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Guest coreana

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Guest joeknee

maybe it's just me, but just the thought of REPLACING shin with someone else is kind of, well, unimaginable. can you guys honestly tell me that you see someone else playing SHIN? its like saying you can see someone else playing CG other than YEH. but this is just my opinion, so.... please come back to us JJH!

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Guest rainy_summer

The guy behind bears a strong resemblance to JJH - the built, the height, the arm, the hair. Imagine if that is him? ;):wub: YEH is really pretty!

I dont see anyone else playing the roles of Shin & CG. :( I want them both to come back for Goong 2. I understand their apprehensions of being forever known as Shin or CG respectively but a lot of actors/actresses have been attached to characters that they have portrayed in the past and yet it didnt affect their popularity at all. Julia Roberts was forever attached as Pretty Woman but she still won an Oscar for Erin Brokavich (sp?). Their roles in the past were just their launching pad but they need not be boxed in that role unless they keep on choosing projects that are similar to that role. But if they pick their future roles wisely and they are able to portray it well, I dont think they are in danger of being typecasted.

I am going to wait for the Official word from the production company that handles Goong. I dont think they are dumb enough to invest in continuing this production if they havent researched the pros and cons of doing it and that goes to the actors/actresses as well. I hope they would just be wise. I think Goong has the capability of catapulting their newfound fame to new heights not only in Korea but in the whole of Asia and who knows beyond that. BUT I think all these reaction that we have is what the production company is hoping for. It gives them bargaining power in dealing with all aspects of production. donilpark was right. All these reaction and attention that it is getting isnt falling on deaf ears, they are actually banking on it. Then maybe the louder the reaction would be the better. Its a whole "supply and demand" theory. The more we demand for it, the more likely they will supply. :P:D

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Guest leechunsa


and i believe this has already been mentioned.

we will do the 1.5 subs WHEN we finished all the episodes 1-24.

so the bottomline is.. goong1.5 will be SUBBED~~ after we finish all the main episodes of goong.

I hope you didn't get mad. I didn't get to back page all...I'm just starting to. Sorry for that.

I'm glad you guys are going to sub it though. Thanks in advance. Again I was just asking.

Thanks for answering.


Watched the episode where she asked for a divorce, but I didn't understand what Shin said. The subtitles were so bad in the version that I have seen. :(

In the next episode she asked Shin if he was serious in the interview, and I didn't understand what Shin said either. I just thought it must have been something really serious because she just broke down.

Would anyone be so kind to tell me what Shin said in those two scenes? :)


There are other subbers? I believe there's only one. I haven't watched 20 with subs yet, but I think the sub team did very well...hmmm. Who's the other subbers? *scratches head*


where can i find goong ep 22 (HIGH quality) plz??


From what I know, all the GOONG HQ downloads can be found in the clubboxes. I download from

http://clubbox.co.kr/creidesca + http://clubbox.co.kr/maysialee

other than that, i don't know any place that would provide HQ. So yeah.

I hope placing the links to the CBs aren't against the rules. :)

I hope that helps.

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Guest snail85

before this i was just a silent reader, never post anythng b4. but the 10x payment really got on my nerve. it's like hello?? be gratitude he became famous because of goong..and i think it's not his fault, must be his greedy management company!!! hey JJH management company, to be a good actor, one has to be wise and humble. this industry really depends on fans. i really hope my words of wisdom will reach that greedy company. :fury:

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Guest mizzlinhie

If I'm not wrong then JJH didnt even make a confirmation about whether he will be in goong 2 or not right? I would still watch goong 2 because of YEH, but it wouldnt be the same without JJH :( I hope he'll be back.

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The guy behind bears a strong resemblance to JJH - the built, the height, the arm, the hair. Imagine if that is him? ;):wub: YEH is really pretty!

so sorry to burst your bubble, rainy_summer.. but that pic is photoshopped > <. There is no pic of them together whatsoever from the Bali photoshoots. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest babiluxx

if u like replace someone the show will be most likely not as sucsessful just because we are already use to the person. is the guy that plays yul kim jun joon coming back?

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Guest daveb021

YEH is going to be in S2. The Production'd very well pick Lee Jun-ki who played the role of Seo Jeong-woo in My Girl to be Shin if things don't work out with JJH.

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Guest tanpopo

I think it would be strange if G2 cast is not the same. I wont feel like watching it if any of the casts are changing

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YEH is going to be in S2. The Production'd very well pick Lee Jun-ki who played the role of Seo Jeong-woo in My Girl to be Shin if things don't work out with JJH.

:huh::unsure: Lee Jun Ki??? We can't have 2 princes with ear ring in one dramas:lol: Sorry LJK fans, but for me, he is like...a bit short compare to Shin goon; just 10cm> CG_YEH :P hehe...I love how Shin have to bend himself towards CG everytime they hug and kiss. So it must to be a tall prince in Goong 2. I believe that JJH will always be our Shin in next season.

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Guest rainy_summer

so sorry to burst your bubble, rainy_summer.. but that pic is photoshopped > <. There is no pic of them together whatsoever from the Bali photoshoots. :sweatingbullets:

LOL I kind of figured it now after taking a 2nd look. :blink::D But whoever made this is very good!

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Guest AznGrlz

Gung OST II (wma format)

Waaa...! Thank you so much! Love you! hehe this is going to sound real weird, but i'm actually crying right now listening to the OST :tears: Gosh, been so busy lately...i miss everyone here so much! Glad to know most of you are still around :hug/hug:

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i just read a news article that said JJH really really wants to star in a movie with JESSICA ALBA.......... b/c she's pretty & he liked her in her movies like the DEEP BLUE one or whatever.

and he wants to get more popular and he doesnt think that goong did that for him..

he wants more attention which bugs me... goong MADE him a star.. he should come back for goong 2.

no offense... but jessica alba will probably not want to do a movie with him..

oh and jjh also wants to do a musical.. that would be cute :]

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i just got done with eppy 21:( i feel so sorry for our cg! shes so sad...im hating yul and making myself think that hes a toot...hes annoying...i dont think his love for cg is as pure as shin's...even though shin goong doesnt show it...its still obvious, right?

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JJH not being in Goong 2 would take some getting use to,

but YEH not doing it :crazy: i would be beyond devastated!

if it falls apart for JJH, then i can deal, but YEH has to stay.

i tuned in for her, and i'll stay for her...me luvs that girl!

if need be, IMHO i feel YEH could shoulder the second installment

without him, & with a good choice replacement it could even be

great. as long as YEH is in Goong 2, then i'm remaining a goonger!

--- i love track 3 on the 2nd goong ost, EunHye always pops in my

head when i listen to it :D thanx so much for the upload!---

Gee, hi hun! *huggles* miss ya <3 ^^

I'm with you on this... YEH is CG.

noone else ain't gonna replace her as CG. Period. kekeke..

(I'm really getting mixed-feelings now about Goong Season 2.... sigh...)

Thanks for the pics and the link to see YEH's bali pictures..

gosh she's getting so gorgeous now...hehee <3 her!

I just read the good and bad news in YEH's thread... gah~ i really hope she'll be okay...

being diagnosed of anemia is just... :tears: (jess, how bad is Anemia?)

I did a little research on it, and it says that one of the causes is "poor diet".

Did she go on a strict diet or sumthin'? coz she looks so skinnier than before.

Hopefully she'll be well and everything that has been going around in the news will settle down also...

And for YEH, wishing her speedy recovery and the best of success for the upcoming fashion show! ^^

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Guest kitsune714

I really want to see all of the original actors resign for Goong 2--it just wouldn't be the same without them! If they really did have to recast and make a few replacements, I wonder if the PDs would go in an "alternate universe"-type direction. For example, the sequel to the Japanese dorama, "Mukodono" had the same original actor, Tomoya Nagase, but redid the entire storyline with a whole new leading actress.

On another note, does anyone happen to have a romanized version of the tracklisting for the second Goong OST?

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Guest ___cee

Actually, I'm not too worried about JJH coming back. As long as we still have the original CG (YEH) then I'm fine. JJH needs to stop being so big-headed; GOONG is what made him famous in the first place (okay, not in the first place, he was a model, but it made him more well-known). I always thought he was a good person, like when he did not accept pay for the last 4 episodes of S1. All this bad news on him is making me lose respect for him. Of course, I DO hope he comes back; I don't think anyone can really fill Shin's shoes as well as he does, but overall if he doesn't come back, then I hope he lives happily ever after knowing that he could lose many fans . . .

On a different note, Goong OST II is absolutely WONDERFUL. More instrumentals, I see! Very nice. :]

And what's this about Lee Junki as Shin?! Uhhhhh...no.

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Guest mmmmsushi

yaaaay.OST 2 (((((=

thank you guys for uploading it.i have a question though.what is .rar?

i downloaded it and it's not able to open on my computer.do i have to do something with it?

thank you guys again!!!!

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Guest leeleemoon

YEH is going to be in S2. The Production'd very well pick Lee Jun-ki who played the role of Seo Jeong-woo in My Girl to be Shin if things don't work out with JJH.

:angry: Oh No! I think LJK is way too feminine to be playing Shin. I don't like him at all. Saw him in my girl and was totally turned off. He seems so gay. ( No offense anyone.) Goong 2 will not be the same if they change the cast. That cast was what made it the way it was. Besides, JJH and YEH had such good chemistry. They both need to be back to make it work!

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