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Are You An 'english' Person Or A 'maths' Person?

Guest AppleLove

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Guest TVSJ18

What Ethnicity are you?


Are you a maths or an English person?

I'm a math person!! I LOVE MATH!

I might sound crazy, but I find it so much fun to do math! Plus, I've had a history of good math teachers, so they help me enjoy math. English on the other had..is...TT___TT;; not so good. it's an asian fail. LOL

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Guest Supernike911


even tho imma chinese, i ABSOLUTELY DETEST math >.>

my essays, grammar, and language use is, (not to be boasting), impeccable

and i'm proud of it :D

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Guest shinhbang

Ahhaa. For an Asian person, I am the worst math person you'll ever meet. People come to me for help, and I tell them I'm just as stuck as they are. Then they're like, "You're Asian, you should get it." I'm not their average Asian. I'm more of a reading and English person. I hate math.

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What Ethnicity are you?


Are you a maths or an English person?

Not really any... Jack of all trade but master of none...yep. I take hours to write an English paper...usually end up not satisfied...spend hours doing math too. Once upon a time I was good in math until I took Calculus then...well...that's another story. Maybe my math is better than my English though...dunno for sure.

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Guest Phan2~

I'm Indonesian,chinese

I'm more english person, and actually love linguistic,arts, etc

when it comes to numbers...>.< i'm poor at it,like mostly people does...

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  • 7 months later...
Guest dot.1430279747

I'm chinese and I like both english and math! But, I would have to say, english is my forte since thats what my results for year 12 told me. 

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Guest CrossMyHeartandHopetoDie

What Ethnicity are you?


Are you a maths or an English person?

I hate/dislike both, although I'm better at math I suppose.

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I'm Korean and I guess I'm a math person... especially since I'm going to start majoring in it in September for undergrad.

I do like creative writing, but I absolutely despise analyzing stuff like Shakespeare.

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Guest nauticalblue

I like both, but I'm probably leaning more towards math. I gag at the thought of creative writing in English class, but I love it when we get to write essays exploring themes in literature and questions about humanity. It's so interesting. But I just enjoy math in general, so I suppose that's more of my subject.

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Guest lalosoke

Is maths a real word? 

I'm nitpicking at the thread title so I assume that makes me an uptight grammar tyrant. 

I decided to read the last 2 pages, and there are some good laughs here and there. Im asian, disclosing my specific ethnic, and i have to say... i'm shock to see many individuals who's an english person. I personally hate english - the word, work, and everything else that's brain related to literature labour. Mathematics is simple. Work is there, and the equation is there. What else could go wrong 

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