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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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The most important thing:

Must be smart.... (I like girl that smarter than me, I'll never be bored with her... if she is wise too, that could be great )

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I have high standards >o<

a) Less than 6' tall

B) Must be creative

c) Must be skilled in doing something

d) Good fashion sense

e) Above room temperature IQ

f) Reliable

g) Truthful

h) Asian

Yes those are my minimum standards haha!

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Guest TooSoompiForYou

My minimum requirements are:

- At least 5'2.

- Have a good sense of humor.

- Dress normal or nicely. Not messy.

- Fit :)

- Cares for me and loves me.

Yup yup. I'm kind of picky. xD

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Guest chopper!


he would be tough, manly on the outside,

but shy, sweet on the inside. haha like...a coconut? lols XD

who dresses neatly and is on the chubby side ^^

honest and open-minded (:

my standards are never high tho haha.

i see good in people, and so i'm a bit open-hearted to guys ^^

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Fit. Doesn't have to be muscular/skinny.

Can make me laugh (Guys with a sense of humour are <3)

Somewhat intelligent (more things to talk about ;D)

honest, loyal

&& just to add, I'm a sucker for guys with glasses. (of course he has to look good in them) LOL. XD

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Guest GreenStuff

its kind of funny because i was having a similar convo with a few of my friends over the weekend. in any case, one friend, who is a VERY big girl, is super picky and superficial when it comes to guys, and you know what...shes had 1 bf and shes 26, and not for lack of trying, or for lack of guys that shes liked. im sorry to say but she thinks shes hot stuff and deserves a 6 foot tall white or asian man, with rippling muscles, making lots of money(her list minus one or two things). shes 5'5" weighs significantly more than i do (i weigh in at 150) and if you were to shave her head, you'd swear she was just some fat dude.

so i have a question to match your question. i see the posts about whats the ideal bf/gf and minimum requirements, but what part of your ego makes you think you deserve anybody close to your ideals or minimums?

i also have another comment but will come back to it later.

I don't think it should matter how you look like on if you deserve to be w/ someone of your ideal type. Bc everyone deserves to be with someone good. But in her case, its all on appearance so that's another whole diff. story.

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Guest hyukielove

Hmmm, My minimum requirements would be ..

Has to have some sort of style.

He has to be CLEAN. Ughh, smelly dirty guys, no thanks.

He has to be manly. /: I can't stand baby-ish guys.

Taller than me. I think that's about it ...

OH WAIT AND~ He has to be exactly like CHOI MINHO. <3

hehe justkidds! (:

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Guest Goodkatfish

For me a guy has to be:

taller than me (i'm 5'5)

funny or atleast a sense of humor because i like to make ppl laugh

able to accept my laugh hehe!!

able to accept me for who i am...unique B):D

Indian, black, asian, or hispanic. (im black and don't really think i could go out with a white guy)

decent looking (because im decent looking. not too pretty and not too ugly :P)

Can have a intellectual conversation

Here's where i become picky---He doesn't have to have abs but you can't be fat.

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Guest riotmind

The thing about expectations is... when you meet someone you fall for... sometimes your expectations go right out the window

I completely and utterly agree with you.

Lord knows how many times I've surprised myself by liking people I've never imagined myself with.

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Guest Sophisticate


x. Chinese

x. Over 5'7"

x. Nicely tanned

x. <15% bodyfat for sure.

x. Straight nose, not too big or hooked.

x. broad shoulders

x. showers daily & chews gum


x. can make me laugh constantly

x. is able to make a good joke out of everything

x. can mentally challenge me & make me think & consider new ideas

x. will be completely and utterly faithful to me

x. would never consider cheating. ever.

x. doesn't flirt with other girls.

x. is someone that is reliable & responsible

x. smiles a lot. SMILES A LOT. LAUGHS A LOT.


x. no debt other then school or house/car mortgages.

x. similar social issue outlooks

x. must have at least a BA or BS

x. can not be vegetarian

x. can not use illegal drugs (including weed) more then once a month

x. must get along with my friends

x. must make over 20,000 a year if he has a full-time job

x. must have his own place away from his parents

x. must be older then me

x. must be willing to hold my hand in public

x. indulges my sexual fetishes & does not look down on them

x. must be STD free

x. must be willing to have sex with me

x. can not have any mental retardation

x. can not have any mental problems (like depression, bipolar, etc)

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my requirements ^___^

1. taller than me *not the 6 ft type lol. just...at least 5'6 HAHAHA*

2. good educational backgroud ;)

3. mature and responsible

4. smells...normal LOL

5. accepting *well, i have a weird/unique attitude soooo... <_<*

6. sweet sweet sweet <3

7. communicates well

8. neat. *nooo not the super neat one hahaha. i'm a messy person! i need a neat guy.XD*

9. knows how to drive and has a license *ooohhhh a car is a plus! :P *

10. honest and loyal <3

bold words: my guy has it! <3 LOL XD

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Guest roartehgoar

wow, some people have really high expectations.

Im not trying to sound extremely rude, but are most of you single?

I don't see how anyone can fit some of the expectations ive seen on this thread.

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Guest DailyMelody

^ Totally agree with you on that one!

Wow, some people have really high expecations

and this thread is called 'minimum requirements'.

But oh well I'll join in;

+ Taller than me (175 - 180 cm.)

+ Trustworthy

+ Sense of humor.

And a nice smile would be a plus. =]

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Guest iloveairports

I completely and utterly agree with you.

Lord knows how many times I've surprised myself by liking people I've never imagined myself with.

Totally! Screw minimum requirements, hahaha.

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Guest Sophisticate

wow, some people have really high expectations.

Im not trying to sound extremely rude, but are most of you single?

I don't see how anyone can fit some of the expectations ive seen on this thread.

Haha, I hope you're not talking about me. I have a list & I don't think it's very high expectations if you think about it, but if you think it is... then no. I am not single. In fact, my boyfriend fits all these (and more) that I don't see as "minimum." &most of my boyfriends have fit all of these, sans maybe one or two.. but have more then made up for it in other ways (devotion, money, etc).

But I'm 21 & I know what I want from my past 8+years of dating... so I have a huge list because.. well I know what I want & what's realistic ! lol.


x. Chinese

x. Over 5'7"

x. Nicely tanned

x. <15% bodyfat for sure.

x. Straight nose, not too big or hooked.

x. broad shoulders

x. showers daily & chews gum


x. can make me laugh constantly

x. is able to make a good joke out of everything

x. can mentally challenge me & make me think & consider new ideas

x. will be completely and utterly faithful to me

x. would never consider cheating. ever.

x. doesn't flirt with other girls.

x. is someone that is reliable & responsible

x. smiles a lot. SMILES A LOT. LAUGHS A LOT.


x. no debt other then school or house/car mortgages.

x. similar social issue outlooks

x. must have at least a BA or BS

x. can not be vegetarian

x. can not use illegal drugs (including weed) more then once a month

x. must get along with my friends

x. must make over 20,000 a year if he has a full-time job

x. must have his own place away from his parents

x. must be older then me

x. must be willing to hold my hand in public

x. indulges my sexual fetishes & does not look down on them

x. must be STD free

x. must be willing to have sex with me

x. can not have any mental retardation

x. can not have any mental problems (like depression, bipolar, etc)

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Guest xiao jia

someone with whom i can hold an intelligible conversation.

someone who can give me space

someone who has their own passion in life, and is willing to work hard for it, even if it means letting me go, because if that's the reason they cannot spend time with me, then i will give them time, and wait for them.

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Guest pinksugar23

Everybody has expectations and know what they want in a partner.

But honestly i think if you start to get to know the person, all those expectations don't even matter

because if you fell in love with their personality also for who they are it really does changes everything and shapes the person infront of your eyes.

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