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Guest coreana

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Guest sunshine4ever

thank you rebby for da translation...you made my day :)



Maybe there's something wrong with sendspace? It doesn't work for me. :sweatingbullets: My friend also uploaded some files for me and 2 of them don't even work. Do you mind uploading it through www.megaupload.com?

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Guest namelezzgal

hello everyone!!!!

im currently watching goong in youtube and the story is very interesting!!!

i love the story and its very funny!!!

could you please give me the links of where i can download this drama with english subs and its ost plz!!!!

anyone could help me????

Hi "kianjpe08"

Did u try the first page of this thread? not sure if the links still work... but u should try them though ^^

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Guest ally2207

Hi aYuko,can you translated the artikel you post for us!!! :P Is that SJH news,'bcoz i can see her pics!

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Guest xuyu

I'm rewatching Goong again. I'm quite confuse in eps 1, Shin CG is saying that the Palace is an empty place now ever since the relation of families broke apart. That's why...let's just imagine it.....(the Dream story by Shin CG). Do u think for Goong 2 , the ending will become a dream of Shin CG ? Can someone enlighten me because I hate to see the ending is juz a dream.

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I'm rewatching Goong again. I'm quite confuse in eps 1, Shin CG is saying that the Palace is an empty place now ever since the relation of families broke apart. That's why...let's just imagine it.....(the Dream story by Shin CG). Do u think for Goong 2 , the ending will become a dream of Shin CG ? Can someone enlighten me because I hate to see the ending is juz a dream.

we were worried about that becoming an ending for season1 but that didnt happen in the last episode.

I think mbc is not so stupid as to make that happen

but for season2? we have no idea? because it's not even starting yet.

they haven even filmed it yet. they are filming it in august i think. another 2 months.

So we wun know what's going to happen in season2, we can only wait and see.

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In the beginning of Episode 1 it's just said that in reality Korean Palace is not occupied by monarchy because the line has been cut off. Nothing said about family broken apart. The monarchy was abolished when Korea was annexed at one time in the early 20th century. There is still royal family descended from the last Korean king, but now it's just a honorary title. The palaces now belong to the republic, not to the royal family.

Yes, it's possible that at the end CG wakes up and saw Shin not a real prince, just her prince charming.

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Yeah...i'm so addicted to GOONG that i researched on the CHosun Dynasty....Its a sad tale....(Hope no richard simmons here....forgive me for this...but its the truth).In a way you can blame the richard simmons 4 murdering the ROyal Family...

EMPEROR SUNJONG was really the last King but the timing is abit off(1874-1926).

From Wikipedia : Queen Min's (Emperor GOJONG's wife) brutal murder(by richard simmons) — she was stabbed repeatedly, cut into pieces, desecrated, and thrown into a fish pond...

Something interesting for non-koreans :

Titles and styles

During the Empire

Hwangje (皇帝 황제), the Emperor, with the style of His Imperial Majesty (陛下 폐하 pye ha)

Hwang-hu (皇后 황후), the Empress (consort), with the style of Her Imperial Majesty

Hwangtaehu (皇太后 황태후), the Empress Dowager

Tae-hwangtaehu (太皇太后 태황태후), the Empress Dowager, current Emperor's alive grandmother

Hwangtaeja (皇太子 황태자), the Crown Prince of Empire, the eldest son of Emperor, with the style of His Imperial Highness (殿下 전하 jeon ha)

Hwangtaeja-bi (皇太子妃 황태자비), the Crown Princess (consort) of Empire, with the style of Her Imperial Highness

Chinwang (親王 친왕), the Prince (Imperial), son of Emperor, with the style of His Imperial Highness

Chinwang-bi (親王妃 친왕비), the Princess (Imperial) (consort), with the style of His Imperial Highness

Gongju (公主 공주), the Princess of Empire, the legitimate daughter of Emperor, with the style of Her Imperial Highness

Ongju (翁主 옹주), the Princess of Empire, the illegitimate daughter of Emperor, with the style of Her Imperial Highness


During the Kingdom

Wang (王 왕), the King, with the style of His Majesty (殿下 전하 jeon ha)

Yeo-wang (女王 여왕), the Queen, with the style of Her Majesty

Wang-hu (王后 왕후), the Queen consort, with the style of Her Majesty

Dae-bi (大妃 대비), the Queen Dowager, current King's alive mother, with the style of Her Majesty

Wangdaebi (王大妃 왕대비), the Queen Dowager, ex-Queen or current King's aunt with the style of Her Majesty

Dae-wangdaebi (大王大妃 대왕대비), the Queen Dowager, current King's alive grandmother with the style of Her Majesty

Wonja (元子 원자), the eldest son of King before inauguration to the Crown Prince, with the style of His Royal Highness (마마 mama)

Wangseja (王世子 왕세자 or Donggung), the Crown Prince, the eldest son of King, with the style of His Royal Highness (저하 jeo ha)

Sejabin (世子嬪 세자빈 or Bingung), the Crown Princess, with the style of Her Royal Highness (마마 mama)

Daegun (大君 대군), the Prince of Kingdom with the style of His Royal Highness (마마 mama), the legitimate son of King, Daegun's title is not inherited and his sons titled Gun with style of His Highness

Bubuin (府夫人 부부인), the Princess (consort), the wife of Daegun with the style of His Royal Highness or Queen consort's mother with the style of Her Serene Highness

Gun (君 군), the Prince of Kingdom with the style of His Royal Highness (마마 mama), the illegitimate son of King or Daegun's sons, grandsons and great-grandsons or Gun's sons and grandsons

Gunbuin (郡夫人 군부인), the Princess (consort), the wife of Gun, with the style of Her Royal Highness

Daewongun (大阮君 대원군), the Prince Regent, the King's father as distant relative of royal family not to be the King, with the style of His Royal Highness

Budaebuin (府大夫人 부대부인), the Princess (consort), the Daewongun's wife, with the style of Her Royal Highness

Gongju (公主 공주), the Princess of Kingdom, the legitimate daughter of King, with the style of Her Royal Highness

Ongju (翁主 옹주), the Princess of Kingdom, the illegitimate daughter of King, with the style of Her Royal Highness

Buwongun (府院君 부원군), the title of Queen consort's father, with the style of His Serene Highness

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Guest 16candl3s

Pre-order probably won't be available till a month before it's actual release date. And, it's by YA Entertainment...also known as YesAsia. It's available for the US/Canada residents...and if I remember correctly, it will be sold at their global site, as well.

thanks so much for the info!!! that really made my day!! :D so a month b4 the actual release you could pre-order it?? geez pls let it be july!!

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Quite interesting, Pennyloo. If I'm not mistaken, the family name of the royal family is also Lee, right?

So I wonder whether there are really Lee Shin and Lee Yul, among the existing royal line. They must be looking at the drama with mixed feeling. Some old princes may have been actually living in the palace in the beginning of the 20th century.

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Guest kevjc07

I have a quick wuestion about the Special 1.5 of Goong. The show where evryone came out to talk. I was just wondering if anyone made subititles to it?

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Guest Cuervo Gold


I've just finished watching this series the second time. The subs were a lot better this time. Thanks to the subbing team. I could not help but notice how irritating Yul was from the start (Sorry Yul fans!). He sounded so calm and nice, but he was saying alll these terrible things to CG. He was like a wolf in a sheep's clothing. The first time I saw the series, I only got pissed off with Yul when he suggested the divorce thing. :P

Things kind of change when you see the whole series more than once. One thing remained constant though. Shin is just as HOT. :tongue2:

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Yeah...i'm so addicted to GOONG that i researched on the CHosun Dynasty....Its a sad tale....(Hope no richard simmons here....forgive me for this...but its the truth).In a way you can blame the richard simmons 4 murdering the ROyal Family...

EMPEROR SUNJONG was really the last King but the timing is abit off(1874-1926).

From Wikipedia : Queen Min's (Emperor GOJONG's wife) brutal murder(by richard simmons) — she was stabbed repeatedly, cut into pieces, desecrated, and thrown into a fish pond...

Something interesting for non-koreans :

Titles and styles

I'm reading about the empress online now. :(

After reading the titles and style...I'm a bit confused. The titles given in Goong are from during the Kingdom time or is it during the Empire? I recognized Pyeha (Empire) but a king is call Wang (Jeonha) during the Kingdom time. Isn't Shin's title Jeonha?

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Guest mizzlinhie

I'm so depress after reading YEH post on her cyworld :( People, please don't put too much hopes into all casts being confirm in Goong 2 already. No confirmations yet. NOthing has really been confirm I guess, YEH is still not sure if she'll be back or not...she's worrying herself too. Let pray for our royal to reunite :(.

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