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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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Watching this drama, i can't hold my anger with the grandmother. She is really bad. She is thirsty for money and always says something which makes others to be hurt.

Although her second daughter-in-law also says the things which affect to others' lives, i don't hate her and find that she is quite funny because she is thoughtless.

I like Soobin. Although her character is bad, she is pretty and intelligent. :wub:

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^ You have got to be kidding me?

There is nothing left to do with the storyline...seriously :wacko:

The only thing I can think of that could cause this to be true is all the extending KBS has done. Which has led to the writers injecting the strange sub-plotlines we have been seeing which caused the whole thing to get out of hand and now they can't finish the main plotline properly (since MJ still has this intense hatred of SB) without some extension.

The only thing to extend this further is getting SB pregnant which considering the way things are going with the acting would be a bit weird since HS and SB act stiff around each other. I'm sure most of us on this thread would be scratching our heads going when the heck did that happen when they can't even hug properly? :blink:

*View points/questions on eps 145*

-What did MJ say to SB during the veggie fight?

-HS never fails to put a smile on my face. :wub: I loved his phone call to SB. It seems those two show more chemistry when they talk on the phone then when they are facing each other. (It's got to be age issue between those two…though in the beginning when HS and SB had that dinner date and SB was trying to break up with him with those 8 Rules I thought they were really cute. That's one of my favorite scenes :rolleyes: )

-TY and Sangki going bra shopping was hilarious. :lol:

-evil…evil…evil…MJ :tongue2: (exactly what has to happen for her to change her mind)

In this day & age, virgin birth no longer happens. So how will SB get pregnant?

HS & SB should just talk over the phone. They are more romantic in words than when they're together. But HS has a way of showing his sweetness though most often doesn't get the appropriate response from his wife.

MJ is hopeless ... she still cant accept SB. She will only change her mind when a grandson is born ... but how? With the couple's stressful life, the wait for the little prince will take longer.

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Guest bluemoon1st

Link to tonight's episode but the streaming is not fantastic:http://www.narani.net/3424

Philzeta's Translation to the preview

Ty: please leave this place right now.

Man: What if I don't?

Ty: You don't even have a bit of conscience left?

Sy: If he just died, I wouldn't be so angry. How could he appear before

Yh like this? Sbn: I've just been informed about a layoff. Coworker: please. I'm begging you.

Sbn: Should I go to Africa with you?

Woman: The president must know her as well.

Hs's mom: hotel?

Sb's mom: What's this?

Sb's picture. With my daughter sk. What if.......

After watching the preview....i am lost :wacko:

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:crazy: *bangs head on desk* :wacko:

I’m all for MiOk standing up for SB in front of MJ, but after watching the preview with her in the elevator with CB gives me a bad feeling. She was suppose to make things easier not harder for SB with MJ.

I’m also so confused…do they know MiOk is SB’s real mother? :huh:

I couldn’t help but laugh when Sangki did the heart to HR and YH…he’s such an idiot <_<:lol:

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:crazy: *bangs head on desk* :wacko:

I’m all for MiOk standing up for SB in front of MJ, but after watching the preview with her in the elevator with CB gives me a bad feeling. She was suppose to make things easier not harder for SB with MJ.

I’m also so confused…do they know MiOk is SB’s real mother? :huh:

I couldn’t help but laugh when Sangki did the heart to HR and YH…he’s such an idiot <_<:lol:

I think they don't know yet Miok is the real mother, but from the preview, Young Sook seems to be figuring out from the photo album.

But I don't understand why SB is saying hurtful things to Miok, as far as she knows, Miok is only a friend of her real mom.

I wonder if Miok is going to help Lohas....

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Guest kdrama009

I think they don't know yet Miok is the real mother, but from the preview, Young Sook seems to be figuring out from the photo album.

But I don't understand why SB is saying hurtful things to Miok, as far as she knows, Miok is only a friend of her real mom.

I wonder if Miok is going to help Lohas....

Correct me if I'm wrong, Sangki told HS and SB that Miok is her mom. I think SB is mad at Miok and YH is mad at Sangki for the same reason - they were abandoned by their parent, why should they expect any love from them now?

I'm thinking the same thing as you. Lohas will need a financial partner and Miok will step in. Once SB is the official partner, MJ has to give her respect.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, Sangki told HS and SB that Miok is her mom. I think SB is mad at Miok and YH is mad at Sangki for the same reason - they were abandoned by their parent, why should they expect any love from them now?

I'm thinking the same thing as you. Lohas will need a financial partner and Miok will step in. Once SB is the official partner, MJ has to give her respect.

I could be wrong but I thought Sangki did not reveal everthing, I think Miok stopped Sangki from doing that as she called him while he was about to tell it all.

Can someone verify that??

Since most translators have given up on this drama, I just take wild guess on everything I see on the screen!!

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^ MiOk stopped Sangki from revealing that she was the real mother, but he did mention that the mother abandoned saebyuk.

and it seems that saebyuk is harboring some resentment towards her biological mother's "closest friend"

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I could be wrong but I thought Sangki did not reveal everthing, I think Miok stopped Sangki from doing that as she called him while he was about to tell it all.

Can someone verify that??

Since most translators have given up on this drama, I just take wild guess on everything I see on the screen!!

^I think so too now that you mention that.

I think the reason KYS is mad at MiOk is probably because she keeps butting in during arguements between SB, MJ or YS because to them she is still the friend of SB's biological mother. She really has no business to get involved in these personal matters.

Ah, the heartache that is going to befall all when they find out MiOk is the real mother and she is dying. There has got to be more to the story about SB being left at the beach. To be abandoned like that is just wrong and to only go looking for your daughter when you are near your death bed.

As for SangKi I don't know why but for some reason I don't think he actually knew he had a daughter. I think SY tried telling him when she was pregnant but he simply told her he didn't want anything to do with her. Because there was a scene at HR's apartment where he was standing outside and thinking about something SY had said to him and then suddenly he fell to the floor---maybe realizing that he is the father of YH.

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Guest kdrama009

^ MiOk stopped Sangki from revealing that she was the real mother, but he did mention that the mother abandoned saebyuk.

and it seems that saebyuk is harboring some resentment towards her biological mother's "closest friend"

Thanks for clarifying that! It is so hard to completely understand what's going on. At least the posts help to explain things.

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 137


YH: Teacher, I can go home by myself, you don't need to come out

TY: You've worked hard. Your hands are cold. Here, put this on, today's weather is cold, also drink this.

YH: The exam is difficult, I may not get all the answers right.]

TY: It's over, don't think about it anymore. Let's go home, your mom has prepared some seafood soup for you.

SY: Come in, so cold. How did you do on the exam.

YH: No good, I probably couldn't get into the medical college.

SY: I've Told you to study hard, then, are you going to repeat another year.

TY: What are you doing? Don't discourage her. YH, don't worry about it, if you think the exam is hard, all the other students will think the same.

SY: Ok, let's eat. Go, get ready and come out to eat.

TY: Oh, it's time, the answers are being posted. YH, come, let's check them out.

YH: Hello, is this Hainan. I was there a few days ago, are there any calls from Mr. CSK?

SY: The soup is almost done, call YH to come out.

TY: SY, who is CSK? Are you alright?] [sY: Yes, I'm ok, TY, how do you know that person?]

TY: No, it's YH. I've over heard, her making a call to Hainan for Mr. CSK.

SY: What? Yea.. it must be the person that helped YH when she took her vacation last time. Never mind that, here, try this.

SK: Yes, this is Dr. C, madam. I've collected 6 more children' data beside KSB. It's taken me 3 months to gather the information for the child missing on the beach. In order to proceed with this investigation, I need some more money from you. I will work even harder to find her.

SB: Madam, this is the info papers from the orphanage and a complete physical exam report.

MJ: Didn't I ask you to show up before 6 o'clock.

SB: I'm sorry, I have to take care something very urgent at work, so I'm a bit late. I've called you earlier and told you.

MJ: Who give you the right to change my plan? Is this the way you under mind my instruction?

SB: No, madam, I have an very important mail to send to Sol Company.

MJ: Forget it, go back and quit your job. Beside, you need to stay home and help HS anyway. From now on you stay home and help me prepare for the wedding.

SB: Madam.]

MJ: Gee...getting this DIL...... make me sick looking at these papers from the orphanage.

MJ: Today I need to go look at some gifts. Is SB using her job as an excuse for being late again?(MJ makes a call) It's me, I need to talk to the personnel department.

SB: Today, I need to go out in the afternoon

SUB: Why don't you just quit? Even though you are marrying the boss' son, you cannot let your personal affairs affect your work.

SB: No, I'll work over time and make up for lost hours.

SUB: Hello, this is Design Development team, SUB. What? Accepted KSB's resignation letter? Ok. KSB, you can go now. The department upstairs has approved your resignation letter.

SB: What, what did you say?

YSK: Here, try this.

SY: This is just right. Mom, SB really likes this kimchi, is she going to have this last kimchi with us

YSK: Yes, I hope after she's married, she'll live a happy life.

SY: By the way, Mom, is it ok we don't prepare any gift for HS's family?

YSK: No parents want to give their daughter away empty handed, I want to do something. But HS' mom hasn't called or asked for help or anything, do you think she will treat my SB well.

SY: You know, it is hard to say, when a person doesn't like another person, he or she will look for bones in an egg.

YSK: Bring out the seafood from the refrigerator.

SY: Why? What are you going to do?

YSK: This is the seafood madam used to like to eat.. This is just a little token from our hearts.

MJ: Thank you very much TP mom....In law 's cooking skill has always been good, it's ok to present seafood dish as a gift to give the daughter away.

YSK: No, that's not it. Yes, this is a gift. But not a gift to HS for the wedding. We are going to buy at least one gift for him.

MJ: It's ok, you know, wedding gifts are not something casual you can pick anything cheap.

YSK: No, we can at least afford to buy him 1 gift.

Door bell rings. BJ: SB is here.

MJ: If this is your intent, be my guest. How can I refuse when the in law mother is buying a gift to her SIL.

SB: Hello, madam..Mom.] YSK: SB.] SB: oh, mom.

MJ: Well, since SB is here, shall we go now to pick something?

YSK: ok.] MJ: I'll go get ready.] SB: my... my resignation letter.]

GM: I haven't seen one customer today, if this keeps on, how are we going to continue the business?

HR: We have fewer customers since the expansion, and wedding halls are complaining our products are not as good as before.

GM: You know my DIL is the best when it comes to preparing food. Remember last time, when you have problems with your truck, our TP ran all over the city making deliveries for you.

HR: Yes, in laws have been a great help last time. After work today or tomorrow morning I want to go to your house with you.

GM: Uhh, my house.

SB: Impossible, how can a watch cost $12,000.00. We don't need any watches, look, this watch I brought from the underground mall, it only costs $15.00 and I never have any problems with it.

MJ: How can you compare with such cheap stuffs? These low class people... if this is too much pressure, I shouldn't have bought in law here.....but if you insist to buy something, what about getting a custom Taylor -made hanbok for HS.

SB: Gold buttons?

Shop clerk: Yes, these are popular among well-to-do Nobel families; they put these gold buttons on their groom's hanbok.

YSK: These buttons must be expensive, right?

SB: How many times do we wear Hanbok in our life time? This is too expensive...

MJ: The buttons in the Hanbok are like food plate decorations, you can get some cheaper or some more excessive.

YSK: Then, please add up the cost for Hanbok and the jacket... about the buttons.....

MJ: For the buttons, use a lesser grade, tiger stones.

Clerk: Yes, then, the trousers, jacket, vest also overcoat. Tiger stone buttons, a total of $9,500.00

SB: $9,500.00 Isn't it too expensive for a set of hanbok?

Clerk: Mrs. MJ's family has been our customers for 2 generations, I will give you a discount and omit $ 500.00 make it a even $9,000.00

YSK to self: OMG, these rich folks live on top of the cloud, how can a hanbok cost $9,000.00.

MJ: Just forget it, if you are poor don't try to compare to do the same with the rich.

YSK: No, no, go ahead, put the order in.

MJ: Will this be too much of a burden?

YSK: Burden? No, in law giving a gift to her SIL is something every mil should do.

SB: Mom, what are you doing today?

YSK: What are you trying to say?

SB: With our financial situation, how can we afford to buy such an expensive gift? The hanbok is not something we must have. We need this $9,000.00 to live on, it would last our household living expense for many months.

YSK: Never mind, let me handle this. Go, I thought you have somewhere to go.

DJ: What happened? Your mom doesn't look too well, is she ok?

YSK: Honey, I did something terrible out from impulse.

DJ: What 's terrible?

YSK: I must have gone mad. How can I get something so expensive.

DJ: Tell me about it, what is it?

YSK: All along I'm thinking we marry SB into Lohas family without spending anything for HS, today, I went shopping with Madam. She picks a gift costs over our entire year living expense.

DJ: Do you not know her life style? You know, right?

YSK: I thought at least, she would have some considerations for us. What are we going to do now? Where do we get money to live?

MJ: This is ridiculous. If you are poor, keep your status as poor. Dare to protect your pride, pride,......

Door bell rings. MJ: Who, who is it?] [bJ: It's HS's bride KSB.]

MJ: I just left them, what does she want? What do you want?

SB: I couldn't say anything in the department store. I don't think you should resign my job for me in the Company, I want to continue working there.

MJ: What did you say?

SB: Kitchen design is my dream, I like my job. If it is possible, please let me continue my work.

MJ: How dare you say things so bold in front of me? Is it because I let your mom spend a big sum of money for the hanbok? If not, you promise to be quit earlier, why are you saying you want to continue to work now?

SB: No, it has nothing to do with each other. Yes, my family is poor but my job is another issue. They are two separate issues. I've promised to consider, but never said to quit.

MJ: Are you playing word games with me?

HS: Don't worry about your job. What is this gift matter?

SB: No, its ok, never mind.

HS: Mom, did you go pick some gifts with SB's mother today?

MJ: Yes, she insists. I bought her out to show her our living standard. Che... poor is poor, trying to protect her pride… che...

HS: Mom, I don't need any gifts.

MJ: What are you saying?

HS: You know SB's family is not wealthy, I only want a wedding with blessings from both families, not a wedding with expensive gifts, to me this is vanity.

MJ: What? What vanity?

HS: I know mom lives a life that involves many expensive flourishing things...... but if this is creating problems, we just want to...

MJ: Shut up! Gifts are gifts. This is a ritual and tradition both families have to respect.

HS: Mom.

MJ: This is the elders' matter. Don't dip your nose into it, I'll handle it. You see, you see, hasn't even been married, all he knows is to protect his wife.

DG tries to buy a cell phone for YS so he can track her where about. (YS refused) He threatens her if she doesn't go along, he'll tell sub about the money with CL., she finally signs the agreement.

YS: I just want my money back.

Mr. Kim: The director is not in now.

YS: I'll wait for him, you go ahead continue with your work.

Security guards: Lady, let's go.

YS: What are you doing? I have something important to talk to your director.

Guard: This is not possible, please just come with us

YS: Just let go of me.

SUB: Mom.

Mr. Kim. Sorry, director, but this lady is here to collect her debts.

CB: Ok, you guys can go

SUB: Mom, what money are you talking about?

YS: That... that is...

CB: Sub, let me talk to your mother, you go back to work first....I'm very sorry

YS: Well, actually...] [CB: Yes, I've heard from my wife. I apologize for this whole incidence, I'll solve this immediately.]

YS: What? Uh..Yes.

YS: What is there to be embarrassed about? I didn't do any wrong; I'm just here to get my money. You see, the director apologizes to me and will pay me back too. Nothing to it, your mom has invested some money with Lohas Company.

SUB: How am I going to face the Director now?

YS: If this embarrassed you so much, just quit your job. Your fiancé' dumps you for another woman, how can the three of you still work at the same company.][sUB: Mom.]

YS: Now the money is settled, I'm leaving.

SK: I'm looking for KSB. She is from the design & development team.

Receptionist: KSB, what is the matter?

SK: I'm a magazine reporter, doing an article featuring on an individual's successful story after her life from the orphanage. I want to interview her.

Receptionist: Yes, one moment please.

Male TL: Are you a reporter? Ahh, is it the interview for our company's models. KSB already left for the day. Do you want to see at her poster. Write to tell the whole country, the story of company model "excessive beauty" discovery. The beauty of death. Here look. Let's go over there.

HS: Mom, SB.

DJ: You come at this hour. What are you carrying?

HS: Last time, mom's cooking is too delicious, I want to talk to mom and also want to try her cooking again.

TP: Funny, isn't it? When one committed wrongs, she never gets any peace. (Takes his jacket off, hands it to YR) You don't have to return it to me.

YR: Oppa, yes, I'm going to tell him, I want to start over again, just can't end like this.

YR: Oppa, Oppa, if DJ and YSK saw me, they' would get real mad. I'd better back off.

HS: Mom, thank you for dinner tonight. After we are married, I want to eat here every night.

YSK: Yes, let's do that.

HS: About the gifts, us young people think all the expensive attire is vanity. I'm one of them and I'm suggesting to skip this ritual.

MJ: A big fool. Is he the guardian angel for Mr. Kim? It's not even his business to dip his hands in.

YR: Mom.] [MJ: What's that look on your face?]

YR: Mom, Oppa is at SB's house, mingles himself with them as if he's a part of them already. Mom this and mom that, he doesn't even want them to buy the gift for him.

MJ: What you say? It's not going to work, can't let them move out, I'll lose my son to them.


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Guest sweetheart0085

Sorry for double posting...


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 138

MJ: No, can't let them move out. I'll lose my son.

YR: Mom, what are you going to do?

MJ: The Kim's can't even manage to live a decent life, if my HS goes over there all the time, they will take in my son as their son.

YR: Are you saying to let SB lives with us on the 2nd floor? Mom, is it ok with you, it's going to be stressful.

HS: I'm back. When I see the lilies, they remind me of my mom; no, my mom is more beautiful than these flowers.

YR: OMG, mom, he's lying, don't let him fool you

HS: Mom, I know you've been thru some difficult times lately, SB and I will honor and respect you after we're married. I'll go upstairs.

MJ: Only a stupid woman would allow her son to be snatched away, not me!

MJ: List of gifts...] [HS: Mom]

MJ: I can understand what you say, but you are my only son, I sometimes lose my temper too.

If buying the hanbok will hurt the Kim’s financially, we'll cancel it tomorrow.

HS: What, really mom. Thank you mom.

MJ: No problem. I want to be closer with you and SB, shall we all live together and learn to know each other better. I'll teach and coach her about our living styles, let time gradually iron out all misunderstandings and unhappiness between us. What do you think?] [HS: Mom.]

CB: What? Live together?] [MJ: I'll take her in and teach her. She has no parents to teach her, from now on from 1 to 10, she is to obey according to my standard. I'll show her there is another class.

SK: Madam, this is Dr. Problem solver. Dr. Choi. I've all 7 children's pictures, let me send them to you.

This is KSB, are you the one? You will meet your parents soon.

TP: Are you packing your stuffs already.

SB: I'll pack one at a time, it'll be easier later.

TP: I haven't gotten sick of you living here, but you are already leaving. What is this?

SB: These are the sandals I wore when I was found.

TP: So, this pair of sandals were brought by your parents, then..keep them in a safe place.

GM: YSK, are you home? Come in.

DJ: In law, is something the mattered, at this hour?

GM: She said there is something to be discussed, so we come together.

HR: Sorry I come this late. I want to discuss in regards to our store.

YSK: Something about your store.

HR: As you know, I've expanded our business not too long ago, it has always been my worry about the food supplier service and truck delivery service. I have a few misses and my old customers are shrinking.

DJ: Ohh, that is why you called last time and asked for our help.

HR: Yes, so.. can we joint venture together?

DJ: Partnership?

HR: Yes, I provide all the cash layout, in law mom, you take care all food preparation and in law dad, makes all the deliveries, and we split 60-40 on the profit. How about it?

YSK: 60/40?] [DJ: this comes so sudden, I don't how to respond, in fact, going into business with the in laws...is a ....

HR: Anything is possible, once we put our minds to it. Take your time to think about it, and let me know. It is already late, I'll leave first.

SY: Mom, is it ok? It's not too much?

HR: You talk from both ends of your mouth, one end, you said I haven't done anything to help, but..

SY: The old saying..you know in laws are not supposed to have money connection between them. Have you really thought it through?

HR: Don't worry, this is not a charity. Do you think I'll lose money to help your in laws?

SY: Ok, mom. That's good. By the way, how is YH doing? Still looking for her dad.

HR: Can't detect anything from looking at her, she looks normal to me.

SY: Really, good thing.

SB: What? Living together.

MJ: This is a big house just for YR and us. If we live together, you'll learn our living habits and life-style.

SB: Ok, I'll do it, but, mom, can I continue to work?

MJ: What? You are not SB, a single individual. You are the noticeable Lohas lady, people see your every move and every act, Upgrade your standard, will you? By the way, your family doesn’t have to prepare any gifts for us, since you are my only DIL, I'll prepare and present all which is necessary for your family.

SB: Mom.] [ MJ: Accept it when it is given to you.]

SB: Looks like mom is not mad anymore, good thing. What is it? HS,

HS: Getting marry at such young age, it's hard to have much money saved, use it as you see fit.

SB: But this is too much., I can't accept it.

HS: What you mean you can't accept. After we're married, my money is your money. It's not a easy thing for your parents to give their daughter away,. Take it, and use it when you see there is a need.

YR: Oppa, you are not going to work?

HS: Don't you know how to knock?

YR: So early in the morning, blowing dust everywhere. Dad is ready to go to work, go down.

(HS leaves the room, YR trips SB to fall on the floor)...

To be continued hopefully after Thanks Giving...Happy Turkey Day to Everyone^^

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Guest misscristinej0y

Thank you bluemoon1st, Philzeta, gothamknight, sweetheart0085, 46527eu4!!!!!!!!!!

How does MJ knoe SB's mom? What we're they talking about?

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YAMD 146 [Ental rip. skyeler's source]

YouTube: ----

VEOH LQ: ----

VEOH HQ: ----

YAMD 147 Preview [full-screen viewable]

YouTube: -----

VEOH: ---------


NOTE: First available YAMD full-screen previews are usually on
l00bia's YouTube Channel


Original text:

147회 :: 2008년 11월 27일 목...

태영은 드디어 상기의 정체를 알게 되고 소영은 비탄에 빠진다. 미옥은 새벽을 도울 궁리로 칠복을 만나 사업적 만남을 주선하려하고, 이 소문은 민정의 귀에까지 들어간다. 로하스 구조조정 명단엔 판재가 포함되고, 로하스 직원들이 위기 탈출을 위한 기획에 골몰하는 가운데, 수빈은 마음을 정하기 시작한다. 한편 영숙은 미옥의 수첩에서 사진 한 장을 발견하는데......

Translation: Korean (automatically detected) » English

147 times: Thursday, November 27, 2008 ...

Finally, get to know the identity of the above Tricia soyoung falls in the grief. In the morning to help chilbok miok to meet a business challenge: trying to set up the meeting, the rumors are gwiekkaji of the people. They pop up on the plate, including restructuring and LOHAS, LOHAS employees devoted to planning for the escape of the crisis, subin decided to start the heart. The Handbook of youngsuk photos from the miok to find at least one ......

YAMD streaming, including E-Subbed episodes 001-105 from SoShi-Subs, with permission for viewing and HQ download from VEOH.

SoShified 096-105: -

MySoju: ---------------


VEOH 001-100: ------

VEOH 101-113: ------
[E-Subbed KBS-World version]

VEOH 101-145: ------


YouKu 001-145: -----

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