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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest ilikeldg

Happy Birthday Lee Dong Gun.......Have Fun...Life is too short.....and to all of you on this Tread...Thank you Very Much.I actually look forward to coming home and look on this Tread.....Keep up the good work and again Thank you

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Guest ebrigid
And on a side note, what happened to KBS co-host GF? He hasn't dumped her yet, unless that happened in a scene we haven't seen so far... I feel sorry for her. She is in love with KBS, to a point where she's willing to give up her career to be with him, and what does KBS do? He's falling for someone else and won't even tell her... How bad will she feel? Or did KBS take the chance when he said he was dating HCH, and hoped that the rumour would spread and the GF got the clue?

I think, that part of the plot is important enough to be addressed in a scene, just to show that KBS is serious about being with one girl and properly ending things with whoever else he's dating (I wonder if co-host girl was the only one who thought she was special to KBS, or if there's a bunch of angry girls who'll unleash their anger on KBS...?).

Looking at the way things are going for KBS now - He's lost his position in the university (actually not sure on this point, was he really axed from the uni or just demoted?), he's lost his hosting gig on TV....I think most of his "girlfriends" were just hanging on to him cos of his status. Maybe that co-host was also one of those women who only hankered after his status. And so I doubt we'll be seeing those "girlfriends" of his any time soon. But I do agree that it would be weird to not see that side of KBS being addressed. One moment, he's constantly on the phone with a number of women, and then suddenly he doesn't seem to have any contact with any other women. But I think the pace of the show now doesn't give time to address this issue now. Cos we need to find Hong Gil Dong now!

Maybe towards the last 2 episodes, we might see him put a clear end to his flirtatious ways.

I'm totally enjoying the discussions going on here. Thanks everyone!

And on a side note, on episode 11,

it seems they might not be filming on Han River anymore. Maybe it's got to do with the weather? So the kiss scene has been changed to another place. As far as I know now, it's on hotel grounds. And I believe the identity of Hong Gil Dong would be revealed at the end of Episode 11. But again, this is subject to change.

Anyways, I think that maybe I should stop revealing such things, since nothing is set in stone until the actors really carry out the acting. I just wanted to share with everyone this little nugget of info which I'm totally looking forward to see in Episode 11~~

As to where my source is, it's mbc daum cafe.

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Guest *alodia*
Jastinel, why can't you watch another drama, just because Suna isn't in it?

Hi kanshu!

You bet! Jastinel won't watch any other drama if Suna's not there. I tried many times to lure her into watching other dramas but she won't. Sometimes she'll give it an episode or two but she'll stop. :lol:

Me, after learning about kdramas I watch some every now and then. I love watching dramas (jastinel unnie prefers watching movies), but i'm very picky. I have my favorite list, but for me everything falls short to MNIKSS. So I always end up rewatching MNIKSS after watching a drama. hahaha... i guess i need medication. ^^

Waaahhh :tears: time flies only 6 episodes left... just 3 more weeks (and yet i still have a lot of backtracking to do).

I scrubbed ep10 and i think i'm going to like it. i just love how Sun Ah cries... No other actress can make me cry while watching like her. Well, it's her tears in MNIKSS that made me love her. ^^*

Bam Bam fighting!

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Guest jastinel
Hi kanshu!

You bet! Jastinel won't watch any other drama if Suna's not there. I tried many times to lure her into watching other dramas but she won't. Sometimes she'll give it an episode or two but she'll stop. :lol:

Good morning everyone!

Hahaha...You really know me Sis Alodia. How are you? You`ve been very busy lately...missed u Sis!

Kanshu, I have a problem in appreciating other K-drama, Honestly, I don`t even watch local programs, specially Telenovelas. I discovered MNIKSS because of my kids, when it was aired here in the Philippines, I saw my daughter watching it and Suna caught my attention, for the first episode of MNIKSS was so amazing, that I thought it`s already the climax of the story. From that day on, I got addicted to it...but my biggest problem is....I can`t watch any other K-drama w/o Suna in it. She`s the only actress that I can watch without getting disappointed about her acting. I guess, we all watch TV programs because it can make us laugh and cry most of the time or we can get some important info from that show. But for me, I would watch it because, my favorite actress is in it. So, it doesn`t matter if it is a highly rated show or not, I`m just fortunate to find (SUNA) an actress that got everything and satisfy me all the time. But I do watch Korean movies, mostly Horror films.

Good day everyone! Happy Birthday KBS (LDG)! I wish you all the happiness and success. May u find the right partner in life soon...

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per ebrigid's spoiler on this coming episode there's something for KBS, maybe it's CH giving "it" to him..hahaha j/k!

Hey, I'm a very naive little lady ...... but what is "it"?

Is "it" the "it" that I'm thinking of ? ...... hehehe.

..,ey what is it huh... spill it out :blink:

hi sueyip and kim jo yan! it's about the


, that's the one i was referring to...oh-uh! i hope you ladies not thinking something beyond that...hahaha :tongue2:

i wonder what KSA gave to LDG for his bday.....i hope they're going to show some clips on the set of Every Night throwing a party for LDG....

According to c-subbers, CH told KBS that she saw her father in the subway. She followed him, but it's not him. She's crying and drinking because of her disappointment of that person not being her father. That's how I understood from the c-subbed episode, but that guy sure looks like her father. Realistically, I don't know how CH would be able to run to the other side of the platform in time to verify that man's identity before the subway train takes him away.

CH may have a soft spot for Kang, but I think after he rejected her, she put aside her feelings for him. Besides, KBS was right in her face being so nice to her. Which girl can resist a nice guy like that?! But I think what appealed to CH the most about KBS is his professionalism and how smart and knowledgeable he is about Korean art and artifacts. She is impressed by him.

thanks Merela for the info, now we know why she was drinking and very upset. i'm surprise they didn't show CH chasing after her look-alike father..guess the subtitle really means a lot for us to fully understand the whole scene...

putting aside her feelings for Kang is being profesional, so they can still work without feeling any uneasiness...

Probably a typo.... I think it meant to read "smog", since the air in Beijing is pretty polluted.

yes! that was a typo....should be smog! hahaha sorry lime9! and thanks kanshu!

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Jastinel, why can't you watch another drama, just because Suna isn't in it?

Well... I'm not an actor fan, so chances are slim you'll find me in Suna's thread (or any other actor's thread, for the matter). But my signature will usually tell you what threads I'm visiting. :)

Another cooperation between Suna and LDG would certainly be interesting; it's just a question if he'll get much done before his military service begins. And he wants to find a girl to get married to in between, too... :sweatingbullets:

WIAN will be a good memory, but first, I need six more episodes to dissect! I'm already looking forward to the discussion of the next three weeks.

Like, I don't want to see Tl Kang just give up like that! Were will all the bickering between KBs and HCH go, if KBS is no longer jealous?

And on a side note, what happened to KBS co-host GF? He hasn't dumped her yet, unless that happened in a scene we haven't seen so far... I feel sorry for her. She is in love with KBS, to a point where she's willing to give up her career to be with him, and what does KBS do? He's falling for someone else and won't even tell her... How bad will she feel? Or did KBS take the chance when he said he was dating HCH, and hoped that the rumour would spread and the GF got the clue?

I think, that part of the plot is important enough to be addressed in a scene, just to show that KBS is serious about being with one girl and properly ending things with whoever else he's dating (I wonder if co-host girl was the only one who thought she was special to KBS, or if there's a bunch of angry girls who'll unleash their anger on KBS...?).

i'm with you sis Jastinel! I can't really put my attention as much to any other kdrama unless Suna's in it. :D

6 episodes to go, those 10 episodes went by so fast, and i'm beginning to miss this thread...hu hu hu! i hope in the end KBS and HCH will still have some bickering and making up to do......

And on a side note, on episode 11,

it seems they might not be filming on Han River anymore. Maybe it's got to do with the weather? So the kiss scene has been changed to another place. As far as I know now, it's on hotel grounds. And I believe the identity of Hong Gil Dong would be revealed at the end of Episode 11. But again, this is subject to change.

Anyways, I think that maybe I should stop revealing such things, since nothing is set in stone until the actors really carry out the acting. I just wanted to share with everyone this little nugget of info which I'm totally looking forward to see in Episode 11~~

As to where my source is, it's mbc daum cafe.

ohhhhhhh...stupid weather! :D that would have been more romantic if it was in Han River...

NO!!! keep those spoilers coming ebrigid!!!! put us in excitement mood..hahaha right?????

wish i can log into mbc daum cafe...you have to be a resident of Korea to join right???

is anybody having problems with soompi???????

i keep hitting refresh to make the screen appear......

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i'm with you sis Jastinel! I can't really put my attention as much to any other kdrama unless Suna's in it. :D

6 episodes to go, those 10 episodes went by so fast, and i'm beginning to miss this thread...hu hu hu! i hope in the end KBS and HCH will still have some bickering and making up to do......

ohhhhhhh...stupid weather! :D that would have been more romantic if it was in Han River...

NO!!! keep those spoilers coming ebrigid!!!! put us in excitement mood..hahaha right?????

wish i can log into mbc daum cafe...you have to be a resident of Korea to join right???

is anybody having problems with soompi???????

i keep hitting refresh to make the screen appear......

..,so you too are having problem like that..,

..,thought my laptop or my internet connection was the problem..,

..,wonder what's the problem????

..,mornin guy'z ;)

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Good morning everyone!

Hahaha...You really know me Sis Alodia. How are you? You`ve been very busy lately...missed u Sis!

Kanshu, I have a problem in appreciating other K-drama, Honestly, I don`t even watch local programs, specially Telenovelas. I discovered MNIKSS because of my kids, when it was aired here in the Philippines, I saw my daughter watching it and Suna caught my attention, for the first episode of MNIKSS was so amazing, that I thought it`s already the climax of the story. From that day on, I got addicted to it...but my biggest problem is....I can`t watch any other K-drama w/o Suna in it. She`s the only actress that I can watch without getting disappointed about her acting. I guess, we all watch TV programs because it can make us laugh and cry most of the time or we can get some important info from that show. But for me, I would watch it because, my favorite actress is in it. So, it doesn`t matter if it is a highly rated show or not, I`m just fortunate to find (SUNA) an actress that got everything and satisfy me all the time. But I do watch Korean movies, mostly Horror films.

Good day everyone! Happy Birthday KBS (LDG)! I wish you all the happiness and success. May u find the right partner in life soon...

..,agree with you jastinel, i don't watch kdrama or local drama if i don't like the actors, one factor of a drama is the actors some people watch it because its their idol was one of the cast. As for me I only watch kdrama if KSA was there thats a big factor for me..,

Since the MNIKSS I am really addicted to her, her personality is so great i've seen all her guesting and interview she is so comidic but cute, people interviewing her always say she is really funny, talented person and has a good sense of humor. Just wish she has a lover it would make really for her.

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sorry everyone! but i'm just wondering if someone can do a translation on this article....please??

can someone do a quick translation for this article.....pretty please....i know it's not part of EVery night...but, thanks you..

[스타리서치] 한국판 섹스 앤 더 시티 내맘대로 캐스팅!




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Guest mead33
And on a side note, on episode 11,

it seems they might not be filming on Han River anymore. Maybe it's got to do with the weather? So the kiss scene has been changed to another place. As far as I know now, it's on hotel grounds. And I believe the identity of Hong Gil Dong would be revealed at the end of Episode 11. But again, this is subject to change.

Anyways, I think that maybe I should stop revealing such things, since nothing is set in stone until the actors really carry out the acting. I just wanted to share with everyone this little nugget of info which I'm totally looking forward to see in Episode 11~~

As to where my source is, it's mbc daum cafe.

ah... nono... ebrigid, do keep the golden nuggets of info coming, we are just masochists who likes to torture ourselves with anticipation and hope :w00t:

btw, what is mbc daum cafe?

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Guest fiona1111
sorry everyone! but i'm just wondering if someone can do a translation on this article....please??

can someone do a quick translation for this article.....pretty please....i know it's not part of EVery night...but, thanks you..

[스타리서치] 한국판 섹스 앤 더 시티 내맘대로 캐스팅!




I think the article did some research on which Korean actors/actresses would be best to play the roles of the Sex and the City characters if the movie was remade in Korea. Kim Sun Ah was chosen to best play Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Kim Hye Soo as Samantha (Kim Catrall),Kim Ji Soo for Miranda and Son Ye Jin Charlotte. Jang Dong Gun, meanwhile, was chosen as the most suitable actor to play Carrie's boyfriend, Mr. Big.


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Guest jastinel
I think the article did some research on which Korean actors/actresses would be best to play the roles of the Sex and the City characters if the movie was remade in Korea. Kim Sun Ah was chosen to best play Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Kim Hye Soo as Samantha (Kim Catrall),Kim Ji Soo for Miranda and Son Ye Jin Charlotte. Jang Dong Gun, meanwhile, was chosen as the most suitable actor to play Carrie's boyfriend, Mr. Big.


Wow, that is a great idea! I hope Sex and the City will have a Korean re make/version and I`d like the idea that Suna will portray Carrie. I have a collection of DVD of some of the episode of Sex and the City and I enjoyed watching it. But none of the cast is my favorite. JDG to be Suna`s leading man...wow that is a big bonus. I hope MBC, SBS or KBS can produce this project in the near future. Love to see Suna in a glamorous role!

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Guest fiona1111
Wow, that would be great! I hope Sex and the City will have a Korean re make/version and I`d like the idea that Suna will portray Carrie. I have a collection of DVD of some of the episode of Sex and the City and I enjoyed watching it. But none of the cast is my favorite. JDG to be Suna`s leading man...wow that is a big bonus. I hope MBC, SBS or KBS can produce this project in the near future. Love to see Suna in a glamorous role!

Kim Sun Ah would be great as Carrie, cause she would be able to carry the clothes well, don't you think? :) and she would look great paired with JDG too. :D

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I think the article did some research on which Korean actors/actresses would be best to play the roles of the Sex and the City characters if the movie was remade in Korea. Kim Sun Ah was chosen to best play Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Kim Hye Soo as Samantha (Kim Catrall),Kim Ji Soo for Miranda and Son Ye Jin Charlotte. Jang Dong Gun, meanwhile, was chosen as the most suitable actor to play Carrie's boyfriend, Mr. Big.


thanks for the translation fiona1111! that will be so cool if they would make a drama out of SITC, especially with SunAh as the lead...

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Guest kanshu
Looking at the way things are going for KBS now - He's lost his position in the university (actually not sure on this point, was he really axed from the uni or just demoted?), he's lost his hosting gig on TV....I think most of his "girlfriends" were just hanging on to him cos of his status. Maybe that co-host was also one of those women who only hankered after his status. And so I doubt we'll be seeing those "girlfriends" of his any time soon. But I do agree that it would be weird to not see that side of KBS being addressed. One moment, he's constantly on the phone with a number of women, and then suddenly he doesn't seem to have any contact with any other women. But I think the pace of the show now doesn't give time to address this issue now. Cos we need to find Hong Gil Dong now!

Maybe towards the last 2 episodes, we might see him put a clear end to his flirtatious ways.

He hasn't lost his job at the university... the way I see it, he was waiting for the next open position as a professor, and he was certain to get the position because of all the boot licking he had done, only to find out in the moment of his "triumph" that the position was given to someone else (that egmomaniac guy with more family-connections). To make things worse, afterwards, he was told that about 3/3rd of his classes where being taken over by that egomaniac guy, since that person had to "fill up my schedule". KBS must've felt smacked in the face left and right at that time... on top of it, he turned down the prestigious position at the time...

Anyway, yes, he was fired from the TV job, and he fully expected to be fired from his consultant job as well; just that for some reason he wasn't. I don't know if KBS is suspicious or at least trying to figure out why he kept the consultant position (I, for my part, would be wondering about that, but perhaps I'm too deep into the swamp of RL company politics not to worry about such stuff), the minimum he ought to do is find out the power players and who's connected how outside of the museum. But in any case, he still has a very high position that gets extremly well paid "on jump to civil service", so why should the girls back off? If any, he has become more attractive to position-seekers than before...

I'm totally enjoying the discussions going on here. Thanks everyone!

Thank you for participating! The more people participate and share their thoughts, the better! :D

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Guest mead33
Anyway, yes, he was fired from the TV job, and he fully expected to be fired from his consultant job as well; just that for some reason he wasn't. I don't know if KBS is suspicious or at least trying to figure out why he kept the consultant position

yes, he was puzzled why they let him keep his consultant job. I don't remember exactly when he puzzled over it but if I remembered correctly, he was discussing with his friend or HCH about it or he was mumbling about it after his meeting with the boss

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Guest kanshu
Hi kanshu!

You bet! Jastinel won't watch any other drama if Suna's not there. I tried many times to lure her into watching other dramas but she won't. Sometimes she'll give it an episode or two but she'll stop. :lol:

Aw shucks. I had hoped to see her over at Lawyers, because that show is hilarious. (And I had the strangest, whascko dream last night of KBS and HCH getting mixed up with MG and the others... KBS was called in to appraise the autheticy of smexy coffee shopguy's coffee, and then found out by accident that the pillows on MG's sofa are actually some artefact used belonging to some emperor, and somehow HCH and YK were fighting teeth and claws over wether the pillows should be brought to the museum or not, while MG and KBS had a battle of wits... Really whacko. :sweatingbullets: )

Me, after learning about kdramas I watch some every now and then. I love watching dramas (jastinel unnie prefers watching movies), but i'm very picky. I have my favorite list, but for me everything falls short to MNIKSS. So I always end up rewatching MNIKSS after watching a drama. hahaha... i guess i need medication. ^^

My first kdrama was Full House, and I remember I was taken aback. Mostly, because I was used to jdrama, which are much more subtle... also, I had quite a few problems with reading the body language (both in jdrama and kdrama), and the social structure presented (i.e. how they treated women...) clash quite a bit with my experiences and knowledge out of my European culture background. So I've ever since tried to do my homework on learning about the cultures of Japan and Korea (later on, when I started watching TWdrama, I looked into that, too). For jdrama, I've also started learning the language. Okay, that's not quite true, I started learning Japanese because of Minekura Kazuya, but that's a very different story). During learning the basics of Japanese (don't misunderstand, I don't really speak or understand much Japanesee language), I also got taught a lot of other things about the country and read up a lot of things, and of course watched more jdrama. As I understood those better, I watched !% of anything, for some reason, and then rewatched Full House... and noticed for the first time how all that screaming was not just screaming but there were so many subtle changes in how RAin's character yelled at his "wife"... which made me look into other kdrama... Then, there was that run-in with "The Invisible Man", which had me so rattled, because I didn't expect the ending to be like that. I'm used to Happy Endings, because that's how things work in European shows.

Anyway... I think it was Sweet 18 that brought me back to kdrama after that shock, (with some detour via "Meteor Garden" and "Prince Who Turned into a Frog", and not to forget "Better Halves" :sweatingbullets: ), and after I got used to the very different way of storytelling in kdrama, I found myself lured to the characters... because the stories were getting boring pretty fast (which is why I'm thrilled by Lawyers of Korea - the outside of the characters, the story is great so far and I'm really chewing on my fingernails to see how that story developes)...

So nowadays, I'm watching for the characters, mostly... though there are some shows on my "watch" list that I want to watch, I also go and watch at least one episode of every new drama to see if there's any interesting character in the midst of a plot that has been done to death (sometimes, I'm lucky - "Fantasy Couple" was such a pleasent surprise... the opening scene of that show has to be one of the best I've ever seen in kdrama; or Rude Women, same goes for "30.000 Miles in search of my son"... while "Sweet Seoul" ultimately fell off the rooster because of the lead character... same goes for "Bad Couple", which started great but the second pairing in the show made me stop watching that, and Gourmet doesn't do anything for me at all). Of course, if a show has an actor/actress in it who I think will deliver good work based on prior shows, it's a plus, of course... I'm curious as to how well the actor makes the new character differ from what he's done before. :)

And now I better shut up before I sound like egomaniac professor just alking about myself here! Sorry!!!

Waaahhh :tears: time flies only 6 episodes left... just 3 more weeks (and yet i still have a lot of backtracking to do).

I scrubbed ep10 and i think i'm going to like it. i just love how Sun Ah cries... No other actress can make me cry while watching like her. Well, it's her tears in MNIKSS that made me love her. ^^*

Bam Bam fighting!

I'm surprised, too... this thread moves so fast, and it has so many good discussions in it!

As for crying characters... there's a time and place for that... if it gets too much, I'm turned off. Like, HCH is close to annoying me because what made her appealing (her strength and how she fought back her tears) is replaced by that typical heroine-cries-her-heart-out-twice-per-episode type of person. Which I can't stand at all. Which doesn't mean I think Suna's a bad cryer; as far as crying goes, she does a great job. :)

yes, he was puzzled why they let him keep his consultant job. I don't remember exactly when he puzzled over it but if I remembered correctly, he was discussing with his friend or HCH about it or he was mumbling about it after his meeting with the boss

Yes, he mumbled about it after his meeting, but what I'm missing is the short scene where he actually goes and gathers information about what's going on. One sentence would be enough... Or perhaps, that is the reason why he's sucking up to Tie Guy and his Pink-shirted colleague? Those two certainly know a lot about the inner works and politics of the Museum, so he might just think about milking them for information.

Good morning everyone!

Hahaha...You really know me Sis Alodia. How are you? You`ve been very busy lately...missed u Sis!

Kanshu, I have a problem in appreciating other K-drama, Honestly, I don`t even watch local programs, specially Telenovelas. I discovered MNIKSS because of my kids, when it was aired here in the Philippines, I saw my daughter watching it and Suna caught my attention, for the first episode of MNIKSS was so amazing, that I thought it`s already the climax of the story. From that day on, I got addicted to it...but my biggest problem is....I can`t watch any other K-drama w/o Suna in it. She`s the only actress that I can watch without getting disappointed about her acting. I guess, we all watch TV programs because it can make us laugh and cry most of the time or we can get some important info from that show. But for me, I would watch it because, my favorite actress is in it. So, it doesn`t matter if it is a highly rated show or not, I`m just fortunate to find (SUNA) an actress that got everything and satisfy me all the time. But I do watch Korean movies, mostly Horror films.

Good Morning to you, too. :)

Horror Films! *shudder* I think, that's about the only genre that I give wide berth to. :sweatingbullets:

Ah, so sad, Jastinel. I thought I'd see you over at the Lawyers thread... I thought if you like WIAN, Lawyers would be just up your line of shows that you might like, because it's fun and has great acting.

Ah well.. I guess that we'll meet in a thread about Suna's next drama. Or are you going to follow LDG's dramas from now on, too? His performance is sure intense. I wonder if he'll be able to return to it after his military service, or if KBS is one brilliant shining moment in his career, acting wise.

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