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University Of Technology, Sydney (uts!)

Guest Hoon88

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Guest heonii_

Weee!! I'm really excited about uni :) I'm going orientation tomorrow morning!

I've got a really ... odd ... timetable though. Since I was late-rounds all the good times

were taken so now I only have to wake up at like .. 12PM and I'd still make it in time for class haha

I was kinda hoping my classes were in the morning though, so that I could have a normal lifestyle again instead of waking up at 4pm O_O;;

I missed out on the camppppp .. making friends are gonna be scary!

Yayay what have you guys bought (stationary/bag wise) for uni? D:

I know I'm going to regret this as soon as uni starts .. haha :P

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Guest amanda.pocky

lol im in first camp tooXD

r u 18 XD;?

cause im most likely stuck in the kiddy corner


yeah i'm in first camp ;)

come find me ;D

and im bringing a suitecase. cause i saw the IT people looking comfy trollying one

and i also work at the uts bookshop in the main building ;)

i'm sucha geek.

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Guest twilight1412

^ you mean the second hand book store on level 3?

or the coop outside the main building?

and how did you even go about getting a job there xD

you havent even started ...


and heonii ... tomorrow is sunday believe it or not =/

orientation is on monday with clubs day on wednesday

which is the day the camps switch over

last year i was on camp 2 ...

camp 1 went into our beer supply so they had to order more =(

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Guest amanda.pocky

^ you mean the second hand book store on level 3?

or the coop outside the main building?

and how did you even go about getting a job there xD

you havent even started ...


yeah the second hand book store lol

i was bludging around the uni friday, and then i so happened to walk into that store

and the chick asked me if i was there for an interview, and i was like "?no"

but then i started talking to her and she gave me an interview

and then i got a job ahahaha

but i think its only for 2 weeks or so, cause the rush period.

then it goes dead quiet and they dont need me anymore :(

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Lol... that's kind of random but awesome. sucks that it's only 2 weeks though. Heonii is really looking forward to orientation.

I'm on the help desk tomorrow morning looking after the housing bus tickets. So early in the morning T.T

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i really want to bring a suitcase...but now im stuck with a larger than average backpack...which is ridiculously orange XD...u can spot me a kilometre away

kind of excited =D

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Guest raindrops

omg i'm scared ! lol.. i didn't go to it camp :( because my mom was freaking out about how there were gonnA be 8768768647547 guys -__-' ugh now i don't even know where to get my 90$ refund...

aren't any of you going orientation on tuesday !! :o

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Guest twilight1412

^ i have uni on tuesday so i'll be there

9-4 wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

epic gay but after this its pretty much over ....

for a week



but yea .... gonna spend tomorrow working on my speech

jp i know youre reading this so you should start working too =)

gg im tired im in no mood to do it today just gonna watch some anime and crap

but ... with the camps girls get their own cabinsssss =)

which is right next to the team leader cabinsssss =)



but yea .. you guys should be in the same cabin ... happy camping ..

and bring aeroguard or else youre gonna die ...

actually it might not be too bad since its been raining

look out for britney shes one of the team leaders ... shes on soompi somewhere .. god im bored

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Guest twilight1412

^ dont worry man i knew this would happen

be pro and do it tomorrow like me =)

i will take cbf as an excuse

but not at 9pm tomorrow lol

we're engineers .. we think alike ...

damn lazy asses .. lol i wonder where queenie is up to

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Guest amanda.pocky


i havent started packing either.

decided to go mounties to play snooker ^^

im the one with the black suitecase and yellow tag ;) LOL

random, but i need friends:(

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Guest twilight1412

hmmm those guys wont be back for acouple days =)

hey syko whats your real name? =0

are you gonna be at uni tomorrow? my friend says its a compulsory day for orange shirts =)

i'll probably see you ... during lunch hohohoho :rolleyes:

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Guest BattleRoyale

i see johnnypaul procrastinating

does anyone do textiles and fashion design? if so how is it? or if u know anyone who does it =|

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Guest twilight1412

i missed out on bbq too

the rain pushed it back right into my tutorial time T____T

was quite sad

skribble: i know 1 person doing fashion

akirasberry: im pretty sure syko does business so does jp

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