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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest selvaspeedy


lol I'm having tears in my eyes because of laughing so hard :P

Yiji has to be the most hated person in this drama! Even more than Baeguk!!

I really never like that song they play in the romantic parts. I try to give it a chance but it still wears thin on me. Lyrics are pretty gooey too. There were couple of better songs but they got played like once or twice.

the song is good, but they should play it only in the romantic parts between Muhyul and Yeon. They didn't have to play the exact same song when Muhyul saw Hodong!!

there's a very beautiful song in the OST by Who. It's name is oh love and my god it's a very beautiful song but they never played it :blink:

here it's link w/ the lyrics:


My money has been on Goeyu since he and Seryu kissed twice by the river.

Anyone wanna place bets?

I want to be as much in the same place as I can when Goeyu gets an arrow in the heart on the battlefield.

you killed the guy already :blink: :blink:

my bet will be on Maro and yeon. I'm sure Yeon is going to die <_< and we see a gloomy scene for Muhyul on his knees crying and wailing next to her dead smiling body :crazy:

I also wish they could have at least 2 episodes of the BTS and NGs so that it would not be too hard on us who'll really miss the series after next weeks episodes.

yeah that would be great. I hope they do that :blush:

what happened to 'i'll wager my life to kill muhyul'?

he's just hiding the whole time lol

such a weasel!! Reminds me of Jon Dal and Kim yang :crazy:

Another funny thing is that when groups of soldiers are approaching, the infiltrators often just turn their back to the street as if that would be enough for the soldiers to not notice them. I guess it works in show, though.

LMAO yeah they are rushing to end the series and ignoring some of these detail is really agitating :mellow:

I kinda get the feeling after watching the last week episode that this drama has a sad ending! I know, I hate to see Princess Yeon still suffering after all the promises that Muhyul made to her long back.

Anyway my guess is that one of the major character might die or should I say, will die in the next episode. I'd say its either Maro or Princess Seryul's lover...Can't wait to see the remaining last episodes...

aww yeah SAD ENDING that's for sure :tears:

some gifs:

aww love this scene :wub:








this scene :tongue2:








source: DC songgal


:blink: I topped the page again!!

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Guest selvaspeedy

another post for today :P (omo I'm gonna miss this thread T_T )









Muhyul and Maro old days :P


the quintette


source: gall DCinside KOTW gallery

I love the way SIG rides the horse :blush: looks so majestic :blush:


and this scene was crazy :crazy:




he saw him!!! why didn't he shoot him w/ an arrow?!!!! and going after one man (especially a weasel like Baeguk) won't take forever Hye-Ap <_< so why did you say you have to cross the borders now :crazy:

and one more thing: did you see the guys in the background carrying the flags? they were running everywhere like chicken! is it their job to do this during the fights? :mellow: (that scene was hilarious, and seeing Baeguk hiding in there like weasles was the top of the cake :P )

so I hope the last war would be GREAT w/ lot of blood on the swords and real fighting please -_-

another thing: doesn't yeon know that calling Dojin Oraboni is teasing him even more!! she should stop saying that to him cause he's really crazy lol

anyhow, I HOPE MUHYUL WON'T DIE IN THE END :tears: that would be my wish. Please I hope he stays alive :(

about Hodong, the writers already changed a lot in the history, so I'm afraid they are going to kill him and it will be somehow Muhyul's fault cause he was stupid enough to leave his son w/ the witch :tongue2:

since we're approaching the end, I was thinking that some of the events here could have been much better. For Muhyul to forget about Yeon for 2 years and never tries to find her is so agitating!!! so he basically let Maro take care of this matter while he didn't even bother to take care of it himself!! I know he's the king and all and was busy conquering nations and stuff and everybody was telling him to forget about her but I just don't like that -_- I feel he doesn't love her as much as he used to before! yeah he sent her the sculpture and asked about her when Maro came w/out her. But c'mon man!!! he didn't even look worried knowing that she's still there w/ that psycho in Buyeo :crazy: he just said: she wants to stay so Dojin and I won't fight, but the fight is inevitable :blink: WTH is that :mellow: or maybe he thinks that she already gave herself to Dojin and that she loves him now :ph34r: even that, where is the jealousy man :blink:

anyway, I was just rambling :blush:

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I'm an avid reader of this forum and finally obtained access to enter my comments. It's so much fun reading everyone's comments and share in their admiration and support for all the actors and actresses in KOTW. I also share selva's frustration with the messy plot that seems to be getting worse in the last episodes. Thank goodness for the outstanding acting by my favorites SIG, the king, Maro, Hyeap, and Mahwang. But I have this bad feeling that Yeon will be the one to die.... saving either Muhyul or Hodong in the ultimate sacrifice.

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Guest Pyoungsang

lol I'm having tears in my eyes because of laughing so hard :P

Yiji has to be the most hated person in this drama! Even more than Baeguk!!

the song is good, but they should play it only in the romantic parts between Muhyul and Yeon. They didn't have to play the exact same song when Muhyul saw Hodong!!

there's a very beautiful song in the OST by Who. It's name is oh love and my god it's a very beautiful song but they never played it :blink:

here it's link w/ the lyrics:


I went to your link and saw the lyric translation. It is a nice song. I don't ever recall hearing it in the show. I wasn't real crzay about the lyric translation so I made my own:

사랑아 - 후

Oh My Love - Who

아무리 지우려고 애써봐도

No matter how much I try to forget

아직도 내 가슴엔 그대뿐인데

you ares still the only one in my heart

지우려고 할수록

커져가는 그대 모습에

참았던 눈물만이 흐르고 있네요

I shed tears to memories of

your appearance that grow as much

as I try to forget it

보고싶어 숨이 멎을 것 같은데

Though I feel as if I can't breath from wanting to see you...

미치도록 원하고 있는데

though I want you like crazy...

슬픈사랑이 우릴힘들게하더라도

Even if our sad love is making it hard for us

다음생에 다시만나서

영원토록 함께할텐데

We would meet again in

our next live and be together

하늘이 우릴허락하지 않는다해도

even if the heavens would not allow it

그대곁에 언제나 내가있을께요

I'll always be by your side

가슴이 터지도록 아파와도

Even if I hurt so much my heart would explode

바라보는 것 밖에 할수없네요

there nothing else I can do but look upon you

한걸음에 달려가

내품안에 안고싶은데

Though I want to in one breath

run to you and hold you in my arms

시린 그리움만이 더 깊어가네요

in truth the yearning only gets deeper

보고싶어 숨이 멎을 것 같은데

Though I feel as if I can't breath from wanting to see you...

미치도록 원하고 있는데

though I want you like crazy...

슬픈사랑이 우릴힘들게하더라도

Even if our sad love is making it hard for us

다음생에 다시만나서

영원토록 함께할텐데

We would meet again in

our next live and be together

하늘이 우릴허락하지 않는다해도

even if the heavens would not allow it

그대곁에 언제나 내가있을께요

l'll always be by your side

사랑아 멀어져가지마

Oh my love, don't go far away

제발 떠나지마

Please don't leave

너없인 하루도 살아갈수가 없어

I can't bear to live a day without you

울지마 그리운 사랑아

Don't cry my love who I yearn for

힘들어 하지마

Don't be troubled

우린 꼭 다시 만날 테니까

because we'll definitely meet again

슬픈사랑이 우릴 힘들게 하더라도

even if our sad love is making it hard for us

다음생에 다시만나서

영원토록 함께할텐데

We would meet again in

our next live and be together

하늘이 우릴허락하지 않는다해도

even if the heavens would not allow it

그대곁에 언제나 내가있을께요

l'll always be by your side

언제까지 그댈사랑 해요

I'll always love you

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Dojin has done many bad things, but i don't hate him. His natural character is good, but because of the situation, he became like this.

Whenever he looks at Prince Ho Dong, his eyes are very warm. I can feel that he loves and treats Ho Dong like his own son. :wub:

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Dojin deserves our pity. But in this drama, he is only made-believe. BTW, does anyone know how Muhyul pass away. I look into the internet and books but no reply. He is Daemusin - God of War. Did he die in battle or illness or broken heart?

Dojin has done many bad things, but i don't hate him. His natural character is good, but because of the situation, he became like this.

Whenever he looks at Prince Ho Dong, his eyes are very warm. I can feel that he loves and treats Ho Dong like his own son. :wub:

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Guest J.W.Lee

I went to your link and saw the lyric translation. It is a nice song. I don't ever recall hearing it in the show. I wasn't real crzay about the lyric translation so I made my own:

사랑아 - 후

Oh My Love - Who

아무리 지우려고 애써봐도

No matter how much I try to forget

아직도 내 가슴엔 그대뿐인데

you ares still the only one in my heart

지우려고 할수록

커져가는 그대 모습에

참았던 눈물만이 흐르고 있네요

I shed tears to memories of

your appearance that grow as much

as I try to forget it

보고싶어 숨이 멎을 것 같은데

Though I feel as if I can't breath from wanting to see you...

미치도록 원하고 있는데

though I want you like crazy...

슬픈사랑이 우릴힘들게하더라도

Even if our sad love is making it hard for us

다음생에 다시만나서

영원토록 함께할텐데

We would meet again in

our next live and be together

하늘이 우릴허락하지 않는다해도

even if the heavens would not allow it

그대곁에 언제나 내가있을께요

I'll always be by your side

가슴이 터지도록 아파와도

Even if I hurt so much my heart would explode

바라보는 것 밖에 할수없네요

there nothing else I can do but look upon you

한걸음에 달려가

내품안에 안고싶은데

Though I want to in one breath

run to you and hold you in my arms

시린 그리움만이 더 깊어가네요

in truth the yearning only gets deeper

보고싶어 숨이 멎을 것 같은데

Though I feel as if I can't breath from wanting to see you...

미치도록 원하고 있는데

though I want you like crazy...

슬픈사랑이 우릴힘들게하더라도

Even if our sad love is making it hard for us

다음생에 다시만나서

영원토록 함께할텐데

We would meet again in

our next live and be together

하늘이 우릴허락하지 않는다해도

even if the heavens would not allow it

그대곁에 언제나 내가있을께요

l'll always be by your side

사랑아 멀어져가지마

Oh my love, don't go far away

제발 떠나지마

Please don't leave

너없인 하루도 살아갈수가 없어

I can't bear to live a day without you

울지마 그리운 사랑아

Don't cry my love who I yearn for

힘들어 하지마

Don't be troubled

우린 꼭 다시 만날 테니까

because we'll definitely meet again

슬픈사랑이 우릴 힘들게 하더라도

even if our sad love is making it hard for us

다음생에 다시만나서

영원토록 함께할텐데

We would meet again in

our next live and be together

하늘이 우릴허락하지 않는다해도

even if the heavens would not allow it

그대곁에 언제나 내가있을께요

l'll always be by your side

언제까지 그댈사랑 해요

I'll always love you

Hi Pyoungsang. Thanks a lot for the lyrics and translation of this song. Can I request for the lyrics of the other songs in the soundtrack as well?, coz there are a lot of beautiful songs in d KOTW soundtrack but this is the first song lyrics I get. If there is any link, can you give it to me? I'd really appreciate. :)

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Guest erica1064

Just finished eps 33 and 34. A few thoughts:

  • selvaaaaa - look at you helping out on viikii. Nice job!
  • Maro - I said it before; this character has grown on me. I loved how he's almost the only one who looks Muhyul full in the eyes with courage and trust.
  • Still on the Maro front - I was more moved by his spontaneous reaction to run into Yeonhwa's arms and hold her after she promised to wait for him. Oh, that was so touching! As of right now, that's who I'm hoping comes out of the battle alive.
  • I'm embarrassed for Goeyu falling for that time worn "let's pretend we're dead,shhhhh shhhh here they come" trick.
  • Of course the tables are turned when Dojin falls for the old "fake suicide by ingesting the odorless, detectless poison that only stops our pulse breath and heartbeat for 12 hours" trick. Yeah, they must have gotten that from the Han. Anyone know what happens to the brain when it doesn't get oxygen and blood for that long? Hmmmm?
  • How does Queen Scary Brows know everything that's going on in the palace and outside it and King Muhyul knows nothing? Come on.
  • My fondest wish is that once, just once, when someone says, "I EFFED up your highness, please kill me!" that they do.
  • Why on earth would Yeon try to sneak out of Buyeo wearing full Princess-ie garb? Is she stupid? And shen she gets caught she's surprised? Like a deer in the headlights???
  • I was amused by Dojin showing his girly side when he swiped all the glassware off the table in a fit of rage.
  • Nice to see Muhyul grow a set when he finally tells Dojin war can't be avoided. I've been annoyed with the "can't we still be friends" Muhyul.
  • OK OK, Muhyul finally gets his hands on Hodong - totally clueless as a father by the way in his determination to go back and get Maro and Yeon. Yeah, nice job dad, stick around while the kid gets an arrow in his head.
  • Speaking of that ambush, Club Buyeo was doing a great job from the reeds by slaughtering Team Goguryeo with their arrows. WHY WOULD THEY STOP WITH THE ARROWS AND GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO FIGHT HAND TO HAND? :crazy:
  • Her Highness of the Perpetual Mad Face really is nasty. She puts it on so well for stupid gullible Muhyul and little Hodong broke my heart when he cried.
  • And yes, I'm in line behind dramaok for the buyeonging. I'm hoping his feet will be ok.

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Guest selvaspeedy

some gifs for this adorable boy :blush:





source: gall DCinside KOTW gallery


ok just wondering; am I the only one here who felt sorry for Daeso when he carried Hodong in ep.33 :crazy: when I think about it, Daeso is also a pitiful man. He can't have children and obviously he loves Hodong so much!!

Just finished eps 33 and 34. A few thoughts:

  • I'm embarrassed for Goeyu falling for that time worn "let's pretend we're dead,shhhhh shhhh here they come" trick.

OMG yes!! how can he fall in such trap 16.png

also realized something from this scene. Baeguk feels safe and strong only when he's surrounded by his men, but when he's alone lol he's such a chicken :P another thing is that Muhyul is surrounded by bunch of incompetent people :crazy: they have to suffer a big loss before they win!! why can't they just succeed from the 1st time! and oppa Muhyul :tongue2: why didn't he punish Goyo for his embarrasing loss?!!!!! you can't be The God Of Wars by forgiving such a big mistake :crazy:

I love the way Baeguk stares at the sword :P he gave me a big lol cause I remembered his exact same stare from ep.22



and OMG he has some funny face expressions lol look at his expression here in this pic :P


and of course my favourite scene from ep.33 is this :tears:














no preview yet :blink:

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Guest jenniferjjj

OMG! I feel so sorry for Yeon.

It must have been so hard for her to give up Hodong in episode 34. :(

I really hope Muhyul comes to Buyeo and takes her to Goguryeo.

I really really want them to be a family once and for all.

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Guest erica1064

some gifs for this adorable boy :blush:

ok just wondering; am I the only one here who felt sorry for Daeso when he carried Hodong in ep.33 :crazy: when I think about it, Daeso is also a pitiful man. He can't have children and obviously he loves Hodong so much!!

That little fella is adorable. How do they keep the babies so quiet?

You know, that little boy is just so charming, I bet the actors aren't acting when he's around. You can't help but just think he's the most squeezable thing. Daeso does seem like a contented and happy Grandpa doesn't he?

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Guest cantonhina

I Agree Selva.. Daeso is indeed a pitifull person. I have been feeling sorry for him for a a long time now.

First he was so stupid that he Killed General Tak rok and then soon realised that how loyal Tak rok was with him and that KIng could have been tricked. He had been sad and blaming rightly himself for Takrok's injustice death. :blink::crazy:

second, he has this Big Empire, but no successor :unsure: and he has been hoping that Dojin can be his successor ONLY IF HE PROVES HIMSELF TO BE WORTHY :ph34r:( by hurting Muhyul as much as he can :crazy: :tongue2::ph34r: )

Now he thinks that Hodong is Dojin's son :P and acts like a proud grandfather :o ( Poor old man doesn't even know that Dojin is Yeon's ORABANI)

Poor guy indeed :wacko:


but I still want him beheaded for everything he has done to Hurt Muhyul

Infact OMG ..... I have a better idea. MUHYUL should KLL ALL THREE OF THEM side by side DAESO, DOJIN,and lying pinkberry YIJI :crazy:

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Guest Pyoungsang

Just finished eps 33 and 34. A few thoughts:

  • Speaking of that ambush, Club Buyeo was doing a great job from the reeds by slaughtering Team Goguryeo with their arrows. WHY WOULD THEY STOP WITH THE ARROWS AND GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO FIGHT HAND TO HAND? :crazy:

Well, because if they kept shooting their arrows and acted rationally, they might even win. They win and kill off all the good guys, what fun would the rest of the show be? Funny how often in these ambushes only one side seem to have arrows. Like the second battle in Goguryeo-Buyeo war when Moo Hyul figured out that a) This time have arrows ready and shoot them at the chariots and B) get a bunch of guys with big shields and have them lay on the ground making a slope which of course the enemy chariot will run over (even that smartypant Do Jin) and get overturned. Pretty funny.

Infact OMG ..... I have a better idea. MUHYUL should KLL ALL THREE OF THEM side by side DAESO, DOJIN,and lying pinkberry YIJI

Ah, welcome to Yi Ji Hate Group. Lying pinkberry ... love it.

Anyway, I gave the main love song more of a listen and read the lyrics more carefully and it's not a bad song at all. I guess I've just heard it like 100 times now. So I did a translation of the lyrics for you guys. I might do a couple of the other songs if I get a chance.

살아서도 죽어서도(바람의 나라, OST)

Whether in Life or Death (Kingdom of the Wind, OST)

사랑해선 안 될 사람이라고

Saying it's a person I shouldn't love

이제 그만 어서 돌아서라고

Saying stop now, quickly turn around

미련조차 나의 등을 떠미는 가봐

Even lingering affection seem to be pushing me away

지워내도 지워지지가 않아

It' can't be erase though I try to erase

미워해도 미워지지가 않아

I try to hate you but I can't

그리움만 더해가는 걸

My yearning only grows

너를 사랑하기가

난 너무나 아파

It hurts me so much

to love you

숨도 못 쉴 만큼

힘에 겹지만

Though it so difficult

that I feel like I can't breath

천번 만번 태어나도

even if I'm born a thousand, ten thousand times

또 다시 널 사랑해

I will love you once again

그저 너 없이는 안돼..

Just that I cannot be without you

난 안돼..

I can't

워~ 내 사랑..

Wuh~ my love..

늘 멀리 있다 해도

Even if you're always far away

너 외로워 마..

You're loney..

살아도 죽어도 내 맘은

Whether in Life or Death, my heart

항상 니 곁에 남아 있을 테니까

will always be by your side

혹시 눈물이라도

또 새 나올까봐

차마 사랑한단 말 못했지만

Even though I couldn't tell you I love you

Because tears might

not sneak out again

천번 만번 태어나도

Even if I'm born a thousand, ten thousand times

또다시 널 사랑해

I would love you once again

그저 너 없이는 안돼

Just that I cannot be without you

난 안돼

I can't

워~ 내 사랑

Wuh~my love

늘 멀리 있다 해도

Even if you're always far away

너 외로워 마

You're lonely

살아도 죽어도 내 맘은

항상 니 곁에 남아 있을 테니까

Because, whether in life or death,

my heart will always be by your side

난 언제든

지금 같은 마음일거야

My heart will always be like

it is now

일년후나 십년후나 백년후나..

Whether a year, ten years, hundred years afterward,

변하지 않을 이 사랑

my heart that will never change

이대로 영원보다 더 오래 지켜갈게

will stand by you longer than eternity

천년 만년 흘러가도

Whether a thousand, ten thousand years flow by

내 사랑은 너뿐야

my only love is you

내가 어떻게 널 잊어 못 잊어

How can I forget you, I can't

워~ 내 사랑

Wuh~ my love

늘 어긋난다 해도

Even if we're alway seperating

너 울지는 마

don't cry

이별도 세월도 죽음도

가를 수 없는 우리 사랑이니까

Because not even seperation, time or death

can tear our love apart

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hey guys. how are you? im a newcomer here. im a fan of hot SIG here. hee. i've watched KOTW & it was great.

well, i still love jumong though. hee. both dramas are awesome.(: when i watch KOTW, it is simply lovely especially

the part where yeon & muhyul are. hee. now im stuck with episode 33 since there's something wrong with my connection.

i cant wait what's gonna happen between dojin & muhyul. & prince hodong too. pity yeon.

wth! 2 episodes left man! soooooo duper fast! :crazy:

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Guest snoopyvkd

Hello all KOTWers!

The 35 preview is up on the official site. Just wanna warn you, big spoiler, and a real sad one. :tears:

Have a good week everyone, enjoy our last moments of KOTW!

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Last time, the Lady (i don't know how to call her <_<) who represented for God told that Muhyul's fate would kill his own parent, siblings and his own children. Until now, Muhyul's parent and siblings had been died, so how about his own children? Does anyone know about the story? I'm worried for Muhyul's son. I don't know what will happen to him. :sweatingbullets:

The evil empress is really sly. In front of Muhyul, she acts like she is a considerate person, but behind his back, she treats the small boy badly. She is a sly fox. That makes me to hate her. :tongue2: Her natural character is evil, not like Dojin.

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