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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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Guest BlissfulSimplicity

That after a year together.

Seeing him again, makes those memories rush back.

And I realize how much we've changed over three months.

We're strangers now.

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Guest cherryxpnai

i stopped talking to the one guy that made my heart skip a beat. the same guy that knew me inside and out, especially when i was lying. all because i knew i deserved better than to be in love with a friend that didn't know how to appreciate me as a friend.

and i want to talk to him so bad. especially now since i know that he's sick.

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Guest SarangHeyo <3

On March 19 2010,

I'll be saying goodbye to the guy I love the most again.

Last year I gave him a present, this year I'll just be giving him a "Happy Birthday"

Last year I did it because he simply wanted me out of his life,

this year, I will once again let go...

because I'm sick and tired of this confusion.

Tired of him invading my life for a day then leaving the next.

I can't take it anymore.

Live a happy life, smile and laugh, dont starve, dont fight and please do forget me.

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Guest iloveapple

after I realized that I truly loved you...

I had officially noticed that you deserve so much better than me...

I'm not pretty

I'm not smart

I'm not good at sport

And over all I'm not your type...

Knowing all of this makes my heart cry every day of the past three and half years I had been crushing over you...

I just want you to be there for me... and smile at me every once in a while </3

And... I love you... apple


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Guest Purple.Orchird

i ruined my chance.

a chance of being together.

because of my foolishness.

i cant believe i didnt see it before.

it was right in front of me but i chose to ignore all the signs.

cuz i didnt think what the things u did to me were actually signifcant.

but it doesnt matter now.

it doesnt because u didnt do those things to me, again.

like we never had something.

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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

You told me that it's hard to be my boyfriend. You said you're so busy, it hurts you that you have to keep letting me down.

To say you love me and then say you just want to be my friend... Well...

That can't happen.

I told you that it's either we stay together or we never talk ever again.

You asked me to stay with you...

Of course.

But you want space for a few days... and now

I'm so lost without you.

Things are confusing at the moment but I have to be strong. No more tears!

I know things will work out. There are hard times in all relationships

and they can make the relationship deeper.

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I once had this totally amazing guy in my life. That was my best friend and everything.

And then we accidently feel in love, and everything was ruined. I freaked out... and moved away to got to college.

SO flash forward a few years, and i think i could say i'm slowly moving on. But I think my freakin' parents are still in love with the dude, becuz they keep telling me how much they miss him and how i was a better person when i was with him. Which i really hate, becuz right now all i what to do it focus on my dreams and finish college....

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Guest amyyboo

When i'm with you, and the stuff we're doing, can;t help but make me think of HIM. I'm sorry, this is totally cheating you. I wish it wasn't like this.

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Guest michikosashimi

i cant...i just cant believe he'd do that...

he doesnt seem like the type of person to...

if she came back and loved him..

would he leave me for her??

i gave him my everything T_T

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Guest - fairytale *

We were together for a year and a half. That whole time, you constantly reassured and promised me that you wouldn’t mistreat me the way I had been before with other guys. I finally grew to believe you. You loved me immensely, I was able to see and feel it.

How did this happen? How were you able to forget all the things you said to me? I’m trying to move on, but my thoughts keep going back to you. I’m miserable.

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Guest choiseunghyun-

-unhappy with my appearance.. people aren't helping >:/

-missing my dog, no clue where the hell he is.. </3

-my old friends wont even acknowledge me (been around them all night)

-grades are dropping

-i cant forget someone, & its totally my fault that everything got all screwed up between us ;s

-not to mention there's something wrong with me & no one even cares enough to notice

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unhappy because it is soo unfair that i always end up crushing on a guy that hardly knows me..

unhappy everytime i see him he never sees me T_T..

its soo unfari

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Guest yongwonhi

Everything hurts. It hurts more this time, because now I know that you actually don't care. You say you care, you say you're not over me, but if you really meant it... I shouldn't be feeling this way. I shouldn't be crying for so long over you, wishing that you'd talk to me. I shouldn't be questioning your motives, wondering why everything you say seems to be contradictory. You say you want us to be friends, but don't you understand...? I can't be just friends with you. It hurts too much.

When I tell you that I'd rather just not talk and get over you, I want you to tell me that that's not what you want, because it's not what I want. I want you to tell me that you miss me, because I miss you. But I know that I'll miss you more than you will ever miss me. I was just a rebound in your eyes, someone that came along and left. But you were my first in so many ways. You'll probably forget me, but I'll always remember you.

You tell me that you're not ready for a relationship, and that you're not boyfriend material right now. But I know what you really mean... that you don't want to be in a relationship with me. You tell me that you're afraid of hurting me again, and that we shouldn't be talking. But can't you see...? You're hurting me more by saying those things.

I don't regret breaking up with you, I had to, but a part of me hoped that you would come back, and that we would work things out. But I expected too much, and that was my fault. You hurt me, but did you ever think about how... you never asked for forgiveness? Just one sentence, and none of this would have happened. It hurts knowing that you treated your ex better than you treated me, that you probably showed more care for her. But once again, I expected too much from you...

My friends tell me to be strong, to move on, to find someone better because I deserve someone better. But it's hard... it's hard to just forget you, when there are so many reminders of you. I smile and greet your friends, and it hurts. I look around my room, and it reminds me of you.

You told me to listen to my friends, and to act logically. ...Was that a sign to leave you alone? My friends tell me that you you're deceiving me, that you don't know what you want from me because you don't really care. My friends tell me that you just want to be friends because you hate how things ended badly. My friends tell me that you're in love with your ex. It hurts, because everything they say makes sense, but there's still a part of me that refuses to believe any of it. ...Don't you get it? I acted logically before, and now I'm miserable... But you'll never know, and you don't care enough to figure it out.

It hurts knowing that I'm the only one hurting. It hurts knowing once sht happened, you didn't want to deal with me. It hurts knowing that at one point, the way you looked at me, smiled at me, and hugged made me happy. But you hugged me today, and your hug feels different... it was so forceful...

I've lost you. Everything hurts. I'm so weak right now, I don't know what happened...

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