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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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i think i'm the only one that is a little bummed by the "90's Rocks" thing.

I mean YEAH!! we finally solved the mystery thanks to min_60 but WTH? Why 90's?

Yes, I love the 90's as well because they proved the style that I loved & the music that I loved.

but why 90's? I think it would've been better if it was "Timeless" 89's ROCKS? get the 89?

because Ri In was born in 89?...lol corny i know.

Oh well like I said I was a teeny weeny bummed but hey it's all good because

like sisters see all I wanna see is "TIMELESS" ROCKS!!

but dayum I really thought it was "Timeless" is back oh well...lol

Now that the mystery of the front shirt was solved let's solve what the back says.

Point is sisters, he worn a TIMELESS shirt...& Timeless is SUYIN!!

sorry i cut your post :sweatingbullets:

i'm actually kind of glad that the shirt doesn't say something totally obvious like "TIMELESS" ROCKS or IS BACK just because it seems like he's trying to be subtle about it. and this way it seems as though Junsu came across the shirt himself and thought, oooh :phew: i think i'll buy this rather than if it had said any of those other things everyone would probably just assume that a Suyin fan sent it to him. does anybody know what i'm saying? lol.. i don't think i even get what i'm trying to say.



-kind of random, but has deeper meaning

-makes it seem as tho junsu was browsing around and found the shirt by coincidence

-bought the shirt because it reminded him of liyin

-wears it because he wants to


-fanmade/and somewhat obvious

-sent to him and he wears it to please fans

sorry if i'm confusing you all, i'm pretty bad at explaining myself :sweatingbullets:


i have no problems with fanmade shirts. lol. i'm all for sending him shirts with timeless and liyin all over them :lol:

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`


-kind of random, but has deeper meaning

-makes it seem as tho junsu was browsing around and found the shirt by coincidence

-bought the shirt because it reminded him of liyin

-wears it because he wants to


-fanmade/and somewhat obvious

-sent to him and he wears it to please fans

I think he only bought it 'cause it reminded him of Li Yin and didn't even care about the "90's Rock" part. He bought on impulse 'cause he misses the good old days [yes I'm hella cheesy! <3]

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Guest liljdazngal06

sorry i cut your post :sweatingbullets:

i'm actually kind of glad that the shirt doesn't say something totally obvious like "TIMELESS" ROCKS or IS BACK just because it seems like he's trying to be subtle about it. and this way it seems as though Junsu came across the shirt himself and thought, oooh :phew: i think i'll buy this rather than if it had said any of those other things everyone would probably just assume that a Suyin fan sent it to him. does anybody know what i'm saying? lol.. i don't think i even get what i'm trying to say.



-kind of random, but has deeper meaning

-makes it seem as tho junsu was browsing around and found the shirt by coincidence

-bought the shirt because it reminded him of liyin

-wears it because he wants to


-fanmade/and somewhat obvious

-sent to him and he wears it to please fans

sorry if i'm confusing you all, i'm pretty bad at explaining myself :sweatingbullets:


i have no problems with fanmade shirts. lol. i'm all for sending him shirts with timeless and liyin all over them :lol:

i couldn't agree with u more about all the things that u said ^ hehehehehehehehhehe i do believe that its better this way for both junsu and liyin because .....................................


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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

I think it is cool.

I mean neither of them are born in the 90s, and I can't think of anything special for them besides maybe 90s is a pretty awesome decade haha, most of us are born then right? and in the previous decade.

Suyin are just awesome. TIMELESS is the key word Junsu brought it for, i am sure!

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Another page!

We are rocking the Suyin love!

So do we know what the back say now??

The fronts are so small.

Welcome new Suyin sisters!!

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^ enough said....

Katie, Nessa, Lynnie & Carmen you girls already know...lol XD

bbiieblu: Omg thank you for reposting those pictures w/his a.ss cut off.

I'm sorry but everytime those pictures get reposted I find myself looking at his a.ss more than

the wording in the back...lol i know perverted of me but come on he got a NICE a.ss...lol

st*r: I get what you mean, but like nessa I think he bought the shirt

because it says "TIMELESS" on it with BIG OL'LETTERS & he knows what Timeless says

so he probably bought it thinking about Li Yin :D

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Guest capri-shiqi




Everyone should be the same,

they buy something cause it reminds them of somebody.

Whenever I buy accessories, i'm always attracted to DOLPHINS, STARS and CROSSES.


You know why~

Either it's related to Su/TVXQ.

I very sure Junsu buy it cause of the "TIMELESS".

And no.

Junsu doesn't like 90s Rock.

I can so confirm that.


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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

And no.

Junsu doesn't like 90s Rock.

I can so confirm that.


EXACTLY.. he bought it just 'cause of the word TIMELESS...

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LMBO!!! now that i backtracked i just realized wat the shirt said LMBO i'm soo slow =__=

timeless 90's rock ehh... let's just take out the 90's part n we know wat junsu really thinks


nyws... like i was saying earlier now that i'm listening to Afterglow, I remember

do you guys know how there's a part where /s]Changmin sings

I love you,

The foolish you,

You’re so precious to me

I know this is some crappy reasoning but remember how Junsu said he invited Li Yinnie to go eat with him and she's soo cute when chocking on food...

pabo = fool or someone who does silly yet cute stuff (wat we chinese will call sha gua)


okies... i know its crappy lol

bt i'm seriously happy ovr this hehehehe

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marmar - It's fate. I would love to see that picture on everypage! :D

capri-shiqi - Junsu is only focusing on "TIMELESS" It's quoted there and the highlight of the shirt!!!!!

I so agree with you. I would always buy something special that reminds me of certain people.

I do have dolphin stuff too...hehe

j0liN - Sweetie! aww....yes...I think they're both pabo. Everyone would focus on "TIMELESS" on his shirt...hehe

Yes, I love that interview. Junsu seems so shy when Yoochun told the press that Junsu told him to say it....aww...of course he wants everyone to pay attention to his song. It's for his girl.....and it's Liyin!

stayfreemymisery__` - Yes, I bet all he bought the shirt because it has "TIMELESS"

How cute of him!

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Guest liljdazngal06

LMBO!!! now that i backtracked i just realized wat the shirt said LMBO i'm soo slow =__=

timeless 90's rock ehh... let's just take out the 90's part n we know wat junsu really thinks


nyws... like i was saying earlier now that i'm listening to Afterglow, I remember

do you guys know how there's a part where /s]Changmin sings

I love you,

The foolish you,

You’re so precious to me

I know this is some crappy reasoning but remember how Junsu said he invited Li Yinnie to go eat with him and she's soo cute when chocking on food...

pabo = fool or someone who does silly yet cute stuff (wat we chinese will call sha gua)


okies... i know its crappy lol

bt i'm seriously happy ovr this hehehehe




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nyws... like i was saying earlier now that i'm listening to Afterglow, I remember

do you guys know how there's a part where /s]Changmin sings

I love you,

The foolish you,

You’re so precious to me

I know this is some crappy reasoning but remember how Junsu said he invited Li Yinnie to go eat with him and she's soo cute when chocking on food...

pabo = fool or someone who does silly yet cute stuff (wat we chinese will call sha gua)


okies... i know its crappy lol

bt i'm seriously happy ovr this hehehehe

sorry cut cut :ph34r:

and LOL. i can't seem to find that interview or whatever where su said that...sha gua..sounds like crazy melon...i can imagine junsu going o___O then patting liyin's back really hard "take it like a man!"

coke not good for amy

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Guest stardust.

oh jeez, i never realized i missed so much O___O;

i was backtracking sooooo much, we SuYin sisters have progressed so much, so fast ^^ yay !

and i just love
's icons <33 ^^ i'm too lazy to crop though
bleh. i'll just save and stare then XD

*squeals* that picture just made my day ! it says
on it !
aaaah, Junsu makes us all so happy :blush:

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KyoSa -OHYEAH!!! n i found another part of the lyric just now cuz i was wondering.. junsu's solo part near the end of the song seems a bit.... more emotional than the way he normallly sings other songs soo THIS IS WAT I FOUND!

No matter how many times they find us, (MAJOR HINTS THERE)

No matter if we can’t breathe,

Like those invisible flower-like smiles, -(when they have to pretend they're only friends in public)

Which shine just like the stars,

I’ll keep you safe beautifully - (from Cassie ;D)

and i'm pretty sure junsu sang this part.. not sure though... nvm... =__=ll his line starts with love you but it's ok... HE COMPOSED THE WHOLE SONG LOL

liljdazngal06 - lol yay!! this is the most feedbacks i evr gotten in this thread other than this one time when i posted the suyin similarity pic spam =( BUT I"M HAPPY!!! heheh i'll serve this thread until..... FOREVER!

Hemera - I'm pretty sure it was from a radio interview... not sure though I remember someone saying it's from one

LOL i cracked up when i read "take it like a man"

ROFL su would prolly laugh at her silliness bt he's the only one who can though

If someone else does it, he'll prolly be like "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT MY GIRL HUH?!"

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st*r: I get what you mean, but like nessa I think he bought the shirt

because it says "TIMELESS" on it with BIG OL'LETTERS & he knows what Timeless says

so he probably bought it thinking about Li Yin :D

but that's what i think too :huh: ... lol i guess i made it seem like i thought the opposite, i told ya guys i was bad at at explaining myself :wacko:


you guys are so awesome analyzing the lyrics and stuff haha. i still haven't listened to both Afterglow and Look at the...Sunset. :vicx: i know i know, some db fan i am. i'm gonna go do it now :P

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Guest jaejoong_love33

ahhhh!!! i love you guys!!!!!

i go to school and come back to see the timeless puzzle revealed!!! ^O^


^^ im getting a timeless fever...

anyone else feeling it?


omo~ i love both of ur reasonings!! ^^

we have discovered the mystery in his lyrics..

ahaha. i think ima post the lyrics and decipher it for you guys

cuz im so giddy right now from the dose of SuYin <333

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Guest jaejoong_love33

kk~ here is my interpretation of the entire song ^^

노을을...바라보다 While looking at the...after glow

by Kim Junsu

After the after glow sets,

I'm going towards you,

Following the lights which turn on one by one

this reminded me of their performances.

like... they would always perform during night time,

and then remember how they would look at each other?

well~ it painted an image that junsu+li yin are walking towards each other on the stage~ ^^

I'll embrace you,

Before the cold wind makes your shoulders flinch

ahahaha~ this is like when li yin has those "revealing" outfits on.

junsu is saying that she would be cold and that she should put a JACKET ON!! ^^

I love you,

The foolish you,

You're so precious to me

like j0lin said, this probably reminds him of all their memories..

when they went out to eat and she choked and all the other wonderful times they had

As much as the sun that rises above you,

I'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,

omo~ that last line is junsu saying to li yin that she shouldnt worry about all the scandals and rumors.

and about how he is going to protect her and keep her by his side now that TVXQ is back in korea~

All the dreams I've prayed for,

They're going towards you with my sincere scent

More than the air I breathe

this is probably when he thought of Cassiopeia..

and how he wanted them to accept their relationship ^^

(cuz you know how scary Cassie can be)

I hope that my wishes of smiling next to you every new morning,

Will be able to come true

hmmmm~ junsu is a lil feisty~

ahaha. "every new morning"=living together=Kim Family<33

I'll wait for you,

I'll never let go of your hands,

Even if it's only tears,

I'll wipe them away for you


you know how li yin had so many hardships when she first came here?

well~ i think that junsu is saying that he wants to keep her safe from them.

and how he cant stand seeing her getting hurt.

and how he'll wait in korea patiently for her until she gets back from China...

Although we are not able to see the end,

No matter how bumpy our road is,

I'll promise you, please be mine

this is the future of Timeless~

no one knows what their careers will be headed to,

but they will always remember 9-9-06: the day that they got together...

and no matter what, they will try their best to keep going on w. their love

'I love you' 'You're the only one',

I want to yell those words out into the sky

I love you, my heart which feels like bursting is calling out to you

well~this is like all the times when junsu feels that li yin doesnt see his efforts.

and how helpless he feels if she's always talking to han geng and making him feel hurtt~

No matter how many times they find us,

No matter if we can't breathe,

yess~ no matter how many times Chocolates+Cassiopeia notice SuYin,

no matter how many times the media overloads the country with 5-17-08 scandal...

Like those invisible flower-like smiles,

Which shine just like the stars,

I'll keep you safe beautifully

just like the hidden meaning behind their so-called "friendly" smiles,

their love shines... and they will be safe and together forever...


^sooo... what did you guys think?

short... not that detailed. but. the basic piont ^^

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OMG! this thread is moving so f.cking fast!!! wow sisters!

hhahaha Junsu made us go crazy xD hahaha I love how you keep on

reposting the picture on every new page!!!

we just need the 90 off and yes! "TIMELESS ROCKS"!!! but Su cant give

us everything we want.. they are supposed to be hidden from us =P

j0liN: thanks so much for the SUYin translations of the song!!!

hahaha I love the "foolish" part <33 our little Li yIn is such a dork at times!

and everything he wrote so goes with them!!!

but he doesnt get many parts in the songs T.T BUT the parts he does get are mainly

for SuYin <3 thats why he sang them I think xD hehe (correct me if im wrong)

"Although we are not able to see the end,

No matter how bumpy our road is,

I'll promise you, please be mine"

"I love you, my heart which feels like bursting is calling out to you"

oh and I was listening to "Crazy Love" and reading the lyrics

and I love this part they gave to Su! so suits our SuYin <333

its like in 2:55, i dont know korean but u can follow along after that when they say 'you are my crazy love' and so on.. =P

"Is it a sin to love (to love), I can't stop (can't stop),

Even if people can't understand me,

I just love you, baby I love you

It pains me that I make it hard for you,

Even if nobody knows how I feel, if it's you, it's fine

No matter what anybody says, you're my crazy love,

Though they say I'm crazy, Just can't get enough,

I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,

One more time"

jaejoong_love33: just like I said to J0lin, LOVE you little interpretation of SU's song!!!!

OMG that song is really for our Angels <333 we love you Su!!!!

btw is confirmed that he wrote it during 2006??? I really wanna know, pls!

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