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Guest coreana

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no.. accordin to my korean tour guide.. the army will "wait" for all healthy guys to get enroled.. u cannot run. unless u are really sick? and if u are sick they will wait for u to get healthy again. -.-

yah but just wondering if the enlistment date is fixed and strictly enforced such that

if he is suddenly called up for enlistment in the last quarter of 2006

will he be required to give up filming for Goong season2???

how likely is the korean army to hold off enlistment ie. no fixed age limit?

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yah but just wondering if the enlistment date is fixed and strictly enforced such that

if he is suddenly called up for enlistment in the last quarter of 2006

will he be required to give up filming for Goong season2???

how likely is the korean army to hold off enlistment ie. no fixed age limit?

i am not sure bout the age limit but i think probably 55?

i think the young stars will push the date back as far as they can.. until well. they run out excuse?

no idea.. any korean guys here

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sorry, but this is off the topic, now that you guys mentioned about militaryservices. is that one of the reason i don't see much of the male korean actors staying to make more movies/dramas? it feels like they make one good one and then they disappear...

ohhhh!! i love goong soo much!!! i can't wait for the last 2 eps!!!

i'm planning on going to korea next year! january (i already spent my vacation early this year to taiwan!!)!!! i hope i see some actors there..hahahaha...if i'm lucky, i'll be one of the fans taking pics for the second season! hhehehe :P

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Guest hsinyi069

looks like there's another chance to be close to the casts...

轉載 :

重要消息 :

我是香港人, 我有朋友在韓國, 聯絡到宮制作公司

他們指 於3月30日, 大結局那集 9.30pm

在首爾最大的CGV戲院, 舉行 「結局放送會」

除播大結局外, 會播宮1.5及制作特輯



入場費為 15000won (約港元$125)

他們歡迎外地宮fans出席, 我本身有香港及新加坡朋友已在韓國


mbc亦會訪問那些由外地來的fans (說不定可以討簽名和合照,紀念品)

因制作組預留多了空位,但不夠人, 如有人想去都ok

但制作組聲名 :

~ 不保証所有演員都出席, 雖然主角理所當然會來,

但不敢保証. 萬一你想看的沒來......時也命也

所以, 建議本身原意在30號去韓國的


如刻意為見智薰而去, 萬一智薰真的不出現, 我也無能為力

注意 :

~ 必需能於一兩天內安排好機票酒店 (近日是淡季, 好多空機位)

~ 因時間好急, 有意者盡快pm我, 告知你的手機號/msn

~ 如你懂英文, 我會給韓國負責人直接打電話/email給你, 他只能說英文/韓文 (給你一點信心, 証明我不是亂作)

~ 如不懂...我會給我朋友的電話你, 你去到戲院和她們會合(最終都是海外fans一班人一齊入去)

~ 15000won入場費, 是去到戲院交給負責人

基本上幾個空位是有, 如頭幾個能作實會去的, 我可以100%肯定去到一定有位坐

另如你們認識宮韓飯朋友想去, 也可給韓飯的聯絡電話 + email來

因負責人說...反正有預留位多...沒這麼多外地fans, 可由韓飯來填位置

p.s 盡於今晚聯絡我


P.S 我不去, 純粹是想給宮fans多一個機會


mbc現在好似仍未公佈此消息, 所以韓國負責人催我盡快給參加者實數


credit to nicole @ koreanwind

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looks like there's another chance to be close to the casts...

轉載 :

重要消息 :

我是香港人, 我有朋友在韓國, 聯絡到宮制作公司

他們指 於3月30日, 大結局那集 9.30pm

在首爾最大的CGV戲院, 舉行 「結局放送會」

除播大結局外, 會播宮1.5及制作特輯



入場費為 15000won (約港元$125)

他們歡迎外地宮fans出席, 我本身有香港及新加坡朋友已在韓國


mbc亦會訪問那些由外地來的fans (說不定可以討簽名和合照,紀念品)

因制作組預留多了空位,但不夠人, 如有人想去都ok

但制作組聲名 :

~ 不保証所有演員都出席, 雖然主角理所當然會來,

但不敢保証. 萬一你想看的沒來......時也命也

所以, 建議本身原意在30號去韓國的


如刻意為見智薰而去, 萬一智薰真的不出現, 我也無能為力

注意 :

~ 必需能於一兩天內安排好機票酒店 (近日是淡季, 好多空機位)

~ 因時間好急, 有意者盡快pm我, 告知你的手機號/msn

~ 如你懂英文, 我會給韓國負責人直接打電話/email給你, 他只能說英文/韓文 (給你一點信心, 証明我不是亂作)

~ 如不懂...我會給我朋友的電話你, 你去到戲院和她們會合(最終都是海外fans一班人一齊入去)

~ 15000won入場費, 是去到戲院交給負責人

基本上幾個空位是有, 如頭幾個能作實會去的, 我可以100%肯定去到一定有位坐

另如你們認識宮韓飯朋友想去, 也可給韓飯的聯絡電話 + email來

因負責人說...反正有預留位多...沒這麼多外地fans, 可由韓飯來填位置

p.s 盡於今晚聯絡我


P.S 我不去, 純粹是想給宮fans多一個機會


mbc現在好似仍未公佈此消息, 所以韓國負責人催我盡快給參加者實數


credit to nicole @ koreanwind

OMGGGGG what is the detials for this? i wanna pM her

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Guest hsinyi069

OMGGGGG what is the detials for this? i wanna pM her

hi liquidfir.. do u have an ID in kroeanwind?

if so, you can PM her urself, her ID is Nicole妮可 (she is online now btw)

if not, or i can help to PM her for you.. you can leave me a msg with you MSN or Email and I'll pass it to her..

more MACAU pics to share






credit to ar_wing_07 from kroeanwind

Amanda, basically there will be like a screening of the last ep in a theatre in Seoul n fans r invited. The cast should b there as well n there might a chance for autograph n photo session.

My fren already got her tickets to go for tis

wow.. lucky...

i am trying to figure out the details now...

hoping that i might be able to attend.. but it's like so rush!!~~!! with hotel booking and stuff...

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Guest Pearl_Mai


I'm new here, nice to meet u all!

I'm a HUGE fan of Goong! yeah i know.. everybody here is that too lol!

oh gosh... over 1000 pages?? man.. I guess I will be one of u pretty soon lol! *no home.. just us and the goonginess + the computer 24/7*

I guess I have to use at least a week to go through all the pages, but oh well.. anything for Goong *gosh.. I make it sounds like a religion*

anyways.. nice to meet u all and let's Goong ourselves closer! :D:lol:

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Amanda, basically there will be like a screening of the last ep in a theatre in Seoul n fans r invited. The cast should b there as well n there might a chance for autograph n photo session.

My fren already got her tickets to go for tis :tears:

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hi liquidfir.. do u have an ID in kroeanwind?

if so, you can PM her urself, her ID is Nicole妮可 (she is online now btw)

if not, or i can help to PM her for you.. you can leave me a msg with you MSN or Email and I'll pass it to her..

no i dun.. get u get her to email me at liquidfir@gmail.com about the details for this?

any sporeans on?

edited : itz okay.. my granny is admitted to hosp.. i dun think i can make it.. -.-

not fated to go.. -.-

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Its like 4 daysmore to the event.. Anyway they have not confirmed that the cast or who will be attending. Its just tat they will show the last ep along with the special after that.

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Guest chief

i WANT to go too!!

BUT already booked a 8D Korea packaged tour and leaving on 1 Apr.

TOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!TOO LATE!!!!!!!!

what will shin give cg as a love token??

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Guest DallasE

Amanda, basically there will be like a screening of the last ep in a theatre in Seoul n fans r invited. The cast should b there as well n there might a chance for autograph n photo session.

My fren already got her tickets to go for tis :tears:

Wow! Stef, your friend is really lucky to be able to attend HoYoung's birthday bash and this Goong Special

all at the same time! Such perfect timing!

New Macau pics!



Credit to miclub

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Guest DallasE

Sigh, wonder when will it b my turn to get lucky just once...

She beta come back with nice pics!! :P

Stef, she beta so that you can share.

I've just briefly read from a Chinese site that says in eppy 24, there'll be an explosive, blissful,screamingly exciting scene awaiting us!! Look out for the last episode. Some of the fans witnessed the filming but they were sworn to secrecy by MBC!!! This scene was filmed today!!!

Oh, god!!! I simply can't wait.

Anyone wants to translate it???







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Stef, she beta so that you can share.

I've just briefly read from a Chinese site that says in eppy 24, there'll be an explosive, blissful,screamingly exciting scene awaiting us!! Look out for the last episode. Some of the fans witnessed the filming but they were sworn to secrecy by MBC!!!

Oh, god!!! I simply can't wait.

yeah it is really quite explosive i must say...

goongers juz glue ur eyes when epi 24 airs.

-> =D

and for anyone who knows this PLS DO NOT leak this out. we dun wan MBC to change anything k.

DO NOT say it.

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Guest charles0702

our you serious dallas e.. i going crazy just thinking about it.. i am really looking forward to eppy 24.. seems like the pd will not disappoint his goong fans, eh?? :D

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i think this is what DallasE is talking about.

someone please translate.

MBC told them not to reveal ......????

yes mbc told them not to reveal. all fans did not take any pics..

-> this article is also keepin that scene a secret.. the writer didnt post anything more than saying "it is something to look forward to"

if too many ppl know about this then wouldnt they change that part.

NO freaking way they can change that part. So.. ppl juz wait patiently for wed and thurs. itz juz 2 days away.

-> it is juz something good to look forward to.

-> believe me u dun wanna know.. if u know u probably cant slp for the next 4 days

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Guest DallasE

yeah it is really quite explosive i must say...

goongers juz glue ur eyes when epi 24 airs.

-> =D

and for anyone who knows this PLS DO NOT leak this out. we dun wan MBC to change anything k.

DO NOT say it.

I personally don't know what the explosive scene here is about!

But even if you do, DON'T REVEAL & SPOIL IT for others!

Show MBC some respect!!

I don't mind waiting for Thursday to come as long as it's a GOOD kind of SURPRISE!!!

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