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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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Guest damifino

^ Considering that this is a daily drama which will have over a 160+ episodes and they could have spent some quality time developing the storyline instead of continually giving us the same scenes of Saebyuk rejecting Hosae and then giving him mixed signal, Soobin acting like a lunatic, Taepoong shouting, and Hosae being spineless, they "developed" the feelings that you stated over a very short and unnatural timespan, just as they developed most of the characters' love for one another. I thought it came across shotty and abrupt at best. Maybe if the acting were better, it would have come across better, but as it was, I didn't buy it. Everything seemed unnatural and forced.

I've had this question since the 15th episode and it's the second mind boggling one I ever had with this series, the first being how they could have kept NaYoung's death a secret from the family for a month and most idiotically to the very day she was supposed to have returned.

That one I could SORT OF... REMOTELY make sense of. Of course, the family members all had a right to know and it was wrong of them to keep it from them, BUT at the time of Na Young's death, Mrs. Kim was hospitalized due to her high blood pressure so they didn't dare tell her. In addition to her high blood pressure, everyone remembers how Mrs. Kim behaved when their youngest daughter Do Young "drowned." She practically became comatose for months from grief. And then to top it off, the longer they put off telling Mrs. Kim, the harder it became to tell her. In the beginning it was how do we tell her without her collapsing again from her high blood pressure and then it became how do you tell someone that their child died 2 months ago? As for why they didn't tell the grandma and Taepoong... just look at them. Do they look like the type who can keep a secret? Talk about an apple not falling far from the tree. Both are ignorant, impetuous, and big mouths.

But here is my mindbuster, why did SaeByuk return to the house after being warned away by Taeyoung on that fateful day where the big secret was revealed. Really, why? Did she not understand the situation as he explained it to her or grasp the urgency? Why did she return —well, aside from to get caught?

This is the simplest of all questions to answer. It has long been evidenced that Saebyuk is an idiot :) How else can one explain the following:

1) Saebyuk deciding to go visit Na Young's family in the first place WITHOUT calling to make sure it was ok with them for her to visit. Even if Mr. Kim had expressed interest in meeting the people who got his daughter's organs, I'm sure even he didn't expect one of them to just show up in front of his doorstep without a warning. Did she think anyone would welcome such a surprise even if they knew that their daughter died?

2) After being told about the situation, Saebyuk decides to come back and leave a fruit basket at their door. Did she think to herself "They might wonder where this came from so I'll just leave the note that I wrote thanking Na Young's family for the cornea transplant in there"? She couldn't see the big card that SHE wrote and put in the basket? What if she got caught (as she did), how was she going to explain away the situation of why she was leaving the fruit basket even if the note hadn't been in there?

3) Knowing how the family felt about her, why did she continually go about in their vicinity and even deliver milk to the house when she would be seen easily and caught?

4) For someone who keeps saying, she doesn't want charity, she sure has taken a lot of things from Hosae and has still yet to repay him for them. Sure she "tries" to give back to him, but she doesn't try hard enough. All she has to do is leave it on his desk and it's done and over with.

5) For someone who keeps saying, please stay away from me and leave me alone to Hosae, the fact that she keeps calling him out to meet her to tell him to stay away from her and to leave her alone <_< so that they get caught. She could just ignore him or telling him via telephone what she wants to tell him.

Another question, did Bukho ever return the items in the handbag that were obviously not hers. I mean she opens it and sees another woman's wallet and the works inside, what did she ever do with them? I know she certainly didn't use the ID inside to mail SooBin back her stuff and she certainly didn't send a parcel to Saebyuk with them inside with a little note. I mean that purse brought a lot of problems into Saebyuk's life, I want to know what happened to the contents.

I guess not, but Soobin didn't seem to miss her ID, credit cards, or cash much either so just as well. But maybe she hasn't even looked inside. It's not like she most likely would have had a need to take that type of a purse to any event or outing. It looks like it was a purse that she saved for special occasions.

My biggest question (since it's futile to ask why the characters on this show do anything since the writing doesn't make any sense, either storywise or characterwise)... what happened to Saebyuk's scooter that she rode everywhere in the beginning of the show? Ever since she moved into the Kim household, I don't recall seeing it or her riding it.

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That one I could SORT OF... REMOTELY make sense of. At the time of Na Young's death, Mrs. Kim was hospitalized due to her high blood pressure so they didn't dare tell her. In addition to her high blood pressure, everyone remembers how Mrs. Kim behaved when their youngest daughter Do Young "drowned." She practically became comatose for months from grief. And then to top it off, the longer they put off telling Mrs. Kim, the harder it became to tell her. In the beginning it was how do we tell her without her collapsing again from her high blood pressure and then it became how do you tell someone that their child died 2 months ago? As for why they didn't tell the grandma and Taepoong... just look at them. Do they look like the type who can keep a secret? Talk about an apple not falling far from the tree. Both are ignorant, impetuous, and big mouths.

This is also how I've tried explaining the situation to my mum. However, I still am flabbergasted that they kept the lie going until the very day of her supposed return. That's just ...stupid.

This is the simplest of all questions to answer. It has long been evidenced that Saebyuk is an idiot :) How else can one explain the following:

1) Saebyuk deciding to go visit Na Young's family in the first place WITHOUT calling to make sure it was ok with them. Did she think anyone would welcome such a surprise even if they knew that their daughter died?

2) After being told about the situation, Saebyuk decides to come back and leave a fruit basket at their door. Did she think to herself "They might wonder where this came from so I'll just leave the note that I wrote thanking Na Young's family for the cornea transplant in there"? She couldn't see the big card that SHE wrote and put in the basket? What if she got caught (as she did), how was she going to explain away the situation? ...

Still laughing.

and in #2 lies even bigger questions, I guess we'll never know how Saebyuk's mind works. It's on another level.

I guess not, but Soobin didn't seem to miss her ID, credit cards, or cash much either so just as well. But maybe she hasn't even looked inside. It's not like she most likely would have had a need to take that type of a purse to any event or outing. She went to help out her sibling who was in need to major financial trouble and then worked at a gas station and now as a maid.

Yes, I understand that but if there was no ill will on BokJoo's part I just felt that the return of those items would have been tantamount. But seeing as being honest with her bff wasn't that important to her either I can see how that slipped her mind.

Sidebar: I absolutely adore SoYoung's mother and YoonHee. I love, love, love them.

YoonHee might have been annoying for a very quick nanosecond but overall she's my #1 fav followed closely by Hwaran. They're adorable, I just want to pinch their cheeks. The rest of them have annoyed me too many times to forget.

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The drama with all its flaws, unrealistic circumstances, irrational behaviour of the characters, etc. is still one interesting drama that never fails to entertain. Despite these weaknesses, I look forward to 7:30 pm Mon to Fri, the screening time in my part of the world, enjoy every scene & simply have fun watching the eccentricities of the characters.

It's nice though to read the comprehensive & thorough reviews done by damifino, raineyrain, jbigdog & ahoxan. Pls continue to give us your views & inputs coz we get to appreciate the story line better. Cheers!

I'm now at the edge of my chair, with eyes closer to my monitor (I'm farsighted) trying to fast forward in my mind & read ahead how Chilbo will handle the latest unethical conduct of Subin & if his perception of her will change.

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Guest sweetheart0085

My biggest question (since it's futile to ask why the characters on this show do anything since the writing doesn't make any sense, either storywise or characterwise)... what happened to Saebyuk's scooter that she rode everywhere in the beginning of the show? Ever since she moved into the Kim household, I don't recall seeing it or her riding it.

Wasn't the scooter for delivery milk from her work???

I remember when Saebyuk give Ajuuma a ride and then said that she will be right back after she drops the scooter back at her work place...

I think it was after she finished delivering milk to Ajuuma's house and Ajuuma saw her doing so, thereby, found out that she was the one who has been giving them all those milk, they went shopping and afterwards, she dropped her off at the junction, and said to will be right back after she returned the scooter to her work place.

She doesn't work there anymore[delivering milk] so it makes sense that she doesn't ride the scooter anymore.

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Guest damifino

^ Did she drop the scooter off or the leftover milk from her delivery? If the scooter belonged to her work and she was only supposed to use it for milk delivery purposes, how come she rode it everywhere when the show first began? She took it to do her other job vegetable box stacking and delivery, to go shopping for the pearl necklace, to go to Lohas to get her money to fix the back mirror, etc. I doubt Korean milk delivery companies are nice enough to let their part-time employees full use of company scooters all throughout the day.

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Guest sweetheart0085

Thank you skyeler for the links

I really enjoy watching this drama and hearing/reading feedbacks from everyone and their views on the drama.

It is enjoyable and interesting...soo thank you everyone for your outputs B)

^ Did she drop the scooter off or the leftover milk from her delivery? If the scooter belonged to her work and she was only supposed to use it for milk delivery purposes, how come she rode it everywhere when the show first began? She took it to do her other job vegetable box stacking and delivery, to go shopping for the pearl necklace, to go to Lohas to get her money to fix the back mirror, etc. I doubt Korean milk delivery companies are nice enough to let their part-time employees full use of company scooters all throughout the day.

Hahahaha...you got me on that...But...

Yes it's for her work only and she is not supposed to use it however she likes BUT she did use it as if it was her own.

If I remember correctly, she is supposed to return it at a certain time when ALL her deliveries has been completed.

Now I'm not sure what time that is but i know that the store owner didn't mind her using the scooter for other proposes.

Then agian, it would make more sense if they gave their employees a scooter for their own usage as long as they maintain it and do all their deliveries on time, then return it when it's night time or before the store closes, which would explain why Saebyuk almost ran over Grandma that night after her delivery when the grandma was sleep-walking in like episode 2 or 3, and meet with Taepoong who found the grandma.

p.s. If it turns out that the scooter does belong to her and she packed/sold it, don't kill me^^

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Guest thesweetestkrn

wahh!!! todays ep soobin get's caught by hosae's father about having screwed over the company cause of her personal feelings toward saebyuk.

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^ Did she drop the scooter off or the leftover milk from her delivery? If the scooter belonged to her work and she was only supposed to use it for milk delivery purposes, how come she rode it everywhere when the show first began? She took it to do her other job vegetable box stacking and delivery, to go shopping for the pearl necklace, to go to Lohas to get her money to fix the back mirror, etc. I doubt Korean milk delivery companies are nice enough to let their part-time employees full use of company scooters all throughout the day.

I thought that the scooter was her personal possession also. She seemed to use it all through the day, not only when she was delivering milk. Both SaeByuk and BokJoo had scooters parked outside the grocery store when they were working as produce stockers there, at the time when Hong YeonShil almost blinded SaeByuk. I thought I remember seeing her ride the scooter between the period when she lost her apartment with BokJoo and when she got her delivery job back after meeting her old boss at the Sauna House. Most of the other shows indicate that deliverers have to have their own vehicles. The "1st Shop Of The Coffee Prince" was the only other show that also gave an ambiguous impression of who owned the delivery vehicle.

I accepted the explanation that the scooter was company owned in this case... as one of those numerous inconsistencies that crops up in this drama.

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Just wanted to quickly say that with all my annoyances, minor and not so little, I still continue to watch this show religiously -both with and w/o subs- and comment here on this board, so clearly it's doing something right. I've given up on shows with farrrrrrr less episodes only 3 or 4 episodes in so already YAMD is the clear winner.

I still have hope that these characters can redeem themselves and those whom I wish to 'pass on' will.

Another question to add to the horde: Is Saebyuk ever going to wear her hair in a different style? Seriously! This passed ridiculous a long time ago.

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Guest damifino

^ Well at least she's started changing her work clothes a bit... Saebyuk has worn that white blouse and black jeans so often, that I thought it might just walk out of her room by itself while she was asleep at this point. With her constantly spending all night at work and going home really late, just to return to work early morning, when has she found the time to wash those black jeans of hers?!?!?!


^ Yeah, I also remember her having use of the scooter even after she quit her milk route and grocery store work.

Yes it's for her work only and she is not supposed to use it however she likes BUT she did use it as if it was her own.

If I remember correctly, she is supposed to return it at a certain time when ALL her deliveries has been completed.

Now I'm not sure what time that is but i know that the store owner didn't mind her using the scooter for other proposes.

Then agian, it would make more sense if they gave their employees a scooter for their own usage as long as they maintain it and do all their deliveries on time, then return it when it's night time or before the store closes, which would explain why Saebyuk almost ran over Grandma that night after her delivery when the grandma was sleep-walking in like episode 2 or 3, and meet with Taepoong who found the grandma.

Milk isn't delivered from the store... the store was a separate job that Saebyuk had IN ADDITION TO her milk delivery. Milk is usually delivered at dawn so that folks can have it first thing in the morning (which is when I think Saebyuk almost ran over Grandma... she was sleep walking) so there wouldn't be a need for Saebyuk to have use of it at any time during the day, at least not for milk delivery purposes. I mean, they don't provide kids bikes to deliver the newspaper, I can't imagine any milk delivery place that provides their employees scooters, but who knows. But in either case, the scooter has gone MIA... oh, pink scooter, we hardly knew ye LOL

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Guest jbigdog123

The drama with all its flaws, unrealistic circumstances, irrational behaviour of the characters, etc. is still one interesting drama that never fails to entertain. Despite these weaknesses, I look forward to 7:30 pm Mon to Fri, the screening time in my part of the world, enjoy every scene & simply have fun watching the eccentricities of the characters.

Same here (except for the time, I don't get to see it until ~10 am) and as well as others as evidenced by interests and discussions in this thread.

OMG!!!! :o

I just watched the preview over at KBS and...well...all I can say is OMG!!!!!


Heh, Soobin's father saw Hosae and SB hugging in the elevator

...should be pretty interesting four episodes this week.

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Another question to add to the horde: Is Saebyuk ever going to wear her hair in a different style? Seriously! This passed ridiculous a long time ago.

I observed that SB looks a little older with her hair in a bun than when loose & untied. She needs to look her age in the drama which is 23 or 24 as compared to her real age of 18. Her face is small & angelic and her facial expression especially when she's with HS, gives away her being young, their age gap being more obvious.

That white ruffled blouse & black pants also gave me amusing moments. In one scene, a recent one at KBS World when she went out for a drink with TP after being admitted as an intern by Lohas, she came home a bit drunk. Youngsuk tried to wake her to wash up & change clothes but she couldn't. The next day she woke up late & still with that same clothes on, she hurried straight to work, only to be stopped by the ahjumma for a glass of milk. I had a big laugh thinking that she didn't even brush her teeth not to mention a change of undies that she's been using the previous day. It might be though that bathroom visit was not included in the episode, but still she didn't look refreshed by a quick shower. :wacko:

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correct! How can soobin redeem herself to chilbok (lohas) to what she did (if chilbok heard that soobin is the one who doesn't want to show saebyuk's proposal to the foreign investors.). Also now somehow they owe something to saebyuk because of her the Italian investor will invest at lohas (for sure it will give lohas lots of money that's why they are really trying to have their approval on the designs). And I think (i hope) the project that the Italian like will be a project of saebyuk and hose... (that will irritate soobin more... hehehehe!)

If I were Chil-bok, I wouldn't accept any excuse Subin gives. She should be made to realise that her childish actions could damage Lohas' reputation. And the fact that she is SB's superior makes her behavior even more unforgiveable.

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OMG!!!! :o

I just watched the preview over at KBS and...well...all I can say is OMG!!!!!

13damifino, nobody does awkward and lacklustre better than this duo;

I'm more interested in Dae Gu's reaction myself


Heh, Soobin's father saw Hosae and SB hugging in the elevator

...should be pretty interesting four episodes this week.

I too was shocked like raineyrain, same reaction, chingu OMG !!! :o

And jbigdog , we'll have an exciting week ahead with the developments. Seems like HS will have to face more troubles. :w00t:

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Guest sweetheart0085

I just watched the preview too and OMG :o was all I could say...

First . Soobin's situation - the Boss was pissed, and correct me if I'm wrong but it seemed that Hosae was trying to make excuses for her again.

Second. SoYoung still doesn't know how to get the tonic from the grandma, instead is watching her drink it

Third. Taepoong finally got his hands on Yuri's ring and went to give it to her just to find out that she was doing something[modeling???], and asks what she was doing in such a place [was that guy trying to feel her up or something during the shoot???].

Fourth. Taeyoung's mom came to Soyoung's mom's workplace and saw TaeYoung there, asked him what he was doing there.

Fifth. Hosae getting a call, then talking to Saebyuk about his going out of state, that he cares for her, then she runs out of his office...

Sixth. Hosae's dad and Soobin's dad has a meeting [probably about the engagement]

Seventh. Hosae runs after Saebyuk to tell her something[his feelings and such], then hugs her...

Eighth. Soobin's dad opens the elevator while Hosae and Saebyuk were still hugging each other in the elevator...

And all these spell D.R.A.M.A :)


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Guest soccer08

i just watched the preview of tonight's episode (80) and all i can say that it would be an interesting episode...

Maybe tonight's episode soobin's father will know about the break-up... (i hope)

?? Hose's trying to give excuses for whom? soobin??? Is he trying to help her so that his dad won't get that mad at her?

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Guest sweetheart0085

Hose's trying to give excuses for whom? soobin??? Is he trying to help her so that his dad won't get that mad at her?

[i was talking about Soobin] I'm not sure about that which is why I'm waiting for someone to translate the preview so i don't misunderstand.

Also, I hope Hosae tells Soobin's dad that he broke up with Soobin months ago but she has refused to tell her dad about it so as not to get mad at Saebyuk...cos all these incidents, spells more trouble for Saebyuk.

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Guest soccer08

yeah... hose should tell soobin's dad about the engagement because if there will be another misunderstanding saebyuk will be in trouble again...

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