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Guest pink-blush

i cant wait for Goong 2...why dun they just start the shooting now...hiks hiks T.T

i miss YEH&JJH couple....

im also excited about goong 2! i cant wait!! yayks!.. does anybody here know when will they start shooting it?.. im just wondering.. :)

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hahahahaha. you should be patient ( I also miss them , too ) . Maybe, we are the same boat . :w00t::D

i cant...ppl start to talk bout YEH&KJK when they were on Xmen show....

im sooooo not agree YEH with KJK...she rather with other guy than KJK...(sorry KJK lover...i like KJK too but i just culdn't c him with YEH....YEH only for JJH) :D

im also excited about goong 2! i cant wait!! yayks!.. does anybody here know when will they start shooting it?.. im just wondering.. :)

i read that they're gonna start to shoot on August 06

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Guest mytafan

i cant...ppl start to talk bout YEH&KJK when they were on Xmen show....

im sooooo not agree YEH with KJK...she rather with other guy than KJK...(sorry KJK lover...i like KJK too but i just culdn't c him with YEH....YEH only for JJH) :D

hehehehe . Why do you seem to be the same my taste . I will support for JJH and YEH forever . B)

i read that they're gonna start to shoot on August 06

hichic It seems to be so long , I lose my patient , maybe . Before that I hope I can see more pics of them or news . I cannot wait in silence . :tears::(

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Guest pink-blush

i read that they're gonna start to shoot on August 06

whaa!! cant wait.. 8 more months till 2007.. thats a long way to go!

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hichic It seems to be so long , I lose my patient , maybe . Before that I hope I can see more pics of them or news . I cannot wait in silence . :tears::(

whaa!! cant wait.. 8 more months till 2007.. thats a long way to go!

I feel the same way as both of u.... :(:(:(

JJH&YEH 4EVER!!!! No Other just them.... ;)

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Guest cholo

im currently watching this drama its soo cute ^_^ here's my artwork tribute to my fave kdramas!!


just loved your "kindergarten" artwork... :):Psooo unique. and good choice of your fave Kdramas.my fave too. :)thanks for sharing.

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Anyway, I just finished the drama...2 weeks I ago I watched Goong on TV and it was around episodes 17-18, I didn't understand anything and I thought Joo Ji Hoon's acting was quite stiff. Anyway thanks to two friends I got to watch this with WITH S2's English translations. I skipped the episodes randomly only because I only like to see Chaegyung and Shin's parts. I also liked Yul... :lol: howver, I was skipping at lot to the point that I didn't understand much of the drama!!! But I still enjoyed it...just yesterday and today I tried hard to watch from episode 1 to episode 24 without skipping and as soon as I understood everything in the drama I found it less draggy and I started to like the cast as well. I think Yoon Eun Hye did a great job in this drama; her acting was just awesome. I love CG almost every single moment of the drama...her crying, her laughing, her joyous and childish self, her mature side, and her love for Shin-gun was just so interesting and hilarious. I love it whenever she tried to make him laugh or smile. And then as I watched the drama again I started to understand everything. I began to appreciate Shin's family more!!! I felt like Shin's a very "controlled", authoritive figure in this drama and for that I hate him, however, his gentleness and his "calmness" in dealing with problems totally won me over. I found Shin an impressive man and although there were remarks that he made that I dislike, somehow, I just felt like he had a great argument..like when Chaegyung was sick in episode 11 and her mother and father wanted to take her home...Shin said that he couldn't let her go because he is now her guardian (or protector) And then she resisted him by saying that she doesn't have to abide to his "allowings", but he told her that in the imperial place the wife has to follow what the husband decides. If you think about it, it might seem harsh the way he stated it just to control her attitudes, however, I find it reasonable because it's the truth that our society is constructed that way where we cannot escape the reality.

Anyway, I have so much more to say, but I really gotta go and do my homework. I might be back in two weeks after my finals and rant more about Shin and Chaegyung!!! This drama sure broke my heart from episodes 18-24. I felt sorry for CG, Shin, and Yul and there were scenes that I cried~ especially scenes with CG missing her mom and dad. :tears:

P.S. seems like the ending is weird, she didn't sleep with him for a while, it's funny that it ended as though she's pregnant or something..lol..

OH My GawD!!! I Am so totally agreeing with you...Seems like we're in the same boat kind of situation (I'm having my finals in a week but unfortunately it stretches over a month)...So the only thing that keeps my 'spare time' (short fragments/breaks where i allow myself to disengage from the 'studying' mode i am supposed to be in) is Re-Watching GOONG...

I guess it's ok now...that i don't have to like keep watching and chasing the drama since i've like ran through it like about "THREE FREAGIN TIMES"....Yeah and i get what you mean...The FIRST time i watched i was like chasing real fast to the ending and i didn't really catch the GIST of the whole story of the drama...more like just focusing on whether they get together or not...So the 1st time you'll enjoy CG(cos she's so gawd damn funny) more than SHIN (cos he was such a freagin 'Jerk')

Then when u watch it the second time..........Haihs....what to say.....U WILL FALL IN LOVE with SHIN.....I never got it the FIRST time i watched...why is he such a jerk??? what the hell is wrong with that idiot??...but then SECOND time round.....This guy has character man... one heck of a guy he is...The way he is always so composed (notice the way he walks...hands in pocket, knees never bent, always gently striding across the floor, so damn PRINCELY)...the way he can't express himself...and how he slowly, lil by lil open himself up.....How he does things for a reason but seem to others as being selfish/bastardy (especially to YUL and CG).....SHIN is an art....a classy type of art.....

Yeah and another thing i noticed is...SHIN is so damn weird in his speech....he always unexpectedly says something nice to CG (usually after a fight/misunderstanding cos he probably really feels sorry)...like kinda telling her how important she is...and more than once you will find her like softening up...but in the split second where her face show some relenting, he quickly catches that and will deliberately say soemthing hurtful/mean to make it seem like what he said the first time round as invalid....making her slouch in disappoinment again and again...

(quite good acting skills i would say of JJH first time round with the holding back expression...trying to cover up his true emotions expression)

But then again YEH RAWKS BIG TIME in her acting skills (i think she's better than JJH)....she's really very natural....=)...You can't spot her looking like she's 'trying' to act that part to suit the moment or etc...It feels like she's really the character itself...

Point is, i am going to watch GOONG over and over and over again until my exams are over....cos i don't wanna be caught up in another drama chasing frenzy at this critical point of time (so no new drama for me to watch)...but i'm glad that it is GOONG that i'll be watching...cos u sure can't get enough of it....=)

OH BTW Sunshine4ever (althought u'll prob not read this)....CG ain't pregnant...and again i don't think they consummated their marriage 'yet'..... :blush:

*what i think of GOONG watching it second time round*

*Now in my 3rd round...LOL*


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Guest kittylovespaolo

hello! i am super new here. just got in. :blush:

i just finished episode 7. so far, i'm LOVIN' it.

i'm trying to take it slow (though i'm so tempted to finish the whole thing already )

so i can 'internalize' every episode and deal. *taking it seriously folks!*

it's refreshing, fun, delightful, entertaining, feel good :D

diana-charles-camilla bizzare love triangle? good idea! i just hope no one's dying in a car crash anytime soon. :sweatingbullets:

do i need to say if i'm a shin camper or yul camper?

so far, i'm a shin camper. i like him. even though he's 'mean' to chae gyung right now.

i just know he'll figure it out later that he's crazy about her but he just doesn't know it yet.

is hyo rin gonna get really evil? oh i'll know that later right? :)

i have not really read this thread thoroughly yet.

i was already feeling light-headed when i saw it was 1000+ pages already ;)

BUT i must say you guys are smarties and really fun. i read the vocabulary already. cool :D

i hope i can find the time this whole thread later. :)

thanks. it's good to be here :)

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Guest Cuervo Gold




I think so too. Wasn't Shin taking so many pictures when they both ran away from home? It was probably taken after they buried their tickets. :) To this day, I'm still wondering what the Korean text meant. :(

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Guest mei_yee_chan

Hey, I'm back to this thread which has grown massively! 1865 pages!

I finally caught up on Goong after a month or so (was working my butt off...:lol: ). I'm kinda sasd that it's over though quite a few people have told me that the 24 episodes were a little too draggy. Oh well, I enjoyed it till the last episode. I never regretted watching this drama and I can't wait for the second season. Excellent stuff!

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Guest cutiepad

I finished downloading and watching the entire series of GOONG.. Totally love the show.. its a good thing that I didn't read the manga, or I would probably have condem it...BUT yeah.. this show just rocks big time...

I feel for the entire cast... each has their own unique problems. I really like the way 'Fate' was brought in as a reason for their plight as well. Its quite unpredictable for the simultaneous events that took place, which I think it a selling point for this series. It sorta keeps the viewers interested.

Shin is so freaking evil to Chaeyeon in the first few episodes. I really can't blame him though. I think 19years of training as a crown prince really did made him gave up alot of things.

I do believe that opposites attract and the love will be Deep only when the couple has managed to overcome obstacles together. It is the same with this series Goong. Chaeyeon is a unbelieveale person because for all her flaws, she still has this positive energy that she brings with her.

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*Credits to aheeyah.com and other individuals (sarangminwoo, shelly-yunsuklove*,Jungie) who did all these romanizations and translations!

*Some were taken from the English subtitles (subbed by the HEAVENS SUBBING SQUAD)

01. Perhaps Love (OST. Princess Hours/Goong)

Howl & J

uhn jeh yuht duhn guhn jee gee uhk nah jeen ah nah

jah kkoon nae muh ree gah nuh roh uh jee ruhp duhn shee jahk

hahn doo buhn ssheek dduh oh reu duhn saeng gahk

jah kkoo neul uh gah suh joh geum dang hwang seu ruh oon ee mah eum

byuhl eel ee ah neel soo eet dah goh

sah soh hahn mah eum ee rah goh

nae gah neh geh jah koo (neh geh jah koo)

mahl eul hah neun geh uh saek hahn guhl

sarang een gah yo geu dae nah wah gaht dah myuhn shee jahk een gah yo

mahm ee jah koo geu dael sarang hahn dae yo

ohn seh sang ee deud doh rohk soh ree chee neh yo

wae ee jeh yah deul lee jyoh~ OOH~

suh rohl mahn nah gee wee hae ee jeh yah sarang chah jaht dah goh

jee geum nae mah eum eul suhl myung hah ryuh hae doh

nee gah nae gah dweh uh mahm eul neu kkee neun bang buhp ppoong een deh

ee mee nahn nee ahn eh eet neun guhl

nae ahn eh nee gah eet deu shee

oo reen suh roh eh geh (suh roh eh geh)

ee mee geel deul yuh jeen jee mohl lah

sarang een gah yo geu dae nah wah gaht dah myuhn shee jahk een gah yo

mahm ee jah koo geu dael sarang hahn dae yo

ohn seh sang ee deud doh rohk soh ree chee neh yo

wae ee jeh yah deul lee jyoh~ OOH~

suh rohl mahn nah gee wee hae ee jeh yah sarang chah jaht dah goh

saeng gahk hae boh myuhn (saeng gahk hae boh myuhn) mah neun soon gahn sohk eh

(sohk eh)

uhl mah nah mah neun (YEAH~) suhl leh eem ee ssuht neun jee

joh geum neu jeun geu mahn keum nahn duh jahl hae jool kkeh yo..

hahm kkeh hahl kkeh yo choo uhk ee dwehl gee uhk mahn suhl mool hahl kkeh yo

dah sheen nae gyuh teh suh dduh nah jee mah yo

jjahl beun soon gahn joh chah doh bool ahn hahn guhl yo

nae geh muh mool luh jwuh yo~ OOH~

geu dael ee ruh geh mah nee (geu toh rohk mah nee)

sarang hah goh ee ssuh yo (geu dae yuh yah mahn) ee mee

Perhaps Love (Sarang Een Gah Yo/사랑인가요) :: Howl & J (from Goong/궁 OST) [tran]

I don't know when it all started

When my head became dizzy with thoughts of you

These thoughts would often pop up in my mind

I feel anxious as my heart expands towards you

It's nothing.. it's just a little thing

Your words are awkward to me

Is it love? If you feel the same way, is it a beginning?

My heart keeps saying it loves you

It screams out for the whole world to hear

Why has it taken so long for me to hear it~?

We've finally met.. finally found love

If I wanted to show you how I feel

The only way would be for you to become me

I'm already inside of you

Just like you're inside of me

To each other [to each other]

We may already be too accustomed

Is it love? If you feel the same way, is it a beginning?

My heart keeps saying it loves you

It screams out for the whole world to hear

Why has it taken so long for me to hear it~?

We've finally met.. finally found love

When I think about it [when I think about it]

I realize how many moments there were when my heart trembled

I'll try as harder as I was late in realizing my feelings

I'll be with you, I'll only give you fond memories

Please don't ever leave me again

Even the shortest moments without you make me uneasy

Please stay by me~

I already love you so much (you're the only one)

02. Give Me a Little Try / Seo Hyeon Jin

romanization by: Shelly -yunsuklove*- (also credit: aheeyah.com)

ajeek nareul moreugettjee

neega algo eettneungeon neomoona jageun ppooneelt'ende

maneun keol weonhajeen ana

keujeo neo-e kyeot'eseo soneul japgo eesseulge

ne noone peecheen eolhool maeumee malhaebwa

neutjeen anattjana (Just give me a little try)

high high eereok'e kaboneungeoya

and I tareun keereun p'eeryoeopseo

eet'rok paraewattdeon neo-e kiss

nae sarangee sheejakdwejana

moreuneungeon aneegettjee hangsang nae momsogeseo

maemdolgo eettneun saram neoraneungeol

nemoo meollee kajeen mara

jamsheeman keedaryeojweo tagaseol soo eettdorok

modeungeoseun ooyeonhee hangsang

ddo kapjagee chajaoneun keolkka

(Just give me a little try)

high high keedareemee neomoo keereo

and I na neo ppooneelgeol arasseo

eereok'e na-e nooneul kamgo kiss

give me a little try

Just give me a little try

every turn with me

nae soneul jabajweo hamkke ddo yeongweonhee

eereok'e naegewa joon keudaewa

high high eereok'e kaboneungeoya

and I tareun keereun p'eeryoeopseo

eet'rok paraewattdeon neo-e kiss

nae sarangeun Just give me a little try

Just give me a little try

02. Give me a little try/ Seo HyunJin

translation by: Jungie (also credit: aheeyah.com)

You don't know me yet.

You only know so little.

I don't know that much, I just want to stay by your side, holding your hand.

The face reflected in your eyes is expressing it's feelings.

It's not too late (just give me a little try)

high high we've just gotta try like this

I don't need another path to travel

your kiss that I've wanted for so long

is the beginning of my love.

There's no way that you don't know you're the

person always spinning in my heart.

Don't go too far, just wait a moment so I can approach you.

Why does everything always come so suddenly like fate?

(Just give me a little try)

high high waiting takes so long

and I know that I'm you're only one

I close my eyes and kiss

give me a little try

just give me a little try

every turn with me

Take my hand so that we can be together forever, now that you've come to my side.

high high we've just gotta try like this

and I don't need another path to travel

your kiss that I've wanted for so long

is the beginning of my love.

just give me a little try

03. Toogajee Mal / Jeong Jae Wook (ft. The One)

romanization by: Shelly -yunsuklove*- (also credit: aheeyah.com)

sarangee jool mollasseo salmyeoshee naeryeoanja

keunare haetsareul talmeu meesoro

keureok'e tagaon neoeende

sarangeelgeoya haesseo kamanhee seumyeodeureo-on

eoneunal talbeecheul tameun nooneuro

keureok'e ooseodoon neoraneun keol

I say nan algo sheep'eunde

neol pomyeon mamee teollyeo-oneun nareul

aesseodo wemyeonghaedo aneerago haedo

Im so in love with you

kyeolgoogen neoeende

nan kajeelsoo eopneunde

neol pomyeon mamee ap'aoneun nareul

jeeweobeoreeryeo haedo modoo ta eejeodo

nama eettneun mareen keol kyeogoogen nan aneende

eejeseoya arasseo eoneusae neol talma eettneun

neol pomyeo meesoreul jeetneun nae moseup

promise you eejeneun poyeojoolge

I say nan algo sheep'eunde

neol pomyeon mamee teollyeo-oneun nareul

aesseodo wemyeonghaedo aneerago haedo

Im so in love with you

nan kajeelsoo eopneunde

neol pomyeon mamee ap'aoneun nareul

jeeweobeoreeryeo haedo modoo ta eejeodo

nama eettneun mareen keol kyeogoogen nan aneende

smile again maneunge pyeonhagettjeeman

nae moseupdo oraedon chooeokdo yeh babe

smile again heemgyeo-oon jeenannal

neomaneul weehan joonbeeran keol nocheel soo eopseo

jebal nal pwajool soo eettnee

eereok'e ne twee-eseo eettneun nareul (nae twee-e eettneunnal)

ap'ado ootgo eettneun seulp'eodo meesojeetneun

Im so in love with you na yeogee eettneunde

eejen neo teureul soo eettnee

josheemseure kkeonaeboneun eemareul

aesseodo wemyeonhaedo aneerago haedo

honja twenae-eeneun eemal nae kyeot'e eesseojweo stay-

03. Two words/ Jung Jaewook (ft. The One)

translation by: Jungie (also credit: aheeyah.com)

I didn't know it was love, it slowly settled upon me.

With a smile like the day's sunlight, you come my way

I thought it might be love, it quietly crept up

With eyes like the moonlight, you're smiling.

I say I want to know

When I see you I begin to shake with nervousness,

no matter how I try to turn away and tell myself it isn't true.

I'm so in love with you

But in the end, it's you.

I can't have it

but when I see you, my heart is struck with pain

No matter how I erase and forget,

I'm left with the words: in the end it wasn't me.

I know now that I've become so much like you.

When I see you, I smile

Promise you I'll show you now

I say I want to know

When I see you I begin to shake with nervousness,

no matter how I try to turn away and tell myself it isn't true.

I'm so in love with you

But in the end, it's you.

I can't have it

but when I see you, my heart is struck with pain

No matter how I erase and forget,

in the end it wasn't me.

Smile again, though many things will change

like my appearance and these old memories

smile again despite the past days of hardships

I've prepared something just for you. I can't let you go

Can't you, please, look my way?

I'm standing here like this behind you,

laughing even though it hurts, smiling even though I'm sad.

I'm so in love with you, I'm right here.

Will you listen now?

To these words that I'm carefully taking out?

that I try to carefully take out

no matter how I try to turn away and say it isn't true,

I'm left repeating these words by myself, stay by my side, stay.

04. Nan Neol Saranghae Neoman Saranghae / Shim Tae Yoon

romanization by: Shelly -yunsuklove*- (also credit: aheeyah.com)

saranghae saranghae saranghae

neoreul neoreul neoreul neoreul

saranghae saranghae saranghae

neoreul neoreul neoreul neoreul

(nan neol saranghae neoman saranghae

nan neoppooneengeol neomaneul saranghae)

neoreul cheoeumbon soongan eeyeojada sheep'eottjee

keureego na naege eereok'e tajeemhaettjee

teoeesang nae salme yeonaeneun eopdago

nae eensaenge majeemak yeojaneun neorago

kapbeessaen seonmooreun salt'ago

keujeo maeumman eesseumyeon twendago

naega jooneun keomyeo neon ta jot'ago

eereok'e mareul hamyeo neon ddo nae mameul oolleego

nan jeongmal peent'eolt'eoree-eende

nareul mannamyeon kosaenghal keogat'eunde

hajeeman neega eesseo nan jeongmal haengbok'ae

yaksok'ae na neoman saranghalge

neo-e keu meesoga hangsang nal ootgehae

neowa hamkkeramyeon nan jeongmal haengbok'ae

neol saranghaneun mank'eum na teo neol akkyeojoolge

neol saranghae eereok'e

almyeon al soorok neomoo chak'an neo

pomyeon pol soorok ddo pogo sheep'eun neo

anjeuna seona nan neesaenggak

eodeereul kado nan neesaenggak

yeppeun keoseul pwado oonjeoneul halddaedo

poreereul polddaedo na neesaenggak

noondo k'eugo aegyeodo mank'o

eonjena eodeeseona nae p'yeoneego

heemgyeo-ool ddaen heemee tweneun neo-e keu meeso

ooree saeang eedaero

yaksok'ae na neoman parabolge

maengsehae na neoman saranghalge

neo-e keu meesoga hangsang nal ootgehae

neowa hamkkeramyeon nan jeongmal haengbok'ae

neol saranghaneun mank'eum na teo neol akkyeojoolge

neol saranghae eereok'e

pappeun salm soge jeechyeo meecheo

saenggakjeedo mot'an eello ssaoogo tat'oogo

meeanhan maeume te-eet'eureul kyeolsheemhago

papdo meokgo yeonghwado hago

amooree heemdeureodo naesaek hanbeon mot'ago

jeecheen nal oomjeegeeneun neo-e keu meeso

se sheegan shyopeenghaeseo tallang t'ee hanjang

hajeeman eoddeok'e nan neoreul saranghae

nan neol saranghae neoma saranghae

nan neopooneegeol neomaneul saranghae

neo-e keu meesoga (neo-e meesoga)

hangsang nal ootgehae (nal ootgehae)

neowa hamkkeramyeon (hamkkeramyeon)

nan jeongmal haengbok'ae (nan haengbok'ae)

neol saranghaneun mank'eum

na teo neol akkyeojoolkke

neol saranghae (yaksok'ae)

eereok'e neomaneul saranghae

eereok'e neomaneul saranghae

na ojeek neoma saranghallae

na ojeek neoman saenggak'allae

nan neol saranghae neoman saranghae

nan neoppooneengeol neomaneul saranghae)

04. I love you, only you/ Shim Taeyoon

translation by: Jungie (also credit: aheeyah.com)

I love you, I love you, I love you

you, you, you , you

I love you, I love you, I love you

you, you, you , you

(I love you, only you

You're my only one, I love only you)

The moment that I first saw you, I wanted to believe you were the girl.

And so I swore to myself that there would be no more

relationships in my life.

That you would be the last girl in my life.

You say you don't need expensive gifts,

that all you need is what's from the heart,

that you like anything that I give you,

but as you say these things, you make my heart cry.

I'm so very poor

and you'll probably have a hard time with me

But I'm so happy with you

I promise that you're the only one I'll love.

Your smile always makes me smile.

If it means being with you then I'm really happy.

I'll treasure you with all the love I have for you

I love you like this

The more and more I know you, the nicer you are

the more and more I see you, the more I miss you

I'm thinking about you whether I'm standing or sitting

I'm thinking about you no matter where I go

I'm thinking about you even when I see pretty things,

or even when I'm driving or taking care of my business.

Your eyes are big and you've a lot of charm

You're always on my side, whenver or wherever.

When I'm down your smile becomes my strength.

Our love I hope continues like this.

I promise I'll only have eyes for you.

I swear you're the only one I'll love.

Your smile always makes me smile.

If it means being with you then I'm really happy.

I'll treasure you with all the love I have for you

I love you like this

In a busy life I get so weary and crazy.

We fight over thoughtless things.

With a sorry heart we go on a date

and eat and even do the movie thing.

No matter how hard of a time I'm in I can't express it

and your smile keeps me going

We go shopping for three hours only to buy just one shirt.

But what to do? I love you

I love you, only you

You're my only one, I love only you

Your smile (your smile)

always makes me smile (makes me smile)

If it means being with you (being with you)

then I'm really happy (I'm happy)

I'll treasure you with all the love I have for you

I'll treasure you with all the love I have for you

I love you (I promise)

You're the only one I love

You're the only one I love

You're the only one I want to love

I only want to think about think about you

I love you, only you

You're my only one, I love only you

I love you, only you

You're my only one, I love only you


*From Eng Subs

I was stupid.

Nahn pahboyuhsuhtjyo

I was an idiot.

Negah pahbohyuhsuhtjyo

It's too late for me to regret it.

Hoohwehaedoh nujutjyo aljyo dohrikil soon uhpjyo

I know that I can't turn back the hands of time.

Hoohwehaedoh nujutjyo aljyo dohrikil soon uhpjyo

I won't be able to see you anymore...

Keudael bohl soo uhpsuhyo

I know that...

nadoh algoh issuhyo

It's my fault. I am really sorry...

Naegah jungmal jalmohthaesuhyo jungmahl mianhaeyo

couldn't tell you then but I am really sorry.

Keuddaen yaegihaji mohthaetjyo nuhmoo uhrisuhguhtjyo

So now I come to beg you for forgiveness.

Ijae wasuh iruhkae aetaeOomyuh nan yongsuhreul piruhyo

You and I are stupid. Because of my pride...

Dangshineun naneun pahboh imnida Jahjohnshim Ddaemoonae

I am destroying myself with the cigarettes and beer.

SoolgwaSseun dahmpaeyuhngiroh manggahjigoh ihtjyo

You and I am stupid.

Dangshineun naneun pahboh imnida

Because you still love me.

Ahjihk saranghagi-ae

You are crying everyday.

haroo jongil pungpung oolgohmksihtjyo

We are both idiots.

Keudaedoh nahdoh mohdoo pahbohchuhrum

05.Song Title: dangshineul naneun babo imnida (acoustic version)

Album: Goong OST

Romanization by sarangminwoo:

nan baboyeosseotjyo, naega baboyeosseotjyo,

huhoehaedo neujeotjyo aljyo dorikil sun eoptjyo

geudael bol su eopseoyo nado algo isseoyo

naega jeongmal jalmothaesseoyo jeongmal mianhaeyo

geuddaen yaegihaji mothaetjyo neomu eoriseokeotjyo

ijewaseo ireohge aetae-umyeo nan yongseoreul bireoyo

* dangshineul naneun baboimnida

jajonshim ddaemune

sulgwa sseun dambaeyeongiro manggajigo itjyo

dangshineul naneun baboimnida

ajik saranghagie haru jongil peongpeong ulgoman itjyo

geudaedo nado modu babocheoreom

geureojin marayo dashi saenggakhaebwayo

uri eoddeohge yeogiggaji himdeulge watneunde

dashi saenggakhaebwayo huhoehashilggeoyeyo

naega jeongmal jalmothaesseoyo jeongmarianhaeyo

geuddaen yaegihaji mothaetjyo neomu eoriseokeotjyo

ije waseo ireohge aetae-umyeo nan yongseoreul bireoyo

*geudae eopshin na hansungando sal su eopseoyo

meoril jallado sureul masyeodo nunmulman heureujyo

*ije deo isang manggajiji mayo...



*From Eng Subs

The more I comfort myself, the more I cry

Hae-ahryuhbohlsoorohk duh noonmool namnida

Even if I rub away those tears secretly..

hoomchyuhnae bwadoh heureuneun noonmoorae

The memories spreading to other memories

giuhgi ddoh dahreun giuhgeuroh buhnjyuh

Making me cry with pain

ahpeugae nahl oolrimnida

I regret that I've only received

badeunguhtman issuhsuh naegaen hoohwepoonindae

Will you forget me because I haven't given you anything

joongae uhpneun nal keudaen ddoh ihjeulka kuhbinah

I love you, I love you

saranghamnida nahnnahn saranghamnida

This is what I learned from you

Keudae-aegae baeoon

Out of all the words and phrases in the world

mahngoh mahneun maldeul joongae

This has become my favorite phrase

I mal hana ippuhreutchuhruhm na

I mutter it to myself, as if I were stupid

joonguhlguhrimnida hohnja pabohchuhruhm

I'm really sorry

miahnhamnida cham

I'm sorry

cham miahnhamnida

I'm for these words that are too late

dwineujeun I mahlkaji miahnhamjimahn

I wait for you without a sense of honor

yuhmchiuhpshi keudael gidahrimnida

And your love, like this

keudae sarangman iruhkae

Parrot - HowL - Full Version

tto eojecheoreom dasi geuripseumnida

bogo sipeun mam juljido annneunji

jakkuman geudaega tteooreumnida......

hearyeobolsurok deo nunmul namnida

humchyeonaebwado heureuneun nunmure

gieogi tto dareun gieogeuro beonjyeo apeuge nal ullimnida......

badeun geotman isseoseo naegen huhoeppuninde

jun ge eomneun nal geudaen tto ijeulkka geobina......

saranghamnida nan...... nan saranghamnida

geudaeege baeun manko manheun maldeul junge

i mal hana ipbeoreutcheoreom na

jungeolgeorimnida......honja babocheoreom

mianhamnida cham...... cham mianhamnida

dwineujeun i malkkaji mianhajiman

yeomchieopsi geudael gidarimnida

haengyeo naeireun doraolkka ......

geudaeran saejangi bijopgin haesseodo

johassseumnida haengbokhaessseumnida

ibyeoreul mollatdeon yeongwoneul mideotdeon geu nallo na kkumerado......

doragal su itdamyeon nae maeumeul moaseo

nae gaseumeul deoreoseo da geudael jul tende......

saranghamnida nan saranghamnida

geudaeege baeun manko manheun maldeul junge

i mal hana ipbeoreutcheoreom na

jungeolgeorimnida......honja babocheoreom

mianhamnida cham mianhamnida

dwineujeun i malkkaji mianhajiman

yeomchieopsi geudael gidarimnida

haengyeo naeireun doraolkka......

i maeum......

kkeutnae geudaen molla ol su eopseodo

geudaega byeonhae deoneun nan anirado

bulleobogo dasi bulleobomnida

aengmusaecheoreom geudae ireum......

geudae sarangman...... ireoke......

HowL - "Parrot" (full ver.)

I miss you again, just like it's yesterday

My desire to see you just won't disappear

You just keep appearing in my mind

The more I comfort myself, the more I cry

Even if I rub away those tears secretly..

The memories spreading to other memories

Making me cry with pain

I regret that I've only recieved

Will you forget me because I haven't given you anything

I love you, I love you

This is what I learned from you

Out of all the words and phrases in the world

This has become my favorite phrase

I mutter it to myself, as if I were stupid

I'm really sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry for these words that are too late

I wait for you without a sense of honor

Will you return tomorrow by chance

[i have no idea how to translate this one line, sorry!]

I liked it, I was happy

I didn't know how to confess, I believed in forever

If on that day, even if only in my dreams

If I could return to that day, I'd collect all my emotions

I would empty out my heart and give it all to you

I love you, I love you

This is what I learned from you

Out of all the words and phrases in the world

This has become my favorite phrase

I mutter it to myself, as if I were stupid

I'm really sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry for these words that are too late

I wait for you without a sense of honor

Will you return tomorrow by chance

This mind/heart

Even if it's ended, we won't know

Even if you can't come

Even if you've changed

Even if it's not me

I call out

I call out again

Like a parrot, I call out your name

And your love, like this

Yup thats all for today, (thats all i could find from here and there)...Credits to everyone who did all these for us GOONGers... :D

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Hi guys,

Can anyone tell me what was written at the back of the photo Shin was looking at in Episode 8. Its the scene where the royal guards were looking for him. It was Chae Gyung who found him at an attic, or so I think. He was looking at beach sceneries but refused to show thw pictures to Chae Gyung. The text was in Korean. Please, can anyone tell me what those characters mean? :)


since i dunno korean cant give u detailed answer to the text behind the photo but i remember this was asked in this thread ages ago when it was broadcasted in korea and the answer was that the photo (showing a clear horizon with the blue sky) was taken by his sister on her travels. i think he yearns for a similar freedom he can never get as the Crown Prince and at that time, he wasnt at all close enuf to ChaeGyung to show her such pics. so i dun think the pic was of hyorin at all!

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Guest mizzlinhie

since i dunno korean cant give u detailed answer to the text behind the photo but i remember this was asked in this thread ages ago when it was broadcasted in korea and the answer was that the photo (showing a clear horizon with the blue sky) was taken by his sister on her travels. i think he yearns for a similar freedom he can never get as the Crown Prince and at that time, he wasnt at all close enuf to ChaeGyung to show her such pics. so i dun think the pic was of hyorin at all!

I don't think those pic where Hyorin pics either. I think it was just some random pics that he took. If you remember he hang those pics of Hyorin in his dark room. So i think he didnt show Chaegyung those pics because they weren't that close at that time :D I love it when I see Chaegyung's pics that he hanged in his dark room :lol: kuteeee

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finally was able to finish watching this drama after starting it 5 days ago. before watching this, i read mixed reviews w/ this drama...especially when it was extended to 24 episodes. some ppl mentioned they even stopped watching it because it seemed like it started dragging.

my two cents. Goong was way better than i expected. one of my absolute favs now. considering the young actors and them being NEW actors, as well...i was impressed. and, it's a romantic comedy...i cried more while watching this drama than i did w/ Spring Waltz. now, i finally understand all the GOONG crazy, eventho i'm late.

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Guest bananabee

I just finished Goong around 2 days ago and I still remember it so clearly. It is definitely a drama that gets stuck in your head and plus, it's so sweet! But anyways, I have a question. I don't know if it's been asked already, but there're too many pages to look through. :sweatingbullets:

Oh, the question: When is Goong 2 going to air?

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Guest sweet_treats1812

I just finished Goong around 2 days ago and I still remember it so clearly. It is definitely a drama that gets stuck in your head and plus, it's so sweet! But anyways, I have a question. I don't know if it's been asked already, but there're too many pages to look through. :sweatingbullets:

Oh, the question: When is Goong 2 going to air?

hopefully by february 2007~ :)

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Guest bananabee

:tears: Really? I can't wait that long! I need to know for sure if Chaekyung's pregnant! (even though they said it was just because she ate something, which I don't really believe btw.)

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Guest lariest

:tears: Really? I can't wait that long! I need to know for sure if Chaekyung's pregnant! (even though they said it was just because she ate something, which I don't really believe btw.)

Well, we'll just have to wait for the subtitled version of goong 1.5 to come out before we know for sure eh?

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