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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Guest athena_dt

-someone who can make me laugh

-taller than me (easy peasy considering how short i am)

-accepts me the way i am

-someone i'm attracted to physically. i honestly don't have a requirement in the looks department. i've liked guys with a variety of nationalities and looks. and i'm not only closed to my own race or anything. if i like a guy, i like him.

-someone who forgives easily and is willing to have patience with me 'cause i make mistakes and can be stupid

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Guest yumikins

i like my guys tall, built, cute, Chinese, nice sense of humor, at least decent looking, can maintain a conversation with me, & love love love me (:

the built part..I always say to my girls..arms and abs <333

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Guest babii.lani

-has a decent car

-taller than me..so 5'6+

-asian(or at least partly)

-good sense of humour

-dresses well

-makes good money

-average looking+

-someone i can talk to without lots of awkward silences

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Guest robotomy

-I can be comfortable with

-I like people for their personalities, race is never an issue.

-someone who can hold a conversation.

-someone who is spontaneous.

-preferably over 5'8 haha.

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Guest asiancutie

Mine are:

-at least between 5'6 and 6'5


-great personality

-sense of humor

-loves me fore me

-someone either Asian or white

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Guest _unnie_24_

+ Will make me feel safe & comfortable

+ Filial

+ Accepts me for who i am

+ As for appearance, the minimum requirement is that as long as i could stand looking at him for a long time, then he's passed haha

+ taller than me by at least half a head

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Wow, some of these replies are so dense; shows the immaturity of people. Oh well, to each their own.

For me it would be someone I can form chemistry with but most of all, they honestly only have to be a considerate being or atleast aim to be considerate to be noticed in my book. :')

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Guest wendy1851

I have no minimum requirements cause when love's around you can't escape.

That's why some people have unfortunetly fell in love with a criminal or diseased person.

People who does a list will never be happy. They're trapped in their own mind.


Oh yeah the only minimum requirement is chemistry -obviously-

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Guest biscuit.


-neither hideous

-nor a hobbit


that's my minimum requirements for someone i consider dating

then consider him as a potential husband is another story.


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Guest mintkiss37

- taller than me, even if I wear heels

- loves me for who I am(:

- Christian

- a good listener/conversation holder

- can make me smile/laugh

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Guest JayOchibi

Education (please don't be as smart as the ladies on the state street)

average face, slim body.


do NOT cheat.

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Guest Masugomi

Uh ok let's see...

-Christian (My absolute neeed. Even if they surpass the other requirements 10x greater than what i ask, without this, they aren't for me.)

-white.. or asian. :3

-My height or shorter.. (I'm pretty short :'( 5'6" but oh well w/e go away dont talk to me...)

-Enjoys watching things with me. :D Like Kdramas or the types of movies i like.


-Has to be able to love picking and teasing and making fun of each other. :3

-Loves to have sarcastic conversations.. looooooooooooooooooool.

-Smart.. not just book smart.

-Has to accept the fact that im not perfect and have flaws.

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd that's pretty much it.

-Oh, and they have to have around the same level of fitness as i do.. (not hard, really looool.) But they have to at least take care of themselves and.. you know. not let themselves go.. too far...


-Someone who always has a smile, no matter what. And is insanely optimistic. Always happy.

ok there, that's all. .......... Yikes.

[Edit] - I know no ones "always happy," but there's that person that's hard to bring down you know? but there's those few things that can bring them down, even though it may bring them waaayy down. I would know, because i'm one of them... anyways... lol

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Guest shineeblue<3

rofl. some of these "minimum" requirements are not minimum at all.

for me the important things are his smile, his kindness, and that he will love me for who i am :) i know its a typical you-are-pretending-not-to-care-about-other-things answer but i truly do feel that these three things matter most ^.^

of COURSE everyone has an "ideal type" but isnt this thread asking basically what matters most to you?

i mean some girls, putting "nice hair" "nice clothes" "making this much money"...seriously, thats what matters MOST? if those type of material things are your requirements....then i feel really sorry for you. thats prettttty shallow.

btw. to girls who are saying only asian and white, etc: what if you totally fall for a guy who isnt asian or white? should ethnicity really matter? isnt it whats on the inside? would you really move along just because he isnt your required ethnicity?

and im not trying to bash anyone in particular. so no hate messages, ok? lol.

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Mine~ Pwaha.

- Has to be taller than me. ... Yeah, basically everyone is already. I'm 5. ... JUST 5. =__="

- Asian. Mixed, or pure. Doesn't matter. Pwaha. Mixed is preferred though. :]

- HAS THAT HOT ASIAN HAIR. Man, I'm a sucker for that style. YES.

- Plays video games, but isn't like, obsessed. I mean, I'm a gamer chickk too, but don't exaggerate. O_o;

- & someone who loves me for who I am.

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Guest maipotter

At least taller than me! That can't be hard. I'm only 5'0. Funny and good personality! I love guys that make me laugh. And love me for me and accept me for who I am. Be there for me etc. (:

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Guest Masugomi

rofl. some of these "minimum" requirements are not minimum at all.

for me the important things are his smile, his kindness, and that he will love me for who i am :) i know its a typical you-are-pretending-not-to-care-about-other-things answer but i truly do feel that these three things matter most ^.^

of COURSE everyone has an "ideal type" but isnt this thread asking basically what matters most to you?

i mean some girls, putting "nice hair" "nice clothes" "making this much money"...seriously, thats what matters MOST? if those type of material things are your requirements....then i feel really sorry for you. thats prettttty shallow.

btw. to girls who are saying only asian and white, etc: what if you totally fall for a guy who isnt asian or white? should ethnicity really matter? isnt it whats on the inside? would you really move along just because he isnt your required ethnicity?

and im not trying to bash anyone in particular. so no hate messages, ok? lol.

>:o! lol jk. So, I'm a guy, so that part OBVIOUSLY had nothing to do with me, although i DID say i wanted an asian or white. But i believe there may be those kind of people who are really only attracted to certain races, and not so much to others.

I know i've only been attracted to white and asian, i don't know why, but i am. It's a preference thing. :) But the possibility of them ending up with someone out of the preference is definitely still there.

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