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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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sorry i missed a lot of discussions here....






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BTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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this is from cafe daum....probably taken by fans on his bday visit to the set of Every Night....i also included what was written about these pictures/event?



lucky ajummas????


credit as labeled

[▶밤이면밤마다◀] [찍사]7월 27일 밤밤촬영장에서 줌스님들에게 보내는 vod촬영 모습 동건측근분이 동건님 생일인 7월 26일은 살인적인 스케쥴로 되도록이면 27일날 오셨으면 하는

부탁을 며칠전 부터 했습니다. (새벽5시까지 촬영이 진행되었다고 하더이다.)

촬영스케쥴이 그날 당일 새벽에 나오는 관계로 장소가 오전에 확정이 되었기때문에

일본팬분들에게 연락하는 방법이 힘들었습니다.

어찌어찌하여 오후 12시 저는 동건만매일사랑해님이 후원해주신 2단 케익과

줌스에서 준비한 사라다떡을 실고 태양신님과 합류해 촬영장으로 향하고 있었고

얼음음료수와 동건줌스표스티커&선물을 준비한 동건사랑님은 동건경희짱님&민들레님(딸)과

함께 촬영장을 달려가고 있었습니다.

이날...동건사랑님과 저는 오늘 전달한 선물과 먹거리를 나누어 준비했으며 오하시스방송으로

동건님홍보에 기여한 민들레님 그리고 동영상과 사진의 대가 태양신님은 우리의 든든한 도우미가 되었으며

지방에서 올라온 동건경희짱님과 일본팬분들(naomi3,chocolate,fumiyo외), 줌스님들의 후원금은

정말 여러가지로 감사했습니다.

7월 27일 새벽5시부터 수면을 취한뒤 11시에 아침도 못먹고 답십리 촬영장으로 달려온 동건패밀리분들~!

아침을 거른뒤에 전달한 저희의 떡과 음료수,케익은 든든한 먹거리가 되어 다행이였죠.

특히 2단케익을 보고 동건님왈 "와우~! 이단케익이다." (얼굴미소 가득~~!! 바로 옆의 FD분도 놀라더이다.ㅎㅎ)

생일축하케익과 스탭분들에게 드릴 70인분의 사라다떡과 음료 그리고 동건오라버니가 평소에 갖고싶어했던

선물(닌텐도&PMP=>이번에 입금해주신 회원분들의 후원금 정말 감사드려요.)도 전달해 드렸습니다.

더불어 일본서 동건님 생일때문에 일부러 오신 7분의 선물공세에 얼굴 한가득 함박웃음이 ^-^

멀리서 오신 일본팬분들에게 팬서비스차원에서 촬영중 짬짬히 시간내어 몇번이나 대화할수있는 기회를 갖었답니다.

동건줌스회원분들에게 남겨준 vod와 촬영현장의 이모저모는 조만간 올려드리겠습니다.

(자세한 후기는 이야기방 회원님들의 글을 참고하시기바랍니다.)

sorry it's in Korean...i'll post this to LDG's thread as well...

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Guest ilikeldg
I don't think she'd use TL Kang openly as a decoy, not the way she used KBS. But I could see her pretending to have something going on with TL Kang when she's alone with KBS... in especially after that ticked off reaction he had on the way home after visiting his grandparents.

So, she might just use the fact that KBS is jealous after seeing her and TL Kang's (harmless) hug, add a bit fuel to the fire and hope that he'll get the message.

But you are right when you say that she respects TL Kang too much to play games with him.

Heh, at least you're multilingual, ilikeldg! :D *envy*

Do you use kdrama to improve your understanding of the Korean language?

Yes,I do...also so I don't have to wait until the subtitle comes out.I love this forum...it is so alive....Thanks to

to all.

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Guest kanshu
Yes,I do...also so I don't have to wait until the subtitle comes out.I love this forum...it is so alive....Thanks to

to all.

Hehe... I'm trying to learn Korean by osmosis... :wacko: Yeah.... :wacko: If I just watch enough kdrama, I'll either go bonkers or learn Korean language. :blink:Right now, I think I'm going bonkers first, though. ;)

The thing that saddens me is that I'll never be able to really and truly appreciate this drama, because I'm missing so much due to lack of knowledge (language and culture-wise). But I'm grateful to everyone here, because I'm able to learn from you all. :)


sorry i missed a lot of discussions here....

Good morning to you, too. :)

And thank you for all the image-goodies!

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Guest kanshu

On a completely unrelated side note... Congrats on 3000+ posts in this thread, everyone! :D

You guys and girls rock! :D

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Thank You Everyone for your contributions, comments, banters, spoilers, synopsis, translations, bad eggs :lol: :lol: and your support!!

LOVE YOU ALL! *hugs*

bAm BaM fiGhTinG!!!!

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Guest kanshu

Okay... let's toss up a question or two for thoughts and discussion!

- Do you think that someone in the team is working for White Suit Guy or Kim Sang? Or is the director of the museum involved with one of them?

- Will KBS give HCH flowers as a present within the next two episodes? Or some other present?

- Will Lady Wang manage to steal herself into TL Kang's heart? And how? Or will TL Kang go bonkers because of her strainous ways?

- Will Scar Guy and Pink shirt guy go into another round of arguments?

- Will HCH's father return? Or is he perhaps really dead, despite of what KBS said?

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Guest EnDlEsS88
Okay... let's toss up a question or two for thoughts and discussion!

- Will HCH's father return? Or is he perhaps really dead, despite of what KBS said?

i dont think her father is dead ... i think he is gonna be back and maybe she will be the one who captures him....

but d plot that i want is to see her father dead and see more romance developments between HCH and KBS :blush:

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Guest ebrigid
Okay... let's toss up a question or two for thoughts and discussion!

- Do you think that someone in the team is working for White Suit Guy or Kim Sang? Or is the director of the museum involved with one of them?

Hmm. Interesting questions. I'll just answer it from the point of view of having watched Episodes 1 - 10.

Yes, I feel that someone in the team is a traitor. And I feel it may be that guy in the team who's enamoured with Lady Wang. If he's the traitor, then maybe we as the viewers will not feel so bad when eventually, he doesn't end up with Lady Wang.

- Will KBS give HCH flowers as a present within the next two episodes? Or some other present?

Flowers, I think are too direct, and so typical. Already, I think this drama is doing too many typical couple things that would it make it very run-of-the-mill. Ok, so maybe it's different, cos it seems to have every re-played every possible couple action that was ever done in the history of korean drama and concentrated them in one drama (haha). Eg, girl taking care of the guy when he's sick, guy taking care of the girl when she's sick, forced kiss, giving presents, hug in the rain, grateful hug from girl to guy, guy tending to girl's injuries by wrapping injured area in his handkerchief, etc

- Will Lady Wang manage to steal herself into TL Kang's heart? And how? Or will TL Kang go bonkers because of her strainous ways?

I guess if it's a happy happy ending that we're looking at, then this will have to happen.

But I kinda see TL Kang leaning towards remaining single, and Lady Wang finding someone else similar to KBS who captures her heart.

- Will Scar Guy and Pink shirt guy go into another round of arguments?

Their arguments are quite hilarious. I hope they do. :D

- Will HCH's father return? Or is he perhaps really dead, despite of what KBS said?

I want to believe he's still alive. But, if a guy who cares so much about his family doesn't even visit his family for close to 7 years, it doesn't make sense. Remember the guy who shared a jail cell with HTS said that the thing that HTS wanted to do when he was released was to look for his family. So, I think he's perhaps, dead.

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On a completely unrelated side note... Congrats on 3000+ posts in this thread, everyone! :D

You guys and girls rock! :D

..,morning guys!!!! :D

.., :w00t: OMG that's a good news in this thread!!!

..,its a proof that WHEN ITS AT NIGHT is a blast!!!!

..,don't care about their ratings now as long as this tread is full of life

because of WIAN...

..,thank you guys!!happy to found this thread!!!!

.., :D thank you mzpakipot for the goodies!!!!!

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Guest kanshu
i dont think her father is dead ... i think he is gonna be back and maybe she will be the one who captures him....

but d plot that i want is to see her father dead and see more romance developments between HCH and KBS :blush:

Why would you prefer to see her father dead? In which way would that add to the plot?

(Don't take my questions the wrong way, I'm just really curious, from a writer's point of view, why an ending with the father dead would be more attractive than the one with her father still alive, but perhaps in jail... :sweatingbullets: )

As for the romance, I guess there's going to be quite a bit of that... I hope. :)

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Okay... let's toss up a question or two for thoughts and discussion!

- Do you think that someone in the team is working for White Suit Guy or Kim Sang? Or is the director of the museum involved with one of them?

..,for me i think none of the team is a traitor, i think one of the employees in the museum are somehow a traitor, if little bro is really the one who is giving back the artifacts to the museum i think one of 3 girls who used to loved KBS and now they love little bro is one of the traitor..

- Will KBS give HCH flowers as a present within the next two episodes? Or some other present?

..,yes for me, based on the personality of KBS giving a flower to a girl is a big thing for him, not all players can give something to a girl just to please them, for a player like KBS I think his charm is enough to make a girl fall in-love to him, and for HCH situation for him its really hard to please her to think that she know his personality as a player so giving flower or something to HCH is a score for him.

- Will Lady Wang manage to steal herself into TL Kang's heart? And how? Or will TL Kang go bonkers because of her strainous ways?

..,agree with EBRIGID on that side, as for TL Kang he would rather be a widow than to have a second a marriage .

- Will Scar Guy and Pink shirt guy go into another round of arguments?

..,really love those guys their really funny especially when they argue, so i think yes they will continue to argue until the end..

- Will HCH's father return? Or is he perhaps really dead, despite of what KBS said?

..,sad to say but yes i agree on EBRIGID that HCH father is dead, a loving family man like him can't resist to at least go and see how his child doing,

and for 7 years that long not seeing them will be somehow a torture for him..

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Guest kanshu
Hmm. Interesting questions. I'll just answer it from the point of view of having watched Episodes 1 - 10.

Yes, I feel that someone in the team is a traitor. And I feel it may be that guy in the team who's enamoured with Lady Wang. If he's the traitor, then maybe we as the viewers will not feel so bad when eventually, he doesn't end up with Lady Wang.

Well, that guy's certainly keen on getting a higher ranking position, and he's envious of HCH and KBS... also, he doesn't seem to like TL Kang much... And I don't know if I got that wrong, but wasn't there some sort of conspiracy brewing within the team, concerning TL Kang? Something seemed strange...

Flowers, I think are too direct, and so typical. Already, I think this drama is doing too many typical couple things that would it make it very run-of-the-mill. Ok, so maybe it's different, cos it seems to have every re-played every possible couple action that was ever done in the history of korean drama and concentrated them in one drama (haha). Eg, girl taking care of the guy when he's sick, guy taking care of the girl when she's sick, forced kiss, giving presents, hug in the rain, grateful hug from girl to guy, guy tending to girl's injuries by wrapping injured area in his handkerchief, etc

Well... he could give her a massage to help her relax as a present. :sweatingbullets: That one hasn't been overdone yet, and it would suit the character of KBS...

As for the "run of the mil" couple plot devices, I guess you're right. But I guess there's just so much you can do for"creative dating"... I think they left out the amusement park, though.

And the biggest question... If this was your show, what would you let them do for new and innovative dating scenes, never seen before in kdrama? :)

I guess if it's a happy happy ending that we're looking at, then this will have to happen.

But I kinda see TL Kang leaning towards remaining single, and Lady Wang finding someone else similar to KBS who captures her heart.

I think the same about TL Kang... since it's very likely that HCH will not return to him, even if he'd stand on the deck of a police boat and sing "O sole Mio" for her, he's going to nurse his freshly thawed and equally freshly broken heart... and then he might just wait a while before he goes searching a new mom for his little daughter. :)

Though... an interest pairing would be Lady Wang and Scar Guy. Since Scar Guy isn't a person of unlimited patience like TL Kang, he might just be able to teach the Princess some new lessons of (love-)life... right? :wacko:

I want to believe he's still alive. But, if a guy who cares so much about his family doesn't even visit his family for close to 7 years, it doesn't make sense. Remember the guy who shared a jail cell with HTS said that the thing that HTS wanted to do when he was released was to look for his family. So, I think he's perhaps, dead.

I wonder if it would make KBS feel guilty for raising false hopes in HCH, without having verified the information first... given that her father's really dead.

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Well, that guy's certainly keen on getting a higher ranking position, and he's envious of HCH and KBS... also, he doesn't seem to like TL Kang much... And I don't know if I got that wrong, but wasn't there some sort of conspiracy brewing within the team, concerning TL Kang? Something seemed strange...

..,yes that would possible, but why all the artifacts of HCH father took? i think rather than helping the person who is giving them back he would prefer capturing them to have a good attention to the boss. What is about TL Kang didn't notice it?

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Guest mead33
Well... he could give her a massage to help her relax as a present. :sweatingbullets: That one hasn't been overdone yet, and it would suit the character of KBS...

As for the "run of the mil" couple plot devices, I guess you're right. But I guess there's just so much you can do for"creative dating"... I think they left out the amusement park, though.

And the biggest question... If this was your show, what would you let them do for new and innovative dating scenes, never seen before in kdrama? :)

since kbs' grandfather does pottery, they can do a scene a la Ghost.... ha ha ha.... j/k that would be so cheesy.... :w00t:

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since kbs' grandfather does pottery, they can do a scene a la Ghost.... ha ha ha.... j/k that would be so cheesy.... :w00t:

.., :lol: yeah think that would cheesy, but if they put in a other way like let say KBS or HCH day dreaming that scene in a comic way i think that would great hehehe,

..,me i like to see the rain scene again but this time i would like to see HCH hugging first hmm.... what do you think? :)

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Guest ilikeldg
..,for me i think none of the team is a traitor, i think one of the employees in the museum are somehow a traitor, if little bro is really the one who is giving back the artifacts to the museum i think one of 3 girls who used to loved KBS and now they love little bro is one of the traitor..

..,yes for me, based on the personality of KBS giving a flower to a girl is a big thing for him, not all players can give something to a girl just to please them, for a player like KBS I think his charm is enough to make a girl fall in-love to him, and for HCH situation for him its really hard to please her to think that she know his personality as a player so giving flower or something to HCH is a score for him.

..,agree with EBRIGID on that side, as for TL Kang he would rather be a widow than to have a second a marriage .

..,really love those guys their really funny especially when they argue, so i think yes they will continue to argue until the end..

..,sad to say but yes i agree on EBRIGID that HCH father is dead, a loving family man like him can't resist to at least go and see how his child doing,

and for 7 years that long not seeing them will be somehow a torture for him..

Then,who was that guy that HCH saw at the U-Bahn station (across).That was the reason why HCH got drunk...wasn't it?.Also let's go back a little bit,don't remember which episode but when KBS took HCH to the Boat

and KBS was feeding the Seagulls.Maybe because of the wind blowing,but whatever KBS was feeding the Seagull

was hitting HCH,so She picked something up and threw at KBS and he opened his mouth as if he's going to catch

it....I thought that was hilarious.

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Then,who was that guy that HCH saw at the U-Bahn station (across).That was the reason why HCH got drunk...wasn't it?.Also let's go back a little bit,don't remember which episode but when KBS took HCH to the Boat

and KBS was feeding the Seagulls.Maybe because of the wind blowing,but whatever KBS was feeding the Seagull

was hitting HCH,so She picked something up and threw at KBS and he opened his mouth as if he's going to catch

it....I thought that was hilarious.

..,according to the translation of our threaders, HCH mistakenly saw her father at the other side of the station, she was so disappointed because she wish it was her father but it turn out to be someone that's she get herself drunk, I really thought it was her father too really looks like he was..,

..,that's episode 6, HCH was depressed that time because one of the artifacts that her father stole supposedly donated to the museum but it turn out the owner don't want to give it, HCH worked hard for that artifact that's why HCH is so depressed that time so the MIGHTY KBS to the rescue came to cheer her up, ep6 is one of the sweetest thing KBS do to HCH...

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Okay... let's toss up a question or two for thoughts and discussion!

- Do you think that someone in the team is working for White Suit Guy or Kim Sang? Or is the director of the museum involved with one of them?

- Will KBS give HCH flowers as a present within the next two episodes? Or some other present?

- Will Lady Wang manage to steal herself into TL Kang's heart? And how? Or will TL Kang go bonkers because of her strainous ways?

- Will Scar Guy and Pink shirt guy go into another round of arguments?

- Will HCH's father return? Or is he perhaps really dead, despite of what KBS said?

Hi kanshu, let me try answering some of the quesstions - any prizes for the wrong answers??????

1. guess that the director of the museum is involved (he looks that type)

2. think it will be a nice dress with a pair of shoes and he'll whisk her off to a nice French Restaurant

(Remember, CH asked him to buy her a pair of shoes when he commented that she doesn't have

her own shoes - the night of the auction)

3. yes, TL Kang suddenly found her to be so very cute and adorable .....

4. definitely (they are always at it, right?)

5. think that her father is really dead - someone using his identity to go in and out of the country

(one of Kim Sang's gang member????)

Well, will definitely not miss tonight's episode. Do hope that the connection is fine.

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Guest llyh90
Then,who was that guy that HCH saw at the U-Bahn station (across).That was the reason why HCH got drunk...wasn't it?.Also let's go back a little bit,don't remember which episode but when KBS took HCH to the Boat

and KBS was feeding the Seagulls.Maybe because of the wind blowing,but whatever KBS was feeding the Seagull

was hitting HCH,so She picked something up and threw at KBS and he opened his mouth as if he's going to catch

it....I thought that was hilarious.

:lol: I thought I was the only one who thought that was hilarious. :D

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Guest EnDlEsS88
Why would you prefer to see her father dead? In which way would that add to the plot?

(Don't take my questions the wrong way, I'm just really curious, from a writer's point of view, why an ending with the father dead would be more attractive than the one with her father still alive, but perhaps in jail... :sweatingbullets: )

As for the romance, I guess there's going to be quite a bit of that... I hope. :)

it is just that i believe if her father is alive ... things like shocks, sadness and such on will occur more .... and it will delay the romance development between d two leads ... i know that d way i think is weird and after all this is only my personal opinion.... :sweatingbullets:

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