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Guest coreana

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i just got on. wats been going on? someone actually told us the ending??? well i kind of want to kno and kind of dont...o well. ya we should respect MBC and not leak it out. that wouldnt be fair for all the hard work they did for us. even tho we HATED them at times esp during epi's 19,20 and 21 and a bit of 22 everything else was perfect! they did a perfect job with Goong and the least we could do for them is keep things secret like they wished! so the ending is a HAPPY-HEAVEN ending? oo while epi 23 is half hell/heaven...hmm.

And while i was reading a translated article about Joo Ji Hoon and Yoon Eun Hye, Yoon Eun Hye said that she feels sometimes incompatible with Joo Ji Hoon. I wonder why. I thought she'd feel very compatible with him. They have such great on screen chemistry! Thats very clear, esp in those screen caps above! The hug looks so geunine and sad :( Shin must have been very sad in that part but at least he has Chae Gyung to turn to for a hug and comfort! so cute!

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i just got on. wats been going on? someone actually told us the ending??? well i kind of want to kno and kind of dont...o well. ya we should respect MBC and not leak it out. that wouldnt be fair for all the hard work they did for us. even tho we HATED them at times esp during epi's 19,20 and 21 and a bit of 22 everything else was perfect! they did a perfect job with Goong and the least we could do for them is keep things secret like they wished! so the ending is a HAPPY-HEAVEN ending? oo while epi 23 is half hell/heaven...hmm.

And while i was reading a translated article about Joo Ji Hoon and Yoon Eun Hye, Yoon Eun Hye said that she feels sometimes incompatible with Joo Ji Hoon. I wonder why. I thought she'd feel very compatible with him. They have such great on screen chemistry! Thats very clear, esp in those screen caps above! The hug looks so geunine and sad :( Shin must have been very sad in that part but at least he has Chae Gyung to turn to for a hug and comfort! so cute!

she didnt said that my dear.. she said his acting is improving so fast and she sometimes cannot match up to his acting.. not compatible in acting sense..

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Guest kamikei

I have a question, if I were to DL a MQ episode, which is the most suitable subtitle-quality should I use? The LQ subs, or the HQ subs?

Thanks a lot!

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she didnt said that my dear.. she said his acting is improving so fast and she sometimes cannot match up to his acting.. not compatible in acting sense..

oooo my mistake. must have read that wrong. oops hehe. she cant match up to his acting! u kidding me. Yoon Eun Hye does a good a job just as Joo Ji Hoon does. for beginners they really know how to act. it's amazing. I am impressed with them both! both are young and have really bright futures ahead of them! and thanks for the preview on youtube even tho i already watched it! i just realized after the post it wasnt the paid preview that you guys were talking about! thanks ne ways for posting tho!

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hihi!! :) i'm still newbie here... nice to meet u rebby..

u muz be tired huh?? been stalking for days liao B) n oso get to meet JJH n YEH so close

envy u lah haha XD

thanks 4 da lastest news n oso nice nice pics bout GOONG!!

another 22 n a half hours to 23rd epi of GOONG :w00t:


i'm gonna watch it live eventhough i dun understand wat they say

but seeing CG n Shin sweet moments will be makin my day til da next


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Guest muimui86

translations for preview 23 in chinese


皇上: 调查进行得怎么样了?


皇上: 已经有可疑的人选么?

调查员:非常抱歉说出这个话,到现在为止,已查明的最为可疑的人就是太子 殿下


彩静: (惊讶),信君是嫌疑者?决不可能。


彩静: 难道是信君说谎了么?


彩静: 不对,一定是哪里弄差了,信君决不会那么做的。


彩静: 到底是谁给信君发的短信呢,不管怎样有点不安。信君是因为我的缘故才陷入困境的。


彩静: 我得去看看。



彩静自言: 头一次了,第一次看到信君如此垂头丧气的背影。一象高傲自信的信君表现得如此沮丧,看到这样的你,我就会不断落泪。


律: 还好吧?真的没事吧,着火了就得赶紧躲开呀。


律: 把我吓坏了,知道么。(沉思片刻)到底是谁放的火呢?






彩静: 没有考虑到所爱的人,光想到我自己了。曾经以为出宫了也许就会幸福了。现在我弄不清楚了,迷茫了也不知道怎样才能找到幸福。真的是搞不清楚了。离婚也好废妃也好都是不应该说的,(泣),我真的是犯了一个大错。





CJ:信君 从哪回来的?



信:以后无论你心里想什么 都要相信我的只听我的!


信:还有...无论听到什么都不要哭(我听见他说wuli jima就是不要哭,不要难过的意思)..跟我保证...


credits to baidu.. hope i copy e rite things in.

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Guest tian82

hi! i'm a fan of Goong! i want to ask a question regarding the instrumental song in episode 22......

in the scene that CG refusing Yul's love...(about the stars n planet thing...) the music in the background....is totally awesome! does the music include in the OST of GOONG? do anyone know the music's title n where can i get it? please help! the instrumental song is so touching.... (TT - TT) so sad~ so touching~

p/s:the music also in the flash preview of Goong episode 20&21...

thank you very much! (^-^)

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