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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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thanks for sharing ^^

wow, that's great news for the girls. placed between Florida and Jay Z! yeah ^^

since when did 2NE1's mini album got released on iTuned? does anybody know?

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Guest NV4ever

YAYYY Complete Schedule already!! so 2NE1TV S2 will be on the 7th! and looks like the girls will have their comeback stage on MuCore?? i thought it would be Inkigayo~~ but im soo excited! the momentum is certainly building! everyone is soo anticipating the girls awesome comeback ^^

2NE1 mini-album ranked 8th on Japan Itunes? CONGRATS~! they didnt even promote or debut there yet :lol:

our girls are gaining much popularity EVERYWHER!

my girls are back! 2NE1 is back~! lol sorry im just soo happy and excited tat it feels soo surreal ^o^

Edit: yeah...their mini-album is on Itunes?? is it available in the US?? i wanna buy it~!

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Guest 2neblaq

Im still in my spazzing mode. :P

I really can't wait for them to return. 3 songs and 3 MVs. With 2 bonus track. :w00t: I believe the 2 bonus track will be a english song. This is so...exciting. ^_^

For me...i was actually thinking about how the 3 title songs will enter the chart. And i was wondering what if the 3 songs made it to the TOP 3 position in the chart? 2ne1 will win straight away. I remember 1 group promote 2 songs and their songs were in the TOP 2 and they won in the end. So it could be the same for 2ne1. ;) I think we don't have to worry about them promoting 3 songs together. But of course they have to take care of their health.. :(

How i wish it is September already. <_<

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Guest bluishme

wow.. the girls schedule.. they sure will be very busy..

i also wonder about the 3 songs.. hmmm..

oh well.. as long as i get to see 2NE1 having fun performing

then that would be good for me.. well..

i hope they also have awards.. cause they deserve it..

can;t wait for 2NE1TV, choreo, clothes..

wonder what their concept would be?


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i bet all the kpop artists and music companies are flippin' right now because of 2ne1's collab with will.i.am and their expansion to the japanese music industry even though they only promoted FOR ONE YEAR and that's already saying something xD

all the kpop artist should be scared right now haha because 2ne1 is gonna thrash it babyyyyyyyy! ;D

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I spazzed even more

after seeing the girls' schedule.

Especially when thinking

of all the 2NE1 goodies I am able

to experience - from their crazy dorky behind

the scenes footages to powerful,amazing performances. :w00t:

CL Leadah definitely looked

really cute in there.

Baby Chaerin for the 2NE1.

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Kanauru's tweet:

2NE1 choreographer @marrrrriel tells me she is half-human, half-evlish warrior. 2NE1 learns from the best I suppose.

12:08 AM Aug 17th via web

Mariel's tweet:

@kanauru you didn't know I was half-elf? and Septemberrrrrrrrrrr yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! Popsicle!

about 5 hours ago via web


i suddenly have this thought that 2NE1's single is titled Popsicle. LOL

thinking too much?????

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Guest NV4ever

CL-roo looks soo kuteee!!! i remember the BTS she was soo shy, lol being surrounded by those half naked guys ^^

also love how those two pics contrast each other, the first one they're all fierce then CL-roo is being the kutie tat she is in the second one :lol:

POPSICLE?! lol i hope not, it just too...kutesy ^o^ who knows YG love to surprises us ^^ but no kute, candyish song please~~ i want something fierce, powerful and sexy kekeke

2NE1 sure learns from the best! they belongs to the best family, have the best producers and sunbaes so of course our girls are the best of everything~! LOL tat's how bias i am when it comes to 2NE1 ^.^

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Guest simplykylie


anyone please post instruction how to buy 2ne1 album online ... so that we can help boost 2ne1 album sales... :D


we should make 2ne1 no 1 in all music program... hehehe

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Guest tazanya

I have a question.

Does any of the girls INT'L fansites like YGL have any connections with the girls Korean fansites?

Because, I think it'd be good if we did. So we'd get more insight on what's going over there...we'd be able to collab with kblackjacks on a lot concerning the girls.

So, like do we/they?

we do have some contact with kfansites. once things are more definite we will let you know. Regardless we are going to plan SOMETHING for the comeback.

I've seen videos and Dara is pretty much fluent and can definitely keep up an English conversation because aside from Tagalog, she learned English from around 5th grade. Maybe you just get that impression because she has a heavy Philippine accent. CL is obviously fluent. Bom, I can't tell because I've never witnessed her having a full-on English conversation; I've only seen her speak a few short sentences.

Yeah like others have said CL for sure, Bom's english was great, I converse with her totally fine. we didn't talk about nuclear physics lol I think Minzy's english is likely the least strong, but when she sings I have noticed her pronunciation is really good. (no its not my bias talking haha) So that is promising.


People are worried about him bringing crappy lyrics/songs to 2NE1. However, Will.I.Am has been producing music since forever and knows the US market really well. HE KNOWS WHAT SELLS -like I said I found a lot of the hit songs on the last BEP's album crap (and most of my friends agreed with me) doesn't change the fact that we loved it. Hidden in the actual album itself are very meaningful songs. If you want to catch the general publics attention you give them something catchy - take Lady Gaga for instance. Her shot to fame was Just Dance, not a very deep song. I want the girls to have a successful US debut if they go that route, I don't want what happened to Se7en to happen to them. Haters are lying in wait to say 'I told you so, they can't make it".

Will.I.Am knows whats in, what's current. I'm hoping he does the girls like he did Fergie, comes out with a stupid infectious song like Fergilicious/London Bridge (crap but I was loving it) and then pulls out the nice soulful Big Girls Dont Cry to prove their talent.

Agree Agree Agree, the american pop scene is just as concept heavy as kpop (ok well maybe not JUUUST as concept heavy) I think some ppl (not in this thread but in general) have this rose colored view of the american pop scene. But US pop stars are slaves to the hit single just like anywhere else. Once you get to other genres there may be more depth but western POP is as catchy-conscious as any other pop.

Oh and don't get it twitsted that some of these artists are writing their own stuff. Check out the recent grammy's most every pop song has like three four writers IN ADDITION to the oh so talented singer, so yeah. I was mortified that Single ladies (which to me has very simple lyrics, almost elementary level) has Beyoncé Knowles, Terius "The-Dream" Nash, Thaddis "Kuk Harrell" Harrell, Christopher "Tricky" Stewart as writers... It took FOUR people to write that song... but I digress. Point is we all want the girls to have enrichign and impressive songs that showcase their songs... but first people have to want to listen in the first place. Let's just see how the US plans develop.

I am taking that with a grain of salt, as long as we waited for this album there is no telling how long it will be before the girls intl album makes it our shores. Personally I would be happy with some US concerts like wgs did last year with them singing their korean and japanese hits (yeah I am already assuming success in Japan.. don't know why just have faith.)

let me just correct those who've said that dara isn't fluent in english..i have heard her before and she definitely can talk straight english though her voice is a little bit low but she can speak fluently and can pronounce the words pretty well. bom can speak english but the problem is her pronounciation but am sure it can be corrected. the girls will surely rock the music scene comes sept 9. autotune or not i will still support and love them.NO QUESTIONS.

Great comment and true from what I have seen. I recently watched one of her movies and her English was great. :)


anyone please post instruction how to buy 2ne1 album online ... so that we can help boost 2ne1 album sales... :D


we should make 2ne1 no 1 in all music program... hehehe

People are working on tutorials, however we are delaying posting now that there is this added twerk cuz the girls are promoting three songs at once. We are hoping additional details will come out. For example if the girls are promoting certain songs aon certain shows then we will tweek the tuts by show. If the girls are doing some other hodgepodge IDK. We will try to coordinate with the kfans so we are all on the same wavelength. OF course for itunes and gaon charts (since both of those rankings are influenced by overseas sales, I-fans will have to really rally.)

Just remember that because three songs are being promoted there is no way to predict how this will affect the rankings and what this will do for the girls chances for winning mutizens. No one has ever legit promoted three songs at the same time. This is history making promotions for kpop. I for one am giddy thinking about it.

Anyhoo I have babbled enough.. so dang excited.

Blackjacks Nolja.

Just remember though

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Guest crashpurple

so up to now people still question dara's english speaking ability huh? hmmm well as far as I know just remembering her star circle quest days her conversations with the people there is mostly in english cuz they know the filipino language is not her first language, why don't people watch her interview, shows and movies in the Philippines before, to give a better grasp of her ability. But, unless her ability to speak the language diminished when she left PI and barely use english thereafter...correct me if I'm wrong :ph34r::vicx:

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Guest blackjackVip

wait, i read the article saying that it was easy for them to record songs in english coz 3 of them was fluent in it.

only 3?

so who's the one that's not fluent?

i would guess Minzy?


but why do i keep readig comments here saying that it's Dara?

i'm confused...

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Guest NV4ever

Thanks alot TAZ!! it'll really help for International fans like us to have the tutorials about the voting, streaming and buying songs on those korean charts, we want to help the girls make number 1~! how i wish i know Korean or live in Seoul?? hehehe


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Guest cristina0422

YG to open a “YG-Life” blog about Big Bang, 2NE1, & YG Family (100817)



Last time I updated “From YG”, I said I will prepare a new communication system. That has been a while ago. Lack of my expressions made some misunderstandings with many fans. Whether it’s a misunderstanding or true, I think it’s my mistake that I failed to communicate with you, the fans.

Upcoming September 1st, we’re opening “YG-LIFE” blog to communicate with you fans, as our best effort to be a true friend with you. We’re expecting to have some big communication and share a lot of information as possible between YG and you fans to make a smaller gap in our thoughts and status.

As sometimes fans joke about, “Let’s rob the hard disk of Mr.YG!”

I will share the unshared, old information of singers of YG Entertainment, plus everyday-lives happening in YGE, which I, myself watch and feel everyday. As taking some pictures and movies by myself, I will share all with you from now on. For example, a recording or practicing scene of singers who haven’t released their albums yet. I will share all of it with you even if I have some problems that I may have to leak some of yet unreleased musics.

I have always thought that it’s so sad I have to see all the beautiful clothes and shoes which GD wears to the recording studio just all by myself, but from now on I will record it with my cell phone as much as possible. Bom being caught eating “dokbokki” in secret, while Dara is taking nap at dawn, those I will share with you as long as they want me to.

There will be some very important information in the sharing box, which I will update everyday and there will be some so much normal everyday lives. Beside the news of YG artists, I will share everything in the world that I like or I am interested in. It’s kind of like a personal blog, but I will make some singers of YG to participate in and the information which they updated will be with their name on.

Also I will make “YG-LIFE” easily access onto Youtube, Twitter, & other apps, so to make many fans around the world be able to see it conveniently. I will finish “From YG” from now on and make a fresh start with “YG-LIFE”. It will be a small room, but i will make sure it be a warm true-communicative room. I will meet you all at “YG-LIFE” to keep my unfinished story going.

I wish you all the best & take care of yourselves, bye.

Source: YG’s Message 2010.08.17

Translated by & Credit: HuisuYoon@21BANGS.com


Park Bom – Voice Idol Legends 100817

Credit: thericardomontez@YT

Dara Me2Vid 100819


We’re bluffing-2NE1!!! By the beautiful riverside~ The really loud sound of wind~!!! Deep in our hearts there is a wild horse that’s running. Ah, I want to run along the riverside that’s like a green meadow until the ends of the earth… We’re pitching our hearts toward you guys. Hey! Jjangmae is running~~~!!!

source: dara’s me2day

Translated by: Elise@YGLadies.com


Ah~ I'm a bit late spazzing with you guys. There's too much workload for me nowadays. Damn that work! Kekeke. But I need money to sustain and support mah girls when they comeback, right? Anyway, you guys already said all about the girls soon to be EPIC COMEBACK. When it rains, it really pours for BlackJacks. It's really been a long time for us waiting for the girls to comeback but our wait will really be worth it. In 09.09.2010, KPOP World will hit by a tsunami. So be prepared...BE REALLY PREPARED! Because this tsunami will not go easy on you.

To those who are questioning Dara's english, watch her shows, movies and inteviews in the Philippines. English is like Dara's 2nd language. She learned English first before she became fluent in Tagalog. Tagalog came later when she joined the Star Circle Quest. Her interviews at first when she joined the contest are pure English because she's not used to Tagalog yet. She can speak English in conversational level but later you'll notice a heavy Tagalog accent which most Filipinos have.

Anyway, have you guys notice that Dara is using too much of the word Empress to refer to herself in her Me2Day? It's not she is being full of herself. Dara is known to give hints in her Me2Day. Do you think it is somewhat related to their comeback? A concept maybe?

And to YG-Life. Woah! That would be awesome! Actually, only YG family makes me feel that fans are part of them. That there's no huge gap between me and my idol. That I can see them as human too. That they are not perfect but they really do their BEST. They actually listens to the fans, that's why I really respect them. To those people who are fedup with Dara's usual updates in her Me2Day, suck it up! I really admire that girl for building the bridge between 2NE1 and their fans, ultimate fanservice! And now Papa YG is actually acquiring it and putting it in use and he himself will be the official YG Correspondent. Haha!

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Guest cristina0422

I hope YGL or YGS can have a detailed step by step tutorial for International fans on how to purchase in YGeshop. But anyway, I'm relying on this TUT for the meantime.

YGeshop is going to provide shipping for 13 countries now(don’t know they will add more,will update it)

Here’s the list of 13 countries:

1. Taiwan

2. Malaysia

3. U.S.A

4. Vietnam

5. Singapore

6. Australia

7. Indonesia

8. Japan

9. China (People’s Rep.)

10. Macao

11. China (Hong Kong)

12. Thailand

13. Phlippines

woot! My country is listed!

How to register at YGeshop for Foreigners?


i.e. this goddies http://www.ygeshop.com/yg_mart.php?query=view&code=000102&no=326&ArrangeBy=&Brand=&ListNo=30&mid_cate=&small_cate='>http://www.ygeshop.com/yg_mart.php?query=view&code=000102&no=326&ArrangeBy=&Brand=&ListNo=30&mid_cate=&small_cate=

Click the "Buy now" button.

1) Please check the product, quantity, point and the total amount of your order.

2) You must check required overseas shipping check box.


3) After clicking the check box, the shipping information form will change into English.

Please check the �Use the same Bill-To information� box if the shipping information is same as the billing information.


Fill up all the fields including zip code and country.

If everything is ok, click "Proceed to Checkout" button.


4) Credit card payment window will pop. You�ll name os stuff and total cost.

For foreign resident, select the international credit card for the payment � it�s the last one from the list �해외카드�.


Click the �다음� (�Next�) button.

5) Enter the credit card number, expiration date and click �Next� button.


Your order is complete. ^^

# to deliver abroad YGeShop is using EMS - it's very safe to deliver through this

It takes about 5~10 days for the delivery to abroad as depending on the country.

There is possibility to track order via EMS on EMS site. You only have to no. of item.


# For the order from abroad, the order quantities are restricted up to 5 pcs for each item due to the weight problem for the EMS or prevent of the commercial purpose.

# the replace and cancel for the order from abroad

For the abroad, we do not accept for the cancel without any breakage or defected so please order carefully.

If your ordered items have including Vat, you may pay for the additional custom fee even you already paid for the delivery cost at the custom clearance in your country.

credit: Takeshi@BBSoompiThread

Let's support the girls!

International BlackJacks can buy their album from:

YGeShop - http://www.ygeshop.com/

YesAsia - http://www.yesasia.com/global/en/home.html (the sales will reflect on Gaon Music chart)

DVDHeaven - http://dvdheaven.com/ (the sales will reflect on Hanteo chart)

and ofcourse iTunes!!!!

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