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America's Best Dance Crew, Season 2 / Abdc: Battle For The Vma's

Guest leongfun

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So I hope this long post has helped you all to understand what's going on behind the scenes of ABDC. My friend hasn't made any deciesions yet, but she MIGHT work on the set of ABDC 3. But I'm not sure. Now, this whole post might have made some of you think 'Why bother voting?' Don't think that! Your votes will still matter! After all, both crews are markable to MTV! Keep it up guys!

is people who want it...

This is not surprising and I believe it's true

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Finale: Super Cr3w vs SoReal Cru

All I really have to say here: Do you really think that if SoReal Cru fans could have carried them to the finals without falling into the bottom, do you really think that they would have lost the entire thing? And no, even if every Fanny Pak fan voted for Super Cr3w, they'd still come up a little short. I don't have any hard numbers, since MTV refuses to release the total votes because of their tampering. However, my friend estimates that it Super Cr3w would have fallen only about 1,000 or so votes short of the crown (So Real has ALOT of fans). But who knows. Both crews were very markable for MTV, so it was a win-win to them.

So I hope this long post has helped you all to understand what's going on behind the scenes of ABDC. My friend hasn't made any deciesions yet, but she MIGHT work on the set of ABDC 3. But I'm not sure. Now, this whole post might have made some of you think 'Why bother voting?' Don't think that! Your votes will still matter! After all, both crews are markable to MTV! Keep it up guys!

is people who want it...

No, I still think that Super Cr3w were able to garner the most votes in the end. And even though what MTV did was grimey as hell... it made for a crazy interesting season. Super Cr3w were depicted as the under dog - episode after episode they were fighting their way from the bottom and you could see their blood, sweat and tears. It's a fact that Super Cr3w gained A LOT of support towards the end. For one thing - they were being endorsed by last year's winners AND Fanny Pak. Now Fanny Pak had a GRIP of PISSED OFF FANS lol. And comparatively, I'm going to have to say that FP had the largest fanbase.

I don't know if I believe ALL of this... some of it might be true but the stuff about Supreme Soul seems kind of iffy to me. But if the bit about the judges is true then cool beans. Glad to know that they're not just "pawns".

BTW - if So Real had THAT many fans... why didn't they win the VMAs challenge?

Food for thought.

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Guest endlessrain

^a west vs west finale is blasphemy to mtv

BTW - if So Real had THAT many fans... why didn't they win the VMAs challenge?

Food for thought.

never stood a chance with kaba and fanny, kaba had alotta fans too so im surprised they lost, although i believe fanny deserved the win as much as kaba, the producers coulda easily tampered with the vma challenge as well, how else did britney win 3 vmas? lol wtf
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^a west vs west finale is blasphemy to mtv

never stood a chance with kaba and fanny, kaba had alotta fans too so im surprised they lost, although i believe fanny deserved the win as much as kaba, the producers coulda easily tampered with the vma challenge as well, how else did britney win 3 vmas? lol wtf

I so agree there. I remember this guy saying he was part of the committee who votes (something like that) and he said he felt that Britney "needed it".

Sixth Elimination: Supreme Soul vs Super Cr3w

With the majorty of the crews west, they needed to throw the two most similar crews in so that they could not only stir up controversy, drama, and appeal, they could also make Supreme Soul seem a bit more humble in later episodes, hopefully broading their appeal. Boogie Bots were suppose to be in the bottom along with Super Cr3w, but the judges felt that this way SS could not only show they are the strongest west crew, but they're the best B-Boy crew and secure the almost certain victory. So they figured SS would easily knock out Super Cr3w, and then be crowned ABDC. Oh, and incase you're wondering, Fanny Pak's dance style was too different for them to be scrapped at this point in the series, it was still bringing in viewers. I personally feel Super Cr3w had the weaker performance this night. But the judges once again argued that they enjoyed this crew, and thought their appeal was just as good as SS. So they sent home SS, which completely upset the producers. I mean, seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if a judge or two might not return for season three... not naming names here. Some may be asking: "Well, why didn't the producers just step in?". Well: 1) They didn't think the judges would do this. 2) When Mario reads that name, the entire crowd hears it. They 'd have to do a retapping, which would be obviously edited and forced. 3) The people who went the viewing would spill the secret, and then when the episode aired everyone will know the show is rigged. Finally, although they most likely won't admit it, Super Cr3w does have alot more markablity then some of the other crews... but now the producers took the show into their own hands.

Eight Elimination: Fanny Pak vs Super Cr3w

This happened agained. The two power house crews were from the West. And guess what: Fanny Pak DID have the most votes last week. SoReal had the fewest, SC inthe middle Just like last year, MTV paniced upon seeing this, feeling that they would lose viewers from the South upon seeing that the south could and would likely lose to one of the two judges's favorite's crews. However, if they had just said SoReal had gotten the most votes, like Status Quo did on the first season, they KNEW they'd lose viewers. BUT, the Kaba vs Jabba showdown was one of the best rated episodes of the show, so they knew that drama would sell and if the two wests were in the bottom again, they'd get more ratings. They wanted to make sure that the two most markable crews made it to the final two, so that whoever wins, MTV gets a nice check. But how? Easy: SoReal, while getting low at time, had never had a LOW amount of votes. Fanny Pak had the 3rd lowest on the first episode and was pretty bad until the speed up. Super Cr3w had been in the bottom, so it was easy to say they hadn't gotten as many votes as they had. So, at the last second, they informed ABDC staff that the final elimination was based on total votes instead of last weeks votes (had they wanted this from the begining, Mario would have mentioned it in episode before at the end, instead of making it seem as if this week was normal). Since SoReal hadn't been in the bottom, this was the easiest twist that they could do that could make the viewers understand how SoReal remained safe and continued onto the finals without, they thought, stirring up controversy. In the bottom, the judges were torn: Fanny Pak was the clear victor, not to mention their overall progress on the show. But Super Cr3w was who the producers wanted to go into the final. The judges had at first picked Fanny Pak, but the vote was changed to Super Cr3w during the break between the judging and the elimination. Incase anyone was wondering why the judges seemed upset over Fanny Pak's leaving (such as Lil Mama's poem & Shane's constant remarks of being excited over seeing Fanny Pak again).

Anyone notice how the Fanny Pak vs. SC and Supreme Soul vs SC Eliminations are the longest? Those were the ones with the most emotion and controversy. The least ABDC could of have done for SS was put them on tour. They were obviously one of the best this season (hint: West Coast Reunion).

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never stood a chance with kaba and fanny, kaba had alotta fans too so im surprised they lost, although i believe fanny deserved the win as much as kaba, the producers coulda easily tampered with the vma challenge as well, how else did britney win 3 vmas? lol wtf

Yeah they could've tampered with everything right from the getgo but I think people are giving So Real more credit than they deserve. How is it that all the other crews barely got by and So Real's fanbase supposedly carried them through the whole show? And that whole thing about Sass x 7... was the casting director on crack?

I so agree there. I remember this guy saying he was part of the committee who votes (something like that) and he said he felt that Britney "needed it".

My boy Perez Hilton lol.

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I only disagree with the last part, as Super Cr3w prolly had a hell of a lot more votes than So Real. Even the person said b4 So Real had the least votes the week b4, so y wouldn't Super Cr3w beat them in a 1 on 1 face off? Especially u have SS, FP and Jabba fans voting for them. Other than that i kidna agree, but i don't think all of it is completely true as there were a lot of rumors last year and people claiming that they work for mtv.

Edit: on second thought, there's so much contradictions in the post that i hardly doubt it's valid. Hell if it's such a big conspiracy y would the producers let a low level employee know so much. sounds for like someone took all the rumors on then and put them into one huge post lol. For one thing when the the person says MTV wanted to eliminate super cr3w early, which wouldn't make since they were more popular than supreme soul. Many people were still annoyed at SS for their We're Better than Jabba comment. (also SS wasn't viewed as bboy crew, but more of an urban freestyle crew with bboys like many of the other crews) the last few parts just sound kinda just like something a biased disgruntled so real fan would say to justify their lose.

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The beginning of Kaba Moderns performance at the VMA battle was SICK

I loved how they swayed their bodies with the beat for the first few seconds.

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I only disagree with the last part, as Super Cr3w prolly had a hell of a lot more votes than So Real. Even the person said b4 So Real had the least votes the week b4, so y wouldn't Super Cr3w beat them in a 1 on 1 face off? Especially u have SS, FP and Jabba fans voting for them. Other than that i kidna agree, but i don't think all of it is completely true as there were a lot of rumors last year and people claiming that they work for mtv.

Edit: on second thought, there's so much contradictions in the post that i hardly doubt it's valid. Hell if it's such a big conspiracy y would the producers let a low level employee know so much. sounds for like someone took all the rumors on then and put them into one huge post lol. For one thing when the the person says MTV wanted to eliminate super cr3w early, which wouldn't make since they were more popular than supreme soul. Many people were still annoyed at SS for their We're Better than Jabba comment. (also SS wasn't viewed as bboy crew, but more of an urban freestyle crew with bboys like many of the other crews) the last few parts just sound kinda just like something a biased disgruntled so real fan would say to justify their lose.


At first I was like hmm... maybe? But then I thought about it and it was just... nahhh.

Judges putting their necks on the line for crews?

So Real considered one of the most marketable crews?

Sass x 7 being cast beforehand? (casting director must've been smoking craaaaack)

and if the producers really wanted SS to win - it would've been done.

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I only disagree with the last part, as Super Cr3w prolly had a hell of a lot more votes than So Real. Even the person said b4 So Real had the least votes the week b4, so y wouldn't Super Cr3w beat them in a 1 on 1 face off? Especially u have SS, FP and Jabba fans voting for them. Other than that i kidna agree, but i don't think all of it is completely true as there were a lot of rumors last year and people claiming that they work for mtv.

Edit: on second thought, there's so much contradictions in the post that i hardly doubt it's valid. Hell if it's such a big conspiracy y would the producers let a low level employee know so much. sounds for like someone took all the rumors on then and put them into one huge post lol. For one thing when the the person says MTV wanted to eliminate super cr3w early, which wouldn't make since they were more popular than supreme soul. Many people were still annoyed at SS for their We're Better than Jabba comment. (also SS wasn't viewed as bboy crew, but more of an urban freestyle crew with bboys like many of the other crews) the last few parts just sound kinda just like something a biased disgruntled so real fan would say to justify their lose.

Believe me, when you're part of a crew, word gets around easily. I don't find it that hard for someone that's part of the crew to know about the insides of the show.

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  • 2 weeks later...


:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

I just came back from the tour and zomg!!

I gotz the detailz!!

Okay so me and Cindel25/Sophia were outside of MSG about 4:00

first I saw Rockadile, Mike Murder, and RJ going inside of MSG but I was too chicken to say hi

and then I saw Ben come out the stage entrance but once again I was too scared to say hi.

Then me and Sophia decided to grab a bite to eat and then from the balconey of BBQ's we saw Phi from Jabbawockeez

and some guy....and then I went downstairs and I said "Hi!!!!!" and then Phi turns around like :blink: and then he's like "HEEEYYY!!!!!" and he came from around the baracade, I was just rambling a bunch of crap all I remember is saying "My friend Sophia is a big fan so is it okay if I take a picture??" and he's like "Sure no problem!" and then I asked the guy to take the picture...later I felt HORRIBLE because it was one of the Breaksk8 guys and I felt bad cuz I ignored him but I didnt recognize him until afterwards :tears: and then I was like "Thank you sooo much" and he's like "No problem, your coming to the show tonight??" and I'm like "yes yes btw you guys are talented and can you please tell Chris I'm a huge fan of his" and he's like "Sure infact you might see him in a second" and I'm like "Awww but I have to go finish my food lol but can you tell him?" "and he's like sure, enjoy your meal what's your name?" and I'm like "Ashley" so he says "I'm Phi and I'll let Chris know what's up" and then I replied "I know you lol, your really talented goodluck tonight" and then I bounced lol.

So after our meal we were going to wait until 6:30 to go inside and then I saw Rockadile outside with his headphones on and he was talking to Chris from Jabba who was with his GF I think, so Sophia is like "OMG It's Chris Ashley go say hi!!" but I pulled her and ran because I don't like saying hi to guys when they are with girls lol, so I made her hide and then he was gone. So we just stood there talking to other fans and then Chris came back around and then Sophia went up to him and she's like "My friend Ashley wanted to meet you" and he's like hi

so I tried to shake his hand and BAM he just greeted me with a hug *church hallejuha heaven etc etc":wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: and then he talked to his friends for a second and then I asked "Can I have a picture?" and he's like "Sure" and I was like "..... :sweatingbullets: I am so sorry to bother you " and he's like "No it's all good" and he hugged me again cuz I was acting like a lil kid lol I'm so embarrased at myself lol, so Sophia took the pic and then hugged us both again and told us thank you and it was nice meeting us :blush: him and Phi were sooo chill.

And then I did something sooo dumb, I saw Rockadile and Do Knock walking past so I just said "Hey Do Knock hey Ronnie!!" :o which means I got the names wrong and Rockadil was laughing like "Lol I'm RJ!!..But Ronnie is inside!!! " him and Do Knock was crackin up and I'm like "OMG I'm soo sorry!!! tell Ronnie I said Hi!!" and they waved bye lol, I felt so retarded for doing that lol.

And then a lil later Phill from Fanny Pak walked past us smiling and OMG he is sooo hot in real life

and the sweetest person ever yall have no idea, he took a pic with me and anyone else who asked

he even held conversations with the fans and he is just sooooo nice omg words can't even describe.

So later we get inside, they gave out Vitamin Waters for free and ish but I trashed mines because I don't drink it lol.

But then b4 the show started they had a dance off which was cool between audience members, it was so funny and the lil girl who won was amazing. Then the show starts, all of the crews do their intros and of course Jabba got the loudest response, and what made me happy was that Iconic was the special guest and they killed it.

Basically all of the their best routines are what made the show, they included the Michael and Janet tributes, Evolution of street dance

yes Jabba did PYT, then all of the crews did their fav performances of the season, Lil Mama performed with Iconic, now I know people dun like her but that chick can dance her butt off and she's actually really nice. Then all of the crews battled to end the show and that was amazing, you'd have to see it to believe it.

I was so moved by the bboying in the show because like I said I hate the current bboying style but what I saw tonight was amazing, and to be that amazing in the birthplace was sooooo great.

So after the show sooo many fans were outside and Ben and Phil came out, omg they were so nice but too many people were out there and the security made them go back inside. So then the security said "That's it guys everyone is gone" and they were obvioslu lying, but anyways me and Sophia were not leaving until we got our pic with Joey from ASIID so after the crowd cleared there were prolly only about 20 people and finally people came out, Phill from FP cameback outside taking pics and he totally remembered me and Sophia and he gave me a hug asking if I enjoyed the show, he squeeze me soo tight lol and I told him how talented Fanny was and how much I love them and he said thank you. He was just sooo chill lol, and then Glenda who is very very pretty in real life came out with her cute BF and she was soo nice, I got a pic with her too lol. Finally ASIID came out and omg Joey is sooooo sweet and cute, I got to hug him and take a pic with him, but not before Sophia she got her pic first lol but Joey is a sweetheart and he is soooooooo kind. I also saw Tristan and Melissa from ASIID and got pics with them lol, Melissa is so pretty and Tristan is sooooo nice and funny. Everyone I got to see was so nice, sadly I didnt get any pics with Super Cr3w because I saw the time and I really needed to catch my train or I would have been stranded in manahattan all night lol with no place to go and freeze my richard simmons off. But I will get the pics up soon, it was a fun day lol and I need to apologize to SC lOL!! I really wanted to but I couldnt wait because I needed my train.

On the brightside I got a Super Cr3w shirt lol.

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Guest angelcadex

Yes yes yes the tour was AMAZING

I didn't get to meet any of them, super pissed my parents said not to take my camera because they wouldn't allow it, I walk in EVERYONE has a camera -____________________________-

BUT, again, it was amazing, and everyone looks 294302x cuter in person lol

LucasBunny I envy you *_*!!

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LucasBunny you went?!?!??!?! I went too!!!! Did you know Brian from SoReal was there??? I was able to get a pic with him... That was a surprise yeah??? But yeah the show was awesome and off the hook... People stayed after to see them leave and stuff and some lucky people were chosen to meet the crews... man I was outside with the people who werent able to see them and I was scaared they were gonna bust the door down...lol it was fun I had a great time... Man if I knew people from soompi were going we should have had a meetup!!!

oh yeah Phil and Ben came out the wrong entrance at the end of the show & meet n greet and got bombarded by fans... like... they couldnt breathe claustrophobia bombarded but I got a handshake from phil *fan girl moment* so I was good with that... had a great time last night

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LucasBunny you went?!?!??!?! I went too!!!! Did you know Brian from SoReal was there??? I was able to get a pic with him... That was a surprise yeah??? But yeah the show was awesome and off the hook... People stayed after to see them leave and stuff and some lucky people were chosen to meet the crews... man I was outside with the people who werent able to see them and I was scaared they were gonna bust the door down...lol it was fun I had a great time... Man if I knew people from soompi were going we should have had a meetup!!!

oh yeah Phil and Ben came out the wrong entrance at the end of the show & meet n greet and got bombarded by fans... like... they couldnt breathe claustrophobia bombarded but I got a handshake from phil *fan girl moment* so I was good with that... had a great time last night

I didnt know but remember someone saying Soreal was in the house lol.

omg and u saw what happened to Ben and Phil lol, next time we will have a meet up lol

Ben and Phil wanted to chill with the fans but security said no :(. Were you there when everyone was like "Shhhhhh be quiet if we make noise everyone will run over"

I was soooo happy Chris hugged me 3 times :blush: :blush: gosh he is soo cute IRL

I think he was shorter than me though lol


OMG SOPHIA!!! :w00t::wub: :wub:

he was sooo nice

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Guest cindel25

Here's the pic of Chris and Ashley. Chris was so sweet and nice! I totally chicken out when I saw Phi and Matt but that's ok. I got to talk to Joey for a bit.


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