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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest susamirain

I actually like JK :) I think she's compatible with Jun Pyo more than JD does :) I think JD should accept Jin Hoo and be happy with him :) As someone mentioned earlier new JD is just lost... She's too depressed with her loveline and does stupid things. I don't understand how she can change that fast. That's why I am rooting for the new girl :D. The new girl is actually very interesting and lovable also :) Anyway I am happy with this eps since there are many SoEul scenes :D:P

I wish things could be the way you just said but that's not happening. Someone mentioned the amnesia story arc, is there news that it will be put into this version? It seems like that'll run the series even longer.

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Guest doremii*

Though I have not watched episode 16 as yet , I am going to blame PDs, and the scripwriter. They are not thinking at all. I wasnt going to compare the three versions of HYD that has been shown. But based on what I have seen so far, I'm going to. Out of the three, the Japanese version is the best especially in terms of consistency with the characterisation of the main actors. The Korean version to me is messing it up especially with JD, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO HER? In the earlier episodes she was smart, gutsy, very classy and somewhat streetwise. Now, I don't know what to call her especially when they have her making some basic stupid decisions that makes me wonder if she has any common sense at all, the expression "Even a 5 year old can do it comes to mind". Based on the things she has done so far which I think started more from episode 11 onwards, how can she be a doctor? I would be scared as hel-, this idiot is a doctor, comes to mind? To be frank with this new "version" of JD, would JP & JH & the rest of F4 have noticed or liked her at all?

PDs, begging you, bring back the old JD. I do however prefer JP over Domoujyi b/c the characterisation of him has taken an upgrade. Because of what they have done with JD's character, I'm not enjoying this drama as much as before. It has become a guilty pleasure to me, what I mainly look forward to now is javabeans commentary and her "have a drink moment" for every inconsistency and stupid momemt in the show. And based on the rate they are going, I'll become a alcoholic. ;)<_<

I agree with everything you said. I hate how they portray JD as this dumb person yet her dream is to go to medical school o_0 say what? and they fail at trying to fit the manga plots into the drama. For example, the Junpei storyline was done horribly, the stalking scene in today's episode made no sense given what had happened in the previous episodes.

lastly, the comedy in this drama.. is so cartoon-ish. Overexaggerated actions may look alright in the manga, but it's a bit cringe worthy when done in real life. The fiancee, JD.. everything is too over the top.

Sometimes I feel like they took some of Domoyoji's bad characteristics and gave it to JD lol in the Japanese version, Tsukasa was stupid, over the top.. and it seems like they gave it to JD in this version instead.

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What didn't make sense was that...why did jandi only asked JP? I mean, Woo Bin was standing right there and I thought it was totally mean of JD to just exclude Woo Bin like that (even if he was part of the plan...JD and JP don't know that.) it was ridiculous. If i was Woobin and JP and JD were whispering in front of me like that, I would be totally hurt and angry that i was ignored/excluded.

----------------------->just my opinion

jandi probably think that Woo Bin is a playboy, too. like Yi-Jung

i guess...but to me it just felt like woobin was getting excluded, because the production team (scriptwriter, producer, etc, whoever) did a HORRIBLE job making him into a playboy... hes technically not EVEN a playboy but a person who dates older women...

i dont think ive ever seen him with older women... the only time he was actually with a woman was at the club when he was dancing with them... he usually just stands there, loitering between the other guys. sad sad

this just adds another flaw to the series.

i just want one episode that's PERFECT.

no character inconsistencies, no overacting, no randomness....

is it so hard to ask?

What the korean version of HYD feels like is....as if the production team, basically picked out all the important parts in the manga and mashed it all up together, not really caring about the transitions and consistencies...

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im not sure where to begin...but ep16 was probably one of the weirdest/most random episodes we've have so far.

I'm not entirely sure what I actually watched today...

There was definition some overacting going on...and OMG the character inconsistencies!

i mean COME ON. we're into the 16th episode.

Wasn't jandi TOTALLY awkward with JP throughout ep 13, 14 and 15?

And all of the sudden, shes like BEST friends with him again...aka shes totally using him to find out what's going on with SoEul.

What didn't make sense was that...why did jandi only asked JP? I mean, Woo Bin was standing right there and I thought it was totally mean of JD to just exclude Woo Bin like that (even if he was part of the plan...JD and JP don't know that.) it was ridiculous. If i was Woobin and JP and JD were whispering in front of me like that, I would be totally hurt and angry that i was ignored/excluded.

She also totally ditched JH, her best friend for the past three episodes. Couldn't she ask JH for help? why did it have to be JP, whom shes been avoiding.

I'm not even going to start on the overacting.

but I think I spent most of the episode wondering if Jandi was really that stupid....

i also dont understand how jandi thinks shes gonna go to med school.

she doesnt study..and its not like she got into the school because she was smart (like makino did in HYD)

anyways, thats my rant.

Please explain character inconsistencies. Who is not consistent?

LoL! You don't ask a player to spy/stop another player while he's getting his mack on. Its like asking a wolf to guard the chicken coop. Even JP reluctantly did it. He only did it because it was Jandi asking and maybe because he got to spend time with her. She tried to reach JH first but he wasn't picking up maybe because F2 told him to ignore her calls. She became desperate and had to seek out the last person she wanted to, JP, because he had the means and the ride.

She didn't ditch JH. Sometimes, she just needs to stand by herself and not lean too heavily on JH. I rather see a little more of this. Be the weed, the strong Geum Jandi suppose to be. It also might be perceived as she wants more than she really wants -- a romantic relationship. Last episode, she effectively told him she wants to be only friends.

Didn't last episode she said that she liked volunteering at the clinic because it allowed her to study?

Its suppose to overracted -- the spying scenes. JD is a passionate and stubborn person. Its her best friend with a very known and accomplished player. She becomes overzealous in her zeal to protect GE, her sensitive friend. JD wants to respect their date but be ready to step in if something does happen.

The most annoying thing about the JD-JP relationship in the last two episodes is that they blow hot and cold with each other like every hour/day. One moment, I care about you. The next, I don't know you. Enough, please

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Guest snowqueen00

I will be really disappointed if they give up the maid storyline. That's one of the best parts of the HYD story... moreover, JD needs more people on her side to help her, who are more gutsy like JH, (JP's sisteR)

sorri for cut ur quote...^^

i greed with u.. the maid storyline was funni and cute..

dont know why they didnt put it in.:(...

i like that storyline...

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Guest PhuongNguyen

What didn't make sense was that...why did jandi only asked JP? I mean, Woo Bin was standing right there and I thought it was totally mean of JD to just exclude Woo Bin like that (even if he was part of the plan...JD and JP don't know that.) it was ridiculous. If i was Woobin and JP and JD were whispering in front of me like that, I would be totally hurt and angry that i was ignored/excluded.

She also totally ditched JH, her best friend for the past three episodes. Couldn't she ask JH for help? why did it have to be JP, whom shes been avoiding.

Perhaps you missed it, but she did try to contact JH for help, however... he didn't pick up her call. Her last resort were to ask JP. As for Woo Bin, well... I'm going to assume that she isn't asking him, because truth is... they're not all that close, and she's pretty much going to be asking him to turn on his boy. Why on earth would he do that? At least with JP, he'll do it because he cares about her.

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Please explain character inconsistencies. Who is not consistent?

LoL! You don't ask a player to spy/stop another player while he's getting his mack on. Its like asking a wolf to guard the chicken coop. Even JP reluctantly did it. He only did it because it was Jandi asking and maybe because he got to spend time with her. She tried to reach JH first but he wasn't picking up maybe because F2 told him to ignore her calls. She became desperate and had to seek out the last person she wanted to, JP, because he had the means and the ride.

She didn't ditch JH. Sometimes, she just needs to stand by herself and not lean too heavily on JH. I rather see a little more of this. Be the weed, the strong Geum Jandi suppose to be. It also might be perceived as she wants more than she really wants -- a romantic relationship. Last episode, she effectively told him she wants to be only friends.

Didn't last episode she said that she liked volunteering at the clinic because it allowed her to study?

Its suppose to overracted -- the spying scenes. JD is a passionate and stubborn person. Its her best friend with a very known and accomplished player. She becomes overzealous in her zeal to protect GE, her sensitive friend. JD wants to respect their date but be ready to step in if something does happen.

The most annoying thing about the JD-JP relationship in the last two episodes is that they blow hot and cold with each other like every hour/day. One moment, I care about you. The next, I don't know you. Enough, please

probably my last post for the day in this thread (hopefully) because if i think about it any more, im just going to get super annoyed by the whole thing


i replied in my other post, that i dont see woobin as a womanizer/playboy.

the drama did such a bad job explaining what he does. it's kind of ridiculous. the only time we actually see woobin with a girl is at the club and at new caledonia....but it doesnt really say much. hes supposed to be a character who likes older woman... a nuna-killer. they just dont do a good job at portraying that....

so i guess i just didnt understand it when woobin was excluded, but yes ur reason makes sense.

Honestly, the way JD acted in this episode, she seemed like a total ditz. There were so many moments where i was just dumbfounded by her stupidity... -_-

The spying scene...just reiterates my statement saying shes a total ditz.

Just because she cant see them, doesnt mean they cant see her. not gonna go into detail.

There are just some things from the manga that don't work in real life, and this is one of them.

if they had started out the drama to be very funny, and manga-life, perhaps this would have worked, but they didn't = BAD transitioning into it.

JD cant just start acting like shes very animated, when for the past couple of episodes, shes been in low-spirits and crying half the time.

I'm not convinced she actually studies at the clinic. whenever she is shown at the clinic, shes helping patients or cleaning the place.

if they showed one scene where she was actually studying, ill take it that shes actually trying hard to become a med student. (at least shes volunteering i guess...)

JD's character is just getting incredibly weird with each episode and its beginning to get really hard for me to continue liking her.

I dont think she acts like the strong weed she claims to be in the earlier episodes.

So far, all i feel like ive been seeing is JD relying on F4 to help her with something.

i really need to stop thinking so hard about this drama...im probably going to become an alcoholic as well

anyhoo.... my last rant of the day

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I have not read the manga or seen other two versions. What is the "Jandi being a maid at JP's mansion" storyline all about? Can someone care to explain a little since most people think it will not be incorporated in the K-version. Just very curious because so many posters have mentioned it.....

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sorri for cut ur quote...^^

i greed with u.. the maid storyline was funni and cute..

dont know why they didnt put it in.:(...

i like that storyline...

I usually don't comment, mostly because i think my point will be spamming.

I really the maid plot will come, it's one of the important scenes JP and JD needs to face. But doesn't anyone said in this thread, very earlier, that the "old lady maid" (sorry, don't know how to call her) may appear ?

In simple words, want to kill the PD and the scripwriter right now !! Episode 15 was kinda boring, the plot seems to be very unrealistic:

- JanDi wanna be a doctor, is that SO easy? it sounds like she could be one, just like that. I don't think Jandi is supposed to be "smart"...

- JH and his wish to get JD again, come on!! everyone knows it will be impossible (or I kill two times the PD) so no need to drag like that

But in other way, i'm grateful that they keep some comic scenes we didn't see in other versions (i didn't read the manga, so i don't know if those scenes happened or not, based on the manga).

I can understand JP, of course but i'm looking forward to the way he will get rid of his crazy mom to return at JD's side...

Anyway, i'm criticizing the drama as long as i'm watching it, i always find something bad to say, but still, i always anticipate every Monday and Tuesday!!

Addicted, still ^^

Sorry again, but Lilshinhwafreak, yeah i absolutely agree with you about JD character.

In fact, i can't really understand her moves, even if i'm supposed to like her. One time, she behaves like she is very mature (to go against JP's mom), the other time she could be so.... a girl you want to throw below a bus (i apologize, but i try to "express my feelings" when i'm watching her)

But, it's the PD to blame, again

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I have not read the manga or seen other two versions. What is the "Jandi being a maid at JP's mansion" storyline all about? Can someone care to explain a little since most people think it will not be incorporated in the K-version. Just very curious because so many posters have mentioned it.....

I think the question was already answered before in one of the former pages, but because it moves so fast maybe you overlooked it.

I haven´t read the manga but I seen the other two versions, so I just tell you how it is in the other two, okay?

In one or the other way Makino´s parents left for work (they went to another village), leaving her alone by herself in the house. She looses

her home and doesn´t have a place to stay. She is then brought to the mansion of Doumyouji. Because she doesn´t want to stay there for

free, that´s when she decided to work as a personal maid for him. There is a old housekeeper who first seemed to be really strict but later

befriends with Makino and helps her to be together with him. The two versions differs a little in their performance, but both are really cute.

I guess that´s why a lot of us loved this storyline and of course there were a lot of Makino-Doumyouji moments, that makes our hearts flutter, LOL...

I hope I didn´t write something wrong, if so please feel free to correct me, girls....

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maybe someone mentioned this already but I'm so glad in ep 15 that JD didnt get the chance to accept the shoes JP bought for her.

Giving the gift of shoes means that the receiver will leave the giver.. So JD will leave JH and JK (who picked up JP's gift) at the airport will leave JP. that leaves JP and JD to be together. :rolleyes:

maybe jh is jd prince charming just like cinderella

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Guest lilnahnah

Please explain character inconsistencies. Who is not consistent?

LoL! You don't ask a player to spy/stop another player while he's getting his mack on. Its like asking a wolf to guard the chicken coop. Even JP reluctantly did it. He only did it because it was Jandi asking and maybe because he got to spend time with her. She tried to reach JH first but he wasn't picking up maybe because F2 told him to ignore her calls. She became desperate and had to seek out the last person she wanted to, JP, because he had the means and the ride.

She didn't ditch JH. Sometimes, she just needs to stand by herself and not lean too heavily on JH. I rather see a little more of this. Be the weed, the strong Geum Jandi suppose to be. It also might be perceived as she wants more than she really wants -- a romantic relationship. Last episode, she effectively told him she wants to be only friends.

Didn't last episode she said that she liked volunteering at the clinic because it allowed her to study?

Its suppose to overracted -- the spying scenes. JD is a passionate and stubborn person. Its her best friend with a very known and accomplished player. She becomes overzealous in her zeal to protect GE, her sensitive friend. JD wants to respect their date but be ready to step in if something does happen.

The most annoying thing about the JD-JP relationship in the last two episodes is that they blow hot and cold with each other like every hour/day. One moment, I care about you. The next, I don't know you. Enough, please

You just said everything I wanted to say :mellow: lol

I personally LOVED the fact that while JP was trying to talk to JD she kept brushing him off like "Remember? Dude, I'm the 'stain' you want to erase, go, have fun with your cute, ear-biting, monkey-girl fiance."

I mean, Junpyo REALLY hurt Jandi (I understand it was necessay, but still, fact is, she was really hurt) and at the same time he's trying to talk to her saying things like "My fiance, whatever, don't mind her." Uh...some mixed messages there Junpyo, dear.

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Guest sanaechan

I am kinda relieved that I am not the only one who didn't get what was going on in today's episode. I mean, JP ignoring JD throughout the Macau episodes and suddenly he is back at school (why btw?) and he can talk to her pretty normally. And then suddenly at the end op the episode, all of F4 are ignoring JD. What the hell happened?

I have to admit, I was not always happy about the changes in the Korean version, but then again I think it's acceptable, because every version needs to stand out from the rest and shouldn't be a 100% copy, so I can live with that. What I can't live with however are changes of the characters and even worse, if they are badly done like in this version. Many people said it before, what the hell is wrong with Woo Bin? I admit, he was kinda cute in this episode, but before that, what was the purpose of this boring character anyway? It's kinda sad, because in the Manga and all the J and TW versions, he was portrayed as a pretty cool guy.

However, what I was most annoyed with was how JD's character was portrayed during the last 2 episodes. She's supposed to be a very poor but very strong and hardworking girl, but in this version, she if none of it. It might be more realistic to be totally down and heartbreaking and crying a lot when the guy you loves ignores you, but it's not what the main character of this show should be like. For example the piano scene at the birthday party was one of the coolest scenes in the Manga where Makino showed that she doesn't respect the mother and doesn't care what she thinks of her. I seriously think it turned out to be an awkward scene in ep 15 and JD should have found a better time for confessing her love than through singing a song in front of so many people.

And lastly, another character change that I dislike is YJ's. I mean I do admit the upcoming love story with GE is kinda cute, but that's just not him. He isn't a soulmate-person. Because the producers failed to make it clear that he is a complete ladies man and Won Bin dates a lot of older women, the viewers like the idea of finding a soulmate in GE, while the original character always made it clear that he isn't interested in such thing.

Oh one more thing, those who find the fiancee annoying, I can understand them. She would be getting on my nerves too, if I wouldn't know that she actually is a really really awesome girl.

OMG long rant. I am so sorry ^^;

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Guest ayoepan

There are just some things from the manga that don't work in real life, and this is one of them.

if they had started out the drama to be very funny, and manga-life, perhaps this would have worked, but they didn't = BAD transitioning into it.

JD cant just start acting like shes very animated, when for the past couple of episodes, shes been in low-spirits and crying half the time.

lilshinhwafreak, you nail it.

JD too weepy for the past episodes... I understand tht she's sad, but for example if u've been infuriated, will u cry in front public or rather take bitter pills and confront her? Last episode, while JD being ashamed by JP's mom, I hate she's being tearful and such. I want her to be stand out and not shown tears at all. I want her to stare JP's mom. I want JD to be gutsy and plucky like before...

I know she's in the lowest point, but hey, she's JD! The weeds!!

The PD and scriptwriter failed to build her character...

I wonder if they read the mangas before filming :P

If they read it, they MUST be knowing all this stuff. :P

But in other way, i'm grateful that they keep some comic scenes we didn't see in other versions (i didn't read the manga, so i don't know if those scenes happened or not, based on the manga).

I can understand JP, of course but i'm looking forward to the way he will get rid of his crazy mom to return at JD's side...

Sorry again, but Lilshinhwafreak, yeah i absolutely agree with you about JD character.

In fact, i can't really understand her moves, even if i'm supposed to like her. One time, she behaves like she is very mature (to go against JP's mom), the other time she could be so.... a girl you want to throw below a bus (i apologize, but i try to "express my feelings" when i'm watching her)

But, it's the PD to blame, again

Hehe too bad you didn't read the manga. It good thou' hehehe

Yeah JD's character can't be predicted. Somehow I couldnt see her as "weed". She's just JD, not JD the weed, which she supposed to be...

And I've been wondered.... why the hell JD came to JP's house after being ashamed and rejected by JP's mom. I JUST HOPE the PD and scriptwriter can re-arrange some scenes so it would be likable to watch. They need good TRANSITION between the rejection @ JP's party to JD asking for help. So the flow would be watchable.... So we can answer our own questions...

I hate comparing one version to another, since its diffrent dramas.... but if the PD and scriptwriter are still act like a BUTCHER... I can't help it but ranting...


And... I wonder... why they still casting for YJ's first love ?????

I thought evryone has been casted from the very beginning... Why they...hmmm *sorry* look unprofessional to me...

If they even still look for YJ's first love character, no wonder BoF has lot of flaws...

It just a pity...really a pitty....


Peace guys ^^

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im not sure where to begin...but ep16 was probably one of the weirdest/most random episodes we've have so far.

I'm not entirely sure what I actually watched today...

There was definitely some overacting going on...and OMG the character inconsistencies!

i mean COME ON. we're into the 16th episode.

Wasn't jandi TOTALLY awkward with JP throughout ep 13, 14 and 15?

And all of the sudden, shes like BEST friends with him again...aka shes totally using him to find out what's going on with SoEul.

What didn't make sense was that...why did jandi only asked JP? I mean, Woo Bin was standing right there and I thought it was totally mean of JD to just exclude Woo Bin like that (even if he was part of the plan...JD and JP don't know that.) it was ridiculous. If i was Woobin and JP and JD were whispering in front of me like that, I would be totally hurt and angry that i was ignored/excluded.

She also totally ditched JH, her best friend for the past three episodes. Couldn't she ask JH for help? why did it have to be JP, whom shes been avoiding.

I'm not even going to start on the overacting.

but I think I spent most of the episode wondering if Jandi was really that stupid....

i also dont understand how jandi thinks shes gonna go to med school.

she doesnt study..and its not like she got into the school because she was smart (like makino did in HYD)

anyways, thats my rant.

I think you're being too harsh on JD. JD did not ditch JH...JH was not available but JP was. If you re-watch today's ep, JD did called JH right after GE told her over the phone that GE will be going on a date with YJ. However when JH did not pick up his phone, JD went to the next person whom she knows that can help her...JP.

JD did not befriended with JP again by choice...she was tricked into it. The last thing on her mind when she went to see JP is their problem. Her main concern was her friend's welfare. The F2 knew that about JD & that's how they came up with the plan to get JD & JP start to bond/talk again by making sure JD would be overly concern about YJ seducing GE that she would go to JP for help. Besides, JP is the leader of F4 so it would be natural to go to the leader if you have a problem with one of F4. Also, I don't think JH would not willing help JD b/c the plan is to get JD goes to JP for help so they can start to bond again.

I think JD did not ask WB to help her because she closer with JP than WB. Again, she was only thinking about GE's welfare. And even if she did ask WB to help, WB would find some excuse to not to help her or to come with them so she & JP can be together.

And what's wrong with JD being ambitious? Just because one doesn't do well in high school doesn't mean he/she will not excel in college. As long as you have a drive and work hard for what you want in life, anything is possible...even becoming a doctor. JD will become a doctor (if that's the plot) because she's a tough girl, she works hard, and I think JH's grandfather, who's a doctor, will guide her. You can be come great if you have a good guidance and a strong will. Smartness does help but to me it's not as important as the will.

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today's episode was just exciting..

how can they just leave the episode like tat


& JP JD stalking them!!

and JP mom is just argg like seriously


oh and does anyone noe the ratings for todayy??

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Guest heosuautit
:sweatingbullets: i just feel sorry for JD in this episode, she isn´t the JD- the weed that we knew in the first 11 episodes. She is so passiv!!! I´d like to see a stronger JD but not this weaker JD in E16 :tears:
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I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like the drama has become weird...

- Like someone said before JD is relying way too much on F4 or they miraculously happen to hear that she's in trouble. (I'm not saying which is better) but I remember in the J version, F4 was barely able to get her family's true situation out of Makino. She wanted to solve her pbs on her own.

- JP is way too cold sometimes. I like the harsh comments and stuff but come on, how do you want to tell someone they are a stain that you want to erase one mn and the next be all jealous??? Life doesn't work that way!

- I wish JD made her feelings clearer to JH. Her always being with him gives him the hope that if things don't work between JP and her, he can try his luck and might have his chance. And JH needs to just to let it go.

- I'm not a fan a JK but I'm afraid her leaving will mean even more drama... sigh... hope next week's eps will be better...

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