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Guest cyberkid1987

Does anyone has the clubbox for Dang Shi Eun...Nanun BaboIimnida..wmv file? Cuz megaupload slot for my country always full since 3 days ago...

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Hi there! :) Welcome to the evergrowing Goong family, and thanks for the compliments on the subs hehe..

It always nice to read good comments about it... it just makes our time worthwhile when at least a person appreciate the work of our beloved subbing team. WITH S2 <3!

About your question, actually I had the same exact question in my mind when I was editing the subs.

However, he did say, "Jeju" which I was like o___O??? what happened in Jeju? :huh:

And when he said, "I'm thankful for that incident.", I was like, perhaps it's not Jeju but Thailand?

Since after the Thai-airport-horrible-peck incident, there was some chaotic media press report on that one.

And somewhat, this incident is matched to what he said, "There are some things in life where nothing makes sense."

But in a way, it opened his eyes and his heart also that the trip meant some kinda like a closing chapter of his past (with hyorin) for him. And it became an incident in the public eyes, and also CG (when she found out that he was together with her in Thailand).

Then it somewhat matches again with what he said, "I'm thankful for that incident."

He's thankful for that incident because it was after that incident, after he saw how his actions (not picking up the phone, not calling CG) have actually hurt CG in such a way (he saw how she fainted; how she refused to eat, etc etc...), finally opened his mind/heart.

So hehe, I'm kinda babbling here, hehe just some speculations on my part here, since I was kinda confused myself with what he said. Hopefully someone can clear this up,... or perhaps this could be one of the loopholes that we find in the script? XD

About the news that have been going on about JJH "not my type a girl" and "not confirmed yet for Season 2", wow... those news really shook my attention this couple of days *sigh*

One thing for sure, it's definitely not gonna be the same without those four original casts.

Why even bother to make Goong Season 2 if that's the case? B) *sigh*

Talk about Goong withdrawal, JJH-YEH withdrawal, and now this...

Goong Season 2 withdrawal and it ain't even started yet :lol:


In regards with his concerned about being "cast stereotyping" there's so many movies here in the states; like Harry Potter; Lord of the Rings for example where they had made some sequel on it and it did not do them any harm. I just hope that he will reconsider his answer (if he already made up his mind) why not go with the good flow of popularity that he is having right now and after that he can move on and see if he can really go on his own (meaning without YEH). Will someone tell that to his management company - if they are really concern about this well being they should not do this to his career. This is one good opportunity for JJH to soar more on his popularity. Goong 2 will not be the same but i'm sure he is NOT the only one who is carrying the ratings of this forthcoming drama. Let's just hope for the best.........

hmm i thot about it and i think..

celebs are human as well. and they make mistakes.

i think wadever jjh said was a slip of the tongue, so lets 4give him k

lOlx.. only because he is hot as hell.

here's a PS pic from imbc to settle the hostile feelin ya?


Ps : Personally i kinda wish he would stand out and clear up all the rumors coz itz driving me nuts

Is this for real or what???

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Another PS'd pic from photoshoots in Bali. Some of us are still as hopeful as ever :sweatingbullets:


credit: dcinside

Looking at this picture and some of those pictures he had before, i can see that he had a somewhat wild days, meaning he loved to party, which is very common to models. And that's probably he said what he said about YEH "not his type" got my drift?

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Guest mcmug

anyways...to ease everyone's tension...enjoy these memories!!!


credits - dr_myon & tw.cyworld.com/lily

more sweet memories





credits - credits stated on pix & tw.cyworld.com/lily

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Guest fateNdestiny

It seems like there are a lot of anger over what JJH said recently. I personally don't think that when JJH said "YEH is not my type" or "there is a big difference between his type and YEH" (which technically means the same) is an insult to YEH whatsoever. I was disappointed because it kinda shot down the JJH-YEH relationship possibility in real life, which I was rooting for. Everyone has certain qualities or characteristics they prefer when looking for a partner and if a girl doesn't have those qualities/traits, it doesn't mean that she's not a great person. It just mean that they aren't as compatible. I think that as fans, we should support the decisions that an actor made especially when it involves his personal live. The person he chose may not be what we want, but it's him who has to date that person not us. So cut the guy some slack.

As for his mgmt company issuing a statement about JJH may not take part in GOONG 2. I think that totally understandable and I'm sure they're just looking out for JJH's best interests. As a new actor, you really don't want to be typecast into one specific role. You have to be careful with the role you choose and try to pick different types of role to play to expand your acting skills. With the industry being so competitive and new faces are poping up everyday, it's very easy to be forgotten if you don't prove to the audience that you have talents. Also, JJH is in no way ungrateful. He withdrew from being part of Spring Waltz so that he could film the 4 extended episode that the PD wanted. If he was ungrateful, he could just say no because he had prior commitments like Hyorin, but he didn't. Beside Goong 2 is a big risk. Sequels are rarely done, if at all, in Korean dramas. What if Goong 2 isn't as popular as Goong 1? What if, god forbids, it's turn out to be another Meteor Garden 2 or flops altogether? It's a big decision to make.

So, overall, I don't understand what's all the anger about. I personally think the JJH is making some rather smart move to further his career.

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Guest donilpark

Well, if he irks people by not appearing in Goong 2, that's a price he has to pay for his decision.

You can't tell people not to be angry about it, really.

His management company must be making what is better for him.

But you know, suppose he doesn't appear in Goong 2, and Goong 2 fails, than he saved himself from failure, but it will still be a damage to him because it looks like he selfishly just took himself out of the gutter.

What people are trying to do, by showing anger and worry, is that if he does that, than they won't like him any more (in a nutshell. That's a bit too childish, but I'm just saying, you know, bottom line) and that he should come back in Goong 2, because that's what people want.

Because if he thinks no one wants him back in season 2, he won't be back.

The show business industry is all about pleasing the fans. If you obtain the so-called 'success' by starring in a fantastic drama, but people don't like you, than you 'failed.' That's not really a 'success' at all. (unless you just like acting and don't care whatsoever about what people say about you. But that's highly unlikely. Everyone, not just celebrities, care about what others say about them. And if people say bad things about you, there's a less chance you will be able to continue acting, because no one will like to see you acting)

If he thinks that popularity he will get from doing something else far outweighs the loss he will sustain for not being in Goong 2, than he won't be in Goong 2. Otherwise he will.

If people are quite when he says he won't be back, he will think that people are fine with that, so he really will not be back. But if people protest and plead him to come back, he will know that people want him in Goong 2, so there's a higher chance he actually will.

That's why people are showing 'anger' (as you put it).

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Actually i agree with fateNdestiny and Donilpark here. Goong 2 overall is a huge risk and there really is no guarantee that it would be a success despite how much money would be put into it for the sets. Afterall, there have been many flops with just as famous stars starring in it like that drama ONLY YOU, or the current snag Spring Waltz (ironically is also a season series and look where that has gone to)

Even with the original cast members there really is no certain success that can be predicted.

If JJH or better yet, YEH decide that they cant do it, there would always be that double edged sword that whatever their next project would be could be a major failure and they would be back in square one. but then again that is the name of the game here and risks are everywhere. You can say where is Kim Jae Won or Kim Jung Hwa or Jang Nara or any other star whose potential was great but chose really stupid projects and now they are doing junkets for their previous dramas or other dramas outside of Korea.

I agree, i think that JJH or his management made a very smart move in letting him continue with the filming of the last 4 episodes. I personally think that he should do a movie next with someone big or better yet very talented (play a supporting role here) so he could improve his acting and learn something from them. And the same for YEH. The cutesy role can only go so far and do so much for your career.

The fear of being typecast is very real, afterall look at Choi Ji Woo, how many damsels has she played in how many relatively successful dramas and now even in movies. I think its better to be versatile like Ha Ji Won rather than play the same stupid part again and again.

Overall, Goong 1 was a success for the interesting storyline, sets and cinematography, not really for the acting. In every subsequent article that has been done on the drama, the sets, the cost of it and cinematography get the most attention and a brief summary of who is playing what.

To say that Goong 2 would be a success because of the original cast members would be big joke. :phew::ph34r:

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^ Very well said, donilpark.. When an actor/actress (or any kind of celebrities, really) decided to enter the showbiz, he/she should've realized that the overwhelming public attention & media publicity come in the package. They have to "surrender" a part of their lives for public indulgence. When people watch them onscreen, automatically they become emotionally attached to them.. and most of the time, it gets to the point of an obsession > <. We can't control how the fans should feel or react to show their affection to their beloved/or not so beloved stars. After all, these celebrities need the fans to get them to where they want to be. After all the nature of this industry is a mutual relationship, "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" kinda thing. As long as you keep the fans happy, you'll go far. If you disappoint them, you'll go down the drain until you can redeem yourself with another great role in another great gig.. problem is, it only comes rarely. <_<

By the way, here is for the sake of sweet-Goong-memories...


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Guest mizzlinhie

I totally agree, we really care for his future participation in Goong 2 that's why we're so worry about it right now. And i understand that even if YEH is not his type, maybe he should just be nice and keep it in his mind instead of make that statement in the public, which can maybe hurts YEH feeling if she hear about this (even if she does have any feeling toward him) . I would probably be hurted if I heard a guy says that I'm not his type. It's just sad ... :( We're so obsess with goong that's why we're going crazy about the "YEH is not my type" and "JJH might not be in goong 2" . xD Aja aja FIGHTING Goong Campers !! Don't give up your hopes for the reunion of our royal couple in goong 2 !!

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question: what color was the original stone in the crown necklace Shin gave to Chae Gyung when he came back from Thailand. the necklace that also broke towards the end of the drama? i found a place I can buy it, but i cant recall wat color the stone was. was it just a plain diamond? and was the chain silver? did it look like this necklace8qd8kj.png

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Guest mmmmsushi

after feeling down in the gutters about this whole mess.i watched ep 21 when cg was sitting on that mat begging for forgiveness.why are they saying that she might catch a fatal disease or something?i know she's not eatting and all but can she catch a disease like that?does the mat have something to do with it?haha.idk.it was bothering me :sweatingbullets: :blush:

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question: what color was the original stone in the crown necklace Shin gave to Chae Gyung when he came back from Thailand. the necklace that also broke towards the end of the drama? i found a place I can buy it, but i cant recall wat color the stone was. was it just a plain diamond? and was the chain silver? did it look like this

i think it was blue..thats all i remember =)

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Guest yanzi84

question: what color was the original stone in the crown necklace Shin gave to Chae Gyung when he came back from Thailand. the necklace that also broke towards the end of the drama? i found a place I can buy it, but i cant recall wat color the stone was. was it just a plain diamond? and was the chain silver? did it look like this necklace8qd8kj.png

the stone is blue i think...its a bit different from the picture of the necklace that u posted...but who cares...it looks similar enough for me to want to buy it...

do u know where i can get it?? i desperately want to buy it...

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Guest ` k s

after feeling down in the gutters about this whole mess.i watched ep 21 when cg was sitting on that mat begging for forgiveness.why are they saying that she might catch a fatal disease or something?i know she's not eatting and all but can she catch a disease like that?does the mat have something to do with it?haha.idk.it was bothering me :sweatingbullets: :blush:

I think that what they meant is that since she's on her knees, the blood flow to her legs is reduced so that if she were to stay there for a long time, health problems would arise from that. Like on long airplane flights, they say you should get up every few hours and walk around to increase blood flow to your legs. She had a hard time walking once she got up so if she was there longer, there would have been bigger problems.

Also, did anyone else notice a blooper in Episode 11? Around the 20:50 mark, after Shin's mom leaves after showing him the Thai newspaper article, when CG opens her door to run over to his room, she slips when she steps out of her door. You can see her body drop a little bit from her tripping. You can also hear a louder "thud" from her catching herself from her slip. Don't know if it's intentional but still funny. Hehehehe. :lol:

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