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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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Guest _Zoolander_

Your amazing sweetheart0085! Be sure to give my thanks to 46527eu4 for the translations. :)

And thanks for the VEOH uploads ahoxan, I always appreciate them.

Looks like they are doing a commercial in tomorrows episode?

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Guest lantawmako

^Thanks for the link 5imply_5wt!

^I went on that site to see what was going on

I was baffled by the way she/he wrote the credits. It really sounds she/he is mocking them.

And I don't understand the issue because Soshified is allowing non-members to watch the show at their site now. People don't have to hunt around for sub vids.

Forgive my ignorance, but I am not sure I understand. Maybe my English is not that good, but in what way was she/he mocking or insulting. The permission and hacking issue I understand, but I don't seem to find anything wrong with the acknowledgement.

On todays episode: again, the main characters don't even get 10% of the total screen time. This has been the pattern for weeks.

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Forgive my ignorance, but I am not sure I understand. Maybe my English is not that good, but in what way was she/he mocking or insulting. The permission and hacking issue I understand, but I don't seem to find anything wrong with the acknowledgement.

On todays episode: again, the main characters don't even get 10% of the total screen time. This has been the pattern for weeks.

^Maybe it was the way I read it...it is hard to tell the intent when you read words since you don't know the way they meant them to be read.

Perhaps, mocking or insulting was the wrong word to use either way I just felt that what he/she said was somehow wrong.

It seems you can read it 2 ways:

the person is very thankful that Soshified decided to stream

the person is thankful that Soshified decided to stream so they could hack into the system and get those eps and provide download links...and it kinda sounds like the person is mad at them for maybe holding onto the YAMD eps for so long and not letting anyone see them

Renesis: Thank you… for making the avi's look as bad as the flv's. Thank you for almost making it not worth the effort of getting the .avi's.<----that line just made it seem the person was mad at Renesis because the person didn't like the quality of video links given.

It maybe just the way the person wrote the credits that lead me to read it in more hurtful? way :sweatingbullets:

*Back on topic*

Yay! Ep 143 is half way translated. Thanks a bunches to sweetheart0085 and 46527eu4!

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Guest lantawmako

^Maybe it was the way I read it...it is hard to tell the intent when you read words since you don't know the way they meant them to be read.

Perhaps, mocking or insulting was the wrong word to use either way I just felt that what he/she said was somehow wrong.

It seems you can read it 2 ways:

the person is very thankful that Soshified decided to stream

the person is thankful that Soshified decided to stream so they could hack into the system and get those eps and provide download links...and it kinda sounds like the person is mad at them for maybe holding onto the YAMD eps for so long and not letting anyone see them

Ok, I think I understand what you're saying. But don't worry, if there is something wrong I am sure Soy, will take action.

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Guest kawaiiyuki2

preview of 150 looks interesting. i kinda wanted to laugh when sb didn't know what to do when cb said one thing and mj said another. hs and sb looked so confused.

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Guest _Zoolander_

^ uni33 did a summary a while back.

TP gets a call saying HS and SB were in a car together and SB hurt her eye. TP and parents go to the hospital and MJ and YR want to go with them bc she’s worried about HS. Granny wants to go but TP tells her to wait at the house.

HS flashbacks, remembers seeing SB on the street and NW telling him that SB rec. NY’s corneas.

SB comes out and luckily she’s okay.

HS apologizes to her about the accident and TP and co. run in. NW called TP to tell him about the accident. SB says she’s okay. MJ relieved that HS okay and tells YR to bring him home.

MJ pissed off at HS because she thinks that HS and SB pretended to break up and they lied to her. HS tells her that he still wants to marry her and wants her to accept SB. HS believes they were destined to be together and wanted to wait until things settled down after the YR/TP debacle to tell them but still he wants to marry SB. MJ outraged and CB reminds her that she did say that if YR didn’t get pregnant she might consider the marriage with SB. MJ says no way after all the Kim’s put her through.

Granny relieved that SB okay and yells at them because they didn’t call. Granny wonders if HS and SB dating again, why were they together. TP asks if they would agree to SB and HS because he feels bad. YS tells him to shut up. DJ and YS wonder what to do about them because both agree they are back together. YS doesn’t think it’s right to block them a second time.

SB thinks about how lucky she is and calls HS.

SY really worried about YH and TY tries to console her and tells her everything will be okay. He tells her he’ll carry her back home. They fall in front of the house and YS catches them and yells at them for playing around when things are so hectic at home. Yells at SY for leaving the kitchen a mess. TY goes in to talk to his mom and gets frustrated with her for yelling at SY without finding out what happened. TY tells her that YH is missing and SY has been a mess trying to find her. SY comes in to clean the kitchen and YS apologizes to SY for yelling at her and says she was upset about something else and must have taken it out on SY and she feels really bad and tells her that everything will be okay and tomorrow they will get the whole family to look for YH. TY apologizes for talking back to his mom.

HS worried about SB’s eye but she just wanted to look at the stars with him because that’s a really good spot. She tells him how lucky she is to rec. NY’s cornea, getting a new family, a design job, and someone who loves her. HS tells her they should stay strong from now on and says why does she want to go there to look at the stars then there are two right in front of him (SB’s eyes).

TP tries to help his mom and YS tells him he shouldn’t be reading the paper before his dad has a chance to see it and DJ tells him TPExpress is gone so he needs to get his act together and find a job. Granny pipes in and says what a mess he is that a girl ran away from him on his wedding day. They all see the ad with SB and NW and everyone is so proud of her. SB didn’t realize the ad would be in the paper. YS says she wants to put it in a frame.

MJ tells BJ what to make for dinner, CB’s birthday party. YR shows MJ the ad with SB. MJ tells her that YR and SB are the two people she wants to see least and tells her to go to her room. MJ wonders why CB would pick “that kind of girl” to represent Lohas. About to call CB but decides not to think about it.

SB’s coworkers see HS and SB together and they’re happy for them. CB sees the two of them together and pleased.

CB invites SB to his house for his birthday party after asking her if they’re still dating. SB says she’s embaressed and she loves HS and if he accepts her, she will agree HS. CB says that MJ is thawing towards SB.

YSH waits for SuB and wants to take her to lunch and buy her a coat but SuB can’t because she has plans. YSH asks her to postpone her meeting but SuB can’t because the person she’s meeting is already there. YSH tries to tell her she will be going on a long vacation but SuB shoves her in a cab and runs off. YSH sees her with NW and is glad that SuB has a new boyfriend and feels she can leave now bc SuB will be okay.

NW fixes her coat and SuB tells him not in front of work but he dosen’t want her to catch cold. She asks if he’s always going to ride around on his back and he says that he even bought a cushion for her and tells her to get on.

YSH says good bye to her house. DJ comes in and sees the note that YSH left saying she’s leaving him to go find her happiness. DJ freaks out and says he will never let her go and goes to the studio.

CLS trying to say goodbye to MJ but she brushes him off and so he tells BJ he’s leaving and thanks her for the meals and clean clothes. Tells BJ to tell CB tomorrow.

HW comes home and finds YH at home and calls SY, who comes running over with TY.

SY yells at YH and YH tells her not to overreact. YH says she was lonely, no one remembered her birthday and now that SY has a big family now, she has forgotten about YH. HW tells SY she found a ticket to Haenan, that’s where YH’s father lives and wonders how HW found his address.

YSH gets flowers from Charles and then a phone call. CLS tells her he is leaving without her and he loves her. He really loves her and thinks it’s best if he ends it now. He’s really sorry and he loves her. He’s with Ola. YSH freaks out, she thinks it was all a lie. DG comes in and she blames him. DG tells her he will never let her leave, he loves her, he can never let her go and asks her to take him back.

SB comes in and wants to stop by the mall to pick up a present for CB. Worried about MJ because she doesn’t think MJ knows. HS worried too but says they’ll just follow CB’s lead.

CB’s aunt and uncle come for the party. They ask about YR and MJ apologizes for the debacle.

CB tells MJ she looks great and she feels bad that they didn’t ask more family members to come…if it weren’t for YR. CB doesn’t care and ask after YR. MJ told YR not to leave her room until the aunt leaves. MJ asks why he had SB as a model for the company and he praises SB’s design because it’s popular and it is doing well. MJ think that after all that Lohas has done for SB, the least SB could do is work hard for the company. CB tells MJ that he asked a special guest to come and then the doorbell rings.

HS and SB enter and CB tells MJ that CB invited SB personally. MJ in shock.

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150회 :: 2008년 12월 2일 화요...

새벽은 자신의 일에 끼어드는 미옥이 싫고 진실을 아는 호세는 그런 새벽이 안타깝다. 윤희는 상기가 너무 싫으면서도 친아버지는 사실에 끌리는 마음을 부정할 수 없다. 한편, 로하스와 산들바다는 홈쇼핑 특판에 나서고, 미옥은 새벽의 진짜 생일 축하 파티를 준비하는데.......

episode 150 december 12, 2008

Saebyuk stongly dislikes MiOk from interfering in her business, while Hose who know the truth feels really distressed. Even though yoonhee strongly dislikes sangki, she cannot help but feel pulled towards her birth father. Meanwhile, Lohas and sandeulbada participate in a homeshopping special, and MiOk prepares a party for saebyuk's real birthday...

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 143

HS: SB, wait until I catch you, where are you running to? Mess up Oppa's hair?

SB: What Oppa, it's uncle HS

HS: I've got you!

MJ: What's going on here?

HS: You're back.

MJ: Is this your own place? Also, you messed up your husband's face, and could laugh about it? If you're going to play like this, HS, go back to work, since you are not going for the honeymoon trip, cancel your vacation.

YS: Not for anything else, because you've been up-front and sincere to me, I want to see you and say it directly to you face to face. I like you and you like SUB. I would like to push your relationships deeper and closer, let's set a date for marriage, and put us parent's hearts at ease.

NKW: But, mom, this...


NKW: SUB, I'm tired of my own cooking and come here to try your mom's cooking.

YS: SUB, Oh.....

SUB: Mom, what are you doing?

YS: Do what? He's stolen your kiss and shouldn't he be responsible for it?

SUB: You mean if you kiss someone you have to marry that person.

YS: Of course, if you kiss, yes, why not marry too.

SUB: Ridiculous, so mom, did you marry all those men who kissed you before?

YS: Yes, I've only kissed your father and married to my first love KDG

SUB: No matter what you do is not going make any difference. The thought of marriage has never come across my mind; I've got too many things to do.

YS: You bad girl, don't say cold words to chill me on a hot summer day. What is the golden age of a woman, you're at the peaked blooming season, get married and have a loving husband and bear children. This is called life & happiness. You don't know now because you're still young, one day when death comes to your door steps, you have nothing except your husband and children. Dump bell!

SUB: Mom, you cry on something like this? Alright, I'll give some thoughts to it, ok! Don't cry, mom.

SB: This tastes good. Everything is ready, just cover this, but where are the china my mom gave me. SIL, do you see the china I brought from home.

YR: What? Uh, you mean those. I dumped them outside.

SB: Outside.

YR: Do we look like the class of people that would use those old beat-up dishes. Mom asked me to put them in storage, but it's too much trouble, so I've dumped them outside, you go clean up later. Ok.

SB: Why didn't you tell me about it, they are mine.

CB: A lot of good food on the table, our new SIL makes all these.

SB: I don't know if they suit your tastes, I cook the same dishes at home too.

MJ: What kind of china are these? You, switch my dishes for these.

SB: Sorry, mom. These dishes are collected by my mom over a long period of time. She'd given to me as gift; I would like to use them for few days.

MJ: What are you saying? You’ve switched them without telling me first. Change all my dishes in my kitchen.

SB: No, I didn’t switch them, all the original set is still in the cabinets. These dishes are very precious to my mom and she gave them to me, I just want to use them for few days only instead of letting them to collect dust.

MJ: You think you are the head of the household here.

CB: Honey, how can you say something like that? What she said is right, in law mom collected these for her daughter, what's wrong with eating with these dishes? Uh... but if you'd used them, asked your MIL first. Ok.

MJ: You listen well now. This is my kitchen, I control this family and I'm the lady head of household here. You and your husband are tenants only. From now on you don't dare to switch my dishes as you please. Fine, since the conversation's started, let's lay out the facts, the china and comforter that your mom gave are too old fashioned, out dated and they don't suit my taste, I would not and never in my life time use them, therefore I've threw them away. And you dare...

SB: Comforter? Mom, are you saying the comforter my mom gave the two of you as gift, that comforter? You threw that away. The cotton in side is specially selected from the specialty store, stitch by stitch hand-sew by my mom and GM. They've spent many days to put it together by hand.

HS: Mom did you, no...

MJ: HS, is this your bad habit?

HS: Mom, is the comforter inside here? Where did you put it? You didn't throw it away, did you?

MJ: Frankly speaking, who would use that kind of comforter now, it's too hot.

HS: Mom

CB: Did you throw it away?

MJ: Your mom's intention is accepted; pretend that we've used them already. There is no space here anywhere; I've put it in a drawer.

SB: Mom, where did you put it?

HS: Mom, if it doesn't suit your taste, then let me have it, we'll use it. Where is it?

MJ: Down in the storage, if you want it, up to you.

HS and SB leave the room

MJ: See, this wouldn't have happened if they'd first recognized the poor and the elite, wealth and lifestyle. Uh... bad taste.

HS: Sorry, SB, I'll treat your parents 2 times better, no, 10 times better. No, I'd better get my wife a warm glass of milk first.

SB: Mom, I'm sorry. (phone rings)

SB: Hello, hello

MO: It's me, SJ mom's friend. I am going to address you as SB now. Something happened? Why are you crying?

SB: No, there are things I would like to find out about my parents, my husband and I will visit you sometime soon.

MO: Really, I'm available anytime, what about now?

SB: No, today is too late, maybe tomorrow or the day after, I'll call you first. Ok, Bye.

MO: Why is she crying? Something did happen! Is she sick? Got scolded?

YSK: Hello

MO: Sis, it's me.

YSK: What sis?

MO: It's MO, I've said we become sisters, right.

YSK: What's the matter?

YSK: are you ok, are you sure nothing happened?

SB: Nothing, see I'm smiling.

YSK: The madam called and said you were crying earlier.

SB: I'm just home sick, but that madam is too sensitive, how could she call you for something like that and you have to drop by?

YSK: Ok, I'm glad everything is ok. SB, these are the rules to remember living with you in laws: 1st, be patient, 2nd forbear with obstacles before you, 3rd If you can't take it anymore, call me and I'll come and turn this place up-side down.

SB: Mom

GM: Here MIL

DJ: We don't have any experience running a food business, I've been behind the wheels for over 30 years, in law madam, you have to bear with us.

HR: No, I should be the one asking you that, who doesn’t know in law mom is the best chef here and in law dad in an expert in making all kinds of delivery services.

SY: In order to enhance our business, besides keeping all the traditional food on our menu, it is important to educate the younger generations about our culture and tradition for marriages

YH: I'm the granddaughter of a wedding food shop, but there are a lot of tradition that I don't know.

TP: Breaking new! Breaking news! Look, everyone gets one sheet of promotional flyer. It's economical, effective and it may not be perfect but I'd designed it. Here is my goal; we'll set an open-air exhibition display presenting all the various food we serve and the public as tasters. Any suggestion from anyone?

GM: Our young fellow, I thought his expertise is to play around only.

HR: In law has a son who is active, diligent and business-mind oriented, I envy you.

DJ: No, no... he is a lazy guy, we would have to see how long he's hold up to it.

TP: Dad, that is the old KTP, after those painful experiences, I'm now the new mature TP.

SK: Dare to beat me up and lay hands on me. I won't back off from you. KSB, I'm going to expose your mom to you. Isn't that PSY?

SY: Mom, Are you alright? PYH, take good care of your GM, Call me when you get home. Ok

SK: The three generation together, they all look alike... PSY. People don't know you would have thought you guys are sisters. You are too much, am I contagious? Am I spreading germs?

SY: Let go of me, what do you think you are doing? Don't ever show up before me.

SK: Really, do you think I'd still like you. PYH, why her daughter takes up her last name.... no, no, you don't say..

(on the phone) SY: Mom, anyone followed you home?

HR: No, who? Nothing, what?

SY: Mom, I've met that jerk CSK again, looks like that jerk lives around our neighborhood. What am I going to do?

HR: OMG, calm down. Even if he shows up at your house, pretend you don't know him. In the mean time stay home and don't go out temporary.

SY: All right, mom you and YH too, stay out of this area and be careful, don't let YH detect anything different. Ok.

HR: Oh, my heart is beating so fast, feels like popping out. Really, why is this happening now?

(Flash back) SK remembers SY told him: Oppa, don't leave, I'm scared to death, I want this baby, I can't abort my child.

SK: Do you know whom I've seen today? My daughter, for 20 years I have no knowledge this person exists. The crazy thing I did when I was young and left behind my seed... today I'd found out. Useless jerk!

TY: Didn't you say you don't know you have a daughter. You don't know doesn't mean you are not guilty. Go to your daughter and beg for forgiveness. She's your daughter, you need to find her. She's your flesh and blood... fighting... go... fighting!

CB: Time to eat. Something the mattered?

MJ: Look what she'd done. I hate those dishes and she eats with them. This action is a protest against your MIL

SB: I'm sorry, only myself, I would like to eat with my mom's dishes.

HS: I also would like to eat with my MIL's dishes, ok? We are couples; we do things in a set. Where are the rest of the dishes?

MJ: Honk... Yea, you guys have no fear whatsoever now,

CB: Don't start this early in the morning. Tomorrow I/we have the Jechu island memorial service. I'll leave today after work. You have everything ready for me.

YS: When a tiger dies, he leaves behind his young; when a man dies, he leaves behind his name. When HYS dies, she leaves behind an impression to her family and relatives, a calculated stingy, selfish person. Well, I want to show them I can be a decent human being too.

[DG and his sub-committee are holding a meeting about fund raising activities for several orphanages. To his surprise, he finds YS donated $20,000.00 to the trust funds.]

GM: This is for the kid's dad, and this is for kid's mom, and this must be for me. This is for our granddaughter in law. Your aunt must be concerned for you too, probably wants you to get pregnant.

SY: Thank you for caring for me too, aunt.

YS: Winter is coming; it's best to start taking them for your body before it gets cold. The withered falling leaves are like the last days of a dying person... isn't it true, per say; take care of your health when you are healthy.

DJ: SIL, you are here.

TP: Aunt, howdy!

YS: TP, honor and respect your parents when you are on earth. You only live once, and life is not coming back after you're gone.

TP: Yes, auntie.

YS: Good answer, my boy. Here!

TP: What is this? Aunt

YS: I've heard your Oppa's MIL brought him a car and our TP has some terrible experiences happened to him, a run-away bride at his wedding and P-Express is closed down. Nothing is smoothed in your life; I worry for you so I brought you a small car. Receive it, it's from my heart. I want to do some good deeds. This is the grant-deed for this house, Oppa when you put this house on the market for sale; I'd brought it from you. All these years holding the ownership of this property, not for a minute that I thought this is my house. I've changed the title to your name, Oppa. It is now yours. (Phone rings) The doctor office calls for YS.

HS: Don't worry about mom, SB; I know you'll do well.

SB: Actually, last night I dreamt about my mom, my bio-mom. I've tried very hard to see her face, wanted so bad to see what she looks like... Very curious, where is my home town? Do I have any brothers or sisters or any relatives? What are their names?

HS: Let's go see your mom's friend. Ask her about your mom, your relatives, etc

(SB calls MO) MO: SJ

SB: Hello, I'm KSB. I have questions about my mom,

MO: Yes, I was going to call you too. I'll go over to your place now.

SB: No, my husband and I will come to your place in about an hour.

MO: Yes, I'll wait for you. Make sure you come. Ok.

SK: How come PSY and YH haven't come out yet? (phone rings and it indicates the leech family probably loan shark collectors name) SK: Should take care of the debts first, then I'll go find SY or maybe my daughter (Phone call)

MO: Where,? Where are you right now?

SK: In front of Lohas's door. I'm sure KSB is in pain and suffering when she doesn't know her bio-mom is around her.

MO: Are you crazy?

SK: That's why I said the candy money is not a small sum

MO: Dr. C, hello, hello

SB: Who is it?

SK: How are you, I want to let KSB know the truth about her bio-parents.

SB: What about my bio-parents?

HS: What happens?

SK: KSB, do you know your parents abandoned you?

SB: What? What do you say?



Thank you Skyeler and Ahoxan for providing the links for us and other who help out here also...it's true that even i'm lost with this drama[but i still upload it] and I'm glad everyone is still here helping as they can so we can atleast finish this drama and then, move on; Thank you All^^

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Guest mag_mchan


Thanks again Sweetheart0085 for the translations & uploads! :) Thanks a bunch to Ahoxan for all his uploads and as well as everyone else for all their hardwork!

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Preview Ep.151

l00bia-Youtube Link

looks intense...

seems like SB finds out about MiOk and is pretty upset that everyone else knew before she did

I wonder if they will do something more to confirm SB is MiOk's daughter...going by a couple of pictures is kinda weak.

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Guest KyopoCanuck

I'm sorry if this is non-YAMD related, and will understand if it is marked as spam. I'm going to express some views that do not necessarily reflect Soshified, I am the individual omona has mentioned on his blog / portal, so I just want to respond as an individual.


Thanks for the shoutout and heads up I suppose. Though I'm not sure why you are mocking Soy and renesis. I've fixed the issue in question without sacrificing future re-encoding options too much, one of the reasons why the source files weren't immediately deleted, though it's a shame that the author of that module left such a glaring issue and that I didn't jump on it immediately. It appears you are a member at soshified, so if you had any kind of issue or chip on your shoulder regarding the videos or restrictions on downloads, you could have posted in the feedback forums or PM'ed me or other members. There really is no need for all the theatrics. It's your choice being the internet and all, but I encourage you to talk to Soshified and get this all smoothed out. After all we do have a common ground in that we all enjoy watching YAMD no?

@other soshified members

I am sorry for all the trouble and distress caused. To the donators I am deeply sorry and will do my best in the future not to let you down!




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YAMD Ep. 150 Link

YouKu link video

At the Lohas home shopping network event GM came in and saved the day. I don't dislike the old lady as much as I did before. The Lohas team members were cracking me up when they were in the background when SB was talking about her kitchen product :lol:

YH seems to be softening a little to SangKi. I swear he never fails to make me laugh with his stupid and random "I love you" heart/hand gestures he does to SY and HR.

MiOk was like a little kid when she went shopping with KYS for the party they were throwing for SB. She seemed so excited too bad it's going to be really short lived :phew: from what the preview showed.

Thank you KyopoCanuck for clearing up some of the issues.

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Guest lantawmako



Thank you Skyeler and Ahoxan for providing the links for us and other who help out here also...it's true that even i'm lost with this drama[but i still upload it] and I'm glad everyone is still here helping as they can so we can atleast finish this drama and then, move on; Thank you All^^

yes thank you very much to all uploaders and translators. inspite of the craziness of this drama, people on this thread, i think had develop some loyalty and still diligently help out.

KyopoCanuck thank you for your post.

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