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Guest coreana

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such a long wait till Goong2 *sigh*

while rewatching Goong1 & re-reading the manga for the nth time it occured to me that this could be material for Goong2?!?!

1. our ChaeShin couple never moved to Chang Dok Palace, the promise from the Queen upon which Shin agreed to the marriage in the 1st place

then they'll have lots more freedom (away from Palace elders) which will bade well esp if they're undergrads cuz many creative storylines here *hehe*

2. Shin gets sick in the manga but i hope that never happens in Goong2!

3. could there be a crisis to the Royal Family that our dear ChaeShin couple must unite together to solve?

i had crazy ideas eg. the ChaeShin couple must conceive a child whose bone marrow will save the King but they are unable to conceive then the Palace officials start talking about having a concubine for Shin *yucks*

or that Korea is attacked/defeated by another country and the only surrender they will accept is a political marriage - this time they want to force Shin to divorce CG and marry their evil princess so that both their countries can merge as one *double yucks*

help!!!! i need Goong2 now to stop this horrible imagination!

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Guest aikomidori

such a long wait till Goong2 *sigh*

while rewatching Goong1 & re-reading the manga for the nth time it occured to me that this could be material for Goong2?!?!

1. our ChaeShin couple never moved to Chang Dok Palace, the promise from the Queen upon which Shin agreed to the marriage in the 1st place

then they'll have lots more freedom (away from Palace elders) which will bade well esp if they're undergrads cuz many creative storylines here *hehe*

2. Shin gets sick in the manga but i hope that never happens in Goong2!

3. could there be a crisis to the Royal Family that our dear ChaeShin couple must unite together to solve?

i had crazy ideas eg. the ChaeShin couple must conceive a child whose bone marrow will save the King but they are unable to conceive then the Palace officials start talking about having a concubine for Shin *yucks*

or that Korea is attacked/defeated by another country and the only surrender they will accept is a political marriage - this time they want to force Shin to divorce CG and marry their evil princess so that both their countries can merge as one *double yucks*

help!!!! i need Goong2 now to stop this horrible imagination!

Your ideas could make some good fanfiction XD while we wait for Goong2 lollllll

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Guest Ujin

just finished episode6... now im liking shin putting on cg's shoe with fireworks in the sky... aaawww so sweet! :wub:

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Guest aikomidori

OMG! jesus christ superstar! hahaha when i was rewatching bts' last week. i was also thinking hmm are they secretly holding hands underneath the blankets??? hahahaha our imaginations are pretty wild. huh? hehehe


aikomidori, thanks for the brief translation....

wow... that's nice... kinda like ep. 23 street kiss

I was thinking the same thing...it seems like JJH would kiss his gf in the street if she asked him to/if he wanted to (KYA~<3)

aikomidori, I bow to you *bow* thank you so so much for doing this for us!! :blush: I'm so happy right now, so many new bubblesss to day whohooo. BTW did JJH really said that YEH is his type of girl in some kind of interview that the reporter mentioned?? YEH must be very happy to hear that :phew: YEH says she want to be with a guy who is fun and comfortable to be around with and in other hand she said JJH has a sense of humor and he's comfortable to be around with *wink*wink*. YEH says she want to marry early, JJH says he want to be a young father...WHY don't they just hook up alreadie and they can have what they want :lol: a happy family with 2 kids :sweatingbullets: !! hahah I feel so happy now, I feel like I can smile all night long :P

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the reporter guy's saying to YEH that JJH once said that his type of girl is YEH (hehehehehehe) I noticed all the similarities between what they said, too! They should definitely get together soon~~

OMG, juz went out for lunch and when I came back, millions of bubbles are pumping in my head. OMG, I can die happily now. The thing I'm pleased the most is the fact that JJH said YEH is his type of girl. Yay yay yaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!! :w00t: So definitely this sentence is from his mouth,rite? While the "YEH is not my type" thinggy is st we can't prove :phew: Yes I agree with mizzlinhie, why dun they juz hook up together and stop hinting here and there like this? :phew: We as their crazee fans KNOW oredi, rite?

Thanx aikomidori for your translation, whether there's mistranslation or not, I dun really care, 'coz I'm so happy with this oredi. You're my HERO <3 <3

Ok so here's my two cents contribution to our pool of bubbles:

1. Things that JiHoon oppa said that he likes about our YEH:

- Her pouty lip :w00t:

- Her skin

- Her nice body smell (hohoho, I remember someone used to translate that after JJH said Shin Chaegyung didn't wash her hair, he also added that she had a nice body smell so even it doesn't really matter if she didn't wash her hair)

2. For YEH (as Chaegyung), all Goongers know that she's totally in luvvvvv/hooked/addicted with our JJH's back, rite? :phew:


Haha they already have so many parts they like about each other! Hopefully even if they don't start dating right away, Goong2 will change that....*crosses fingers for luck* ^^

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OMG!!! You guys are really bubble making machines man (specifically cheli001 and mizzlinhie)...Just took a leave to college (had exams) and back here now...all these stuff came on...the GIFs, Images, Bubble making BTS Translations, Bubble-Making, Fantasizing about under blanket stories, JJH's fetish for YEH's body odour???YEH's Hot Lips??Smooth Skin??CG's fetish for JJH's back??JJH and YEH marrying?? KIds too?? Must marry within 2 years so that KJK dun come disrupt??? Good Housewife, curtains, young father, marry early...Oh Gosh what more??? My head is spinning in circles...

BTW cheli thanks for all the GIFs, they are so so so so so cute...i'm putting them on my mobile...lol....i'm goong CZ...!!

Oh yeah the translation for the MV...woohoo...nice....

But i kinda dun wanna get my head up in the air about this YEH and JJH thingie....Its making me a lil insane...like unreal...u knoe what i mean??? i'm going crazee here..


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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

YAY....My friend just return my Goong dvd today so I can watch it again tonight....YATTA :lol: Coz I just watch up to episode 16 & my friend begging me 2 borrow Goong dvd 4 her :wacko::blink:


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Hey guys...u know the bubble making MV on YOUTUBE (the one that was translated on page 1887 by Aikomidori)....the owner of the video is a major GOONG fan...i viewed her profile...almost all her vids are GOONG BTS, NGS, MVs,,,what not....here's the link to her profile http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=jw6h

For those JJH and YEH shippers...i suggest you guys like subscribe to her videos...cos she has all of it....anything you want...and the weird thing is...she titles all her vids in korean...so its impossible for us english speaking ppl to locate her vids....unless by her tags....

Sorry if i'm speaking gibberish here...

Edit : Yeah I own a page!! YOO HOO!!

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Aikomidori, thanks a lot for the translation. It revives a lot of imagination.

Anyway there are many materials that don't make it in the cut. Ep 16 the beach and supermarket, have some photos of the actions not on TV. Wondering when the producer will show the unseen parts. The actor/actress seemed to really enjoy themselves then. Kind of spontaneous acting.

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Guest mizzlinhie

Here's some more behind the scene sweet moments

Ep.18 BTS

1. YEH keep laughin at JJH's makeup face haha funny :D

2. JJH do something to YEH's nose *he's was teasin her i guess* awww >_<

3. JJH tickled YEH's feet

4. JJH was sayin something to YEH, then he laughed at her then she gave him a quick glance haha

5. JJH was practicin the kissin cheek part wit YEH, suddenly he laughed, then he looks at YEH and laughs again ^^; YEH then gave him a cruel look lolz how kutee

Anyway this thread was so quiet for a couple hrs, I was bored so I make this just for fun and to test my skill lolz, i'm not good at photoshop :( But hope you'll like it .


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Guest wingsee26

I haven't finish reading all of the page yet. This just came out in cantonese dubb. I was curious if anybody recommend this drama??

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Guest mizzlinhie

I haven't finish reading all of the page yet. This just came out in cantonese dubb. I was curious if anybody recommend this drama??

I say its the best drama ever :blush: i love goong!!

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Guest aikomidori

Here's some more behind the scene sweet moments

Ep.18 BTS

1. YEH keep laughin at JJH's makeup face haha funny :D

2. JJH do something to YEH's nose *he's was teasin her i guess* awww >_<

3. JJH tickled YEH's feet

4. JJH was sayin something to YEH, then he laughed at her then she gave him a quick glance haha

5. JJH was practicin the kissin cheek part wit YEH, suddenly he laughed, then he looks at YEH and laughs again ^^; YEH then gave him a cruel look lolz how kutee

Anyway this thread was so quiet for a couple hrs, I was bored so I make this just for fun and to test my skill lolz, i'm not good at photoshop :( But hope you'll like it .


Ah~~mizzlinhie cute psd JJH x YEH pic ^^v Yeah I loved that BTS too~ so funny to watch especially when YEH was putting lipstick (I think) on JJH :D

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Guest cheli001

May is almost over... no news yet about gung2? huhuhu

I want yeh and jjh to see each other soon!!!!! (if they're not secretly seeing/calling each other) hahaha

btw, thanks for all you comments about my gif images... :P it was my first time to make gif images hahaha!

i'm still thinkin of what ep to do next... kinda like the perverted shin (ep. 13) and perverted cg (ep.18/naked shin) hahaha!

anyway, i'll just upload later...

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Guest jamieyn

Anyone know where can I get the Cantonese dubb ?

I haven't finish reading all of the page yet. This just came out in cantonese dubb. I was curious if anybody recommend this drama??

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Guest cunto

Guys I miss Goong and Shin&Chaegyung so so much. :( Yes May is almost over and there's been absolutely no news about season 2. Why dun they juz release at least one, why oh whyyy??? :crazy:

To help cure our addiction, I reupload here some more wallies. Credits to whomever made these. Sorry that I dun know your names, but I do love your wallies. They rockkk! :P


Edit: Oops sorry some prob with my connection, will come back later


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Guest mizzlinhie

cunto , i can't click on the wallies :( :(

I miss Goong so muchhh toooo, i miss seeing CG and Shin together :( We'll have to wait 8 more months OMG that's so longggg. PD pleaseee release some news to help cure our addiction. We're too obsess with this lolz :D

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Guest summer73

Yo, any body bought the limited edition boxset from yesasia, can atell us how is the condition of the whole boxset...is it worth to buy cos it doesn't come with any sub? Thanks all Goong campers :P

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Guest cheli001




yup yup. last night i uploaded back touching gif... encountered the same thing... it became so small.... hehe

i thought it was a photobucket thing.... hehe


OMG OMG OMG...i'm gonna faint!!!...I DOn't know whether you guys watched this vid...(added on the 9th May somewhere there)))

JJH Oppa playing the PIANO!!! (Faints again)(i have this 'thing' for piano playing guys)



yup saw it... hehe he looks cute playing the piano... but i don't think he plays well but i still think he's HOT!!!!!

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Guest spikey

OMG OMG OMG...i'm gonna faint!!!...I DOn't know whether you guys watched this vid...(added on the 9th May somewhere there)))

JJH Oppa playing the PIANO!!! (Faints again)(i have this 'thing' for piano playing guys)



Yes, I did many times. Can someone help to convert this to a clip via YSI to save in my file???


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