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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

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Guest kamsammi
TRANSLATIONS FOR EPISODE 167 (Newest episode = Christmas Present To Everyone)

Translations [Credit to every2toy] EP 167


sweetheart0085: Thank you for your X-mas present!

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Thank You sweatheart0085 and every2toy for Ep.167 translation. That was an awesome Christmas gift!

Thank you 5imply_5wt for the YouKu links.

Today's eposide was pretty good:

*grins evilly* MJ finally knows she's dying. I really have no sympathy...when MJ was in the hospital room crying and asking why did this have to happen I kept thinking "because you are an evil witch...you treated SB and the Kim's so badlly...that's why you are being punished" I'm sure most of us are waiting for her to kick the bucket but we all know she'll be saved at the end much to our disapproval :mellow:

I hated YR at the beginning of the show but looks like she might turn around but knowing the writers they will probably have her turn evil again <_<

:lol: Poor TY and his pregnancy symptoms...he keeps throwing up.

The little kid, BD is soooo cute. He's going to be a handful for YS.

That was really sweat of OYS to set up the date with SB and MiOk. I really want their relationship to get better. Poor SB is going to have a huge shock when she finds out MiOk is dying.

The preview of Monday's ep looks really good:

SB finally breaks and calls MiOK mom ^_^

I wonder if MiOk's illness will finally be relieved to everyone

And it looks as though HS received a call from the hospital about a blood match for MJ? (Don't understand Korean...just my simple guess)

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Guest pilseung1
The preview of Monday's ep looks really good:

SB finally breaks and calls MiOK mom ^_^.I wonder if MiOk's illness will finally be relieved to everyone

And it looks as though HS received a call from the hospital about a blood match for MJ? (Don't understand Korean...just my simple guess)

If you're right about that,what a joke if SB is the match!!I'm guessing she's on the donors list because she received her cornea there(YAMD's hospital?)? :unsure:

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I am watching YAMD again. I quitted a few times and now I am back for good. I have to see how everything ends.

Oh, I don't want Miok to died. I wonder what is making her sick?? Does she need bone marrow translate as well? What if SB is the only match, who will she save?? Hope that's not the writer's plan. I want Miok to live. Cannot wait to see SB call Miok 'mom' on monday.

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YAMD 168 [Ental rip. skyeler's source]

YouTube: ------

VEOH HQ: -----

YAMD 169 Preview [full-screen viewable]

YouTube: ------

VEOH: ----------


NOTE: First available YAMD full-screen previews are usually on
l00bia's YouTube Channel


Original text:

169회 :: 2008년 12월 29일 월...

쓰러진 미옥을 보고 새벽은 크게 놀라고 미옥은 새벽이 잠시 자리를 비운 사이 사라진다. 민정과 미옥은 병 중에도 서로를 누르기 위한 대결에 여념이 없다. 태풍이는 상심한 유리를 그냥 둘 수 없어 챙겨주려 하다가, 소영이 태영을 위해 몰래 빼돌린 전복을 다시 빼돌려 영숙만 황망하게 만든다. 대구는 연실이 복동에게 집착하게 될까 걱정이고, 대진 가족은 민정에게 골수 이식을 할 수 있는지 알아보기 위해 검사를 받는데......

Translation: Korean (automatically detected) » English

169 times:: May December 29, 2008 ...

See the dawn of the big surprises miok fallen miok away for a while, between the dawn disappear. Click each other during civil and miok for the disease, while there is no confrontation. Broken glass can not just storm, which was trying to take care of, come out in secret to overthrow Angelita Tae-yeong youngsukman hwangmang makes slip it in with them again. Can be attached to the yeonsil bokdong Daegu is concerned, the civil DAEJIN family can do a bone marrow transplant to take tests to find out ......

YAMD streaming for all episodes,

including E-Subbed episodes 001-114 from SoShi-Subs for viewing and HQ download,

including Chinese-Subbed episodes 001-current from TuDou.

SoShified 001-114: ---
[Official SoShi-Subs Streaming Site]

VEOH 001-114: -------
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs version]

VEOH 115-134: -------
[E-Subbed KBS-World version]

VEOH 115-168: --------

YouTube 075-164: ----
[RAW with English translation transcripts]


MySoju 001-128: -----
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs & KBS-World versions]


TuDou 001-165: ------

YouKu 001-167: ------

Thank You everyone for your warm congratulations

Our Kimmy and the babies are well and coming home tomorrow, Saturday.

Happy Holidays to all.

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I actually enjoyed today's episode. I didn't fast forward once and it held my attention until the end. I can't wait to see Monday's episode. I feel so bad for MiOk. I really hope the writers don't let her die, it's time for she and SB to heal old wounds. YR was even pleasant to watch, I love that SB was the voice of reason at the hospital, although I can't understand how MJ can know she's dying and still try to break up HS/SB. My guess is that SB is going to prove her destiny and that she is going to have the perfect blood match but that they are not going to tell MJ initially so that she doesn't reject SB's "tainted" blood. She'll eventually hear it about it after the transfusion and re-think her past treatment of SB. This will be what leads to her eventual redemption and acceptance of SB.

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Guest noelle12kim


Do any of you guys think that maybe Miok might be the donor for the "evil witch"?

Just maybe.

Since Miok is going to die anyways maybe she's going to help her daughter's evil mother in law.

argh I don't know! This drama is making me CRAZY!

I want SB to be nice to Miok and I don't want Miok to die!!!

and I want HS to stop being a mama's boy!!!

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Guest kamsammi

After all of the evil-minded behavior, I really will hate these writers if SB is going to save MJ's life. What a stupid story it would be! Heh! I rather like to see Miok being the one who will survive not MJ.

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Guest dbart001
Thank You everyone for your warm congratulations

Our Kimmy and the babies are well and coming home tomorrow, Saturday.

Happy Holidays to all.

Wow, Congrats Ahoxan!

I actually enjoyed today's episode. I didn't fast forward once and it held my attention until the end. I can't wait to see Monday's episode. I feel so bad for MiOk. I really hope the writers don't let her die, it's time for she and SB to heal old wounds. YR was even pleasant to watch, I love that SB was the voice of reason at the hospital, although I can't understand how MJ can know she's dying and still try to break up HS/SB. My guess is that SB is going to prove her destiny and that she is going to have the perfect blood match but that they are not going to tell MJ initially so that she doesn't reject SB's "tainted" blood. She'll eventually hear it about it after the transfusion and re-think her past treatment of SB. This will be what leads to her eventual redemption and acceptance of SB.

I did enjoy today's episode too...I guess, it's because I know that YAMD is coming to an end and still hoping that we all get what we wished from this kdrama...I don't want MiOk to die and live happily w/ SB and the Kim's...My guess is if SB is not a match for MJ, one of the Kim's will be...They are so nice getting tested to see if they're a match after all what evil MJ did to them..I hope once MJ finds all these, she will finally be grateful to the Kims and SB...I HOPE!!!....knowing MJ, maybe she won't be...LOL!...

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Guest dannyshin

Oh I think most of the memebers are younger or teeangers. I think I'm the only person over 35. Anyway I like Korean Telepserials and I'm a fan of It but something about it left me bit confused, why should SB all the way have to bear injustice done to her even HS not protesting it and I wish MJ should die by cancer. It is stupidity of SB if she decide to donate bone morrow for her MIL. MO without revealing her desease to other trying her best to help SB till her last strenght should have been treated fairly. Yes she sinned by 20 years ago by abandoning her daughter but she deserve forgiveness becasue now she sacrifice everything for he child without expecting anything back. It is the time SB should be more concerned about her sick mother rather than going back to evil MJ.

Why again YR and Tp together again? does'nt TP remember what she did to him (runaway bride). may be YR want o repent for her misdeeds may be I will see some changer in her. What is problem with TY? his wife is pregnant but why he show such symptoms?

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Ahoxan you have showed yourself to be very generous with us and very patient with your viewers. You seem to live by your serene prayer. I am sure you make a wonderful parent. Congratulations on your twins!

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Guest ValleeDamour
Ahoxan you have showed yourself to be very generous with us and very patient with your viewers. You seem to live by your serene prayer. I am sure you make a wonderful parent. Congratulations on your twins!

Not only a wondeful parent but also a loving and kind grand parent to the twins too. Thank you so much for taking the time from your busy time to give us the link every day.

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Whaaaaat? HS to give in to his mother's dying wish ... OMG ! He is not only a sissy but a total loser. ... I am now confused as to how the writer can make this character the lead. I share the views of some posters here ... SB is so unlucky to have married this weakling. She'll be better off ending up with no one, her destiny to be single & just be a grateful & dutiful daughter to Daejin & Youngsuk and the forgiving daughter to MiOk. Minus HS, MJ & YR in her life, she will be a better person.

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i just watch the preview for ep 166 and O M G saebyuk better divorce HS and never get back with him. i mean what kind of man abandons their wife. he need to grow a back bone =="

i'm so happy that this show's gonna be over soon. i just want to find out what happens in the end

:o:o:o :fury: :crazy::(<_<

I hate the writers...this is ridiculous!

HS just lost a bunch of points. He is nearing zero.

Crazy crazy...just saw it too and HS is going to divorce SB because that's MJ's last wish....OK....HS just lost my respect and his points went down to zero or negative for me...I hope SB won't go back to him and marries a better man and live happily ever after while HS will live in misery, not married and die an old man...I hope that will be his DESTINY for being stupid and a mama's boy...I hope MiOK will be the new Lohas' chairman since she owns most stocks now and tell MJ not to step her foot in that building ever again... :crazy: :fury: :fury:

Edit: Seriously, I now regret not rooting for TP and SB before...I think because of SB, TP will become a better man...

this ep is so making me not want to watch this no more its just nerve wreaking and omg hose doing because itsh his mom last wish , hes such a baby grow a pair!!!!

I was just thinking the exact same thing...I hope SB marries a better man and lives happily ever after IN FRONT OF HS's FACE while he lives in his misery as a mama's boy

Wow, I'm so disappointed! >:(

I can't believe HS!

Soobin is lucky she didn't marry HS.

At least her guy won't abandon her like that.

Ugh, well, from the preview, looks like MiOk is finally going to do some major damage to the company so yay!

That's the ONLY good news so far. SB better act tough now.

Anyways, thanks for the links to the preview for ep 166 n__n;

To all these postings ... I agree 100%.

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that is hella mess up of HS i wish that he won't have a good ending at all and SB better get her act together and she need to be tough mean,she need to stand up for her self and stop the people that are trying to walk all over her men i kind of feel sorry for SB she should have marry that mama boy at all. he don't even have a mind of his own.

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I think the writer failed miserably injecting this weak behavior of HS. I don't understand why HS has to be portrayed as a mama's boy who doesn't have a mind of his own. The way he handled the situation when SB left their house after being thrown out by MJ & for her to stay with her parents is outright ridiculous ... he should have stood his ground & decisively left with SB, not for them to live separately even temporarily. And now after learning of his mother's terminal illness, he will do everything she demands & that includes divorcing SB. The writer must be joking if he thinks he can convince thinking viewers that a man desperately in love with his GF & eventually the woman he married will be acting this way.

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Guest cynstar.

this drama does not look like its gearing towards one with a happy ending.

im just waiting for some main characters to die off now, cause theres no way MJ will ever accept SB.

plus i'm still waiting on some happy moments for HS&SB. wishful thinking?

anyways, happy holidays guys!


Episode 167 SoftSubs

Translator: every2toy

Timer: cynstar.


cause i had nothing better to do^^

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