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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest tateboe


I mean after yuri placed his hands on Muhyul's shoulders, did they hug :blush:

I'm not talking about the council meeting :P

Sorry...I thought the end of episode 18.

King Yuri and Muhyul did not hug...Yuri just put 2 of his hands to Muhyul shoulders. :crazy:

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Guest selvaspeedy

Sorry...I thought the end of episode 18.

King Yuri and Muhyul did not hug...Yuri just put 2 of his hands to Muhyul shoulders. :crazy:


although I was dying for a hug, but maybe yuri didn't want to scare the boy or freak him out w/ this hug :P

they are still strangers to each other :sweatingbullets:

the last 4 episodes were just so awesome, totally worth my time... and I know the coming ones will be awesomer because of the new comer... I also can't wait like mic to know who she is :blush:

good day today... *sigh of relief*

I'll dl episode 18 now... muah everybody :D

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Guest selvaspeedy

it's 12:12 am here and I'm still up... I'm so screwed -_-

muhyul and yuri :tears:
























I really like Guchu... he's so faithful to yuri :wub:




Goyo when he got stabbed :(






when he saved her :blush:












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Guest dramaok

Ep. 18:


King Daeso is furious to learn another attack incident occurred in Buyeo fortress, not long after his last injury from assasin, and orders Sagu to immediately capture the intruder, however Sagu reports the intruder already escaped the fortress. Daeso is mad and asks what the intuder stole, and Sagu reports it was the antigen for the poison Dojin asked for. Daeso then says to block all the outlets of Buyeo and to capture the intruder no matter what. Thus Muhyul gets chased by Buyeo soldiers who are trailing him closely. Meanwhile in Goguryeo Goeyu is worried that Muhyul is still missing and wonders if he will be gone forever, but Hye-Ap says Muhyul just needs time to get over the shock but he won't desert them forever. Guchu reports to King Yuri that hundreds have already died from the disease, and there are sick ppl inside the palace as well, but the doctors are looking for neutralizing medicine for the poison thus it shouldnt' be long. Yuri says he wants to go see the situation himself and orders Guchu to prepare his trip, however Yuri collaspses and the doctor declares to Guchu the king is ill with the poison too.


Guchu wonders if there's someone in the palace who wanted to poison the king on purpose, and orders the doctor not to let anyone know about the king's illness. Guchu then goes to see Yuri and says the doctor said Yuri is just too fatigue and needs rest, thus they should postpone going outside, and Yuri looks solemn. The doctor, however, goes and tells Anseong about the king's illness, while Guchu tells Hye-Ap to go see Yeon and ask about the cure. Outside Goguryeo the chase continues with Muhyul trailed by many Buyeo soldiers, and Muhyul is forced off his horse and begins to fight the enemy on foot with sword and bat. In Biryu corridors, Baegeuk tells Sangga things are going as planned and Sangga says to call for a council meeting. Myeongjin says it's time to seek revenge against Yuri and Baegeuk says they will return to Yuri the ridicule he put upon them previously. While Yeon treats the illness among the many, Gongchan gets frustrated and wonders if they will ever find the cure they need. Just then Hye-Ap shows up and asks Yeon if she has found the antigen and Yeon says to wait just a little but she is startled when Hye-Ap reveals the king is also ill by the poison. Inside the palace, Princess Seryu and Prince Yeojin check on their father's condition, when the chief bodyguard comes w/ news that the council wants to see the king. Yeojin is angry that they're not letting the king recover and tells the chief to cancel it but King Yuri says he will attend the meeting because he doesn't want to show them he is weak, and tells Yeojin to come along from now on.


During the meeting, Sangga comments the king looks awfully pale, and states the things that are happening are result of the prophecy and asks Yuri for an answer, but Yuri firmly states the events are orchestrated the Biryu ppl, and at this Baegeuk gets angry and says the king cannot accuse them of such thing. Yuri however replies he is certain, and Baegeuk demands to know why, when Sangga says it's all because of the dead prince. Baegeuk says that is what the ppl believe and wonders why the king can refute it and in doing so the king is committing a crime against the ppl. Myeongjin also asks if Yuri saved his son afterall and other tribe leads also demand an answer. Yuri begins to feel dizzy and orders everyone to leave. Sangga shouts they need an answer now, and Guchu steps forward to tell ppl to leave, but Baegeuk shouts too and says the council will not sit still and embrace a king who lies to them. Yuri gets furious and stands up shouting but collaspses. Guchu and Prince Yeojin escort the fallen king back to this palace, while the council members say nothing. Lady Miyu sits by the unconscious king and sighs afterwards when she meets with her brother alone. Anseong tells Lady Miyu it may be hard for the king to recover, since he has contracted the poison that the ppl in the streets have. Miyu is dismayed, but Anseong says this may be a good thing for her and for Yeojin, however Miyu silences him and says the king is her husband, and Yeojin's father, and not just as the king of their nation, and Anseong backs down relunctantly.

The council holds a meeting of their own and express different opinions about what they should do. Sangga says he will consider all the suggestions carefully and asks them to follow his lead. Afterwards Baegeuk is upset at how slow things are happening, and asks Dojin to prepare killing Muhyul soon. Dojin follows order and goes outside, and slaps his men for losing track of Muhyul. Dojin tells them Muhyul will surely show up near Mahwang's doctor and go wait there.


Yeon begins to feel despair, when Muhyul returns, and brings with him the medicine to cure the poison disease. Yeon is shocked and asks him if he went to Buyeo. Muhyul replies yes and Yeon is startled he put himself in such danger. Muhyul tells her to hurry and use the medicine to heal the ppl, and Yeon says to bring the medicine to the palace, because the king has fallen ill to the poison as well. Thus Muhyul runs to the palace, where he runs into Balso and Maro, and Muhyul asks where Hye-Ap is. Hye-Ap and Guchu are shocked to see Muhyul who says he brought the cure and he heard about the king's condition. Next, the king is fed the medicine Muhyul found, while Maro tells Muhyul if he deserts him like this again he will never talk to him again. Hye-Ap comes and tells them the king is over the critical stage and Maro tells Muhyul to apologize to Hye-Ap for worrying her sick. Hye-Ap dismisses everyone and talks to Muhyul alone. Outside Maro and Balso ask Goeyu what's going on but Goeyu says nothing. Inside, Hye-Ap and Muhyul talk alone, and Muhyul apologizes to her, but Hye-Ap kneels before him instead and asks for forgivess from the prince. Hye-Ap says she knew about his identity for a long time but she kept it a secret from him all this time. Muhyul says he wished he never found out, and lived his life in the cave as painter or simply as the crown prince's follower, then he wouldn't be in so much torment right now, being the Muhyul who has turned things upside down. Muhyul says he can't accept these things and live this way, but Hye-Ap is tearful and begs the prince to accept and overcome his fate. Muhyul is tearful as well and asks how he is supposed to accept a fate that curses its own father and mother and nation. Hye-Ap says even if he doesn't accept it, he can't return to his old self, and no matter how hard he tries to escape, his duty is to be here, to protect the nation, and that is why he escaped the mural cave, and that is why Haemyeong killed himself. Hye-Ap says their nation will face destruction no matter because Buyeo is on their tail, but Muhyul argues that is not his responsibility, because the king will stand again soon, and there is also Prince Yeojin, thus he will not live with such a fate. Hye-Ap says Muhyul must because it is a duty that Crown Prince Haemyeong has left for him. Hye-Ap explains Haemyeong once told her, once Prince Muhyul escapes his curse, he will be king. Muhyul is stunned and Hye-Ap continues, though Haemyeong died in the field that day, he will continue his legacy through Muhyul, and he would want to see the paradise that he dreamed of, through Muhyul.


Meanwhile, Maro drinks with Balso and Goeyu, and Maro expresses his sadness that Muhyul is ignoring him these days, and Maro asks Goeyu how Muhyul could treat him so. Balso also chimes in and wonders why Muhyul is changed, and Goeyu states Muhyul is their nation's 3rd prince. Balso says that's not a funny joke, and Goeyu says he isn't joking and from now on they should call Muhyul, Prince Muhyul, instead of Muhyul. Maro is stunned and cries without noise. The Biryu ppl learn about the cure that has been found and Baegeuk yells at Dojin then order him to find out what happened. Dojin then goes to see Yeon, who is happy to see him, and Dojin is upset to learn Muhyul went to Buyeo to find the antigen. Yeon offers some medicine for the Biryu tribe, but Dojin says no one is sick in Biryu and Dojin leaves after telling her to work hard. Dojin goes back and Baegeuk tells him it's time to kill Muhyul. Dojin thinks about Muhyul's words, that they could one day crossing swords at each other. Outside Muhyul's residence, Goeyu gets stabbed when he discovers a spy, and Goeyu then goes to see Muhyul and asks Muhyul why he left the king. Goeyu says Muhyul should be protecting the king when the king is at risk from the council. Muhyul ignores the comment and wants to treat Goeyu's injury instead, but Goeyu is very upset and asks Muhyul why he risked his life to save Goguryeo and the king if he is just going to back down like a coward, and Goeyu says Muhyul cannot leave, because Haemyeong wouldnt' allow that. Muhyul says nothing to Goeyu's shouts, but he stares at him for a while. King Yuri awakes feeling better, and Guchu who is by the king's side tells the king not to worry about the disease anymore because Prince Muhyul brought the medicine to neutralize the poison, and Prince Muhyul is the one who saved the king.


Hye-Ap meets with Muhyul and tells him the king has awaken and asks to see him. Seryu and Yeojin learn of the king's recovering and try to see him, but the chief bodyguard turns them away saying the king is not in his chamber. They ask where he is, but the chief says he cannot tell them.

Yuri waits at the shrine temple and Hye-Ap comes with Muhyul. Hye-Ap then leaves, so the father and son can talk. Yuri asks Muhyul to come closer, and shows the broken tip of a knife to him. Yuri says it was the proof he took when he fled Buyeo to look for his father in Goguryeo, and the deceased king acknowledged him as his son when he saw the broken tip, and made him the crown prince. Yuri continues, he thought his resentment for his father would disapper and the grudge of growing up abandoned would heal but it was not so, and he still resented his father for leaving him and his mother, even after he was a prince, thus he now understands how Muhyul must feel. Tears gather by Muhyul's eyes when he hears this and Yuri continues.


Yuri: Do you know why I brought you here? This is the place where I first heard of your fate, and was about to kill you.

Muhyul: Why didn't you kill me? Why did you reject the heaven's curse and saved me?

Yuri: --

Muhyul: Please kill me, even if it's now. Please stop the prophecy given to me, even if it's now.

Yuri: I will accept you as my son, as a prince.

Muhyul: But I will bring death to you. Will you still accept me as your son? If you accept me, for sure the council of royal tribes, and the people will turn their backs to you. Will you still acknowledge me as prince?

Yuri: From now on I will not be afraid of any unfortunate omens. No matter what happens, you are my son.


These words brings more tears to Muhyul and Yuri then approaches Muhyul and puts his hands on his son's shoulders, and allows Muhyul to sob silently infront of him. Meanwhile, Yeon continues to work relentlessly, when she pauses to think about what's happened. Next, she hears a noise and walks out, only to be surrounded by the black shadow assasins of Buyeo. The assasin chief tells Yeon the king as summoned her, and Yeon says she won't go, but the chief orders her to be dragged away. Dojin's men are watching the happening and one of them goes back to Dojin to report this, while the rest engage in a fight w/ the assasins. The assasins easily kill off the men and continue their departure, when Muhyul arrives and sees the happening. Muhyul kills off a few of the assasins and faces off with the chief assasin and Maenggwang. They exchange swords as Yeon watches nervously, and she gaspes when Muhyul kills them off. Dojin then arrives at the scene and sees the dead bodies. Dojin panics about Yeon's safety and runs toward the shed, only to see her with Muhyul. Dojin watches as Yeon tells Muhyul this place is dangerous for them and she will leave with him at once no matter where. Muhyul says nothing and stares at her affectionately, then Muhyul pulls her to him as he hugs her, and Dojin grows some horns of envy. (haha sorry can't help it). Muhyul tells Yeon he realized it's foolish to run away, and now he doesn't want to run away anymore. Muhyul grabs her hands, and promises Yeon no matter what happens to him, he will always keep his promise to protect her. Dojin overhears this and leaves despaired, and goes home to drink alone, only to throw the cup against the wall in anger.


When Muhyul returns to their home, Maro calls him as Muhyul, and Balso nudges him and Maro then addresses Muhyul as prince. Balso apologizes for all the rudeness he's shown him in the past, and Muhyul gets upset and says not to be like this, and until they die, they will always be comrades. Balso and Maro are touched by it, and Muhyul puts his hands on them as he smiles. In the palace, Anseong goes to look for Lady Miyu and asks why the king has summoned a meeting with everyone. Miyu scolds him for being loud then becomes surprised by the mention of the meeting. The Biryu ppl wonder why the king's calling a meeting and Baegeuk says not to worry because the ppl are still unsettled over the issue of the 3rd prince, even though the disease has a cure. Seryu and Yeojin wonder what the meeting is about as well, and Seryu stops Hye-Ap who is passing by, and asks her why the king's calling the soldiers and the tribes. Hye-Ap says Seryu will soon find out and urges her to attend the meeting right away since most ppl are already there. During the meeting, Dojin is there as well, when the king arrives. Yuri sits and announces to everyone should know about the rumors of the 3rd prince by now, and the ppl believe the strange events are tied to the 3rd prince being alive, but that is not true because the events were orchestrated by someone. Sangga asks Yuri to clear if it's true that the 3rd prince is really dead, and Hye-Ap calls for Muhyul to enter, and Muhyul enters dressed in prince attire. Everyone's startled, and Yuri then announces Muhyul is his 3rd son, a prince. Yeojin and Seryu smile at this while Dojin holds back, and Sangga scolds Yuri for naming Muhyul a prince when he brings with him the curse for Goguryeo. Baegeuk also says he cannot acknowledge the prince and if the king insists the council will not follow the king's lead from now on. Muhyul turns to them and tells them he understands why they are not welcoming him and pushing him away, but he wants them to give him a chance. Sangga asks what and Muhyul asks for time to prove his worth and contribution, and if he fails to show them his worth to their satisfaction then he will then kill himself in time. Everyone is startled by this, and Muhyul looks up to Dojin who looks back.


After the meeting, Lady Miyu is upset over the king naming Muhyul as prince without consulting her first when she is the queen of the nation and Miyu regrets not killing Muhyul sooner. Anseong tries to console her and says she must stay calm at a time like this. Hye-Ap wonders if Muhyul is putting himself in too much danger, but Muhyul says he needed to wager his life in order to shut their mouths, but now he will use his life as his greatest weapon. Meanwhile, Mahwang is fully recovered and asks Yeon what her relations with Muhyul is, and asks her not to forget how he's (Mahwang) helped her so much. Yeon says ok, just as Gongchan comes in, dismisses Yeon, and tells Mahwang about Muhyul's identity and Mahwang wonders how this will affect him. Yeon is then approached by Maro and Balso who tell her she is summoned by the palace. Inside the palace, Dojin and Baegeuk pass by with Anseong, when Dojin suddenly sees Prince Muhyul walking toward the arriving Yeon. Yeon is brought before Muhyul and Maro introduces him to Yeon as 'Prince Muhyul' and Yeon looks up startled by this while Muhyul smiles at her warmly.


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Guest tateboe

Thank you Dramaok for your coverage.

This week is wonderful.

Cute Girl is fast...number one

Selvaspeedy has pics and Dramaok has translation, comprehensive coverage.

Wish this drama is daily, but have to take what it suppose to have!

See you next week, though I'll be around now and then.

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Thank you Dramaok for your coverage.

This week is wonderful.

Cute Girl is fast...number one

Selvaspeedy has pics and Dramaok has translation, comprehensive coverage.

Wish this drama is daily, but have to take what it suppose to have!

See you next week, though I'll be around now and then.

Agree.... i thank everyone for their efforts here... so fast but complete...

Right now i rely too much on synopsis coz i hardly find time to watch the drama... but maybe on monday, i would be able to watch the last two epis.... thanks a lot dramaok... even in your synopsis, your sense of humor appears.... :lol:

Selva... your time management is so great!!!! keep it up....

I'll be back for my thoughts...

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Guest carmen27

Thank you dramaok for your summary. After watching live yesterday and today follow by your summary really make my day ^_^ . It is getting more exciting now and thank you for staying on to contribute.

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THANK YOU....THANK YOU...THANK YOU.... that all I can say ^^

I haven't watch eps 18 but by looking the caps from selva and reading dramaok summary making more curious ^^ I definitely gonna love this eps ^^

Poor Dojin he have to see Muhyul and Yeon hugging for the 2nd time :lol: *can't wait to see his reaction by my own eyes :P*

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Guest selvaspeedy

dramaok I love you :wub:

thanks cococrust for the episode... fighting to the translators :D

Yuri says it was the proof he took when he fled Buyeo to look for his father in Goguryeo, and the deceased king acknowledged him as his son when he saw the broken tip, and made him the crown prince. Yuri continues, he thought his resentment for his father would disapper and the grudge of growing up abandoned would heal but it was not so, and he still resented his father for leaving him and his mother, even after he was a prince, thus he now understands how Muhyul must feel. Tears gather by Muhyul's eyes when he hears this and Yuri continues.

ahhhhh poor yuri, he's still feeling sad about this issue until now :(

I don't know... but it's kinda weird for me that yuri is saying those words to muhyul (who was actually jumong before)... it's like he's blaming him indirectly :P

Muhyul says nothing and stares at her affectionately, then Muhyul pulls her to him as he hugs her, and Dojin grows some horns of envy. (haha sorry can't help it)


(I don't know what would I do if someone looked at me like that :rolleyes: )

I loved your comments about the horns :D

Dojin overhears this and leaves despaired, and goes home to drink alone, only to throw the cup against the wall in anger.

totally reminds me of yeum moon here.

Everyone is startled by this, and Muhyul looks up to Dojin who looks back.

yeah baby, direct challenge :phew:

it's still friday today right <_<<_<

too much waiting.

thanks everybody for your contribution here... love you all :blush:

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Guest sandy_ben

hi thanks so much dramaok i hope u to succeed in ur exams and i hope that i speak and understand korean like u to help u in translation take care to ur self our savior.......... (tell me how can u master korean like this tell me how!!! ) see u next week..........................


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Guest bluemoon1st

Thank You Dramaok, and Thank you Speedy :D

and a BIG thank you to everyone who has contributed to make this thread enjoyable :P

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Guest meyyale

Thanks dramaok N selva so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^^_^

Oppa is a great prince (again ^_^ ).... :wub::wub::wub:



I don't know why but I don't like this pic..I guess I just hate Dojin now...


take care everyone...

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hi thanks so much dramaok i hope u to succeed in ur exams and i hope that i speak and understand korean like u to help u in translation take care to ur self our savior.......... (tell me how can u master korean like this tell me how!!! ) see u next week..........................


i presumed dramaok is half korean and american..she narrates english well...

great job...great effort dramaok ...selva thanks for alllllllllll

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Guest shiningstar153

hello, I'm starlight153~

I'm an avid KOTW fan right now....I watch the drama without subtitles, since I'm Korean and I need to learn my language.

Nice to meet you all~

Happy viewing~

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Guest meyyale


(I don't know what would I do if someone looked at me like that :rolleyes: )

Actually I guess like you I don't know,too but if our beloved prince who look at me like this I really know what I would do :wub::wub::phew: :blush:

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