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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest plumblossoms

Who do I PM address to for the SuYin Sisters chat? It's going to be hard because of time difference eh? Also, the pic spams are awesome! Keep it coming ;) I wish I could pic spam, but I don't really know how :sweatingbullets: Someone found the Park Myung Soo radio interview??? Where they mention Li Yin :o I've been wondering if it's been online for quite a while now... I think I heard it a couple years back lol. Hm... I don't think they have asked Li Yin in interviews what her religion is...I always thought she was Catholic or Buddhist, but who knows? ^^;; I was looking through Kyosa's fan vid and in the beginning there was Yunho teasing Junsu about how he sings so seriously with Li Yin hehehe~

TsaiTsuki- I want to smack Junsu!!! T_T How could he do that to her??? I hope you write more! :)

Jaejoong_love That was so sad! Why is she texting Taeyeon? ^^ Just curious. I want to read more~

seaprincess The manips are amazing! I've seen them before I wish Junsu or Li Yin saw it ^^

Yongie-Wonhi- I remember you, hello~ I hate it when posts don't go through and it gets deleted T_T I'm in love with SuYin's "Saranghaeyo" poses <3

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REMINDER! Please do not post your MSN here. Just PM any one of us (Suyin sisters) your e-mail.

I'm sure capri-shiqi has a lot already...lol

soulitda - ;) We're working on the radio clip translation. Once it is translated, we will upload the clip. Please wait.

plumblossoms - haha...I just love the way Yunho teasing Junsu. (hint!)

Just PM us your e-mail so we can add you. :)

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Guest purplesoompi

eeh, i feel lost

i feel like so many things

are happening haha

on the process on making

icons...need to share some

things and not just post


you have amazing searching

skills!! where did you find the



oh my goodness, you're going to upload it?

*hugs* i'll be waiting for that...and your

other suyin vids, never get tired watching them ;)

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yongie_wonhi - no problemo la love meeting new suyin sisters


we can meet up =D

aww poo so i went to yt bt i couldn't find the audiio... T___T

BUT instead i found something else =D

i love the song and the quote.. btw, who said that quote?

i want credit it when i use it for my siggy =D

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Guest yongie_wonhi

capri-shiqi: WOW. Thanks so much! You have mad searching skills. *O*

KYAAA~~ It's so cute. x] How they were all fighting to say that Liyin is cute, it's like they're trying to get Junsu to reveal that he likes her. ;) hmm The package would be complete if he was blushing! Blushing Junsu for Liyin is seriously going to make my day! haha Ri In unnie definitely is populare amongst the Dong Bang boys! :)

Jaejoong is seriously like one of the biggest supporters of Suyin. x) That's probably why he tries to tease Junsu by getting a little closer to her every time. :lol: haha and now Yunho joined in the Suyin shipping! 4 down, one more person to convert! Changmin still is not converted yet! :o They need to convert him soon! :D

stayfreemymisery__`: haha Thanks. ;) It's great to be back! *O*

marmar: HAHA You definitely are fated to post that pic! >D Keep up the good work unnie! :D Despite all the commotion about that pic, I hope it doesn't say "Timeless" is Whack or anything like that. @__@ Then Junsu would be a bad bad boy. >.<

plumblossoms: Thanks. ;) I didn't think anybody would remember me. *o* I love their saranghae poses as well! It's so cute~ I bet they were thinking of each other when they were doing those poses. x]

lilcece: I loved the similarities you found of them! :w00t: Especially the side-to-side dance, it's so cute! :)

JoongBoXiah: Thanks. It took me forever to look for those. @_@

j0liN: Nope. I live in California, USA. :( Really wish I could meet you though! btw what song and what quote are you talking about? >.<

Quick question: So do I have to PM all the sisters to join in on the Suyin chat?? Cuz that would be a lot of PM's to send out. @_@ Thanks in advance! :D


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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I need to go watch the clip.

YOu guys are detective sisters!!!

Suyin is so love!

Man, I need to find it. in the main time, when was this???

I love Park myung soo also haha

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yongie_wonhi - grr why is everyone living in cali lol

ohhhh u can prolly meet up with julie unnie she lives in cali too

the song is: gary cao - shi jie wei yi de ni

and the quote is "love is a language spoken by everyone but only the heart can understand"

it's from that suyin vid i posted on my last post =D

gotta check it out soo sweet <3

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Guest lovehyuksu

This thread has flown! All thanks to that Timeless shirt

Junsu wore. Lol. ^^

The radio clip was finally found?! capri-shiqi, I've said

this before and I'll say it again, you are too awesome!

Vanessa, and LYNNIE, thanks for all of those Timeless

photos. The good old days. <3

Cece I love the similarities you found! Those red plaid

shirts & the S-Line. The more I look at the similarities

the more SuYin becomes more real to me. (If it's even

humanly possible!)

My mom always told me that if a couple looks alike, it

means that they're meant for each other. Soulmates!!

And you can't deny that they don't have at least some

similar facial features! Not only that but they act alike

too. Hehe.

Oh! Kyosa, I love that SuYin video you made! I finally

had the chance to watch it today and it struck a cord

in my heart XD & welcome yongie_wonhi! I know that

you'll like it here in the thread. ^^

*You live in Cali? So do I! Where exactly are you? (x

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Wait, is the clip up??? I can't find it ahhh

Ahh, I am dying to see the clip. Well I don't want to die, I mean. I am just so excited and anticipating.

Do we get to see their faces?? Or just audio>>

question. Why did PMS brought Ri In up?? or did the DBSK boys did??

Junsu is the closest with Ri in but he get to say the least haha, DBSK boys are so cute

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Suyin Sisters / Red Chocolates / Chocophins

We don't have any news to PM. Please do not ask for a PM.

ONCE again, yes we do have the audio of DBSK guesting on PMS radio show (2006). We are working on getting it subbed for the Suyin sisters.

It is NOT done yet. Please wait patiently.... :)

We will notify all our Suyin sisters here when it is done. Thanks!

purplesoompi - Yes, I will do the uploading and putting the subs together. Just need to wait for it. We are still working on it.

lovehyuksu - Thanks. Glad you liked it.

marmar - Just gotta say sorry again.










;) Since I topped the page (by accident marmar)






Ok....here it is again!











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Guest sum-chick

@Capri-shiq...OMG!!..are you serious??..i wanna hear..he actually stuttered??..wahh!!..that is so cute!!..omg..hwaiting for that!!..

o i pm u my msn..have u added me yet?..i wanna join suyin conversation when u guys have one and im on...

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katie: it's okay if you topped the page...like i said "if it's fate then I'll let it play out til I topped the page." since you all keep saying it's fate for me to keep reposting the picture I'm gonna keep doing so..lol Gosh I sound like some loser guru..lol

Sisters, like KyoSa was saying. We are working on the subbing...well Kyosa is because I totally suck at subbing LOL but once the subbing is done we will upload it & post the link okay.

So do not worry. Your suyin sisters are working on it :D

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Guest jaejoong_love33


ahaha im definetly not trying to kill junsu O_O

i'll never do that for as long as i live ^^

and btw. call me claire :D

soo... heres the rest of the one-shot

Once Again...

She walked off the plane to the SM building, brushing away her feelings.

He felt his heart pumping as he drove to work from his apartment.

She was greeted by smiles and hugs.

He was greeted by polite nods and bows.

She had a quiet ride there.

He felt his eardrums die from the screaming.

She saw him...

He saw her...

"Junsu sshi," she started.

"Don't..." Junsu looked at her. How much she had changed.

Li Yin stared into his eyes, wanting to believe.

She wanted to believe that they were the same; but were they?

So much rumors... so much scandals... so much work...

Can they return?

"Junsu ah," she started again. "I'm so tired..."

Junsu paused a second before answering.

"Same here," He replied. "Same here."

"Hollywood Bowl oppa?"

Li Yin searched his eyes for the truth. She needed to believe.

"Miduhyo..." Junsu began to sing. The more he sang, the more tears that flowed.


"Li Yin ah, you're here again... I'm here... look at the afterglow... we're here again... saranghamnida"

Timeless Love

She smiled as she watched from backstage.

It was too sweet. Just for her, the song was only for her.

His voice... his looks... his heart... she finally understood.

Li Yin grasped her necklace, a dolphin charm.

"Oppa, na arayo" (Oppa, I understand)

"I love you.... my heart which feels like bursting is calling out to you"

"Oppa, I'm calling out to you also. Can you feel it?"

"I love you, I only love you..."

"Danyunhagji," (of course) "This is timeless love..."


^^ sorry. not taht good.

I am going to put this in the timeless project.

So any editing ideas?

and btw



*sigh* I wish I had an MSN, but my daddy blocked all messenger on my computer >.<

oh well~ :D

SuYin Sisters FIGHTING! <3

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