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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest mead33

omg ...i was at the dcinside website, and they say that the drama is going to be extended by 1 more episode. I don't know if it's going to be a special or not, or an extension of the original 16 episode drama. But I'm excited. It means that this drama can prolong itself some more in my memories....I can't imagine life without this show when this ends....sobs...

And the dcinside pple visited the staff today, with gifts etc.

Good nite, and good morning everyone! I'm logging off

wow, my heart literally leapt when i read this... thanks ebrigid, hope that it will be true! sweet dreams to you! :D

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sorry i missed the discussion..gone for an hour.....:(

thanks for providing us the recap mead33!

wish cutiepie will post the LQ......




kinna slow...52kbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

..,waaah mzpakipot sis won't work for me :(

is there any dl link :(

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just a little clip....wonder what they're talking about Gyoon..




here's link for DL...it's really really slow though,,,



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Guest bbysm1ley

does anyone happen to have the HQ (.avi) version of the episode??

sorry i missed the discussion..gone for an hour.....:(

thanks for providing us the recap mead33!

wish cutiepie will post the LQ......




kinna slow...52kbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

oh woops. its here. puhahahaa.

wait.. is this the whole episode? O_O

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just a short clip, having a meal just the three of them....so cute!

any translation??


does anyone happen to have the HQ (.avi) version of the episode??

oh woops. its here. puhahahaa.

wait.. is this the whole episode? O_O

yes, it's for episode 13

you have to DL the HQ....it's kinna slow though..good luck

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- At the funeral parlour, HCH says to her dad that they have missed him greatly. They will take care of themselves, so please RIP. Outside, KBS silently stands by looking at the sibling (omigosh, LDG must be very poor thing, wonder how he managed to this scene)

yes, poor thing..im sure the thought of his brother came to his mind.

- After the meal, HCH insists on sending KBS to his car. She thanked KBS for taking care of GYOON. KBS says since you are grateful to me, why don't you stay at my place when GYOON holidays? HCH says are you kidding and tries to send him off.

that's really funny! i appreciate this recap..she should have said yes then! lol guess we're gonna have to wait for tomorrow's episode to see that...so sweet!

- KBS goes to confront GYOON about the new artifact at the bus station. GYOON is about to leave for his "holiday". GYOON says that it is not him who did it and he further asked KBS to help him look after his sister. KBS says don't worry I will take care of her for life :w00t: (so sweet). Someone is following them.

oh crap! so that's why Gyoon looked beat up for the next episode....so someone followed him, didn't really get the chance to go somewhere...

- There is another training session like that in the first episode. One of the masked man is Kim Sang!

yes, it is definitely Kim Sang the guy behind the mask...but why is he there for the training? is he trying to steal those artifacts back? and then put the blame on HCH's team? hmmmm????

parts of ep.13 being uploaded on my yt now

here's part 1


wooohooo! thanks kassuma..

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Guest jastinel

Aigoo DL link is up...


Looks like we only have guest last night and I hope Kanshu can provide the synopsis of todays episode.

Luv for the screen caps.

Thanks mzpakipot for all the DL link!

I did not stay awake for the whole night for I might get sick again. So, I just wake up early to be able to DL episode 13.

Suna can win an award from being a dramatic actress...her acting was excellent in the first part of this epi 13.

ebrigid, that is a great news for all of us, additional one episode would be so nice!

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Aigoo DL link is up...


Looks like we only have guest last night and I hope Kanshu can provide the synopsis of todays episode.

Luv for the screen caps.

Thanks mzpakipot for all the DL link!

I did not stay awake for the whole night for I might get sick again. So, I just wake up early to be able to DL episode 13.

Suna can win an award from being a dramatic actress...her acting was excellent in the first part of this epi 13.

ebrigid, that is a great news for all of us, additional one episode would be so nice!

yeah, you need to watch your health sis...remember we can always dl from aigoo...:)

what guest? who?

yeah, wonder where kanshu is? haven't seen kanshu around...:(

there wasn't any screen caps from dcinside, so patiently waiting for LUV's sc..thanks in advance LUV!!

i'd say extend it for 2-4 episodes! then that's asking too much...hehehe i wish!!

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Guest *alodia*


I wasn't able to watch last night's episode LIVE... I didn't wake up in time...

My only chance now is Ep 15 and I hope I still have mon night off at that time.

Anyone knows where I can get EP12 Ental? It's still not in WITHS2's clubbox, but EP 13 is already there.

I hope someone can upload it to WITHS2s clubbox...

*i just finished re-watching MNIKSS. I was trying to stop myself from re-watching, but watching the remake of MNIKSS makes me want to watch MNIKSS again. And as always, i'm having my withdrawals (grr... i hate myself! now i can't sleep and i can't stop thinking about samsoon and samshik).

I badly need WIAN to nurse my MNIKSS withdrawals... kekeke

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