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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Selva glad to be help ^^

Those caps makes me more curious ^^ does Muhyul finally know his true identity? why he have to separate with Yeon again? Ok, enough ^^ I have to wait for the answer by watching it my self ^^ *patiently waiting for the link :P and dramaok summary :P*

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Guest selvaspeedy

ok I saw the episode today :wub:

what I understood according to my expertise in korean language -_- is that

dojin told seryu that he found that necklace in a market in beryu or something... I think she said that this necklace belongs to her brother, so he asked her: do you mean Yeojin? and she said: no another brother...

as I said I'm not an expert in Korean :P ... but I recognized some of the words when I was listening...

now dojin knows that muhyul is a KGR prince... and there's another scene in the market, where Dojin was capturing someone... but AGAIN my internet was intermittent, so I didn't know what's happening

-_- and also I have no idea why Muhyul and Maro headed to the black shadows camp and burnt the store there :crazy: ... this part was a little intermittent online... so I'm sure I missed something... maybe Yuri ordered them... but I'm not sure :unsure:

oh my... I really loved the episode... many cute scenes between Muhyul and Yeon... and wheesung song totally raised up my mood while I'm watching :wub:

but in the preview of the next episode :wub: there is a scene where Yeon is asking Muhyul: where does it hurt?

and he pointed to his chest and said: it hurts here :wub: (the same conversation they had before :blush: )

and also there's a scene with yeon crying and Muhyul hugging her, and Dojin is watching them ANGRILY :rolleyes:

and another scene where

Muhyul threw a dagger into Daeso and injured him


it's lunch time here... gotta go and eat :D

I'll come back later and read what you guys wrote :P

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i never had a single doubt on this drama...

me too :) ! i've been anticipating this drama eversince i heard about it,

i think i loved it even before it even started :lol: .

If anyone here is interested in reading about this time period in Korean history, I'll be happy to recommend some books. I hope I have been able to answer your question.

hi, avonmarissa :) ! i'm interested (in english of course :P )! do you know where i can buy online as well?

in the preview of the next episode there is a scene where Yeon is asking Muhyul: where does it hurt?

and he pointed to his chest and said: it hurts here

oh! i can't wait to see this :D ! i'm feeling muhyul's love :blush: ! love me oppa :lol: !

...about dojin & seryu's encounter, i had a hunch dojin will know muhyul's true identity before him.

i wonder what he'll do with this piece of information, this kind of scene is usually negative.

ugh! i don't want dojin to hate muhyul!

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Guest selvaspeedy

hi valmylove

I think it would be much much better if you watched the 1st episodes :D

regarding your questions:

But King Yuri pretend to kill Myhul but really he was in hiding so Myhul came back to revenge because he felt alienate from the King? Or he does not know he’s the prince?

the oracle predicted that Muhyul will bring destruction to KGR and be responsible for the death of his parents, sibling and son... so Yuri gave an order to Haemyung (his elder son) to take Muhyul away from the palace... and let him grow up as a commoner. before Haemyung leaves with Muhyul, Seryu left a necklace with the baby so she can recognize him if they ever meet again.

so Haemyung took him to king Jumong's grave... and Muhyul grew up there as a wall painter in that cave... he doesn't know he's a prince.

and the reason behind Muhyul's desire for revenge is kinda complicated :D

briefly, Haemyung along with Muhyul, Goyo, Balso and Maro set a trap to kill king Daeso but they failed...

so king Daeso announced that he will attack KGR as a response to this act... Haemyung, feeling so guilty for all the chaos he created, told Yuri that he's willing to go to Buyeo and do whatever Daeso wants... of course Yuri refused... but Haemyung found a way to escape from KGR palace and he headed to Buyeo... while he was riding his horse, Muhyul and the rest of the gang saw him... they all thought that Yuri sent Haemyung to Buyeo to stop the war... that's why Muhyul wants to take revenge from Yuri.

And is this King Daeso the brother of Jumong from Jumong? So would that make Donjin’s his son?

I didn't get what you wanna say... sorry :blush:

but Daeso isn't Jumong's brother...

and Daeso doesn't have children... and Dojin isn't his son :sweatingbullets:

I reposted some of the caps... I just love seeing oppa :wub:




look at her... sneaking behind him :D







omo... he looks like a baby when he cries... feel like I wanna hug him myself :blush:













and that evil man... don't even remember his name :tongue2:



















and this fanart from the preview of the next episode... the way they're looking at each other is so :wub: AJA


source: DCinside KOTW gallery

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Guest avonmarissa

Oooh... that is all I could manage to say after watching today's episode. I think the story is about to get very interesting. I think

Muhyul and Maro are double agents now, lol. I think Muhyul is going to make it up to Yuri for misunderstanding him regarding Haemyung's death.

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Guest dramaok

ep. 13:


Upon seeing Muhyul hurt and unconscious, Yeon starts to cry silently, then she quickly treats his wound with powder medicine and puts bandage on him. Mahwang asks Maro how Muhyul got so badly injured and Maro lies and says he was bitten by animals while hunting. Mahwang won't buy it and says the wound doesn't look like its from animals. Just then Yeon says she needs more medicine and asks Mahwang to go get it since she has to stay with the patient. Mahwang says okay but warns Yeon not to think about running away. Yeon says of course she won't abandon her patient. Mahwang leaves and Yeon asks Maro what happened to them and Maro asks the same. Yeon says she was trying to escape but was caught by Mahwang's men. Maro comments everyone that are linked to them meet such bad fates including Dojin. Yeon asks what about Dojin with a worried look, and Maro says he was about to be sent away when he killed his fellow assasins and ran away.


Out by the river Dojin stands, looking out to the farway mountain and water, when Baegeuk walks up to him and asks Dojin if he's thinking about the dark assasins. Baegeuk tells him from now on Dojin is his shadow and his job is to bring him what he wants, but one day, Dojin will come out of Baegeuk's shadow to be shown to the world, and that is when Dojin will undo the grudge against him. Meanwhile Maro helps Yeon who praises Maro for his skills, and Yeon compliments him and asks him to go fetch some more herbs. Maro leaves, and Yeon continues to stay by Muhyul's side, wiping away his cold sweat.

Back at the palace, Hye-Ap tells Yuri she hasn't found Muhyul as she tries to persuade him again about Muhyul's identity, but Yuri turns his head and says it is better that they don't find him. Muhyul finally awakes and is shocked to see Yeon there, smiling at him. Yeon says they always meet this way. Muhyul asks how this can be and Maro explains she was caught by Mahwang. Muhyul looks alarmed and Yeon says not to worry since Mahwang doesn't treat her like a slave girl. Muhyul feels his pain again and Yeon helps him lie comfortably. When Mahwang goes back home, his men tells him Hye-Ap and Goeyu were looking for someone, and Mahwang remembers Myeongjin telling him a couple of masked men kidnapped Yeojin from the Biryu soldiers, and Mahwang puts the two and two together and realize who Muhyul and Maro are. Meanwhile, Baegeuk looks at the drawings that Hye-Ap drew of Muhyul and Maro for her soldiers to use and Baegeuk remembers having seen Muhyul as Haemyeong's follower. Baegeuk then calls Dojin in, and asks him if he knows the men in the drawings. Dojin is surprised and tells Baegeuk the two men used to be assasins with him. Baegeuk says the two once kidnapped Prince Yeojin, and the two must still be in Guknae fortress area, and Baegeuk orders Dojin to go catch the two.


Next morning, Muhyul thinks about things out in the field, and Yeon goes up to him and says he shouldnt' move about yet. Muhyul says he's okay, and Yeon asks him if it's true he used to be Crown Prince Haemyeong's follower. Muhyul nods, and Yeon then asks why he hates King Yuri so much if he used to be Haemyeong's man, and Muhyul explains he used to live in a cave with nothing but a life of painting ahead of him, without knowing even who his parents are and what the world is, but Prince Haemyeong saved him from that place and took him out to the world and gave him a dream. Muhyul says he thought King Yuri killed Prince Haemyeong in order to protect his throne. Yeon says he was there when Prince Haemyeong killed himself, and even til the last minute King Yuri tried to stop Haemeyong, and Yuri was with the prince when the prince bled to death. Muhyul is taken back to hear it, and he becomes emotional and says he thought wrong and lived from then til now trying to avenge for the prince only he was pointing his knife at the wrong person. Yeon watches Muhyul as he tears up at his own torment and Yeon tears up as well, and goes up to him putting her head on his shoulder, then her arm around him. At her touch, Muhyul becomes even more emotional.

Back at the cave, Mahwang comes back with more medicines and when he sees Maro startled he asks him why he looks so startled and asks him if he's got some secret from him. Mahwang looks around and sees Muhyul and Yeon missing and becomes worried, but soon the two arrive. Mahwang tells Yeon to leave with him right away, and Yeon says she needs to stay with the patient more but Mahwang says it's enough seeing that Muhyul is already walking. Muhyul also says he's fine and thanks Mahwang, who says he is doing this as a favor to the deceased prince, but he wishes to never meet again. Yeon reluctantly leaves but gives Maro some instructions on treating Muhyul's wounds.


Dojin continues to look at the drawings of Muhyul and Maro, when Baegeuk comes and asks if Dojin has a plan yet. Dojin replies yes, and mentions all dark assasins move around with some sort of network already established, and Baegeuk says the spies of Buyeo are all dead, but Dojin says those are not the only ones there will be new ones. Despite the danger, Muhyul wants go back to Guknae fortress in order to meet w/ spies and Maro helps Muhyul return to the fortress streets, where they spot the new spy who is disgusised as a peddler, but just as they are about to approach the man, the spy gets attacked by Biryu troops. Muhyul and Maro retract, but they don't realize Dojin is there as well watching the happening. Dojin ends up killing the spy and when a Biryu troop asks Dojin why he needed to kill the spy when they could've kept him alive for interrogation Dojin simply says the man is too dangerous since he is a trained assasin. Dojin then leads the troops to the hideout cave but Muhyul and Maro are already gone. Dojin returns to Baegeuk and says the men Baegeuk wants must have suffered bad injury because they found some leftover medicines in the cave hideout, and he will look for the ppl who supplied the medicine in order to catch them.


Muhyul sneaks into the Goguryeo palace and sees Hye-Ap asking for help to meet with the king. Hye-Ap asks King Yuri to go see Muhyul, and Yuri agrees. When Muhyul meets with Yuri alone, Yuri asks why he wants to see him, and Muhyul says he's caused a great offense against the king and the nation, but Yuri says he too caused a great offense by not saving Haemyeong and he's already forgiven Muhyul. However Muhyul says he wants to wash away his own sins and asks Yuri to allow him to return to Buyeo as a spy for Goguryeo from now on. Next Yuri meets with Hye-Ap and she pleads the king to allow it saying Muhyul needs the chance to wash away his guilt so he can stand proudly and Yuri says what he wants is to end his ties with Muhyul but he doesn't want Muhyul to die, and Hye-Ap says Muhyul is a smart person who will stay alive, and Yuri finally agrees. Hye-Ap then meets with Muhyul to say the king allowed it, and Chubalso who is there says Muhyul and Maro are nuts, but Maro shows how brave he is by saying in no time they will bring back Daeso's head.


Next day Baegeuk comes to the palace with Dojin to meet with Lady Miyu and Prince Yeojin, and Guchu wonders who Dojin is. During the meeting, Baegeuk introduced Dojin to Miyu and Yeojin and says from now on Dojin can protect Yeojin whenever he wants to go out, and Baegeuk says Dojin will find the men who kidnapped Yeojin, but once he does he will give the creidt to Yeojin so he can win the king's favor. Miyu thanks Baegeuk but Yeojin looks troubled by it. Afterwards Dojin asks Baegeuk why he wants to give the credit to Prince Yeojin, and Baegeuk says a long time ago there's a legend about a bird called Gongmyeongju, which was a foolish creature that had two heads. One of the head wanted to kill the other so it fed him poison, but it ended up killing them both because they shared a body. Baegeuk says that is how it is with Buyeo and Goguryeo, and he wants to see the two nations kill each other, so in the end he can build a new nation with the Biryu clan, and Yeojin is simply his puppet to get there.


Then Baegeuk brings Dojin to meet Princess Seryu who is practicing her martial arts skill again and Baegeuk says she can practice with Dojin who is their best fighter in the clan. Seryu welcomes the challenge and the two are in a duel. Goeyu and Chubalso pass by and watch, Balso says the man Seryu is up against is a very good fighter who looks like he's trying hard not to hit Princess Seryu. Balso then notices Goeyu watching instensely and Balso says Goeyu is jealoused. But after a few exchanges, Seryu notices the pendant necklace on Dojin and asks Dojin where he got it. Dojin says he received it from a friend, and Seryu asks where the friend is. Dojin replies he doesn't know, and Seryu asks Baegeuk if she can go talk to Dojin alone. Goeyu and Balso watch as Dojin leaves with Seryu, and Goeyu becomes unsettled. Balso whispers Seryu must fancy the man, and Goeyu says if Balso says something like that again he's dead.

Seryu talks to Dojin alone and asks about the details about the necklace. Dojin says the man who gave it to him used to be a Biryu soldier but he went missing. Seryu says she once gave the necklace to her younger brother and Dojin asks if she means Prince Yeojin. Seryu replies no, but another brother who died as soon as he was born. Seryu wonders why Dojin has it now, and Dojin is also perplexed. Meanwhile Prince Yeojin is troubled in thoughts, and Yeojin tells Yeonha he is thinking about the man who kidnapped them. Yeonha says Yeojin should just forget about them and the bad thing that happened, but Yeojin says he can't get the man out of his mind, and Yeojin wonders why Baegeuk is looking for them. Yeojin tells Hye-Ap about it, and Hye-Ap is alarmed, and tells Yeojin not to ask about the matter anymore and to let her handle it. Yeojin says okay but if she finds them he wants to see them because he wants to talk to them. Hye-Ap agrees.


That night, Yeon wants to go check on Muhyul's wounds and Mahwang says Yeon is not allowed to go anywhere. Yeon asks why, and Mahwang tells Yeon Muhyul and Maro are dark assasins of Buyeo, and the Biryu troops are looking everywhere for the ppl who helped them, and if they are caught, both Mahwang and Yeon are dead meat. Hye-Ap meets with Muhyul and Maro and warns them about Baegeuk searching for them. Hye-Ap urges the two to leave immediately, and Goeyu says they will meet again in one month's time by the place where Haemyeong used to be. Next, Muhyul sneaks into Mahwang's compound to bid farewell to Yeon, and Yeon asks about Muhyul's safety. Muhyul says he came to see her before leaving and Yeon is surprised. Muhyul says he's going back to Buyeo as a Goguryeo spy, and when the time comes he will avenge for Yeon too. Yeon says she is also tormented by what happened, but her father told her not to hold a grudge against King Daeso or Buyeo. Yeon then tells Muhyul not to engage in anything dangerous. Muhyul then gives Yeon the wood carving.

Muhyul: "I made this during my most troubled times. You always came to watch over me when I was in danger. When I erase the things I did wrong, I will come back to watch over you."

Yeon and Muhyul exchange longing looks, and Muhyul leaves, with Yeon tearing up as she watches him leave. Muhyul turns and looks at her once more before leaving for good, and Yeon is left to look at the statue in her hand from Muhyul. Next day, Muhyul and Maro return to Buyeo and meet with King Daeso to tell him they failed their mission. King Daeso is furious and Sagu tells the King even though the two didn't kill Yuri, they caused a big chaos in Goguryeo by kidnapping Prince Yeojin and showing Goguryeo the threat of Buyeo. King Daeso says he will give them another chance, and Maro asks Muhyul why Sagu was on their side, and Muhyul tells Maro it must be because their mission was Sagu's first mission as head of assasins. Maro asks what their plan is now, and Muhyul says first they should go back to the assasin camp and set up their next move.


Meanwhile, Dojin thinks about the pendant necklace and what it means about Muhyul. Next, Mahwang takes Yeon to Biryu Sangga to treat him again with needle pressure and Mahwang asks about the rumor around town that the Kisan troops with guard their border. Sangga is surprised by it and just then Myeongjin and Baegeuk come. Sangga dismisses Mahwang and Yeon and find out from Myeongjin about King Yuri dismissing all their troops around the border, and replacing the posts with the Kisan troops. Baegeuk says the king is trying to undermine their power and they can't back down or else they will suffer greater loss in the future. Yeon who is left to wander around the Biryu compound sees Dojin practicing his skills and both are shocked to see each other, but just as they're about to talk Mahwang comes and whisks Yeon away saying the Sangga wishes to see them again now. After treating the sannga, Yeon tells Mahwang she wants to fetch some herbs for Sangga at the herbal shop and leaves alone. Dojin is waiting for her in the corner and the two finally get to talk. Dojin asks what happened and Yeon explains about how she got caught as a slave but came to work for Mahwang. Dojin asks her to be patient saying he will soon save her, and Yeon mentions she met Muhyul here in Goguryeo and Dojin is surprised then asks about Muhyul's whereabout. Yeon replies Muhyul already went back to Buyeo but he will work for Goguryeo from now on, and he even said he will avenge for her father's death, which startles Dojin.


Muhyul and Maro are back in Buyeo and they decide to sneak into the library where secret documents are kept and the two find the scroll with the imprint 'deer' on it and they realize that's the one they're looking for, and after they find it they burn the whole library on fire. When they sneak back into the assasin sleeping chamber, they are soon awaken by the assasin captain who tells about the fire and says one of the assasins must have done it, and begins to pour a liquid on the assasins' boots to reveal if any of their boots are tainted by the powder from the library, in order to find the culprits. Maro begins to look nervous as the liquid is about to be poured on his boots, but Muhyul remains composed.


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Ok I finally finish eps 13 ^^ woaaa can't wait to see eps 14 ^^

Dojin finally know about Muhyul identity, after seeing Muhyul hugging Yeon I think Dojin decide to give his life to Daeso again (he remember what Daeso said in the earlier eps something about Daeso giving him a second chance?).

I think eps 14 will be the beginning of Dojin hating Muhyul.

Ok I have to read dramaok summary for the enlighten ^^ and thank you WITH S2 subbing team for the eps 10 sub ^^

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Guest selvaspeedy

YAY... double treat for all of us

WITH S2 subs and dramaok's summary :wub:

thanks alot guys... and thanks a bunch dramaok... now everything is clear in my head...

you're right korean-aein

Dojin is gonna start hating Muhyul from the next episode... he was startled when Yeon told him that Muhyul will take revenge from the guy who killed her father... and omo I can't forget the look on his face when he saw them hugging :phew:

poor Muhyul... he doesn't have a goal whatsoever... all what he wanna do is please the belated Haemyung :P

unfortunately, I have an important lecture I can't miss tomorrow... and I'm not gonna be able to watch the episode online :tears:

Episode 14 preview:


















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Yes you shouldn't skip your study again selva ^^ *talking to my self :P I watch eps 13 in the office hour :P*

I like the scene when Geoyu jealously looking Seryu with Dojin while they were fighting ^^ and chubalsu teasing him :lol: also I like Yeojin & Yeonha pair ^^ they look cute together :P

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What a sh**************** :crazy::crazy:

Im watching epi 13 going part 5 when suddenly Vikii became inaccessible.... it pissed me off...... im so into it already.... :tears:

I like the scene when Geoyu jealously looking Seryu with Dojin while they were fighting ^^ and chubalsu teasing him :lol: also I like Yeojin & Yeonha pair ^^ they look cute together :P

Me too... i like this scene also.... cute and funny!!!!!! :lol:


I would love to take care of this man also... in my dreams....... :lol:


Though im not yet thru on epi 13, i must say that the story is now getting unpredictable... more exciting... now also getting more romantic...

Oh Muhyul, why didn't you take advantage of Yeon hugging you!!! you should have hugged her back....

I also like Hye-ap's voice... calm but tough...

Dramaok, once again thanks for the summary... great help...

Selva.... study first... :lol: :lol: thanks for all the screen caps....

Take care everyone.... not in the mood today...

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Guest selvaspeedy

it's funny really...because the lecture today was dull and boring, and the lecturer kept on dragging and dragging and dragging... but gladly he finished early...

so I came home expecting to ease all of my frustration and boredom by watching something awesome and cute (hint hint... KOTW :blush: )... and I find a baseball game instead :crazy: I hate baseball :crazy:

why nobody has informed us before?! -_-

is there no Episode 14 this week, or the episode was pushed and will start after the baseball match? :blink:

I hope someone can answer me :sweatingbullets:

oppa, I'll only get to see you for only one episode this week?! :tears:

this is so unfair :tears::tears:

but this is good in a way, because I'll finally concentrate on my books a bit and my exam next monday :rolleyes::P

but still :crazy:

anyway... some goodies from DCinside KOTW gallery:


our triangle :phew:


this is Goyo when he was looking at Seryu together with Dojin :D


idk this pic looks weird :mellow:



YAY it was pushed... I'm watching it now :D

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