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What Have You Done When Someone Confessed To You?

Guest <3*

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There was this time , when we were having a break from shooting and we were lying down on a pillow . There was this guy and next to him was my crush . Out of the sudden i hear this guy asking " Has anyone ever told you that you are pretty ?" Considering my crush was next to me i didn't know what to say back and instead i ruined the moment by saying "Oh , i am prettier with make up on" ( i wasn't wearing any at that time).God i feel so bad now , how could have i ever thought of such an answer ? Both of them must think really bad of me ... And some time later , the same guy told me that he fell in love with me at first sight . I took it as a joke , haha , don't know if i hurt his feelings or not but i didn't make a big deal out of it . 

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Guest kyrinian1015

I confessed to this older guy, well attempted to. I walked up and he just looked at me and I continued walking. I never did tell him, but the funny thing is that he confessed to me later, like a year later, but I was over him. It was awkward...

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I've actually never confessed to anyone but my boyfriend. For my boyfriend and I, we've pretty much liked each other from day one. We just sort of fitted into each other. I was the first one to say "I like you" so that counts haha.

First guy:
I was visiting from out of state, at a funeral. I was first "warned" by a little boy that the guy ducking behind the benches liked me. Sure enough, as soon as I turned around the guy ducked. He later approached me but as soon as he asked for my name, I ran off to my mom.

Second guy:
He confessed he liked me and I liked him a lot too but he wasn't ready for a relationship and when he was, he asked for an open relationship. I chased him for 9 months and gave up.

Third guy:
Met me once, we never even talked. Added me on facebook, told me he wanted to get to know me better. A few days later, we go hang out at the mall with my cousin (doesn't really talk or make eye contact with me). A few weeks later messages me that he's interested in me and that he want to start something with me (while knowing that I was still very much crazy for guy 2). I told him I didn't feel the same towards him. He soon became my FB stalker until I un-friended him.

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i remember when i was 15, this guy who likes me texted me and he said he wanted to meet outside our house coz he has something important to say...i'm a person who can guess easily on what others might do/say next, so i had a feeling he will ask me if he can court me, since i am an innocent and really childish back then, i avoided his question and told him to just say it on text, he still insist on meeting outside, but i didn't go. LOL

I just dont like it when a guy confess to me before...i guess im just weird. haha

But now, 5 years later....
i'm actually waiting for that special someone (whoever he may be) , and this time i want to hear those confession from a guy.
i think it would be really sweet :)

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Guest BobaMilkTea

Been confessed. 
Back in H/S: He was a Senior and I was a Junior at that time. He was in my ceramics class and we never talked to each other, neither did I even know his name and he approached me one day when the lunch bell rang. 

Him: Hey, <inserts my name>. I was wondering if we can catch a movie one day. I know you don't know me or anything, and I hope you don't find it weird.Me: (WHO THE FUDGE....?) UGHHH, I'm sorry I don't have a car. I can't go. Him: Oh, that's fine. I can drive you, I have my license. Me: (SHIZNUTZ!) UGHHH, I'm sorry, I can't go. ;;runs off to catch up with my friend;;

[The next day in Ceramics Class]Friend: Look at him, he looks so sad. (points to him across the room)Me: (PEEKS and sees a big frown on his face while doing his ceramic project) -in my head- Ahh, shiznutz! I feel bad...Friend: When I passed by him, I heard him told his friend that he could never face any girls anymore. Me: O_OThen I walked pass him and I heard him said "I'm brokenhearted. ;;frowns;;" I honestly felt I was too naive for relationships at that time. I could handle the situation alot better now.

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Guest Flowering

I just said i though it would be better if we stayed friends. He didn't really get it though, because he asked me again. :/

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there's this guy i just met like for two or three week confess to me, i dunno if he was just being desperate but out of the blue he asked me out,
i was so shocked i told him "hey, ummm...uh lets be friend. i'm not ready for a relationship and we just met." He just nodded and say "okay" then i walked away silently. Now and then he would greet me but nowadays i don't see him anymore. i remember thinking if he was stalking but that was nothing. first time ever been confessed to.

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Did I post here before? LOL.
I've only "confessed" to 3 guys and rejected the other ones..
A friend of mine baked me cupcakes and came to my school and asked me out.I told him to stand in a corner because I had dance practice, then told him no :/ Oh I also made another guy cry once because I said no.. now he's all hardcore and does heavy drugs lol...
This other guy who I knew for a while but we weren't really "friends" wrote me 3 love letters, asked me to be his wife.. and I told him off.

My first ever boyfriend:He told me he liked me on Valentines Day, so I squealed and told him how I felt hahaWe broke up a few  months, but a few months after, I confessed to him by writing "I like you" in chinese on a sticky note 8) and he replied!
Second boyfriend:Well, I was really mad at him for some reason (don't remember anymore) and was angrily texting him until I got fed up with mixed signals so I asked him if he liked me or not and told him to "f off" 

Now I'm just going to lay off from boys 8) 

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Well, I had some pretty weird confessions.There was this guy who confessed to me three times and on all three occasion I flat out refused him. I have this belief to not date a guy when I have no romantic feelings for him. It is unfair towards the individual and I feel bad. Any ways the first time he confessed to me, he went down on his knees. I was so scared. I was like IS HE PROPOSING TO ME! I mean who wouldn't immediately think that if a guy does that to you. And then he extravagantly says to me with a smile "Will you go out with me" ..... I was too shell shock to answer straight away. But of course I refused him saying "Sorry I can't go out with you."I feel so bad for saying no all the time. It takes a lot to confess to someone. I don't think I' ll have the guts to do that. However, refusing is the best way to go if you do not have any sort of romantic feelings for them. And also bad idea to say "I'm not ready for a relationship right now." if your not going to date the guy. It keeps their hopes up and from experience it's a terrible feeling to do that to someone.

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Guest 김세라

When I went ahead and confessed my feelings to this "guy," he went and rejected me. I didn't give up for some reason and tried about 3 more times... I was rejected every time I tried. So, I eventually decided to moved on. But when I moved on.. I moved on with another guy. Not long after, he broke my heart.. and when I was hurt.. thats when the "guy" came around.. and confessed HIS feelings. That's when he tells me he can't continue to stick around while trying to move on from me. Ok.. Conclusion is... after all this BS.. we have managed to pull it off. We've been together for 5 years!

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This guy was the second guy that confessed to me ::
I moved out of town when I started freshman year in high school. It was the first orientation day for freshman and being the loner I am , I was walking down the hallway, wandering until this guy called "Hey wait up!" from behind. He ran to me and introduced himself to me and asked me why I was walking alone. Yadi yadi, fast forward a few days, I started to pick up the signs that it was possible he like me. He biked to my house and then to the library with me. While we sat outside, coincidentally, the traffic was kind of loud, but stopped when he asked me if I have a boyfriend. We came back home and before he left, he confessed to me that the first day he saw me at the orientation, he had a crush on me and then asked for a hug. 
I was never really good with words, but he told me he was coming to visit me that day we went to the library and I was trying really hard to avoid him. Unfortunately, my brother and I ran into him when we stepped outside. I didn't know what to do, so the next day at school, I told him that I wanted to be friends with him. 
Sooo. yup. I can never handle confessions the best way because I'm never really good with words. 

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Guest doggylover1220

Honestly, there was this one guy that kept telling me that, but I was not attracted to him. he kept it up for 2 years, and I finally gave in LOL. There was this guy this year that I liked, and he liked me to x.x He always acted different when i came around though, so I was like F you and stopped liking him X.X... It's so of hard to give a "normal" response if somebody says they like you. Like if it's out of the blue, then that person if going to get a unique? response lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Guest newcomer

Confessed to a very close friend of several years the other day. I doubt anything will happen because I know she doesn't feel the same (we've brought it up before), but had to get it off my chest. Told her (truthfully) that I still value our friendship above everything, and in return she's promised not to walk away or ignore me, and to support me as best as she could. She's a really awesome person and I'm very privileged to have her in my life; I really hope I can continue to see that and get over this silly attraction for our sake.

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Thanked them and said I was flattered. It always ends with "let's just be friends".

It was somewhat strange when someone I am recently friends with confessed to me. Thing is, I told him I had a boyfriend when we first met. Also re-iterates that my boyfriend is very "ideal" for me. He tried to make it like he took me out on a date when I just thought we were hanging out at a restaurant. =_=

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