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Are You An 'english' Person Or A 'maths' Person?

Guest AppleLove

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Guest wawadiary

What Ethnicity are you?

I'm Thai

Are you a maths or an English person?

English i hate mathe too much compilicate and complex

about english i think i better na

maybe keke

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Guest robotomy

I'm half Chinese half Spanish and a bunch of other stuff.

I'm good at English but I suck at math. xD

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Guest Gellybeanx3

english definitely, and history.

im in college and i about all i can do is add or multiply simple stuff haha.

im putting off taking math for as long as i can.

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Guest sassy-grl

I'm a Filipino/Chinese mix. I'm currently in university doing an English Honours program toward my Education degree. I'm good at sciences though (Bio, Chem, Physics), but BOMBED on math in first year university. lol.

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Guest Mani4ever

What Ethnicity are you?


Are you a maths or an English person?

I'm studying biology and chemistry.... must say I HATE math XD

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Guest lulunotlemon*

I'm Chinese and I hate English and Math ROFL!!

I'm an A 'maths' person tho.... haha... xDD

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Guest aznshorty

i'm chinese. and i think i'm pretty good at both. although i hate math w/a passion.

so i like english more, but currently i'm doing better in math.

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Guest jello24

i know im better at english than i am at math, but i also know that if push comes to shove, i can do my fair share of Integral and Differential Calculus... partly because im required to do I&D calculus for engineering LOL

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Guest <3 for six seasons

i'm british-german.

i'm absolutely an english person. xDD HAHA.

but i don't think i'm that dumb at math, i just hate it more than any subject.

i was good at it when it wasn't that complex for me. C:

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Guest blackvelvetfever

What Ethnicity are you?


Are you a maths or an English person?

I prefer English, all the way.

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Guest xevitadorax

I'm not Asian and I don't really like either. I am a social studies person

love history and that kinda stuff.

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Guest yanshimkim

What Ethnicity are you?


Are you a maths or an English person?

English! I sucked at Math all throughout high school and college. T_______T

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Guest HanMai

i am from Thailand. for me i am not well in english and hate math!

i love history and asian languages =3=

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Guest leaves

What Ethnicity are you?

I'm Chinese (:

Are you a maths or an English person?

I'm more of a maths person ;D

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