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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest kanshu
And about Little Brother being HGD, that would really be some plot twist! Who knows, perhaps it's really him, and he wants to lure his father out of hiding so that he'll get his punishment? It would make sense... he said himself how he hates his father, and only now he's old enough to actually do something...

Interesting indeed. Boy, it would really be the twist of the drama if little brither is HGD. But it could be him as he's really angry with his father and he wants to help CH so that she'll have a happier life.

Probably... but if he did that, wouldn't it be really short-sighted? He'd get caught, sooner or later, and would that make HCH any happier? Then again, he's still somewhat naive when it comes to "doing the right thing"... :sweatingbullets:

That aside. But did you all notice how flawless Suna's skin is? Her complexion is so good and you do not see

a spot or a blemish on her face. Wish I can remain like her when I'm her age. She is indeed a beauty. Wish I

could feel her hand. Guess it must be real smooth. She's so fair.

It's the power of make-up artists and beauty treatment. :ph34r:

It would need to see her without make-up and close-up to veryfiy your assessment, sueyip. :ph34r: *runs for cover*

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Guest kanshu
thanks kanshu! do you think lee so young can pull off Joo Hyun too if she took the role?? would she fit as Joo Hyun?

I think Kim Jung Hwa is doing a superb job, her acting is not that annoying to a point where you just wanna throw things at her or slap her silly.....she's not dumb either...well i'm babbling here, i better skim through lawyers of korea to have a better idea..

i'm off, g'nite everyone!

Mmm... Well... It would have been her own version of JH... but after seeing her in Lawyers... No, not the way the character is now. The character of Lady WAng wouldn't be so hilariously absurd if played by any other actress, and LSY wouldn't have been able to make her the "person" we all love so much.

That doesn't mean I think she couldn't have pulled off the role of JH at all, but it would have been a very different "person" in the end. :)

As for skimming, it might give you some false impressions... so if you find the time, watch the two episodes that have softsubs as a whole. :)

Talking about, I skimmed through the second episode of BON-subbed WIAN this morning before going to work, and I realized that the entire scne of KBS being desperately hunting for a job plays out very differently after knowing all the things I know now about the character, and also considering the new information provided by the translation.

I was just thinking "Gosh!" and thought "how hard must he have been struggling to get where he was?"... Plus, the humiliation wasn't just being outsmarted by HCH; he was angry at himself over being such a fool to waste a great chance, and then he has to hear from that egomaniac of Professor that he'd sure have success finding a job "in the countryside" after being told that his teaching hours have been cut AND he has little to no chance of getting a job at any of the other Seoul universities because he is "too famous/popular"... Poor KBS must've felt like his world has collapsed that moment. I should do a new "thoughts" on the character sometime. :)

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here's the synopsis from dirfree for episode 10, hope this helps..

i'm gonna backthread if i could find 8 and 9...

kpopit's probably busy or maybe she's not interested in re-capping anymore? hu hu hu..... :tears: nonetheless, thanks to kpopit... :D:D

..,thankz so much mzpakipot!!! you're an angel :)

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Guest kanshu
*runs for cover*

You don't need to, kanshu. That was just a comment. Heard that her complexion is

really that good even without makeup on. Some people are real lucky, right?

:D So can come out of the closet again? :)

But if she has a really good skin, that's sure a bonus. Does she live a healthy life style? Like, non smoking and no serious tanning?

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So can come out of the closet again?

Yes, come right out. No bad eggs waiting for you ... hahaha.

But if she has a really good skin, that's sure a bonus. Does she live a healthy life style? Like, non smoking and no serious tanning?

Noticed that jastinel is here. Perhaps she can answer your question.

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Guest kanshu
So can come out of the closet again?

Yes, come right out. No bad eggs waiting for you ... hahaha.

Hah, no bad eggs perhaps, but what about that strange smelling stuff you hide behind your back? ;D

But if she has a really good skin, that's sure a bonus. Does she live a healthy life style? Like, non smoking and no serious tanning?

Noticed that jastinel is here. Perhaps she can answer your question.

:) That would be nice. I think LDG is a smoker? His finger tips and gums look like it... but then, images can be misleading...

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Guest kanshu
I think LDG is a smoker... saw a picture of him smoking on the set of WIAN ....

Ah... I thought as much, probably left-hand smoker, riht? The gum over his left canine tooth is slightly blue-ish; you can usually tell when one of those actors smiles broadly wether they smoke regularly or not by looking at the gum over their canine teeth... the more bluish the skin, the heavier they smoke... plus, of course, you can tell from the yellowish edges around the finger nails and finger joints.

Something funny I learned when watching drama shows... in japanese dramas, characters will usually smoke, but only drink when they are desperate. In korean dramas, smoking usually only happens when you have a bad-guy character or the lead character is in the dumpster (usually, the smoking stops as soon as the character got his act together again), while drinking/getting drunk is a regular occurence... in Taiwanese drama series, you will find neither smoking nor excessive drinking (outside of rare occasions when they drink and do stupid things because of that - serving as a lecture, so to speak)...

Of course, there are exceptions to that, but I found the different approach in each country on it interesting.

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I believe Suna doesn't smoke. She had a hard time acting like a smoker in "Yesterday" and if you watch closely, she doesn't really have the mannerisms of a smoker in that scene.

And she's always sporting light make up on. And remember, she was an endorser of DHC. They wouldn't have chosen her if she doesn't have good skin. She should have been included in the poll made by top cosmetic surgeons for the category of good skin. (that was just last month, from empas news)

Ahh, I'm a bit disappointed that LDG smokes. :(

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Guest kanshu
i heard that LDG got injured recently..is that true..???

I haven't heard anything about that, but Suna got injured badly during filming... perhaps those two got mixed up?

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Guest winwetty
I haven't heard anything about that, but Suna got injured badly during filming... perhaps those two got mixed up?

hoho..i think so..

i just knew when i read dramabean's site saying that the lead actor got injured...

so i was think it must be LDG...

but Suna got injured..


what happen to her..?

i hope it's not that bad...

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Guest kanshu
I was not really sure whether his parents were dead but, based on his behaviour, I just assumed that he did not have much guidance from his parents. His "I, me, and myself first" attitude tells me that he has been a survivor all his life depending on his wits to be ahead of the game. No wonder he is so self-centred and selfish; it's because he did not have to answer to anyone or for that matter be answerable to any other authority but himself. The other drawback for KBS is his intelligence; he is so smart that he does, in some way look down on people who is not his intellectual equal. The only people that, in a way, kept him grounded were his grandparents.

Mmmm... I wonder... I agree with you that he must have depended on his wits a lot, being an orphan. I'm sure society wasn't too kind on him. Still, his "me, myself & I" attitude can't be that old. It's not something he aquired just a year ago, but it isn't something he had in his youth. The foundations may have been laid then, when he learned that other kids with more important families took up the spots that he liked; but he grew up in the countryside (and his grandparents look like they are strict enough to keep him on a leash and taught him about respect) and probably didn't have to face the harsh truth of the power of money until after he left to study, and get a job. My guess is that he bumped into the kind of character like egomaniac Prof guy before, and was "cheated" out of a position that he should've earned by his hard work and superior knowledge.

I agree with you on the intelligence part; in addition to what you said, I also think that he is probably the kind of person who doesn't think things through. He probably has a plan that's based on gut instinct rather than in-depth planning and strategy. Part of the reason for this could be the sense of supriority that he has; knowledgewise and skill wise, he's certainly correct in his assumption to be the best in his field, but there's more needed to be successful than keen workmanship and a smart brain.

I wonder what was on KBS "schedule for life", had he succeeded about getting that tenure at the university... would his next step have included finding a daughter of a higher echelon to marry him into the high society class, so that he'd finally have the right connections? Or would that have been his last resort if he had failed to get another job?

Actually, that question is really interesting as well... if KBS had not managed to get the job as a consultant at the museum after loosing that bowl to HCH, and given that he wouldn't have gotten a job at another university within Seuol... what you think his strategy would've been?

KBS is a highly intelligent fellow and he may be a bit greedy about money but he is not stupid either. The way I size him up, he is the type of a guy who can squeeze out of a tight situation. I am not worried about his losing control Kanshu; the only thing right now that he is losing control of is his feelings for HC....he...he...he..he... HC is becoming a big influence in his life and may just be the person to make him change his ways. In a way there is a parallelism in the way KBS has been conducting his life and HC's father's way of life. HC's father robs while KBS has no qualms in selling off treasures to the highest bidder.

:) May I remind you about the scenes right after he discovered that the scroll had been stolen? That had nothing to do with HCH initially, but he was completely freaked out. Or his reaction about losing his job, as a "reduced" version of things.

But you are right, his biggest problem right now is that he's head over heels in love with HCH, and he's not standing the slightest chance against that feeling.

BTW, on a funny side note, when I watched episode 2 again with subs... the one thing that I noticed is that his thoughts were already completely occupied by HCH at that time. Because all he ever talks about is her! :)

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Guest jastinel
So can come out of the closet again?

Yes, come right out. No bad eggs waiting for you ... hahaha.

But if she has a really good skin, that's sure a bonus. Does she live a healthy life style? Like, non smoking and no serious tanning?

Noticed that jastinel is here. Perhaps she can answer your question.

As far as I know Suna doesn`t smoke. I`m happy that she looks even beautiful now than KSS days, She has some blemishes on the right side of her face before, but you know, there`s a lot of ways to erase that on your skin.

She is flawless on screen, You will notice if she have foundation on or w/o, during the crying scene in epi 10, I think she doesn`t have any make-up. But who knows, I haven`t seen her in person, But my guess is... she is much prettier in person!

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Guest kanshu
hoho..i think so..

i just knew when i read dramabean's site saying that the lead actor got injured...

so i was think it must be LDG...

but Suna got injured..


what happen to her..?

i hope it's not that bad...

She slipped on a wet tile and re-injured her right shoulder when they were filming episode 6. She was rushed to hospital, but returned to the set in a wheelchair later that night. She was under the influence of heavy painkillers, but still completed filming. Then she checked herself back into hospital again; the doctors said that it needs three weeks minimum for the injury to heal, and if she isn't carefully, there might be some nasty aftereffects.

The powers that be decided to rewrite episodes 7+8+9, so that they could include HCH's injury into the story and make it a bit easier on KSA. So that sling she's wearing (and probably the drip, too) are not props, but very real, and when she looks sickly/exhausted during the "trip to the temple", it's because behind the scenes, she had hr arm in a sling. If you watch her move, you'll see that she doesn't move her right arm very much, too.

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Guest winwetty
She slipped on a wet tile and re-injured her right shoulder when they were filming episode 6. She was rushed to hospital, but returned to the set in a wheelchair later that night. She was under the influence of heavy painkillers, but still completed filming. Then she checked herself back into hospital again; the doctors said that it needs three weeks minimum for the injury to heal, and if she isn't carefully, there might be some nasty aftereffects.

The powers that be decided to rewrite episodes 7+8+9, so that they could include HCH's injury into the story and make it a bit easier on KSA. So that sling she's wearing (and probably the drip, too) are not props, but very real, and when she looks sickly/exhausted during the "trip to the temple", it's because behind the scenes, she had hr arm in a sling. If you watch her move, you'll see that she doesn't move her right arm very much, too.

oh really...

poor Suna...

i only till episode 5 at the moment...

thanks so much for the info

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Is there any bigmail links for epi 9? I'm having trouble downloading that epi using MU. It's just so slow. I've been downloading epi 9 since Tuesday and it just won't finish. Sometimes the page expires, and most of the time, I need to shut my computer down. Aigoo, epi 11 is fast approaching and I still haven't watched epi 9 yet. Huhuhu.

For me, bigmail is faster. Anyone, please help.

Thanks. :)

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