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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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It isn't that i'm not happy nor that i think sales are that important

but it does tend to impact future promotions

it can also impact other artists in the company

i don't think you realise how much money was spent on 2ne1's promotions

I think there is reason to be concerned right now

i don't think YG is going to stop promotions or anything crazy

but he will definatly keep this in mind when making future plans for the girls

he isn't stupid

popularity also impacts the number and payment of CF and other endorsments

with many contracts coming to an end soon (as the year ends)

the girls might not get as much for endorsments

i'm not certain of any of this

i'm just concerned as to why this is happening

drop in sales are ususally a reflection of something as most groups are able to keep similar sales or grow with time

I don't care about 2NE1 winning awards AT ALL

The korean music industry is all over the place

There is almost no way to justify some of the awards given

last year any group who debuted from a major label won a rookie award from somewhere

I'm worried about the trend in korean music and about 2NE1's future prospects

they have some big plans with Japanese and International debuts and if albums sales

AMONG OTHER THINGS are low, these promotions may be impacted.


i think this should be discussed and taken seriously

just because ringtones are doing well we shouldn't blindly ignore what happening in the industry

Now does anyone have any input as to why this might be happening?

What are your thoughts on 2NE1's future and that of the Korean industry at large?

What are the most important changes need to be made?

For me its an actual chart like MIAK used to be.

Also i think song of the week should not be based on album sales

maybe there should be an album of the week award with all the songs on the album taken into account (streaming, radio airplay, downloads and broadcasts of all the songs on the album together along with digital and physical sales of the album) that way well rounded albums rather than albums with only one popular song will get recognition and full albums will be prefered over mini albums (because full albums have more songs)

and then song of the week would be the same types of things for just songs so groups like Brown Eyed Soul  whose songs do very well will get more recognition.

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Guest itszmaeee

The thing is, the korean industry is on a slump.

Sure the sales that they have now can affect their future, but how can you compare a 2 months sale to last year's sales? I just don't see the point of trying to analyze what the future may hold for 2NE1. [this is completely irrelevant to what you're talking about] Being an idol doesn't last forever, yes. 2 of the unnies, in a few years, will reach their thirties, yes. There will comes a time where the girls will go their own ways, yes. Basically what I'm trying to say is, just enjoy what 2NE1 is offering and giving us now. If going to Japan is 2NE1's future, then they're going to Japan. If you're worried about any of the girls doing solos in the near future [but is still part of 2NE1], I suggest not to. For me, it's better to focus on the group as a whole.

Why should we worry about the kpop industry though? Why should we focus on what the industry holds against the girls? I know I seem to go a little offtopic so I apologize. But anyways, it isn't the girls' fault that they're not meeting the standards that you want them to be. I'm pretty some of us blackjacks around the world had done our parts in supporting the girls, which is to buy their songs or support them in every way we could.

You have to keep in mind that 2NE1 is a year and 5 months old. They're stills rookies in the industry. Their popularity is not at the tip of the Eiffel Tower, but they're getting there. The only thing that worries me in the future is how well they'll do in Japan. I don't want the girls to end up like this one artist.

Shouldn't we just worry about what their follow up track is? What song it's going to be?

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^ For us fans, we want to see the girls do well. And they are, they are doing very well.

I'm not going to say that album sales don't matter. clearly they do. And yes, they definitely matter for YG and everyone in the kpop entertainment industry who want to snag the best and biggest thing to promote their products. And yes, YG spent an exorbitant amount of money on the girls' comeback.

I have just a few things to say on this matter:

1) By comparing the girls to how they did last year, using numbers like album sales alone, really discredits what the girls have done that can't really be tallied up so neatly into one number. I agree that the girls are their own competition, but the kind of music and sound they put out this year is completely different than what they did last year. It's like comparing apples and oranges, really. But I suppose, if you just go by the numbers, then yes, the girls aren't doing as well as they did last year.

2) I really believe this has to do with the changing tide in kpop. G-dragon put it the best when he said that he had no faith in it anymore, groups release songs, promote for 3 weeks and completely change songs. How many repackaged albums have their been this year? How many rookie groups are promoting song after song in only a matter of weeks? The kpop of 2010 is not the kpop of the years prior. This is also a reason why its unfair to judge the girls this year against what they did last year.

3) Even if it IS a worry, what more can we do? What good is it to worry? As fans, we can only do so much. We've all supported the girls, bought their albums, streamed their MVs, bought their merchandise. The girls themselves are promoting like crazy. As fans, what good is worrying over something like this? I'm sure YG himself understands that the kpop game is changing...I'm sure even korean entertainment execs know that things are changing. I think the only people whose worry can rightly change into action, are the people in YG who handle promotions. The rest of us can only worry, and do nothing (unless a fan is filthy rich and wants to buy out all 2ne1 stock).

In sum, 2010 was a different kind of year for kpop. Everyone feels that this is true--from artists, to fans, to music execs, to music critics. So again, I don't think 2010 is representative as much as it is an anomaly.

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What do you guys think?

Try to be a little more optimistic. You're worrying too much.

Our girls are doing well. In fact, they're doing very well! Commercially, I dare say they're one of the most if not the most successful this year. For me, their releases define this year. Just like when Wonder Girls rocked 2007 with Tell Me and the next year with Nobody, then on 2009 there was Fire and Gee, and then this year we have Can't Nobody. For sales, didn't they get 120,000 on the first week alone? Not too sure cause I don't follow that stuff. From what I read from the previous pages though, the digital sales are off the roof for Go Away ALONE. Half a million! 50,000 units sold multiplied to $10 = $500,000 plus an estimated $500,000 on digital sales alone for Go Away. That's already a million dollars! YG already garnered a total of 200,000,000 won revenue =D Now, add in the digital sales for their other tracks and then their endorsement deals.. plus whatever appearances they had. After all, they get 34k for each performance they do. And YG's gonna do a concert this year. You know the guy, he goes all out on everything. It would cost a lot of money and he wouldn't be making one of he doesn't even have the resources anyway.

I'm pretty sure YG has huge faith on them. He would not invest that amount of money on them if he did not. They are, after Big Bang & Se7en, one of YG's most commercially successful artists to date. Currently, they're actually the hottest. :3 The investments have probably already been recalled by the girls looking at all the recent commercials they snagged. If that was how it worked. Most of the celebrities don't really make their money on the releases itself. Why do they continue doing so? To make them marketable.

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@summerdamsel actually it doesn't work that way for sales.

if a ringtone costs 500 won (let's just say) half of that goes to the retailer selling to ringtone (like soribada for example or wherever u can buy ringtones)

retailer mark up is huge!

unless ur buying from YGE shop i guess not the entire price of the album goes to YG or the artists

that's just FYI

secondly i'm more worried about the trend and what impact it will have

as for Can't Nobody and Go Away having a big impact i can't say for sure cause i don't live in Korea

i guess we have to wait until the end of the year to say anything certain

so if there is a repackaged album will you buy it? Or just the new song if you like it?

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^ again, no one knows just how this new trend will ride out, but its hurting a lot of artists. You were comparing 2NE1 of 2010 to 2NE1 of 2009--but what about all the other groups? I'm sure they're feeling the effects just as much as our girls. What impact as any kpop artist had this year, let alone our girls? And again, I really don't know what worrying will accomplish. All we can do is support. No one knows how this will play out.

YG isn't big on repackaged albums so I don't think thats going to be an option. I think the next album 2NE1 will release will be the English album. As far as the follow up track is concerned, its probably going to be off of ToAnyone.

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Guest nikki250

well, To Anyone is basically a mini album for the price of a full album so maybe that is why their sales are lower than the mini (besides the fact that it has only been two months)

and their single/digital sales are not the same because they are splitting the sales between three songs. i truly believe if they weren't promoting three songs, Go Away would have way more digital sales and they would have won more on Music Bank. but because they are basically splitting the sales between three songs they are competing with themselves and making it more difficult for themselves to win.

i'm not worried though. I've heard you can't go anywhere in korea without hearing their songs and everyone has Go Away as their ringtone. they have got the three main endorsements (Beanpole, 11st, and Etude) that are promoting their music too.

i find it's best not to worry and just be happy they are back and performing. idk but as a blackjack, nothing makes me happier than seeing the four of them on stage singing and enjoying what they do

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Guest itszmaeee

sometimes you really have to use logic and actually think.

YG doesn't do repackage albums. If 2NE1 was to come out with a new song, they wouldn't release a repackage album because not a lot would buy an album with the same songs, but only one new song. What he would probably do is release a song, then add that song to their future new album.

No need to worry about their sales or future. And I agree @CL10. YG is not the only one suffering from this, other companies are suffering the same pace. It just so happens that YG released a statement on how much they spent on one comeback unlike other companies. They're not the only company that probably spent millions on one group's comeback.

Know what we should all worry about? Their follow up track. Worrying as in "are they promoting one of their ballads, a remix or an upbeat song from the album?".

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Guest darkaz619

@rukiie stop worrying all sales are down even other group sales is not as big as last year still 2NE1 sold more music than other group only SNSD sold more than them this year 2NE1 is one of few groups that can sale digital,album and ringtones others can only sale digital music others can sale only albums so stop this worrying.

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I can't believe no one else is worried about what is happening in Kpop!

This continual release of new songs means only idol groups get any recognition and not much at that

if this continues the Kpop industry will be oversaturated with idols

and then all idols will be making less money let alone indie artists

I think this is a concerning trend and of course i'm worried about 2NE1 because it effects them

what if this continues year after year?

I want Kpop to continue i don't want group to start debuting in Japan and wherever else just because they aren't selling at home

because then they will turn in jpop groups basically

just this year 6 groups (male and female) have moved towards the japanese market

JYJ is doing international

What's so wrong with wanting to discuss something like this?

secondly i don't think YG will do a repackaged album

(although taeyangs international album was kind of like a repack but NOT exactly so don't start yelling about how it was an international album yes it was but it was basically his solar album with a few new songs in english and video content added. Kinda like 2NE1's thailand version mini album that had videos and the solos and TTFM added)

My point is that i want YG to promote songs already on the album like he did before rather than a new song

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^the problem with "discussing" something like this is that there IS NO SOLUTION. what is all this talk going to do? nothing! we're aren't in the position to do anything about whats going on in kpop. And if you are so worried about it, then take it to another thread, because we've all established that 2ne1 is doing the BEST THEY CAN DO. and the Blackjacks are likewise, doing the BEST they can do. What else do you want from us?

Also, you are confusing the kpop industry with the korean music industry. These are separate and you would do well to make a distinction between them. kpop will always have its IDOLS. Idols make up kPOP music. Indie artists, I wouldn't put under kpop. And indie artists are obviously the ones who are most affected by kpop artists. kpop, and consequently, kpop idols get more exposure, has the larger fan base, has the endorsements.

kpop will continue. just no one will know what it will look like.

I'm done with this "discussion" because its really Off topic and is hardly 2ne1 specific.

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(unless a fan is filthy rich and wants to buy out all 2ne1 stock).

In sum, 2010 was a different kind of year for kpop. Everyone feels that this is true--from artists, to fans, to music execs, to music critics. So again, I don't think 2010 is representative as much as it is an anomaly.

Is YG is a publicly listed company? if so, fans of YG groups can pool together and buy shares, enough to have a say as a majority shareholder so basically the fans own the entertainment company. That would never work since 2NE1 won't be around forever. But it's the football clubs...I think Barcelona is owned by the fans.

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Guest vulgarchic

Is YG is a publicly listed company? if so, fans of YG groups can pool together and buy shares, enough to have a say as a majority shareholder so basically the fans own the entertainment company. That would never work since 2NE1 won't be around forever. But it's the football clubs...I think Barcelona is owned by the fans.

I think they're still in the preperation stage. I'm guessing they'll be listed sometime next year.

In my opinion, I feel that 2NE1 are doing well. Their album is basically a mini-album and if you take into account all of the digital sales from their previously released songs on To Anyone then they have pretty awesome digital sales.... Kiss, Try To Follow Me, You and I, Please Don't Go.. they all did good digitally. The To Anyone album has done well in that respect and they practically promoted one whole full album. How many groups can say that?

If 2NE1 aren't doing as well as last year, then so be it. Hopefully they'll do better with their next album. I mean that's all their is to it. They only have one mini-album and one full album under their belt and the success they have achieved in so little time is amazing because I can't recall what group has been able to do that in such little time. Whatever their future holds remains to be seen. All we can do as blakcjacks is support them in anyway we can.

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Guest candyapple1111

Just watched 2ne1 tv. such a great ep. I love seeing YG family and how the dynamics actually work between the group. Obviously Ri is the most talkative so he prob has the best relationship with them. But that one little arkward moment between TOP and BOM has me curious. He looks a little shy and Bom is suddenly quiet and too aware of the camara. I'd like to see more of them.

I always forget how young Minzy is but then seeing her meet BEP and ride her bike with Hwangbu makes me realize how crazy this experience can be for her.

I actually like her hair Jet black. I don't care for the orangish color she has they need to just make her blonde or give her extensions to change the style. ITzzamee I have noticed her weight recently and am a little surprised because she seems so dedicated to working out. But then if your not watching what you eat working out is a waste of time.

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I've noticed that about Minzy for awhile. When I look at old pics she was really skinny. She's thick now. She has hips and thighs. lol. Nothing wrong with that but with all the working out she does I thought she'd be smaller than she is now.

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101021 F1 Festival 2NE1 - Can't Nobody

101021 F1 Festival 2NE1 - Go Away

101023 2NE1 - Talk @ Toray West Love Festival

Cr: mnzj & YGLcrazyxcami @ YT

other fancams at Toray West Love Festival








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Guest candyapple1111

It may just be her body type. She's always been kinda curvy to me not the typical body rail thin body type. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Didn't Bom's makeup on the trip to London look 10 times better then what she usually wears? In the car ride to the restaurant I thought wow less make up really suits her. Looks younger and her eyes look bigger. She wears too much

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Guest GDZY.cookielove

this group is gonna fail no offense.

theres wondergirls and snsd out right now they have no chance aganist them.

plus, park bom is like 23 the others are like 13, and like 16 or something.

they should of jst put park bom as a solo artist mannnn =/

feeel sorry for themm.

i was going through the first page, and all i have to say is... in your face! see how successful and popular 2NE1 is now! *beams with pride*

and to all the awesome people who has been keeping this thread forever active, thank you very much! Let's play blackjacks!! <3

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Guest vulgarchic


I've noticed that about Minzy for awhile. When I look at old pics she was really skinny. She's thick now. She has hips and thighs. lol. Nothing wrong with that but with all the working out she does I thought she'd be smaller than she is now.

I agree, she has been filling up and I think the major reason is the fact that she's growing up. She's maturing into her body now and becoming a woman :D I think we forget sometimes how young she debuted so her body will change as time goes by. She's turning into a sexier maknae now so boys better watch out hahaha and her sexy dances will look even sexier now...Oh no hahahahaha xD

Oh and yeah, Bommie looks a lot better with less make-up. I dunno, sometimes she gets it right sometimes it's just like -__________- but Bommie loves make-up so there'll be a lot of hits and misses in the future haha but we know that she still looks like a goddess without all of that make-up on :D

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