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Guest coreana

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Guest AznGrlz

Yes it did.

Oh my friend because Gooong you don't go to bed !!!! :)

lol because of goong i'm like a vampire...i stay up at night and sleep in the day :not literally: i'm just too excited for the last eps and i wanna spend the rest of time with everyone here... :D U know thinking about this drama, its pretty interesting...funny/cute with a twist of modern into fairytales, then it decides to take a 180 turn n flipped everything into deadly sadness zone now it's heading for mature realistic zone with a touch of romance... :wub:

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its finally wednesday... how long have i waited for this day!!! ep 23 and 24 looks good.. i can't wait to watch the episodes! and the pictures!!! what more could i say!!!! it has everything we've been waiting for!!! finally 2 episodes of heaven!!! and a good ending!!!!! i'm so excited to watch it!!!! :)










credits to sophendo :)

REMINDER: We are not allowed to ask for uploads anymore.. please pm the person who provided the link.... they might close our thread if we do... as for the subs, don't ask for subs.. they delay the release of the subs if we continue to ask for it.. please be patient... read the first post before posting :)

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Guest primpriouds

does anyone has Goong Mv I never watch it

but i say Eunhye from Baby vox acting

can u up load on ysi link please


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Guest leechunsa

I think I'm going to die when goong ends. I will not be able to bear it. T_______T My mom says that the electricity goes off everytime i watch goong O.o hehehe, well it did yesterday after I watched goong with my cousins. lol~

AHHH. I can't wait for episode 23. What time does this air in korea?

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Guest Starylosophy

The recording of Goong 1.5 Special:

They even made the stage so grand with guards at the back haha!

KJH aka Yul was unable to attend as he fainted on his way for the recording due to acute enteritis. Hope he gets well soon.



Credits: imbc

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I've just backlogged about 20 pages of this thread :wacko: .... and I should've gone to bed now cuz it's like 3 am here :sweatingbullets: ....but still...got a few comments and thank yous that I have to make

Super duper big thanks for all of those that have been so kind uploading, reuploading, the previews, mvs, pictures all that stuffs.....thank yous also go to all of you that have been translating the previews...you're all angels sent from heaven... :tears: ...........thanks for Rebby who was able to go to Macau and very kind to share her pictures and stuffs with us desperate Goongiers in the thread.. ........

regarding the b/f comments...I got into a fight bcuz of Goong with my b/f (cuz I've always said that he looks a bit like JJH... <_< )........and might again if he sees that now I have a wallpaper of JJH on my laptop...mwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!1 :phew: ..........gosh I hae no live watsoever bcuz of Goong now...but it's not bad cuz I got to see JJH and YEH 2gether.... :lol: ..................

about Goong itself....I find it kinda funny how the atmosphere in the thread is all now happy and exciting...bcuz of the previews and the pictures....while before the thread was kinda depressing and sad...all people are crying and cursing and whatnot bcuz of epi 19-22... :sweatingbullets: .....I congratulate the PD and scriptwriter bcuz they are able to play with our emotions....making it go up and down like rollercoaster....I congratulate all of the casts too cuz they are able to portray the characters well enough to make us hate or like them...all in all I congratulate goong to be able to take us into the land of dreams where we have handsome prince and beautiful princess and no matter what happen with the story (Draggy, boring, sad, etc...) Goong is still able to make our eyes glued to our screens (errr...laptop, pcs, tv....any kind of screen that we're watching Goong through......

...and then....I wanna thanks the Goong thread to make watching Goong much much more fun than watching it all alone....and waiting for Goong much more bearable...cuz we're all suffering together :sweatingbullets: .....the thread brought us all together....crying, laughing, even cursing....lol....this is my first time being in a forum and all...but all of you guys have made it all worthwhile and a very pleasant experience....awww...we're all already saying goodbyes and thankyous (I read previous posts that also saying these things).....Goong has not end yet!!!!!!! We still have 2 epis and second season to wait for....and I definitely don't want this thread to end here....it's too precious for me and I'm sure to all of you guys...so yeah...I hope we all can stick together and suffer together to wait for the 2nd season...tho it has to be with JJH and YEh in it...or else I'll refuse to watch it....Goong is not Goong without both of them.....

Lastly...thanks to all the subbers that have worked hard....and being patient about all the requests and whatnot...you guys don't know how much your hard work mean to me....all I can say is thank you....and thank you again...

Now...for the 24 epi preview...does anybody knows what happen to Mo-Toot????? what makes her sad all of a sudden???? not that I'm complaining tho.....she's already smirking too many in Goong...it's now time for her to cry and kneel and whatnot....eat that Mo-Toot!!!! HAH!!!!!!!!!!!....sorry...too much pent up anger..... :sweatingbullets: .....and the one when CG's kneeling and crying...is that the part where halmamama sent her to macau? and I'm still confused about her status...is she still a princess or not? I'm sorry...I've been trying to find the asnwer...but it's still confusing for me...I read that she's dethroned, but if she's not a princess anymore...then hows her marriage status????? errr....sorry if you guys find that this is a repeated question...

whew...I've never ever posted this long before.....sorry if there spams, etc inside....now I'm off to bed...

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Guest AznGrlz

Again, AznGrlz feasts us with her MV :D Thank you so much, i love you :wub:

Awww... :blush: you're welcome and I :wub: you too :hug/hug: I really wanted to see your mv too, but i can't find the link :sweatingbullets: do u have it? :D

omg...everyone its 3:11 here and i don't feel one bit tired :P , i think i'm seriously going to camp out here tonight :or rather today: with everyone here :wub:


oh...the wonders of love...:faints:

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Guest kdrama_luv3r

^Granny is not there , motoot and hyorin...

Thats why KJH didn't come heffainted... I wish I was there to carry him hehehe

yeah granny is not in the picture and no yul or his mother and no hyorin. pretty stage! is the special after the last episode?

is yul and his mother going to be in season 2...casuing more trouble and trying to get back in the palace?

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yeah granny is not in the picture and no yul or his mother and no hyorin. pretty stage! is the special after the last episode?

is yul and his mother going to be in season 2...casuing more trouble and trying to get back in the palace?

I heard someone said that HR was also in Macau for a photoshoot thingy...maybe she's still there and hasn't come back yet...and yah...Yul is sick...dunno about granny tho...she might be sick too...bcuz of the tight Macau schedule things...and she might be too tired....

If Yul's mom is in the 2nd season and still trying to get her son the throne...seriously...all I can say to her is...GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shheeeeeeeessshh... :tongue2: .............

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Guest DallasE

I hope Kim JungHoon recovers soon. It's so sad that he couldn't join in the taping of the Goong Special.

I want a decent ending for Yul Goon too!! He's making me sad amidst all these wonderfully sweet moments

between Shin & ChaeGyung.





All credits to dcinside

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Guest samtly

pd sure know how to drive us all crazy. with this type of preview i hope the rating will shoot t above 30. i love all the hugging scene, he is always hugging her so tight.

wat i dont understand is the macau scene. they travel all the way to macau just to shoot a mayb half hour scene. mayb the scene for the next season would start off at macau. that would b great

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