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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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Guest Kittykitt129

I can tell everyone, "Yes, I like him."

Everyone but him.

I guess, I feel I shouldn't?

Like I'm not supposed to?

And even his sister knows. He told them about when dad took his picture, so they MUST'VE told him about what I said.

But I rarely see him.

And that girl...she can talk to him, all the time, until three in the morning, and she has a boyfriend, and everytime I walk by she talks about how she talked to him all night last night. And I'm crushed. Why aren't I like that??

Then again, I rarely call my FRIENDS, let alone my crush. I can't even TALK to the people I like, for fear that I might say too much. Or that if I DO get what I want, I won't be adequate. I'm awkward, we all know this. I'm comfortable dressing in loose clothes, and hate myself when I DON'T dress nice but I hate how fat I am in those clothes.

And every day I pass by that car, when I get thrown out of the car, I see it and wish I could just say something and stop my increasing obsession. It's unhealthy. I want, and NEED to stop. But I can't. Damn.

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Guest bubblemilk_tea

arugh. I'm just so confused about the whole situation.

I want to not care, because I know I can't do anything about it. I'm not sad, just really mad. I hate it when guys flirt with you a lot and have no serious intentions. It's annoying and pisses the hell outta me. So here I am, left alone, foolish and naiive. But so is he. I know this sounds really bad, but I'm kinda happy that she doesn't have him, that she found someone new and left him in the dark, hanging. He doesn't deserve her, and I'm glad shes a billion miles away with her new love. GODDAMN. I can't let this boy ruin my year, because he isn't worth it. I thought he was, but he isn't. It's such a turn-off when a guy can't get over his previous crush- not even an EX! she was just a CRUSH! for godssakes. and then to talk about it, constantly!? it gets a little overboard, and annoying. You cant do anything about it, I can't do anything about it, nobody can do anything about it. So just drop the damn topic. I can understand that you miss her, but your obsession is a bit too much and don't lead me on. kthanks. Don't lead me on when she is still in your mind, not just lingering in your mind, but basically taking over your mind. It's not fair to me, and it's not fair to her. you disgust me and have a nice life. kthanks!

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We're drifting farther apart and I'd really prefer that we didn't.

I hate how I can't do anything about it

It's hard enough pretending that I don't see him.

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Guest ephemeral.


Everyone seems depressed today.

Friends not getting along.

Friend lost her wallet.

He seemed sad/mad at one point.

Feeling confused and down.

Depression overall is contagious.

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today's his birthday. i wanted to call him to wish him a happy birthday but i didn't have the courage to and he probably didn't need that. he's having the time of his life with his new gf now and he doesn't want me anymore. i just don't know what's wrong with me. it's been almost 4 months but i still think about him basically every minute of the day. i know things will never be the same but why am i still holding on?

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

One of my closest friend wrote me such a meaningful message.

It makes me cry because she wrote how she felt about me.

Today is the day we became friends over 2 years ago?

And she remembers it. She remembers everything I said to her.

Also today, my friend came by my workplace and drop me off a Tiramisu cake.

They've been doing this ever since Monday bringing me alread: Flowers, Candies, Cake--

Because they want to celebrate a week/everyday before my official birthday.


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Guest kp1shadow

you know.. im so tired of being irritated, annoyed, mad at my friend. Thats all we do. I get mad, then annoyed. I dont talk to him for a while then we are back again but its so tiring. We really dont have a real friendship. We both agreed that it is tiring but if we take all of that out, our friendship becomes hollow. In the end tho, i think ive already given up. I know your not suppose to. but its so tiring. ive given up. our friendship is almost non-existent

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Guest idiotsucks

I'm waiting stupidly

Knowing that I will end up with bruises all over


I choose to wait

I'm really stupid


It hurts to know that someone you like ignores you

= /

Dono if I'm thinking too much again this time

I dono why but I'm really insisting this relationship this time

I really wish,

he could know how I felt all these while..

I wish he know..


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I hate how everyone knows but him. Sigh*

I feel that he's a waste of my time but in a way... I can't let go.

It's been 2 years and even though we barely see each other, we barely talk when we do... it's like I silently hope he'd come to like me too =)


I miss him.

I miss him SO MUCH and it kills me everytime I think about him.

We don't talk as much as we used to and it doesn't help that he lives halfway across the world.

I miss him so much that it hurts to think about him... and what's worse is that I know he's not thinking about me as much as I think about him...


TM <333

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Guest miyouri

Someone I seriously gave my all and tried my best to keep our relationship going ended up in failure. He had a habit of constantly wanting to breakup when there are quarrels but regretted each time he did that so in the end I let him go when he suggested it again because I'm tired of his tag game.

(I didn't cry though because I'm too numb from being used to this concept from him although my heart ached.)


Pressures from school and I have to transfer to Uni soon but I feel that I'm behind in credits so I'm just a hopeless college student.


Best friend got a boyfriend and she's been ditching me a lot for her boyfriend. She claims she has no free time but she somehow ends up having nice dates with him. I feel forgotten by her.


Irritating physical fights with relative that is irrational and stupid to me but she just won't back down and leave me be -_-

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Guest princess_boojae

I just feel...tired.


The way she changed is scary.

I don't know since when she would keep everything to herself.

I thought its mutual.When you're sad you'll find us when we're sad very naturally we'll find u.

And don't know since when she likes to say "I don't wanna burden anyone since I can settle things on my own".

What are friends for?Means she forget everything she said about going through things together?

I know.She is facing problems.

Its not that we don't wanna care.She is locking herself up and what can I do?

She is scary.She seems to be transforming to someone else I don't even know.

I wanna say something to you.

You know XXX likes him.And yes you're the same class with him.

We never say anything bout you guys being closer.







what's the point treating a friend of yours like this?

why are you aiming on her only?


you are my FRIEND.


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Guest MichaRea

the way i miss my bestfriend.

I just lost him, and I don not know why...

Yea, still in my heart he is me best bestfriend afterall.

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Guest kittyt87

i miss him... i love him... i really can't live without him... and yet he makes it seem like it's no big deal and continuously flirting with girls even though he knows how i feel about him. my heart hurts so much.........

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Guest rainbow234

why is he keep twisting the things around just when i thought things are turing for the better?

what's with all the misunderstandings?

what is he actually thinking about?

maybe he's just not that into me.

i know i should jolly well move on but deep down... it seems hard to move my way out from the maze though on the other hand, i wanna see what is the world like outside the maze.

and there's no one there to listen to my mini cooper...

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Guest JaCkiie

I like you. And it's pretty pathetic since you're the second guy for me to like seriously.

That means you're special you know that?

But I can't like you .. simply because I know there is someone else who deserves you more.

Much more than me, it's okay because I think I can get it over soon.

Good luck with her, she honestly is genuinely interested in you.

Everyone can see it, the bickering, the fights, you guys hanging out.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're interested in her too.

For now, it's good bye.

Jackie won't wait for you anymore.

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