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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest liljdazngal06

haha, do you guys use to watch Pokemon?? Remember the bad guys in there Jack, etc?? Well they always say that line concur the world with ...

When simplykrystal said Suyin concur the world with their love, i just thought of that haha.

I agree, Suyin love spreads.

I GOT AN IDEA. Just curious, but after your post, I just want to know where SUyin sisters are from after you are done replying put your country toward the end like this


lol thats a great idea dear............. ahh so many of us and we can see suyin sisters from all over the world lol

^__________^ USA

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Jia you everyone, suyin 25 more pages to go!!

yeah my nationality is Chinese american. haha, i never thought about marrying anyone but my nationality, but somehow, Suyin convinced me I should not care about nationalities haha

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^ joongboaxiahjang same here. in a way, suyin opened my mind lol X]

I dont know if its another similarity but my cousin

and I were talking and mentioned to me..

They both sing lyrics "WHY~"

Junsu has lines "Why... Why.." in TVXQ's "Heart, Mind and Soul"

and Liyin, of course sings "Why.." in her song "Y..."

lol ^_^

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

I think for now, I like DBSK's HUG song, I just love it somehow. I wish RiIn and Junsu would do that HUG haha. Well, more often!

I like Ri In's song, all of them are very good. But I like the happy ending songs for SUYIN though

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Guest liljdazngal06

Jia you everyone, suyin 25 more pages to go!!

yeah my nationality is Chinese american. haha, i never thought about marrying anyone but my nationality, but somehow, Suyin convinced me I should not care about nationalities haha

me too i am also chinese american lol but yeah i have always wanted to marry an asian guy but yeah now i am like there is no such thing as love so i stopped caring but for suyin my heart believes in love lol (if that makes sense to anybody) lol

^ joongboaxiahjang same here. in a way, suyin opened my mind lol X]

I dont know if its another similarity but my cousin

and I were talking and mentioned to me..

They both sing lyrics "WHY~"

Junsu has lines "Why... Why.." in TVXQ's "Heart, Mind and Soul"

and Liyin, of course sings "Why.." in her song "Y..."

lol ^_^

oooo i didn't kno that hehehehe thats so cute awww they are seriously made for eachother why can't they just admit it already why are they taunting us..????? hehehe i guess its fun to keep their love a secret..... :D

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

what you don't believe in love??

DO YOU GUYS think SUyin believe in love in first sight?

Do you guys personally believe there is such a thing??

I do haha, and I think Suyin probably do too.

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JoongBoXiahJang - same here~!!!!

wow we have a lot of chinese americans in here!!! yay! we should just gather up and talk on aim/msn!!!

lol... suyin kinda influenced me ... to marry a chinese OR korean guy

lol i know i'm soo racist =__="

n yes!! more huggies from suyin!!!

simplykristal - D: ur right!! lol, i'd never noticed that!!

hehe soo cute!

EDIT: u know... i'd never think bout that .. love at first sight

i doubt it i mean ...it rarely happens .. harhar i doubt suyin was love at first sight either

hehe at least i hope their feelings grew as time past .. love at first sight to me seems like it might end someday =X

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Guest jenuinelytrue

Wow...I haven't posted in this thread in so long...O.o Sorry guys, I have been lurking...forgive me.. :tears: This thread moves really fast! Really hard to catch up if you leave for a while...glad that we are all showing our timeless love! xD

I really do have nothing to contribute...but I feel like I should share my answers...so just bear with me? xD

Who do you think DBSK is closest to Ri In, besides Junsu- we all know they are the closet?

Well, everyone has answered the same to this...Jae or Yoochun...honestly, I think more of Jae since there is more evidence of their relationship on camera and such...I like to entertain the idea that Changmin and Ri In are close...the two youngest...working together to create trouble for their hyungs/oppas...xD

Why do you think Junsu was chosen to duet with Ri in, or Ri In is chosen for this song?

I am sure that like everyone else we would like to know why Junsu and Ri In was chosen to duet together. Honestly, I think they seriously need to get some really quality writers for Ri In so we can stop hearing remakes! Not that I mind listening to Ri In sing remakes..xD Well, the song was probably chosen for Ri In because it fits her voice and LSM thought that that by using such a high vocal range song, it will attract the attention of his Korean audience. Also, Junsu was chosen probably because DBSK is his most popular group, so why not use his most popular group to promote his newest singer? But why Junsu out of all the DBSK boys? Well, obviously Junsu has the most unique voice and it fits well with Ri In. I also think that if Jaejoong was chosen instead of Junsu, he would probably outshine Ri In and the focus would stray from Ri In..^-^;;

If timeless was not sing by Junsu and Ri In, can you imagine what it would be like? for example a different person for one of them.

BLASPHEMY! Pure blasphemy! xP I cannot really imagine Timeless not being sung by Junsu and Ri In. However, if it was sung by different people, I dont think I would have been pulled into the song like I was when I first heard it. Their voices both mix really well and particularly Junsu voice brings a unique sound to it.

What do you think is next for Suyin?

Well, we do have the SM concert coming up...but I am not getting my hopes up! I don't want it to be crushed again...x( Hopefully, another duet, but I doubt that would happen...LSM is still trying to firmly implant Ri In into China music scene...maybe for the SMTown winter cd? If they have one...Something going on there? XD Or maybe another DBSK/Ri In promotion thing? GAH!! If they did a CM together, I would just die...

What do you think SUyin have most in common??

Hm...most in common. I think that they both have really strong family ties...as well as both as the potential to be successful solo artists...you know, if Junsu ever decides to go that route...maybe ten years from now or something..xD..

What do you think Suyin have least in common??

Um...personality? I think Ri In is definitely starting to come out of her shell, but she is still a shy girl. Junsu on the other hand is very outgoing...there are times when I do see the similarity in personalities between the two, but yeah..they have different personalities...not completely opposite...but noticeable that you can see the difference..xD

Do you think they will change for eachother if they are together, or keep their own ways even if they are together?

Honestly, change is always going to happen and if you have been following both of their careers, you can see the change in both of them. If you really want to make a relationship work, both partners have to sacrifice a little and change something about them...so I think yes, both of them will change for the other, but nothing minor...just the little things...like particular habits..xD

Who do you think is the leader in the relationship??

I love how everyone says its Ri In...lol...personally, I dont think there is a leader in their relationship...partners perhaps...but in more spontaneous moments, definitely Junsu is leading those..xD

Does Ri In like anybody besides Junsu?? / why do you think Junsu always get left out of the picture whenever DBSK are on a show and they ask for their dream girl??

Ri In and anyboy else...I can imagine her and maybe Siwon having something...but that could just be influence from the latest pictures of Ri In that I just saw. As for why Junsu gets left out of the picture, probably cause he said something that the PD wants cut or its just a boring, generic answer...trying to avoid rumors of Suyin!! xP

What was your first impression of SuYin?

Honestly, the music video didn't do much for me at first...you barely saw them..>.<...but then I started to love the song and kept replaying the music video and watching all of their interactions and it was like a lightbulb went off in my head...sort of like...why didn't I see this before?!? xD

How does your first impression of SuYin differ from your impression of them now?

Obviously, I am a Suyin fanatic...if anyone has read my stories, they would know that I love them together because so far I have only written Suyin stories...lol...oh the sappiness...as for my first impression compared to now...read the previous answer...

If you have been a fan from the very beginning, what are the most significant changes you've noticed between "then" and "now"?

Ri In has definitely been improving on her confidence and vocally getting better as well as being a better performer...Junsu is like such a veterin...there really isnt much of a change from before except his looks have gotten maturer... :w00t: Although for both of them, my favorite looks for them was during the Timeless era...

On what level do you think SuYin as solos/duet needs improving?

Ri In needs to stop getting so nervous performing for televised performances...also she needs to stop straining her voice to hit those really high notes...Junsu...please strip more..xD :w00t:

what is it about them that entices you?

The chemistry between the two...its like wow...

As to where I am from...I guess I am not very original..USA xD

I think I wrote too much...^-^;;

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Wow, that is the longest post I ever seen haha.

Suyin's love make us do that!!

Does Suyin write to fans?? I wonder what they are up to now! Anyone give me an update on them?

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Guest celena8899

Love all the suyinness!

Gosh, it jumped like 3 pages since i was here yesterday!

Suyin is on fire! less then 2 weeks until they are reunited. I went over to Ri In's thread, ahh Ri In don't you cheat on Junsu with Shiwon!

What is junsu doing these days?? I heard they are working on their comeback in september? Miss them dearly!

USA/ but wish I am in korea right now haha

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first time poster here. more of a jaeyin fan, but thought this was worth showing for SuYin fans. hope this wasn't posted before.

They were getting ready for the interview and they were doing Mic checks.. Jae Joong says Xie Xie, then "Jang Ri In, Jia You", then which Junsu followed with "Zhang Li Yin, Jia You" and some other Jia Yous!

Micky joins in the "jiayouing" of Jang Ri In. lol


credits: Ruby8270

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Guest celena8899

Welcome Tally

Thanks for the clip. I think we have all sorts of angle of the cyworld now haha. there were alot of fans there and they filmed them. I hope those fans will find out thread and still have those clips to show us!!

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Guest liljdazngal06

first time poster here. more of a jaeyin fan, but thought this was worth showing for SuYin fans. hope this wasn't posted before.

They were getting ready for the interview and they were doing Mic checks.. Jae Joong says Xie Xie, then "Jang Ri In, Jia You", then which Junsu followed with "Zhang Li Yin, Jia You" and some other Jia Yous!

Micky joins in the "jiayouing" of Jang Ri In. lol


credits: Ruby8270

i remember watching this clip not to long ago...........ahhh he is so so so cute towards her gosh i love it so much wish he would call her name more often.......hehehehehe more suyin moments i need more suyin moments or else....or else i will callapse lol lack of "suyin" neutrition ^_____________^ lol and thanks for the link

and tally welcome to our thread please join us to support our timeless couple

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Guest liljdazngal06

Sisters have been so amazing for answering the questions, so I have a teeny favor to ask:

answer the SuYin Questions for the TIMELESS Project!

Thanks <3!

yay i can't wait for the project to be done i will go and answer the questions now..... hehhehe thanks for sharing so that we can all help with the project!!!! ^______________________^


<33 awww i "SUYINED" a page but i have nothing to share sorry well let me go look for something and then i will be back but yay 176

so i kno that this is lame but i thought that i would share wiith everyone since we were talking about giving suyin gifts i found some that i thought i would share hehehhee


awww its so cute 2 dolphins together


this one is also cute it reminds me of dbsk's triangle where ri in took BoA's place as the angel ehhehehehehe


of course i gotta add the heaven couple necklace from stairway to heaven

hmmm doesn't this look famiiliar to anyone


*cough* SUYIN already have *cough* lol

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Guest Mrs.Lonely

KyoSa: Aww..I really love SuYin's cute expression!

soulitda & tally: Welcome to the thread!!

`Niiie: Cute SuYin icons!Thnx for sharing!

MinJee_318: Beautiful banner!

j0liN: Thnx for sharing the links!Aww,Ri In is so pretty in the SM's audition message.

Waa~Most of you are from USA.Hehe,but I'm from Malaysia.

BTW,congratz to liljdazngal06 for SuYin-ed this page!

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Guest liljdazngal06

i attempted to backlog..but its just too many pages. i bring nothing but more clips (hopefully never seen before)

Junsu says Li Yin's name wrong. i think he said Jung Li Yin. not too sure


nudging her to sing with a part with him


awwwwwwww the second clip was so sweet..... it was like a "love tap" lol thanks for sharing with us all and i kno how u feel there is alot of pages to look back at but take ur time ir makes it seem real if u read and go through all the pages even though it will take a while trust me its worth it hehehehehehehe :D

and thanks Mrs.Lonely i am so happy that we are this far....... suyin sister jia you and hwaiting<333333

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starrysky21 : thanks for the snow dream's caps... Junsu does looks pissed.. =p

and yeah.. why was Ri In there while she wasnt even performing?? supporting Junsu maybe?? lol~

liljdazngal06 : congrats for Suyined a page~ lol~ wow.. thats a cute dolphine there!!!

Answering time!!!

1. How does your first impression of SuYin differ from your impression of them now?

- not so much change.. cause i used to think that they are cute together and yet till now.,. my impression is still that they look cute together..

and i think they have lots of chemistry together..

2. If you have been a fan from the very beginning, what are the most significant changes you've noticed between "then" and "now"?

- they look more shy with each other now than before.. *maybe i'm the only one who thinks like that*...

- Li Yin's voice are better now! she improved a lots when singing live..

3. On what level do you think SuYin as solos/duet needs improving?

- ummm.. a very high level i guess...

4. What is it about them that entices you?

- their chemistry and their powerful duet..

5. DO YOU GUYS think SUyin believe in love in first sight?

- maybe... ^^

END... ^_^

Fighting SuYin Sisters!!!!! just few pages to go.. then we'll celebrate it!!!

p/s : Mrs.Lonely.. thank you.. ur banner is cute too!!!! liking it!

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