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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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Guest xxiaoMEI

I log onto Facebook.

This is the first thing I see: ______ went from being "single" to "in a relationship."

i knew it was coming..but still. ><

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Guest SYNsaish

I hate seeing him look at her...because I know that he must still like her. I can see that he cares so much for her, and I wish that that was how it was with me. I'm so jealous of her. Why her? Why is she so lucky? I love him. I've always loved him. I just wish he knew...

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I feel like such a failure...I have uni work due soon yet I've hardly done a thing

I'm thinking of him alot, doubt he's thinking of me...sigh. I'll see how this weekend ends up.

I feel like turning back the clock, but no matter how hard I try, the past just ain't coming back =(...time to face the music?

Feeling really stupid, disappointed, alone and want to cry out.

But I can't. I won't let myself.

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Guest ovovoovo

to watch him love somebody else and moved on happily with his life, while im still here.

it's just so unbearable. my heart is aching. but it's telling me to move on.

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Guest ellyphant

i said i was proud of my brother and sister

and my friend said "what's there to be proud of?" and "why would you be proud of her being that?"

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Guest xo.snipperssnappers.wha?(:

lmfao '' so we can all cry together''

hmm . well , jealousy is a big thing , i just get so mad and i have no idea what to do >.< !

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Guest flyingpenguins

because sometimes i feel like such a failure and i hate that feeling.

i really can't live up to what i want to be

and that's what's really killing me.

i really like to smile but these days i don't find much things that i can really smile about anymore.

i don't know what to do.

i wish life was a lot easier.

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Guest linuhhparkk

well my crush and i were walking together to the bus this afternoon, after school ended.

and we were REALLY close.

like....eh idk, but our arms we touching and everything and i was freezing

(i was only wearing a short sleeve shirt and flipflops with jeans)

and it was really windy today.

so i just wanted to casually link arms with him (because we are pretty good friends too)

but...i chickened out, and avoided eye contact T_T

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Guest ohemqeex3

- your boyfriend letting you know that he feels you don't love him most of the time

- him telling you he knows he's the reason you've been miserable since it all started

- he tells you deep down that he's not worth your love and knows you want to let him go.

all of which are out of the question & beyond the truth.

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My self-esteem is pretty bad. I wish I would have some confidence =(

Urghh I haven't seen you since the first time I saw you, where could you be?

My mom can't go to her treatment every week because of the economy *sighs*

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