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Guest mizzlinhie

loved it when they showed jjh feeding yeh, holding hands and the backpack scene... hmmmm it shows how touchy touchy these two are... so cute...

HAHA i know, there're so many bts touchy touchy scenes of JJH and YEH :lol: I can even list out some right now hahah :phew: i love bts scenes now!! they're REAL off-screen stuff :rolleyes:

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Guest cheli001

HAHA i know, there're so many bts touchy touchy scenes of JJH and YEH :lol: I can even list out some right now hahah :phew: i love bts scenes now!! they're REAL off-screen stuff :rolleyes:


i only know ep's 15,18,20-21,23,24 are there more???? tell me! tell me! please please please... hahahaha

btw, ep 15 when they attended a classical/musical something... there's a scene where cg's falling asleep then shin touched her face/cheeks i wonder if pd instructed that.... hmmmmm :making bubbles:

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Guest cunto

Hey cheli001 and mizzlinhie, bow to you two, hahaha :P It seems you guys are leading the thread in bubble making ;) So funny reading you guys'posts. Keep it up! <3 <3 I dare not make bubbles for the past few days 'coz poor them, their lifetime seem so short,puahhhaha :lol:

Yeah in ep 15, I also notice that shin touched her face when she was about to fall asleep, and that's so REALLL. I dun think the PD asked him to :phew:

Personally I love ep 15's BTS the most, the one that JJH kissed on EH's cheek in front of reporters. Wow, it took him a freaking longggg time to do the scene. I'm wondering whether he PURPOSELY did that, (you know, so that he can kiss her longer :phew: ), 'coz it seems everytime he had to kiss EH, he was quite nervous and usu had to shoot again and again (BTS of ep 18 as an example) :rolleyes:

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Guest sunshine4ever

oh my gosh!!! i love these!!! thanks for posting them!!

i really want to change my desktop too, my laptop has a wallie of Shin lol

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Hey bubble makers cheli001 and mizzlinhie....

why not you guys like describe all the 'nice' BTS....pretty please...

Ok backpack scene? when was that?? Touch cheek? Bang head? Feeding Rice (ok that one i saw), what else? oh yeah epi 18 was farnie the one where they were in the hotel room? YEH was drawing JJH's face...what else what else???

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Guest cheli001

Hey cheli001 and mizzlinhie, bow to you two, hahaha :P It seems you guys are leading the thread in bubble making ;) So funny reading you guys'posts. Keep it up! <3 <3 I dare not make bubbles for the past few days 'coz poor them, their lifetime seem so short,puahhhaha :lol:

Yeah in ep 15, I also notice that shin touched her face when she was about to fall asleep, and that's so REALLL. I dun think the PD asked him to :phew:

Personally I love ep 15's BTS the most, the one that JJH kissed on EH's cheek in front of reporters. Wow, it took him a freaking longggg time to do the scene. I'm wondering whether he PURPOSELY did that, (you know, so that he can kiss her longer :phew: ), 'coz it seems everytime he had to kiss EH, he was quite nervous and usu had to shoot again and again (BTS of ep 18 as an example) :rolleyes:

hahaha! :lol: yup ep 15 cheek kiss kinda took a lllooonnngg time to shoot. hehehe perhaps, it's intentional.. hmmmm arrgghh, now you got me curious.. about HOT kiss... how many takes, i wonder if they were nervous or did it came out naturally???? haha :bubbles bursting:

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hahaha! :lol: yup ep 15 cheek kiss kinda took a lllooonnngg time to shoot. hehehe perhaps, it's intentional.. hmmmm arrgghh, now you got me curious.. about HOT kiss... how many takes, i wonder if they were nervous or did it came out naturally???? haha :bubbles bursting:

I always wondered...why no BTS on Epi23 hot kiss???don't tell me they got it right at first take...no NG no BTS??? weird huh??

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Guest cheli001

mizzlinhie, i think we're pretty successfull with our bubble making! bwahaha fighting!!!!!

Hey bubble makers cheli001 and mizzlinhie....

why not you guys like describe all the 'nice' BTS....pretty please...

Ok backpack scene? when was that?? Touch cheek? Bang head? Feeding Rice (ok that one i saw), what else? oh yeah epi 18 was farnie the one where they were in the hotel room? YEH was drawing JJH's face...what else what else???

Backpack - Ep. 23 BTS

Cheek touching - Ep. 15 (no BTS, its part of the drama series... the one where they attended a musical play, they were invited by the french couple)

we're just thinking that pd didn't instruct jjh to do that cheek touching thingy cuz it looks REAL.

Feeding - Ep. 20-21 BTS i think its rice cakes (hope i'm right)

Egg Tart and removing something from yeh's eyes - Ep. 24 BTS Macau

mizzlinhie, did i miss anything? care to add more jjh+yeh sweet touchy touchy moments hehehe


Pennyloo, i'm thinking the same thing... no BTS/NG for HOT KISS coz the kiss was soooo PERFECT the first take, they probably exceeded pd's expectations!!! as i've said maybe.. it came out naturally. hahaha

ohhh... let's not forget about Happy Time NG the COUCH scene!!!!

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Guest mizzlinhie

Hahah I know that kissing cheek scene took a longg time to shoot and it doenst look that hard to me compares to some other difficult scene :D the kissing scene on ep.14 was longgg to shoot too, they kissed so many times :D

OK let list all the bts sweet moments out if you can, I'll start first.

Ep.14 BTS

1.when CG was laying her head and hand on Shin's chest, when PD says cut, she was still laying her head there for secs *wink*wink*

Ep.15 BTS

Ep.16 BTS

1. I don't know if this part was scripted or not but there's a small scene when JJH tried to pull YEH's longsleeves up for her on the cooking scene.

2. on the scene they were eating, noticed JJH grabed some food and put it on YEH's spoon (but she fed it to some staff member :()

3. YEH tried to stick the rices on JJH face awww

4. On the bed scene noticed YEH and JJH were practicing sleepin close to each other and hug, then suddenly JJH laughed, YEH then laughed too and hidding under the blanket under JJH's chest hahah...

5.They were discussin about how they're goin to do that scene, JJH was pointin at YEH head and sayin sumthin, then they look at each other and smile happily awww

6. Noticed PD didnt even says "Action" yet but JJH's hand was alreadie under YEH's neck for a long time.

Additional :D :

on the part when they were sleeping, noticed they're layin on the same bed and the blanket was coverin them. I wonder if they're holdin hands behind that blanket hahahah JK JK sorry for my imagination

i'll come back for more later LOLz o_0

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Hahah I know that kissing cheek scene took a longg time to shoot and it doenst look that hard to me compares to some other difficult scene :D the kissing scene on ep.14 was longgg to shoot too, they kissed so many times :D

OK let list all the bts sweet moments out if you can, I'll start first.

Ep.14 BTS

1.when CG was laying her head and hand on Shin's chest, when PD says cut, she was still laying her head there for secs *wink*wink*

Ep.15 BTS

Ep.16 BTS

1. I don't know if this part was scripted or not but there's a small scene when JJH tried to pull YEH's longsleeves up for her on the cooking scene.

2. on the scene they were eating, noticed JJH grabed some food and put it on YEH's spoon (but she fed it to some staff member :()

3. YEH tried to stick the rices on JJH face awww

4. On the bed scene noticed YEH and JJH were practicing sleepin close to each other and hug, then suddenly JJH laughed, YEH then laughed too and hidding under the blanket under JJH's chest hahah...

5.They were discussin about how they're goin to do that scene, JJH was pointin at YEH head and sayin sumthin, then they look at each other and smile happily awww

6. Noticed PD didnt even says "Action" yet but JJH's hand was alreadie under YEH's neck for a long time.

Additional :D :

on the part when they were sleeping, noticed they're layin on the same bed and the blanket was coverin them. I wonder if they're holdin hands behind that blanket hahahah JK JK sorry for my imagination

i'll come back for more later LOLz o_0

In that Epi 16 Bts.

before she hide in the blanket she said : Oppa i am sorry.

She was hiding in the blankets because JJH said "SHin chaegyung didnt wash her hair"

so She was embarassed

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Guest aikomidori

I don't think we have all the translations for every single BTS, only ep.20-21 (interview part) i guess. I hope someone could be so kind and translate those BTS and NGs :D.

By the way could anyone pleaseee give a brief translation of what JJH and YEH is saying in this MV about their scanda?!?!? PLEASEEEE


My Korean skill's limited but I'll see what I can do...

In the first-ish scene JJH offers to switch seats with YEH before an interview/press conference (?) because of her dress (basically so she would be more comfortable)

This reporter who's with YEH says JJH said YEH is his type of girl to which YEH says 'thank you' and just smiles ^^

Then YEH says her type of guy is someone who's fun to be around with and comfortable..she says she doesn't really judge by looks. she even says she doesn't like good looking guys lol

In the black-and-white scenes, I assume she's talking about JJH. She says he's very bright (as in cheerful in character) and has a sense of humor and he makes people feel comfortable and he's cute ^^ She says she thinks a brighter character will suit him better but (he appears) cold because of the character he plays.

JJH says he likes girls who are bright (I'm sorry I've been using this word 2342354 times ><) but he says he was shocked/surprised when, after hearing that, people said he and YEH would go good together.

JJH says his type of girls are small and chubby. Then there's the scene from Goong 1.5 which basically says te same thing and I think you guys already know what he said about girls then so...moving on...

Then there's this report/interview where JJH says he wants to live his love life freely.

In his street interview he says he'll express his feelings for his gf freely, buy her stuff, and hug her in the streets if she wants him to ^^

YEH says she wants to marry early. She says she likes making stuff like curtains so she wants to marry quickly (<333 what a good housewife ^_^)

JJH says he wants/wanted/thought of wanting (ehhhh..) to live a regular life like studying and then going to work at a company and having kids. He said he wants/ed to be a young father. He wants to have about 2 children 10 years later ^^

I can't really hear/understand the last bit (after the goong 1.5 clip) but basically YEH says she wants to live each day by working hard and progressing and advancing to make her life better.

Okay, that's a brief gist of what happens in the MV -_- I'm not liable for any translation errors ^^; This is my first time attempting something like this haha...

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Guest cheli001


Additional :D :

on the part when they were sleeping, noticed they're layin on the same bed and the blanket was coverin them. I wonder if they're holdin hands behind that blanket hahahah JK JK sorry for my imagination

i'll come back for more later LOLz o_0


OMG! jesus christ superstar! hahaha when i was rewatching bts' last week. i was also thinking hmm are they secretly holding hands underneath the blankets??? hahahaha our imaginations are pretty wild. huh? hehehe


aikomidori, thanks for the brief translation....

In his street interview he says he'll express his feelings for his gf freely, buy her stuff, and hug her in the streets if she wants him to ^^

wow... that's nice... kinda like ep. 23 street kiss

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Guest mizzlinhie

My Korean skill's limited but I'll see what I can do...

In the first-ish scene JJH offers to switch seats with YEH before an interview/press conference (?) because of her dress (basically so she would be more comfortable)

This reporter who's with YEH says JJH said YEH is his type of girl to which YEH says 'thank you' and just smiles ^^

Then YEH says her type of guy is someone who's fun to be around with and comfortable..she says she doesn't really judge by looks. she even says she doesn't like good looking guys lol

In the black-and-white scenes, I assume she's talking about JJH. She says he's very bright (as in cheerful in character) and has a sense of humor and he makes people feel comfortable and he's cute ^^ She says she thinks a brighter character will suit him better but (he appears) cold because of the character he plays.

JJH says he likes girls who are bright (I'm sorry I've been using this word 2342354 times ><) but he says he was shocked/surprised when, after hearing that, people said he and YEH would go good together.

JJH says his type of girls are small and chubby. Then there's the scene from Goong 1.5 which basically says te same thing and I think you guys already know what he said about girls then so...moving on...

Then there's this report/interview where JJH says he wants to live his love life freely.

In his street interview he says he'll express his feelings for his gf freely, buy her stuff, and hug her in the streets if she wants him to ^^

YEH says she wants to marry early. She says she likes making stuff like curtains so she wants to marry quickly (<333 what a good housewife ^_^)

JJH says he wants/wanted/thought of wanting (ehhhh..) to live a regular life like studying and then going to work at a company and having kids. He said he wants/ed to be a young father. He wants to have about 2 children 10 years later ^^

I can't really hear/understand the last bit (after the goong 1.5 clip) but basically YEH says she wants to live each day by working hard and progressing and advancing to make her life better.

Okay, that's a brief gist of what happens in the MV -_- I'm not liable for any translation errors ^^; This is my first time attempting something like this haha...

aikomidori, I bow to you *bow* thank you so so much for doing this for us!! :blush: I'm so happy right now, so many new bubblesss to day whohooo. BTW did JJH really said that YEH is his type of girl in some kind of interview that the reporter mentioned?? YEH must be very happy to hear that :phew: YEH says she want to be with a guy who is fun and comfortable to be around with and in other hand she said JJH has a sense of humor and he's comfortable to be around with *wink*wink*. YEH says she want to marry early, JJH says he want to be a young father...WHY don't they just hook up alreadie and they can have what they want :lol: a happy family with 2 kids :sweatingbullets: !! hahah I feel so happy now, I feel like I can smile all night long :P

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Guest cheli001

aikomidori, I bow to you *bow* thank you so so much for doing this for us!! :blush: I'm so happy right now, so many new bubblesss to day whohooo. BTW did JJH really said that YEH is his type of girl in some kind of interview that the reporter mentioned?? YEH must be very happy to hear that :phew: YEH says she want to be with a guy who is fun and comfortable to be around with and in other hand she said JJH has a sense of humor and he's comfortable to be around with *wink*wink*. YEH says she want to marry early, JJH says he want to be a young father...WHY don't they just hook up alreadie and they can have what they want :lol: a happy family with 2 kids :sweatingbullets: !! hahah I feel so happy now, I feel like I can smile all night long :P

yes yes yes!!! agree with you 1 million percent!!!! they should just hook up and after a year or two get married... dis way yeh gets to marry young and jjh gets to be a young father.....

2 years is enough right? y not make it 1 1/2 yrs this way kjk is still in the army! hahahahaha i'm so badddd

(sorry to all kjk fans)

btw, looking at the BTS there's no question about them being "Comfortable" with each other... hahaha


for jjh+yeh shippers

Note: pennyloo, this is the backpack scene we were talkin' abt.



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Guest mizzlinhie

cheli001 where are those gifs that you just posted ?? lolz i didnt' have a chance save them yet :(. I think REbby wasnt talkin about u, so don't worry girl :D HAHA btw I like how you plan out how they should get marry before KJK comes back !! hahaha You're so funny >_<

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Guest cunto

OMG, juz went out for lunch and when I came back, millions of bubbles are pumping in my head. OMG, I can die happily now. The thing I'm pleased the most is the fact that JJH said YEH is his type of girl. Yay yay yaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!! :w00t: So definitely this sentence is from his mouth,rite? While the "YEH is not my type" thinggy is st we can't prove :phew: Yes I agree with mizzlinhie, why dun they juz hook up together and stop hinting here and there like this? :phew: We as their crazee fans KNOW oredi, rite?

Thanx aikomidori for your translation, whether there's mistranslation or not, I dun really care, 'coz I'm so happy with this oredi. You're my HERO <3 <3

Ok so here's my two cents contribution to our pool of bubbles:

1. Things that JiHoon oppa said that he likes about our YEH:

- Her pouty lip :w00t:

- Her skin

- Her nice body smell (hohoho, I remember someone used to translate that after JJH said Shin Chaegyung didn't wash her hair, he also added that she had a nice body smell so even it doesn't really matter if she didn't wash her hair)

2. For YEH (as Chaegyung), all Goongers know that she's totally in luvvvvv/hooked/addicted with our JJH's back, rite? :phew:


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mizzlinhie is right..

i was referring NOT ONLY to the person who quoted all the huge wallies... :lol::vicx:

pls peeps, you can leave the image URLs behind but PLS PLS remove the tags

this is part of the soompi rules so if we don't want the mods to come back here and start trimming our pages again, please ABIDE by the house rules okie :)

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Guest cheli001

rebby& mizzlinhie, yeah i know.... i was planning to post a different gif... but my dsl connection has gone crazy... can't get into photobucket hehehe

i'll try to post another gif later... hehehehe :P


cunto, you gave me an idea.... i'm gonna make a gif of ep. 7.. hahaha CG wanting to touch shin's back! hahaha....

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