all the cast finalized prior to the series.. this girl is going to be on next week and they haven't even finalized who it will be.. whoever she is, i hope she'll fit in with the group.. like JiHoo's friend Ming was kinda random and didn't really fit in i thought.. so i hope this girl will complement and not take away fro the series

I have not read the manga or seen other two versions. What is the "Jandi being a maid at JP's mansion" storyline all about? Can someone care to explain a little since most people think it will not be incorporated in the K-version. Just very curious because so many posters have mentioned it.....

from the taiwanese version, ShanCai's (JanDi) parents ended up going to some country-side to make money and left ShanCai there to finish her studies and they would send money back for her. the evil mom knew she was living alone and called the landlord to tell him not to rent to her anymore so ShanCai had to leave the apartment.. DaoMingSi (JunPyo) found out she was living along and went searching for her, eventually he found her and brought her back to his place. he told her to stay at his place and the nanny said she could stay except she has to work for her board and food, so that's how she become a maid at the house

but i don't know if this will happen in this version cuz there aren't that many episodes left.. and maybe JanDi working at the hospital will replace this part of it from the other versions

park soo jin lim joo whan will be joining the BOF cast.!!!!

Lim Joo Whan and Park Soo Jin will be joining the cast this coming March 2nd.

ohhh they've decided.. lol i'm not sure i know who she is.. hopefully she'll be a right fit for the drama

Junpyo sending the text, presumably telling jihoo to save jandi, hesitating to send it, really don’t want to, since he’ll be handing jandi to jihoo once again…. Then smashing the phone out of helpless frustration….brilliant.

i totally agree with you here about JunPyo not being able to really do anything.. he wants to make sure that JanDi is ok and enlists JiHoo's help even knowing that JunPyo is almost losing the girl the loves to JiHoo since he suspects something is possibly developing between the 2 but he cannot do anything about it..

i have yet to watch episode 16 but just from reading everyone's posts, i'm really anticipating it.. i'm off to watch it now.. can't wait

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